Add ability to bring up multiple Android compile servers

* Separates FE and BE and creates new FE server.
  * Creates new AndroidCompileInstances Kind in Datastore that keeps track of when mirror was last synced and if mirror should be force synced.
  * Changed UI to account for and display multiple backends. Screenshot:
  * The force mirror sync button will now signal to all instances to update their mirror and so will behave similarly as before.

* Support for running multiple backends
  * Multiple instances satisfy new requests by Ack'ing and Nack'ing pubsub storage notifications.
  * Care has been taken to make sure duplicate tasks are not triggered in case pubsub sends the same message again (At-least-once delivery from
  * In case a backend is restarted it will run all tasks that were interrupted before picking up new tasks.

* Other improvements
  * Changed startup to only sync checkouts that do not exist. Otherwise it syncs all checkouts during startup which is unnecessary because checkouts are synced before running tasks anyway.
  * Removed UpdateInfraFailureMetric. The alert was only triggered for merge errors and the error is already exposed in the recipe output anyway.

Bug: skia:9302
Change-Id: I662f26c7fc0c841b6b36e39b20f06d50289f7eaa
Commit-Queue: Ravi Mistry <>
Reviewed-by: Eric Boren <>
diff --git a/android_compile/Makefile b/android_compile/Makefile
index 47f8d55..9e2d28d 100644
--- a/android_compile/Makefile
+++ b/android_compile/Makefile
@@ -11,20 +11,32 @@
 include ../go/skiaversion/
 # Build debug versions of core.js and elements.html.
-.PHONY: debug_android_compile
-debug_android_compile: clean_webtools debug_core_js debug_elements_html skiaversion
-	go install -v ./go/...
+.PHONY: debug_android_compile_fe
+debug_android_compile_fe: clean_webtools debug_core_js debug_elements_html skiaversion
+	go install -v ./go/android_compile_fe/...
-.PHONY: android_compile
-android_compile: clean_webtools elements_html
-	GOOS=linux go install -v ./go/...
+.PHONY: android_compile_fe
+android_compile_fe: clean_webtools elements_html
+	GOOS=linux go install -v ./go/android_compile_fe
-.PHONY: release
-release: android_compile
-	./build_docker_release
+.PHONY: release_fe
+release_fe: android_compile_fe
+	./build_fe_release
-.PHONY: push
+.PHONY: android_compile_be
+	GOOS=linux go install -v ./go/android_compile_be
+.PHONY: release_be
+release_be: android_compile_be
+	./build_be_release
+.PHONY: push_fe
 push: skia-corp
-	pushk --cluster=skia-corp android_compile
+	pushk --cluster=skia-corp android_compile_fe
+.PHONY: push_be
+push: skia-corp
+	pushk --cluster=skia-corp android_compile_be
 include ../make/
diff --git a/android_compile/build_be_release b/android_compile/build_be_release
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4bec0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/build_be_release
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -x -e
+# Copy files into the right locations in ${ROOT}.
+INSTALL="install -D --verbose --backup=none"
+INSTALL_DIR="install -d --verbose --backup=none"
+${INSTALL} --mode=644 -T ./go/android_compile_be/Dockerfile ${ROOT}/Dockerfile
+${INSTALL} --mode=755 -T ${GOPATH}/bin/${APPNAME}           ${ROOT}/usr/local/bin/${APPNAME}
+${INSTALL_DIR} --mode=755                      ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}
+${INSTALL}     --mode=755 -T        ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/
+${INSTALL}     --mode=755 -T ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/
+source ../bash/
diff --git a/android_compile/build_docker_release b/android_compile/build_fe_release
similarity index 69%
rename from android_compile/build_docker_release
rename to android_compile/build_fe_release
index 61b013b..b98d218 100755
--- a/android_compile/build_docker_release
+++ b/android_compile/build_fe_release
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 set -x -e
@@ -9,13 +9,10 @@
 INSTALL="install -D --verbose --backup=none"
 INSTALL_DIR="install -d --verbose --backup=none"
