blob: d45444528e46978da00a83aaee03e7f8b9d17332 [file] [log] [blame]
package language
import (
// Language implements the language.Language interface.
type Language struct {
// TargetDirectories is a set of known good directories for which we can currently generate valid
// build targets. This Gazelle extension will not generate build targets for any other directories
// in the repository.
// The value of this map indicates whether to recurse into the directory.
// If nil, no directories will be ignored.
// TODO(lovisolo): Delete after this Gazelle extension is fully fleshed out.
TargetDirectories map[string]bool
// isTargetDirectory returns true if this Gazelle extension should generate or update the BUILD file
// in the given directory.
func (l *Language) isTargetDirectory(dir string) bool {
if l.TargetDirectories == nil {
return true
for targetDir, recursive := range l.TargetDirectories {
if dir == targetDir || (recursive && strings.HasPrefix(dir, targetDir+"/")) {
return true
return false
// Kinds implements the language.Language interface.
// Interface documentation:
// Kinds returns a map of maps rule names (kinds) and information on how to
// match and merge attributes that may be found in rules of those kinds. All
// kinds of rules generated for this language may be found here.
func (l *Language) Kinds() map[string]rule.KindInfo {
return map[string]rule.KindInfo{
"karma_test": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"deps": true},
"nodejs_test": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"deps": true},
"sass_library": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"srcs": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"srcs": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"deps": true},
"sk_demo_page_server": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"sk_page": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"sk_page": true},
"sk_element": {
MatchAny: true,
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"ts_srcs": true, "sass_srcs": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"ts_srcs": true, "sass_srcs": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"sass_deps": true, "sk_element_deps": true, "ts_deps": true},
"sk_element_puppeteer_test": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true, "sk_demo_page_server": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"src": true, "sk_demo_page_server": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"deps": true},
"sk_page": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"html_file": true, "ts_entry_point": true, "scss_entry_point": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"html_file": true, "ts_entry_point": true, "scss_entry_point": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"sass_deps": true, "sk_element_deps": true, "ts_deps": true},
"ts_library": {
NonEmptyAttrs: map[string]bool{"srcs": true},
MergeableAttrs: map[string]bool{"srcs": true},
ResolveAttrs: map[string]bool{"deps": true},
// Loads implements the language.Language interface.
// Interface documentation:
// Loads returns .bzl files and symbols they define. Every rule generated by
// GenerateRules, now or in the past, should be loadable from one of these
// files.
func (l *Language) Loads() []rule.LoadInfo {
return []rule.LoadInfo{
Name: "//infra-sk:index.bzl",
Symbols: []string{
// importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl implements the common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources interface.
type importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl struct {
sassImports []string
tsImports []string
// GetSassImports implements the common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources interface.
func (i *importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl) GetSassImports() []string {
return i.sassImports
// GetTypeScriptImports implements the common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources interface.
func (i *importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl) GetTypeScriptImports() []string {
return i.tsImports
var _ common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources = &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{}
// GenerateRules implements the language.Language interface.
// GenerateRules generates build rules for source files in a directory. GenerateRules is called in
// each directory where an update is requested in depth-first order.
// This method does not populate the deps argument of any generate rules. Dependencies are resolved
// in Resolver.Resolve(), which happens after GenerateRules is called in each directory where an
// update is requested.
func (l *Language) GenerateRules(args language.GenerateArgs) language.GenerateResult {
// Unit tests use a made-up directory structure, so we can skip these checks.
if !l.IsUnitTest {
// Skip known directories with third-party code.
for _, dir := range strings.Split(args.Rel, "/") {
if util.In(dir, []string{"node_modules", "bower_components"}) {
return language.GenerateResult{}
// Limit generation of build targets to a hard-coded list of known good directories.
// TODO(lovisolo): Delete after this Gazelle extension is fully fleshed out.
if !l.isTargetDirectory(args.Rel) {
return language.GenerateResult{}
// Return values.
var rules []*rule.Rule
var imports []common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources
allFiles := append(args.RegularFiles, args.GenFiles...)
