blob: 1e29308c4fa5cde927bab44c69935b6a787a359f [file] [log] [blame]
package diffstore
import (
assert ""
func TestMetricMapCodec(t *testing.T) {
codec := MetricMapCodec{}
// Initialize a dummy diff.DiffMetrics instance.
diffMetrics := &diff.DiffMetrics{
NumDiffPixels: 1,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.5,
MaxRGBADiffs: []int{2, 3, 4, 5},
DimDiffer: true,
Diffs: map[string]float32{
"testMetric": 0.1,
// Put diffMetrics into a map with an MD5 digest as the key.
diffMap := map[types.Digest]interface{}{}
testDigest := types.Digest("5460652359b9b272d520baaddaeddb5c")
diffMap[testDigest] = diffMetrics
// Encode the data.
bytes, err := codec.Encode(diffMap)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Decode the serialized data.
data, err := codec.Decode(bytes)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Verify the deserialized data is the correct type and is structurally
// equivalent to the encoded data.
assert.IsType(t, data, map[types.Digest]interface{}{})
assert.Equal(t, diffMap, data)