blob: e3ac1057d5a945d9144e0efefab6e0fe23c27dfe [file] [log] [blame]
// package baseline contains functions to gather the current baseline and
// write them to GCS.
package baseline
import (
// CommitableBaseLine captures the data necessary to verify test results on the
// commit queue.
type CommitableBaseLine struct {
// Start commit covered by these baselines.
StartCommit *tiling.Commit `json:"startCommit"`
// Commit is the commit for which this baseline was collected.
EndCommit *tiling.Commit `json:"endCommit"`
// Baseline captures the baseline of the current commit.
Baseline types.TestExp `json:"master"`
// Issue indicates the Gerrit issue of this baseline. 0 indicates the master branch.
Issue int64
// GetBaselineForMaster calculates the master baseline for the given configuration of
// expectations and the given tile. The commit of the baseline is last commit
// in tile.
func GetBaselineForMaster(exps types.Expectations, tile *tiling.Tile) *CommitableBaseLine {
commits := tile.Commits
if len(tile.Commits) == 0 {
return nil
// Set the start and end commit in case there are no traces
var startCommit *tiling.Commit = tile.Commits[0]
var endCommit *tiling.Commit = tile.Commits[len(tile.Commits)-1]
masterBaseline := types.TestExp{}
for _, trace := range tile.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
testName := gTrace.Params_[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if idx := gTrace.LastIndex(); idx >= 0 {
digest := gTrace.Values[idx]
if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST && exps.Classification(testName, digest) == types.POSITIVE {
masterBaseline.AddDigest(testName, digest, types.POSITIVE)
startCommit = minCommit(startCommit, commits[idx])
endCommit = maxCommit(endCommit, commits[idx])
ret := &CommitableBaseLine{
StartCommit: startCommit,
EndCommit: endCommit,
Baseline: masterBaseline,
Issue: 0,
return ret
// GetBaselineForIssue returns the baseline for the given issue. This baseline
// contains all triaged digests that are not in the master tile.
func GetBaselineForIssue(issueID int64, tryjobs []*tryjobstore.Tryjob, tryjobResults [][]*tryjobstore.TryjobResult, exp types.Expectations, commits []*tiling.Commit, talliesByTest map[string]tally.Tally) *CommitableBaseLine {
var startCommit *tiling.Commit = nil
var endCommit *tiling.Commit = nil
baseLine := types.TestExp{}
for idx, tryjob := range tryjobs {
for _, result := range tryjobResults[idx] {
// Ignore all digests that appear in the master.
if _, ok := talliesByTest[result.TestName][result.Digest]; ok {
if result.Digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST && exp.Classification(result.TestName, result.Digest) == types.POSITIVE {
baseLine.AddDigest(result.TestName, result.Digest, types.POSITIVE)
_, c := tiling.FindCommit(commits, tryjob.MasterCommit)
startCommit = minCommit(startCommit, c)
endCommit = maxCommit(endCommit, c)
ret := &CommitableBaseLine{
StartCommit: startCommit,
EndCommit: endCommit,
Baseline: baseLine,
Issue: issueID,
return ret
// CommitIssueBaseline commits the expectations for the given issue to the master baseline.
func CommitIssueBaseline(issueID int64, user string, issueChanges types.TestExp, tryjobStore tryjobstore.TryjobStore, expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore) error {
if len(issueChanges) == 0 {
return nil
syntheticUser := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", user, issueID)
commitFn := func() error {
if err := expStore.AddChange(issueChanges, syntheticUser); err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Unable to add expectations for issue %d: %s", issueID, err)
return nil
return tryjobStore.CommitIssueExp(issueID, commitFn)
// minCommit returns newCommit if it appears before current (or current is nil).
func minCommit(current *tiling.Commit, newCommit *tiling.Commit) *tiling.Commit {
if current == nil || newCommit == nil || newCommit.CommitTime < current.CommitTime {
return newCommit
return current
// maxCommit returns newCommit if it appears after current (or current is nil).
func maxCommit(current *tiling.Commit, newCommit *tiling.Commit) *tiling.Commit {
if current == nil || newCommit == nil || newCommit.CommitTime > current.CommitTime {
return newCommit
return current