// Directories are classified into three different groups based on their name, which determines
// the kinds of rules that will be generated:
// - Unclassified directories:
// - Rules generated:
// - One ts_library rule for each *.ts file that does not end with "_test.ts".
// - One nodejs_test rule for each file ending with "_nodejs_test.ts".
// - One kara_test rule for each file ending with "_test.ts" and not "_nodejs_test.ts".
// - One sass_library rule for each *.scss file.
// - Directories with a custom element:
// - Pattern: //<app name>/modules/<custom element name ending in -sk, e.g. my-element-sk>
// - Rules generated:
// - sk_element:
// - Only generated if a my-element-sk.ts file is found.
// - If an index.ts file is found, it will be added to the ts_srcs argument.
// - If a my-element-sk.scss file is found, it will be added to the sass_srcs argument.
// - sk_page:
// - Only generated if files my-element-sk-demo.html a my-element-sk-demo.ts are found.
// - If a my-element-sk-demo.scss file is found, it will be added as the scss_entry_point
// argument.
// - sk_demo_page_server:
// - Only generated if an sk_page rule is produced.
// - sk_element_puppeteer_test:
// - Only generated if a my-element-sk_puppeteer_test.ts file is found, and if an
// sk_demo_page_server is produced.
// - Any other files follow the same criteria as for unclassified directories. This includes
// the element's karma_test, demo and test data defined in separate *.ts files, etc.
// - Directories with application pages:
// - Pattern: //<app name>/pages.
// - Rules generated:
// - sk_page:
// - One is generated for each pair of <page name>.html and <page name>.ts files found.
// - If a <page name>.scss file is found, it will be added as the scss_entry_point argument.
// - One ts_library rule for any other *.ts file that does not end with "_test.ts".
// - One sass_library rule for any other *.scss file.
// Application page directories follow the "<app name>/pages" pattern.
if isAppPageDir(args.Dir) {
// This map will store the source files of any application pages found in the current directory.
pages := map[string]*skPageSrcs{}
getPage := func(name string) *skPageSrcs {
if pages[name] == nil {
pages[name] = &skPageSrcs{}
return pages[name]
// Populate the pages map with all HTML, TypeScript and Sass files found in the directory.
for _, f := range allFiles {
if strings.HasSuffix(f, "_test.ts") {
log.Printf("Ignoring TypeScript test file found in directory with application pages: %s", filepath.Join(args.Dir, f))
name := strings.TrimSuffix(f, filepath.Ext(f)) // e.g. my-page.html -> my-page
switch filepath.Ext(f) {
case ".html":
getPage(name).html = f
case ".ts":
getPage(name).ts = f
case ".scss":
getPage(name).scss = f
// Generate sk_page targets for all pages for which we have all the necessary files (i.e.
// my-page.html and my-page.ts), or stand-alone ts_library and sass_library targets for any
// TypeScript and Sass files that do not belong to a page.
for _, page := range pages {
// A page is valid if it has an HTML file and a TypeScript file.
if page.isValid() {
r, i := generateSkPageRule(page, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
} else {
if page.ts != "" {
r, i := generateTSLibraryRule(page.ts, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
if page.scss != "" {
r, i := generateSassLibraryRule(page.scss, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
return makeGenerateResult(args, rules, imports)
// Custom element directories follow the "<app name>/modules/<element-name-sk>" pattern.
isCustomElementDir, customElementName := extractCustomElementNameFromDir(args.Dir)
// If we are in a custom element directory, it will contain at most one custom element and one
// custom page. Let's find the source files for both, and generate the corresponding sk_element,
// sk_page and sk_demo_page_server rules.
customElementSrcs := &skElementSrcs{}
demoPageSrcs := &skPageSrcs{}
skDemoPageServerLabel := label.NoLabel // We'll need this later for the Puppeteer test.
if isCustomElementDir {
// Iterate over all files and add them to the appropriate structs.
