blob: 44bd4ca5ca3ac9f03f2bcf5206483d85b98b20c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package parsers
import (
func TestParseTSImports_Success(t *testing.T) {
const source = `/* Sample TypeScript file with imports. */
import 'path/to/a'; // This comment should be ignored.
import "path/to/b"; // This comment should be ignored.
import * from 'path/to/c'; // This comment should be ignored.
import * from "path/to/d"; // This comment should be ignored.
export * from 'path/to/e'; // This comment should be ignored.
export * from "path/to/f"; // This comment should be ignored.
import * as foo from 'path/to/g'; // This comment should be ignored.
import * as foo from "path/to/h"; // This comment should be ignored.
import { foo_bar, $ } from 'path/to/i'; // This comment should be ignored.
import { foo_bar, $ } from "path/to/j"; // This comment should be ignored.
import { foo as bar } from 'path/to/k'; // This comment should be ignored.
import { foo as bar } from "path/to/l"; // This comment should be ignored.
import foo, { bar, baz as qux } from 'path/to/m'; // This comment should be ignored.
import foo, { bar, baz as qux } from "path/to/n"; // This comment should be ignored.
import { // This comment should be ignored.
foo, // This comment should be ignored.
bar, // This comment should be ignored.
} from 'path/to/o'; // This comment should be ignored.
import { // This comment should be ignored.
foo, // This comment should be ignored.
bar, // This comment should be ignored.
} from "path/to/p"; // This comment should be ignored.
// CSS and Sass imports should be ignored.
import 'styles/a.css';
import 'styles/b.scss';
// Duplicate imports should be ignored.
import 'path/to/a';
// Line comments should be ignored.
// import 'line-comment/a';
// import {
// foo,
// bar,
// } from 'line-comment/b';
// Block comments should be ignored.
import 'block-comment/a';
import * from 'block-comment/b';
// A more complex block comment.
thisWillBeIgnored(); /*
import 'block-comment/c';
import * from 'block-comment/d'; */ import 'path/to/q'; // This import should NOT be ignored.
// A block comment that starts and ends on the same line.
import /* 'block-comment/e' */ 'path/to/r':
// Tests for various edge cases. Some of these are invalid TS because import is a reserved keyword.
import = 'from "ignored/b"';
import['from "ignored/c"']();
import.from = 'ignored/d';
from = 'ignored/g';
"import 'ignored/h'";
expected := []string{
require.Equal(t, expected, ParseTSImports(source))
func TestParseSassImports_Success(t *testing.T) {
const source = `/* Sample Sass file with @import, @use and @forward statements. */
@import 'path/to/a'; // This comment should be ignored.
@import "path/to/b"; // This comment should be ignored.
@use 'path/to/c'; // This comment should be ignored.
@use "path/to/d"; // This comment should be ignored.
@use 'path/to/e' as foo; // This comment should be ignored.
@use "path/to/f" as foo; // This comment should be ignored.
@use 'path/to/g' with ( // This comment should be ignored.
$foo: 1px, // This comment should be ignored.
$bar: #222 // This comment should be ignored.
); // This comment should be ignored.
@use "path/to/h" with ( // This comment should be ignored.
$foo: 1px, // This comment should be ignored.
$bar: #222 // This comment should be ignored.
); // This comment should be ignored.
@forward 'path/to/i'; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward "path/to/j"; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward 'path/to/k' as foo-*; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward "path/to/l" as foo-*; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward 'path/to/m' hide $foo, $bar; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward "path/to/n" hide $foo, $bar; // This comment should be ignored.
@forward 'path/to/o' with ( // This comment should be ignored.
$foo: 1px, // This comment should be ignored.
$bar: #222 // This comment should be ignored.
) // This comment should be ignored.
@forward "path/to/p" with ( // This comment should be ignored.
$foo: 1px, // This comment should be ignored.
$bar: #222 // This comment should be ignored.
) // This comment should be ignored.
// Plain CSS imports should be ignored.
@import "theme.css";
@import "";
@import url(theme);
@import "landscape.css" screen and (orientation: landscape);
// Duplicate imports should be ignored.
@import 'path/to/a';
// Line comments should be ignored.
// @import 'line-comment/a';
// @use 'line-comment/b' with (
// $foo: 1px,
// $bar: #222
// );
// Block comments should be ignored.
@import 'block-comment/a';
@use 'block-comment/b';
@forward 'block-comment/c';
// A more complex block comment.
.this-will-be-ignored {} /*
@import 'block-comment/d';
@use 'block-comment/e';
@forward 'block-comment/f'; */ @import 'path/to/q'; // This import should NOT be ignored.
// A block comment that starts and ends on the same line.
@import /* 'block-comment/g' */ 'path/to/r':
expected := []string{
require.Equal(t, expected, ParseSassImports(source))