blob: c88647a8b811ca440b4adead8a9b3b5f0077a06f [file] [log] [blame]
import { ElementHandle, Serializable } from 'puppeteer';
import { PageObjectElement } from './page_object_element';
* A base class for writing page objects[1] that work both on in-browser and Puppeteer tests.
* A page object written as a subclass of PageObject will have two layers of wrapping:
* 1. The PageObject wraps a PageObjectElement.
* 2. The PageObjectElement wraps either a DOM node (HTMLElement) or a Puppeteer handle
* (ElementHandle).
* The PageObjectElement wraps the root node of the component under test, and provides an
* abstraction layer on top of the underlying DOM node or Puppeteer handle. A page object interacts
* with the component under test exclusively via the PageObjectElement's API. This guarantees
* compatibility with both in-browser and Puppeteer tests.
* PageObject and PageObjectElement are inspired by PageLoader[2], a Dart framework for creating
* page objects compatible with both in-browser and WebDriver tests.
* For best practices, please see PageLoader Best Practices[3].
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
export abstract class PageObject {
protected element: PageObjectElement;
constructor(element: HTMLElement | ElementHandle | PageObjectElement) {
if (element instanceof PageObjectElement) {
this.element = element;
} else {
this.element = new PageObjectElement(element);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectOnePOE() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectOnePOE(selector: string) {
return this.element.selectOnePOE(selector);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectOnePOEThenApplyFn() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectOnePOEThenApplyFn<T>(
selector: string, fn: (element: PageObjectElement) => Promise<T>) {
return this.element.selectOnePOEThenApplyFn<T>(selector, fn);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectOneDOMNodeThenApplyFn() on the
* underlying PageObjectElement.
protected selectOneDOMNodeThenApplyFn<T extends Serializable | void>(
selector: string, fn: (element: HTMLElement) => T, ...args: Serializable[]) {
return this.element.selectOneDOMNodeThenApplyFn<T>(selector, fn, ...args);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectAllPOE() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectAllPOE(selector: string) {
return this.element.selectAllPOE(selector);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectAllPOEThenMap() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectAllPOEThenMap<T>(
selector: string, fn: (element: PageObjectElement, index: number) => Promise<T>) {
return this.element.selectAllPOEThenMap<T>(selector, fn);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#selectAllPOEThenForEach() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectAllPOEThenForEach(
selector: string, fn: (element: PageObjectElement, index: number) => Promise<void>) {
return this.element.selectAllPOEThenForEach(selector, fn);
* Returns the result of calling PageObjectElement#$find() on the underlying
* PageObjectElement.
protected selectAllPOEThenFind(
selector: string, fn: (element: PageObjectElement, index: number) => Promise<boolean>) {
return this.element.selectAllPOEThenFind(selector, fn);