indexTsFound := false
for _, f := range allFiles {
switch f {
case "index.ts":
indexTsFound = true
case customElementName + ".ts":
customElementSrcs.ts = f
case customElementName + ".scss":
customElementSrcs.scss = f
case customElementName + "-demo.html":
demoPageSrcs.html = f
case customElementName + "-demo.ts":
demoPageSrcs.ts = f
case customElementName + "-demo.scss":
demoPageSrcs.scss = f
// An index.ts file alone does not make an sk_element, so we will include it in the returned
// skElementSrcs struct only if the struct has other sources as well.
if indexTsFound && !customElementSrcs.isEmpty() {
customElementSrcs.indexTs = "index.ts"
// Generate the rules.
if customElementSrcs.isValid() {
r, i := generateSkElementRule(customElementName, customElementSrcs, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
if demoPageSrcs.isValid() {
skPage, i := generateSkPageRule(demoPageSrcs, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, skPage)
imports = append(imports, i)
skDemoPageServerRule, i := generateSkDemoPageServerRule(label.Label{Repo: "", Pkg: "", Name: skPage.Name(), Relative: true})
rules = append(rules, skDemoPageServerRule)
imports = append(imports, i)
skDemoPageServerLabel = label.Label{Repo: "", Pkg: "", Name: skDemoPageServerRule.Name(), Relative: true}
// Generate rules for all other files found in the directory.
for _, f := range allFiles {
if isCustomElementDir {
// Skip any files that belong to the custom element or demo page.
if (customElementSrcs.isValid() && customElementSrcs.has(f)) || (demoPageSrcs.isValid() && demoPageSrcs.has(f)) {
if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".scss") {
r, i := generateSassLibraryRule(f, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, "_nodejs_test.ts") {
r, i := generateNodeJSTestRule(f, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, "_puppeteer_test.ts") {
if skDemoPageServerLabel != label.NoLabel {
r, i := generateSkElementPuppeteerTestRule(f, args.Dir, skDemoPageServerLabel)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
} else if isCustomElementDir {
log.Printf("Not generating an sk_element_puppeteer_test rule for %s because %s has no demo page.", filepath.Join(args.Rel, f), customElementName)
} else {
log.Printf("Not generating an sk_element_puppeteer_test rule for %s because %s does not follow the custom element directory naming convention (<app>/modules/<element name>-sk).", filepath.Join(args.Rel, f), args.Rel)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, "_test.ts") {
r, i := generateKarmaTestRule(f, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".ts") {
r, i := generateTSLibraryRule(f, args.Dir)
rules = append(rules, r)
imports = append(imports, i)
return makeGenerateResult(args, rules, imports)
// makeGenerateResult returns a language.GenerateResult with the results of generating build rules
// for a directory.
func makeGenerateResult(args language.GenerateArgs, rules []*rule.Rule, imports []common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) language.GenerateResult {
if len(rules) != len(imports) {
log.Panicf("Arguments rules and imports must be of the same length (lengths: %d, %d; directory: %s)", len(rules), len(imports), args.Rel)
// Sort the rules and imports slices by rule name to guarantee a deterministic result.
type ruleImportsPair struct {
rule *rule.Rule
imports common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources
var ruleImportsPairs []ruleImportsPair
for i, r := range rules {
ruleImportsPairs = append(ruleImportsPairs, ruleImportsPair{r, imports[i]})
sort.Slice(ruleImportsPairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return ruleImportsPairs[i].rule.Name() < ruleImportsPairs[j].rule.Name()
rules = nil
imports = nil
for _, ri := range ruleImportsPairs {
rules = append(rules, ri.rule)
imports = append(imports, ri.imports)
// The Imports field in language.GenerateResult is of type []interface{}, so we need to cast our
// imports slice to []interface{}.
var importsAsEmptyInterfaces []interface{}
for _, i := range imports {
importsAsEmptyInterfaces = append(importsAsEmptyInterfaces, i)
return language.GenerateResult{
Gen: rules,
Imports: importsAsEmptyInterfaces,
Empty: generateEmptyRules(args),
var (
// appPagesDirRegexp matches directories where application pages are found (sk_page targets), e.g.
