blob: 45c084030dfa22b6994eaec780f7bdd8e5973042 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//golden/pages:all_gold_pages.bzl", "ALL_GOLD_PAGES")
load("//bazel:skia_app_container.bzl", "skia_app_container")
name = "gold_frontend_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
"/usr/local/share/frontend/dist": [
] + [
"//golden/pages:production/%s.%s" % (page, ext),
for page in ALL_GOLD_PAGES
for ext in [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/gold_frontend",
repository = "skia-public/gold-frontend",
name = "baseline_server_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/baseline_server",
repository = "skia-public/gold-baseline-server",
name = "diffcalculator_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/diffcalculator",
repository = "skia-public/gold-diffcalculator",
name = "gitilesfollower_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/gitilesfollower",
repository = "skia-public/gold-gitilesfollower",
name = "gold_ingestion_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/gold_ingestion",
repository = "skia-public/gold-ingestion",
name = "periodictasks_container",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin": [
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/periodictasks",
repository = "skia-public/gold-periodictasks",
gold_frontend_local_script = """
if [[ -z "$$1" ]]; then
echo "Usage: bazel run //golden:gold_frontend_local -- /path/to/client_secret.json"
exit 1
# Compute the path to the directory with web assets by extracting the parent directory of an
# arbitrary page. This works because all web assets are generated on the same directory (with the
# exception of the favicon, which we will handle later).
byblame_page_assets=($(rootpaths //golden/pages:byblame_prod)) # Expands to byblame.{html,js,css}.
web_assets_dir=$$(realpath $$(dirname $${byblame_page_assets[0]}))
# Copy the favicon into the web assets directory.
cp $(rootpath //golden/static:favicon.ico) $$web_assets_dir
# Based on //golden/k8s-instances/skia-infra/skia-infra-frontend.json5.
cat > config.json5 <<EOF
authorized_users: [""],
client_secret_file: "$$1",
disable_sql_exp_cl: true,
flaky_trace_threshold: 10,
frontend: {
baseRepoURL: "<inherited from git_repo_url>",
defaultCorpus: "infra",
title: "Skia Infra Gold",
negatives_max_age: "4320h", // 180 days
positives_max_age: "720h", // 30 days
prom_port: ":20000",
ready_port: ":8000",
resources_path: "$$web_assets_dir",
tile_freshness: "1m",
trace_bt_table: "gold-skia-infra",
# Based on //golden/k8s-instances/skia-infra/skia-infra.json5.
cat > common_instance_config.json5 <<EOF
local: true,
bt_instance: "production",
bt_project_id: "skia-public",
code_review_systems: [
id: "gerrit",
flavor: "gerrit",
gerrit_url: "",
url_template: ""
diff_work_topic: "gold-skia-infra-diffmetrics", // includes instance id
gcs_bucket: "skia-gold-skia-infra",
git_bt_table: "git-repos2",
git_repo_branch: "main",
git_repo_url: "",
fs_namespace: "skia-infra",
fs_project_id: "skia-firestore",
pubsub_project_id: "skia-public",
site_url: "",
sql_connection: "root@localhost:26235",
sql_database: "skiainfra",
known_hashes_gcs_path: "skia-gold-skia-infra/hash_files/gold-skia-infra-hashes.txt",
window_size: 200,
# Print out all commands from now on for debugging purposes.
set -ex
# Switch to te skia-public GCP project.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials skia-public --zone us-central1-a --project skia-public
gcloud config set project skia-public
# Port-forward the production CockroachDB instance to port 26235. The default CockroachDB port is
# 26234, so this prevents the forwarded port from clashing with a local running CockroachDB.
# This command will be killed on Ctrl+C.
kubectl port-forward gold-cockroachdb-0 26235:26234 &
sleep 5
# Ignore any local running emulators.
# Launch the gold_frontend binary.
$(rootpath //golden/cmd/gold_frontend:gold_frontend) \
--config=config.json5 \
name = "gold_frontend_local_script",
srcs = [
] + ["//golden/pages:%s_prod" % page for page in ALL_GOLD_PAGES],
outs = [""],
cmd = "echo '%s' > $@" % gold_frontend_local_script,
name = "gold_frontend_local",
srcs = [":gold_frontend_local_script"],
data = [
] + ["//golden/pages:%s_prod" % page for page in ALL_GOLD_PAGES],