blob: 4fc0234613581fc68f08d374dd23b7fe3dd3257f [file] [log] [blame]
package firestore
import (
fs ""
const (
COLLECTION_TASK_SPEC_COMMENTS = "task-spec-comments"
// commitComments returns a reference to the commit comments collection.
func (d *firestoreDB) commitComments() *fs.CollectionRef {
return d.client.Collection(COLLECTION_COMMIT_COMMENTS)
// taskComments returns a reference to the task comments collection.
func (d *firestoreDB) taskComments() *fs.CollectionRef {
return d.client.Collection(COLLECTION_TASK_COMMENTS)
// taskSpecComments returns a reference to the task spec comments collection.
func (d *firestoreDB) taskSpecComments() *fs.CollectionRef {
return d.client.Collection(COLLECTION_TASK_SPEC_COMMENTS)
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) GetCommentsForRepos(repos []string, from time.Time) ([]*types.RepoComments, error) {
from = fixTimestamp(from)
// TODO(borenet): We should come up with something more efficient, but
// this is convenient because it doesn't require composite indexes.
commentsByRepo := make(map[string]*types.RepoComments, len(repos))
for _, repo := range repos {
commentsByRepo[repo] = &types.RepoComments{
Repo: repo,
q := d.commitComments().Where("Timestamp", ">=", from).OrderBy("Timestamp", fs.Asc)
if err := firestore.IterDocs(q, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, GET_MULTI_TIMEOUT, func(doc *fs.DocumentSnapshot) error {
var c types.CommitComment
if err := doc.DataTo(&c); err != nil {
return err
if comments, ok := commentsByRepo[c.Repo]; ok {
if comments.CommitComments == nil {
comments.CommitComments = map[string][]*types.CommitComment{}
comments.CommitComments[c.Revision] = append(comments.CommitComments[c.Revision], &c)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
q = d.taskComments().Where("Timestamp", ">=", from).OrderBy("Timestamp", fs.Asc)
if err := firestore.IterDocs(q, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, GET_MULTI_TIMEOUT, func(doc *fs.DocumentSnapshot) error {
var c types.TaskComment
if err := doc.DataTo(&c); err != nil {
return err
if comments, ok := commentsByRepo[c.Repo]; ok {
if comments.TaskComments == nil {
comments.TaskComments = map[string]map[string][]*types.TaskComment{}
byCommit, ok := comments.TaskComments[c.Revision]
if !ok {
byCommit = map[string][]*types.TaskComment{}
comments.TaskComments[c.Revision] = byCommit
byCommit[c.Name] = append(byCommit[c.Name], &c)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
q = d.taskSpecComments().OrderBy("Timestamp", fs.Asc)
if err := firestore.IterDocs(q, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, GET_MULTI_TIMEOUT, func(doc *fs.DocumentSnapshot) error {
var c types.TaskSpecComment
if err := doc.DataTo(&c); err != nil {
return err
if comments, ok := commentsByRepo[c.Repo]; ok {
if comments.TaskSpecComments == nil {
comments.TaskSpecComments = map[string][]*types.TaskSpecComment{}
comments.TaskSpecComments[c.Name] = append(comments.TaskSpecComments[c.Name], &c)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
rv := make([]*types.RepoComments, 0, len(repos))
for _, repo := range repos {
rv = append(rv, commentsByRepo[repo])
return rv, nil
// taskCommentId returns an ID for the TaskComment.
func taskCommentId(c *types.TaskComment) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s#%s#%s", url.QueryEscape(c.Repo), c.Revision, c.Name, fixTimestamp(c.Timestamp).Format(util.SAFE_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) PutTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) error {
c.Timestamp = fixTimestamp(c.Timestamp)
id := taskCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Create(d.taskComments().Doc(id), c, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
if st, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
return err
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) DeleteTaskComment(c *types.TaskComment) error {
id := taskCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Delete(d.taskComments().Doc(id), DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
return err
// taskSpecCommentId returns an ID for the TaskSpecComment.
func taskSpecCommentId(c *types.TaskSpecComment) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s#%s", url.QueryEscape(c.Repo), c.Name, c.Timestamp.Format(util.SAFE_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) PutTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) error {
c.Timestamp = fixTimestamp(c.Timestamp)
id := taskSpecCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Create(d.taskSpecComments().Doc(id), c, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
if st, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
return err
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) DeleteTaskSpecComment(c *types.TaskSpecComment) error {
id := taskSpecCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Delete(d.taskSpecComments().Doc(id), DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
return err
// commitCommentId returns an ID for the CommitComment.
func commitCommentId(c *types.CommitComment) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s#%s", url.QueryEscape(c.Repo), c.Revision, c.Timestamp.Format(util.SAFE_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) PutCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) error {
c.Timestamp = fixTimestamp(c.Timestamp)
id := commitCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Create(d.commitComments().Doc(id), c, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
if st, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
return db.ErrAlreadyExists
return err
// See documentation for db.CommentDB interface.
func (d *firestoreDB) DeleteCommitComment(c *types.CommitComment) error {
id := commitCommentId(c)
_, err := firestore.Delete(d.commitComments().Doc(id), DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, PUT_SINGLE_TIMEOUT)
return err