// "myapp/pages".
// In order to support absolute paths, this regexp does not start with ^.
appPagesDirRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<app_name>(?:[[:alnum:]]|_|-)+)/pages$`)
// skElementModuleDirRegexp matches directories that might contain an sk_element, e.g.
// In order to support absolute paths, this regexp does not start with ^.
skElementModuleDirRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<app_name>(?:[[:alnum:]]|_|-)+)/modules/(?P<element_name>(?:[[:alnum:]]|_|-)+-sk)$`)
// isAppPageDir returns true if the directory matches the "<app name>/pages" pattern, which
// indicates it might contain application pages (sk_page targets).
func isAppPageDir(dir string) bool {
return appPagesDirRegexp.MatchString(dir)
// extractCustomElementNameFromDir determines whether the given directory corresponds to a custom
// element based on the "<app name>/modules/<element-name-sk>" pattern, and returns the element name
// if the directory matches said pattern.
func extractCustomElementNameFromDir(dir string) (bool, string) {
match := skElementModuleDirRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(dir)
if len(match) != 3 {
return false, ""
return true, match[2]
// skElementSrcs groups together the various sources that could make an sk_element target.
type skElementSrcs struct {
indexTs string // index.ts
ts string // my-element-sk.ts
scss string // my-element-sk.scss
// isValid returns true if the struct contains the necessary sources to build an sk_element, or
// false otherwise.
func (e *skElementSrcs) isValid() bool {
return e.ts != ""
// isEmpty returns true if the structure does not contain any source files.
func (e *skElementSrcs) isEmpty() bool {
return *e == skElementSrcs{}
// has returns true if the struct includes the given source file, or false otherwise.
func (e *skElementSrcs) has(src string) bool {
return src == e.indexTs || src == e.ts || src == e.scss
// skPageSrcs groups together the various sources that could make an sk_page target.
type skPageSrcs struct {
html string // my-element-sk-demo.html
ts string // my-element-sk-demo.ts
scss string // my-element-sk-demo.scss
// isValid returns true if the struct contains the necessary sources to build an sk_page, or false
// otherwise.
func (p *skPageSrcs) isValid() bool {
return p.html != "" && p.ts != ""
// has returns true if the struct includes the given source file, or false otherwise.
func (p *skPageSrcs) has(src string) bool {
return src == p.html || src == p.ts || src == p.scss
// generateSkElementRule generates a sk_element rule for the given sources.
func generateSkElementRule(name string, srcs *skElementSrcs, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
tsSrcs := []string{srcs.ts}
if srcs.indexTs != "" {
tsSrcs = append(tsSrcs, srcs.indexTs)
rule := rule.NewRule("sk_element", name)
rule.SetAttr("ts_srcs", tsSrcs)
if srcs.scss != "" {
rule.SetAttr("sass_srcs", []string{srcs.scss})
rule.SetAttr("visibility", []string{"//visibility:public"})
imports := &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{}
for _, tsSrc := range tsSrcs {
imports.tsImports = append(imports.tsImports, extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, tsSrc))...)
if srcs.scss != "" {
imports.sassImports = extractImportsFromSassFile(filepath.Join(dir, srcs.scss))
return rule, imports
// generateSkPageRule generates a sk_page rule for the given sources.
func generateSkPageRule(srcs *skPageSrcs, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("sk_page", makeRuleNameFromFileName(srcs.html, ""))
rule.SetAttr("html_file", srcs.html)
rule.SetAttr("ts_entry_point", srcs.ts)
if srcs.scss != "" {
rule.SetAttr("scss_entry_point", srcs.scss)
imports := &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{
tsImports: extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, srcs.ts)),
if srcs.scss != "" {
imports.sassImports = extractImportsFromSassFile(filepath.Join(dir, srcs.scss))
return rule, imports
// generateSkDemoPageServerRule generates a sk_demo_page_server rule for the given sk_page.
