blob: a3b4c35fa5e2dc3e2b2127cd7be8f3e7845e8e5e [file] [log] [blame]
package diffstore
import (
// Generate the go code from the protocol buffer definitions.
//go:generate protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. diffservice.proto
const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024
// DiffServiceImpl implements DiffServiceServer.
type DiffServiceImpl struct {
diffStore diff.DiffStore
codec util.LRUCodec
// NewDiffServiceServer implements the server side of the diff service by
// wrapping around a DiffStore, most likely an instance of MemDiffStore.
func NewDiffServiceServer(diffStore diff.DiffStore, codec util.LRUCodec) DiffServiceServer {
return &DiffServiceImpl{
diffStore: diffStore,
// The codec processes instances of map[string]interface{}. The values of
// the map have the same underlying type as the return values of the diff
// function that was used to instantiate the diffStore.
codec: codec,
// TODO(kjlubick): Is there a way to tell the protobuf to use the types.Digest directly?
func asDigests(xs []string) types.DigestSlice {
d := make(types.DigestSlice, 0, len(xs))
for _, s := range xs {
d = append(d, types.Digest(s))
return d
// GetDiffs wraps around the Get method of the underlying DiffStore.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) GetDiffs(ctx context.Context, req *GetDiffsRequest) (*GetDiffsResponse, error) {
diffs, err := d.diffStore.Get(req.Priority, types.Digest(req.MainDigest), asDigests(req.RightDigests))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bytes, err := d.codec.Encode(diffs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GetDiffsResponse{
Diffs: bytes,
}, nil
// WarmDigests wraps around the WarmDigests method of the underlying DiffStore.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) WarmDigests(ctx context.Context, req *WarmDigestsRequest) (*Empty, error) {
d.diffStore.WarmDigests(req.Priority, asDigests(req.Digests), req.Sync)
return &Empty{}, nil
// WarmDiffs wraps around the WarmDiffs method of the underlying DiffStore.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) WarmDiffs(ctx context.Context, req *WarmDiffsRequest) (*Empty, error) {
d.diffStore.WarmDiffs(req.Priority, asDigests(req.LeftDigests), asDigests(req.RightDigests))
return &Empty{}, nil
// UnavailableDigests wraps around the UnavailableDigests method of the underlying DiffStore.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) UnavailableDigests(ctx context.Context, req *Empty) (*UnavailableDigestsResponse, error) {
unavailable := d.diffStore.UnavailableDigests()
ret := make(map[string]*DigestFailureResponse, len(unavailable))
for k, failure := range unavailable {
ret[string(k)] = &DigestFailureResponse{
Digest: string(failure.Digest),
Reason: string(failure.Reason),
TS: failure.TS,
return &UnavailableDigestsResponse{DigestFailures: ret}, nil
// PurgeDigests wraps around the PurgeDigests method of the underlying DiffStore.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) PurgeDigests(ctx context.Context, req *PurgeDigestsRequest) (*Empty, error) {
return &Empty{}, d.diffStore.PurgeDigests(asDigests(req.Digests), req.PurgeGCS)
// Ping returns an empty message, used to test the connection.
func (d *DiffServiceImpl) Ping(context.Context, *Empty) (*Empty, error) {
return &Empty{}, nil