blob: 398ffd84cc2e633993b77c625d8556d3ae4424c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package sub creates PubSub subscriptions.
package sub
import (
const (
// batchSize is the batch size of items to receive per Go routine.
batchSize = 5
// subscriptionSuffix is the name we append to a topic name to build a
// subscription name.
subscriptionSuffix = "-prod"
// SubNameProvider is an interface for how a subscription name gets generated
// for a PubSub topic.
type SubNameProvider interface {
SubName() (string, error)
// RoundRobinNameProvider implements SubNameProvider. Use when running in
// production every instance uses the same subscription name so that they
// load-balance pulling items from the topic, and uses a different subscription
// name when running locally.
type RoundRobinNameProvider struct {
local bool
topicName string
// NewRoundRobinNameProvider returns a new RoundRobinNameProvider.
func NewRoundRobinNameProvider(local bool, topicName string) RoundRobinNameProvider {
return RoundRobinNameProvider{
local: local,
topicName: topicName,
// SubName implements SubNameProvider.
func (r RoundRobinNameProvider) SubName() (string, error) {
subName := r.topicName + subscriptionSuffix
if r.local {
// When running locally create a new subscription for every host.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get hostname.")
subName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", r.topicName, hostname)
return subName, nil
// BroadcastNameProvider implements SubNameProvider. It prevents messages from
// being load-balanced across multiple subscribers by generating unique,
// per-machine subscription names (based on the machine's hostname). Use this
// provider when you want all machines to receive all messages in a topic.
// In production, subscription names are appended a suffix to avoid conflicts
// with local subscriptions created during development.
// Note that Kubernetes Deployments and ReplicaSets assign fresh hostnames to
// pods, so applications will leave behind one unused subscription per pod when
// restarted. Unused subscriptions will be garbage-collected after 31 days. See
type BroadcastNameProvider struct {
local bool
topicName string
// NewBroadcastNameProvider returns a new BroadcastNameProvider.
func NewBroadcastNameProvider(local bool, topicName string) BroadcastNameProvider {
return BroadcastNameProvider{
local: local,
topicName: topicName,
// SubName implements SubNameProvider.
func (b BroadcastNameProvider) SubName() (string, error) {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get hostname.")
subName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", b.topicName, hostname)
if !b.local {
subName += subscriptionSuffix
return subName, nil
// ConstNameProvider implements SubNameProvider that always returns the same
// subscription name.
type ConstNameProvider string
// NewConstNameProvider returns a new ConstNameProvider.
func NewConstNameProvider(subName string) ConstNameProvider {
return ConstNameProvider(subName)
// SubName implements SubNameProvider.
func (c ConstNameProvider) SubName() (string, error) {
return string(c), nil
// New returns a new *pubsub.Subscription.
// project is the Google Cloud project that contains the PubSub topic.
// topicName is the PubSub topic to listen to.
// numGoRoutines is the number of Go routines we want to run.
// Note that the returned subscription will have both
// sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages and
// sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines set, but they can be changed in the
// returned subscription.
// The name of the returned subscription also takes 'local' into account, to
// avoid conflicting with subscriptions running in production. The topic and
// subscription are created if they don't already exist, which requires the
// "PubSub Admin" role.
func New(ctx context.Context, local bool, project string, topicName string, numGoRoutines int) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
return NewWithSubNameProviderAndExpirationPolicy(ctx, local, project, topicName, NewRoundRobinNameProvider(local, topicName), nil, numGoRoutines)
// NewWithSubName returns a new *pubsub.Subscription.
// project is the Google Cloud project that contains the PubSub topic.
// topicName is the PubSub topic to listen to.
// subName is the name of the subscription.
// numGoRoutines is the number of Go routines we want to run.
// Note that the returned subscription will have both
// sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages and
// sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines set, but they can be changed in the
// returned subscription.
// The topic and subscription are created if they don't already exist, which
// requires the "PubSub Admin" role.
func NewWithSubName(ctx context.Context, local bool, project string, topicName string, subName string, numGoRoutines int) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
return NewWithSubNameProviderAndExpirationPolicy(ctx, local, project, topicName, NewConstNameProvider(subName), nil, numGoRoutines)
// NewWithSubNameProvider returns a new *pubsub.Subscription.
// project is the Google Cloud project that contains the PubSub topic.
// topicName is the PubSub topic to listen to.
// subNameProvider generates a subscription name.
// numGoRoutines is the number of Go routines we want to run.
// Note that the returned subscription will have both
// sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages and
// sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines set, but they can be changed in the
// returned subscription.
// The topic and subscription are created if they don't already exist, which
// requires the "PubSub Admin" role.
func NewWithSubNameProvider(ctx context.Context, local bool, project string, topicName string, subNameProvider SubNameProvider, numGoRoutines int) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
return NewWithSubNameProviderAndExpirationPolicy(ctx, local, project, topicName, subNameProvider, nil, numGoRoutines)
// NewWithSubNameProviderAndExpirationPolicy returns a new *pubsub.Subscription.
// project is the Google Cloud project that contains the PubSub topic.
// topicName is the PubSub topic to listen to.
// subNameProvider generates a subscription name.
// expirationPolicy determines the inactivity period before the subscription is
// automatically deleted. The minimum allowed value is 1 day. Defaults to 31
// days if nil.
// numGoRoutines is the number of Go routines we want to run.
// Note that the returned subscription will have both
// sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages and
// sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines set, but they can be changed in the
// returned subscription.
// The topic and subscription are created if they don't already exist, which
// requires the "PubSub Admin" role.
func NewWithSubNameProviderAndExpirationPolicy(ctx context.Context, local bool, project string, topicName string, subNameProvider SubNameProvider, expirationPolicy *time.Duration, numGoRoutines int) (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
subName, err := subNameProvider.SubName()
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get subscription name.")
ts, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(ctx, pubsub.ScopePubSub)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create token source.")
pubsubClient, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, project, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create PubSub client for project %s", project)
topic := pubsubClient.Topic(topicName)
exists, err := topic.Exists(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to check existence of PubSub topic %q", topic.ID())
if !exists {
if _, err := pubsubClient.CreateTopic(ctx, topic.ID()); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create PubSub topic %q", topic.ID())
sub := pubsubClient.Subscription(subName)
ok, err := sub.Exists(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed checking subscription existence: %q", subName)
if !ok {
config := pubsub.SubscriptionConfig{Topic: topic}
// The ExpirationPolicy defaults to 31 days if not specified.
if expirationPolicy != nil {
config.ExpirationPolicy = *expirationPolicy
sub, err = pubsubClient.CreateSubscription(ctx, subName, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed creating subscription")
// How many Go routines should be processing messages.
sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages = numGoRoutines * batchSize
sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines = numGoRoutines
return sub, nil