func generateSkDemoPageServerRule(skPage label.Label) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("sk_demo_page_server", "demo_page_server")
rule.SetAttr("sk_page", skPage.String())
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{}
// generateSassLibraryRule generates a sass_library rule for the given Sass file.
func generateSassLibraryRule(file, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("sass_library", makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, "_sass_lib"))
rule.SetAttr("srcs", []string{file})
rule.SetAttr("visibility", []string{"//visibility:public"})
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{sassImports: extractImportsFromSassFile(filepath.Join(dir, file))}
// generateKarmaTestRule generates a karma_test rule for the given TypeScript file.
func generateKarmaTestRule(file, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("karma_test", makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, ""))
rule.SetAttr("src", file)
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{tsImports: extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, file))}
// generateNodeJSTestRule generates a nodejs_test rule for the given TypeScript file.
func generateNodeJSTestRule(file, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("nodejs_test", makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, ""))
rule.SetAttr("src", file)
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{tsImports: extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, file))}
// generateSkElementPuppeteerTestRule generates a sk_element_puppeteer_test rule for the given
// TypeScript file and sk_demo_page_server.
func generateSkElementPuppeteerTestRule(file, dir string, skDemoPageServer label.Label) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("sk_element_puppeteer_test", makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, ""))
rule.SetAttr("src", file)
rule.SetAttr("sk_demo_page_server", skDemoPageServer.String())
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{tsImports: extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, file))}
// generateTSLibraryRule generates a ts_library rule for the given TypeScript file.
func generateTSLibraryRule(file, dir string) (*rule.Rule, common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) {
rule := rule.NewRule("ts_library", makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, "_ts_lib"))
rule.SetAttr("srcs", []string{file})
rule.SetAttr("visibility", []string{"//visibility:public"})
return rule, &importsParsedFromRuleSourcesImpl{tsImports: extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(filepath.Join(dir, file))}
// makeRuleNameFromFileName returns e.g. "baz_ts_lib" when given "foo/bar/baz.ts" and "_ts_lib".
func makeRuleNameFromFileName(file, suffix string) string {
file = strings.ToLower(path.Base(file))
return strings.TrimSuffix(file, filepath.Ext(file)) + suffix
// extractImportsFromSassFile returns the verbatim paths of the import statements found in the given
// Sass file.
func extractImportsFromSassFile(path string) []string {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error reading file %q: %v", path, err)
return parsers.ParseSassImports(string(b[:]))
// extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile returns the verbatim paths of the import statements found in the
// given TypeScript file.
func extractImportsFromTypeScriptFile(path string) []string {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error reading file %q: %v", path, err)
// Ignore CSS / Sass imports from TypeScript files (Webpack idiom).
var imports []string
for _, imp := range parsers.ParseTSImports(string(b[:])) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(imp, ".css") && !strings.HasSuffix(imp, ".scss") {
imports = append(imports, imp)
return imports
// generateEmptyRules returns a list of rules that cannot be built with the files found in the
// directory, for example because a file in its srcs argument does not exist anymore.
// Gazelle will merge these rules with the existing rules, and if any of their attributes marked as
// non-empty are empty after the merge, they will be deleted.
func generateEmptyRules(args language.GenerateArgs) []*rule.Rule {
var emptyRules []*rule.Rule
// If no BUILD.bazel file exists in the current directory, there's nothing to do.
if args.File == nil {
return emptyRules
allFilesInDir := map[string]bool{}
for _, f := range append(args.RegularFiles, args.GenFiles...) {
allFilesInDir[f] = true
someFilesFound := func(files ...string) bool {
for _, f := range files {
if allFilesInDir[f] {
return true
return false
allFilesFound := func(files ...string) bool {
for _, f := range files {
if !allFilesInDir[f] {
return false
return true
allRulesByNameInDir := map[string]*rule.Rule{}
for _, r := range args.File.Rules {
allRulesByNameInDir[r.Name()] = r
parseRelLabelFromAttribute := func(r *rule.Rule, attr string) string {
if r.AttrString(attr) == "" {
return ""
l, err := label.Parse(r.AttrString(attr))
if err != nil {
log.Panicf(`Unable to parse attribute %q of rule %q: %v`, attr, r.Name(), err)
// We assume the label is always relative, e.g. ":foo", not "//path/to:foo".
if !l.Relative {
log.Panicf(`Label in attribute %q of rule %q should be relative, but was %q`, attr, r.Name(), l.String())
return l.Name
ruleFound := func(kind, name string) bool {
r := allRulesByNameInDir[name]
return r != nil && r.Kind() == kind
isEmptyRule := func(kind, name string) bool {
for _, r := range emptyRules {
if r.Kind() == kind && r.Name() == name {
return true
return false
// An existing sk_demo_page_server rule is empty (i.e. should be deleted) if:
// 1) its associated sk_page rule no longer exists,
// or
// 2) if its associated sk_page exists, but is empty (i.e. should be deleted), e.g. because its
// source files no longer exist.
// Similarly, an existing sk_element_puppeteer_test rule is empty (i.e. should be deleted) if:
// 1) its associated sk_demo_page_server rule no longer exists,
// or
// 2) if its associated sk_demo_page_server rule exists, but is empty (i.e. should be deleted),
// e.g. because its associated sk_page rule no longer exists, or is empty.
// To address condition 2) of both of the above rules, we populate the emptyRules slice in the
// following order:
// - All rules except for sk_demo_page_server and sk_element_puppeteer_test rules.
// - All sk_demo_page_server rules.
// - All sk_element_puppeteer_test rules.
// This will allow us to query the emptyRules slice in the loop below for any empty sk_page or
// sk_demo_page_server rules when processing sk_demo_page_server or sk_element_puppeteer_test
// rules, respectively.
var allRules, skDemoPageServerRules, skElementPuppeteerTestRules []*rule.Rule
for _, r := range args.File.Rules {
switch r.Kind() {
case "sk_demo_page_server":
skDemoPageServerRules = append(skDemoPageServerRules, r)
case "sk_element_puppeteer_test":
skElementPuppeteerTestRules = append(skElementPuppeteerTestRules, r)
allRules = append(allRules, r)
allRules = append(allRules, skDemoPageServerRules...)
allRules = append(allRules, skElementPuppeteerTestRules...)
for _, curRule := range allRules {
var empty bool
switch curRule.Kind() {
case "karma_test":
empty = !someFilesFound(curRule.AttrString("src"))
case "nodejs_test":
empty = !someFilesFound(curRule.AttrString("src"))
case "sass_library":
empty = !someFilesFound(curRule.AttrStrings("srcs")...)
case "sk_demo_page_server":
skPage := parseRelLabelFromAttribute(curRule, "sk_page")
empty = !ruleFound("sk_page", skPage) || isEmptyRule("sk_page", skPage)
case "sk_element":
empty = !someFilesFound(curRule.AttrStrings("ts_srcs")...)
case "sk_element_puppeteer_test":
skDemoPageServer := parseRelLabelFromAttribute(curRule, "sk_demo_page_server")
empty = !allFilesFound(curRule.AttrString("src")) || !ruleFound("sk_demo_page_server", skDemoPageServer) || isEmptyRule("sk_demo_page_server", skDemoPageServer)
case "sk_page":
empty = !allFilesFound(curRule.AttrString("html_file"), curRule.AttrString("ts_entry_point"))
case "ts_library":
empty = !someFilesFound(curRule.AttrStrings("srcs")...)
if empty {
emptyRules = append(emptyRules, rule.NewRule(curRule.Kind(), curRule.Name()))
return emptyRules
// Fix implements the language.Language interface.
func (l *Language) Fix(c *config.Config, f *rule.File) {}
var _ language.Language = &Language{}