-${INSTALL} --mode=644 -T Dockerfile               ${ROOT}/Dockerfile
-${INSTALL} --mode=755 -T ${GOPATH}/bin/${APPNAME} ${ROOT}/usr/local/bin/${APPNAME}
+${INSTALL} --mode=644 -T ./go/android_compile_fe/Dockerfile ${ROOT}/Dockerfile
+${INSTALL} --mode=755 -T ${GOPATH}/bin/${APPNAME}           ${ROOT}/usr/local/bin/${APPNAME}
-${INSTALL_DIR} --mode=755                      ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}
-${INSTALL}     --mode=755 -T        ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/
-${INSTALL}     --mode=755 -T ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/
+${INSTALL_DIR} --mode=755                             ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}
 ${INSTALL_DIR} --mode=755                             ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/res/img
 ${INSTALL}     --mode=644 ./res/img/*                 ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/res/img
 ${INSTALL_DIR} --mode=755                             ${ROOT}/usr/local/share/${APPNAME}/res/js
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile/datastore.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile/datastore.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9dd38..0000000
--- a/android_compile/go/android_compile/datastore.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-	Used by the Android Compile Server to interact with the cloud datastore.
-package main
-import (
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	"sort"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-type CompileTask struct {
-	Issue    int    `json:"issue"`
-	PatchSet int    `json:"patchset"`
-	Hash     string `json:"hash"`
-	LunchTarget string `json:"lunch_target"`
-	MMMATargets string `json:"mmma_targets"`
-	Checkout string `json:"checkout"`
-	Created   time.Time `json:"created"`
-	Completed time.Time `json:"completed"`
-	WithPatchSucceeded bool `json:"withpatch_success"`
-	NoPatchSucceeded   bool `json:"nopatch_success"`
-	WithPatchLog string `json:"withpatch_log"`
-	NoPatchLog   string `json:"nopatch_log"`
-	IsMasterBranch bool   `json:"is_master_branch"`
-	Done           bool   `json:"done"`
-	Error          string `json:"error"`
-	InfraFailure   bool   `json:"infra_failure"`
-type CompileTaskAndKey struct {
-	task *CompileTask
-	key  *datastore.Key
-type sortTasks []*CompileTaskAndKey
-func (a sortTasks) Len() int      { return len(a) }
-func (a sortTasks) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
-func (a sortTasks) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return a[i].task.Created.Before(a[j].task.Created)
-func GetCompileTasksAndKeys() ([]*CompileTaskAndKey, []*CompileTaskAndKey, error) {
-	waitingTasksAndKeys := []*CompileTaskAndKey{}
-	runningTasksAndKeys := []*CompileTaskAndKey{}
-	it := GetPendingTasks()
-	for {
-		t := &CompileTask{}
-		datastoreKey, err := it.Next(t)
-		if err == iterator.Done {
-			break
-		} else if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of tasks: %s", err)
-		}
-		taskAndKey := &CompileTaskAndKey{task: t, key: datastoreKey}
-		if t.Checkout == "" {
-			waitingTasksAndKeys = append(waitingTasksAndKeys, taskAndKey)
-		} else {
-			runningTasksAndKeys = append(runningTasksAndKeys, taskAndKey)
-		}
-	}
-	sort.Sort(sortTasks(waitingTasksAndKeys))
-	sort.Sort(sortTasks(runningTasksAndKeys))
-	return waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys, nil
-func GetCompileTasks() ([]*CompileTask, []*CompileTask, error) {
-	waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys, err := GetCompileTasksAndKeys()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	waitingTasks := []*CompileTask{}
-	for _, taskAndKey := range waitingTasksAndKeys {
-		waitingTasks = append(waitingTasks, taskAndKey.task)
-	}
-	runningTasks := []*CompileTask{}
-	for _, taskAndKey := range runningTasksAndKeys {
-		runningTasks = append(runningTasks, taskAndKey.task)
-	}
-	return waitingTasks, runningTasks, nil
-func DatastoreInit(project string, ns string, ts oauth2.TokenSource) error {
-	return ds.InitWithOpt(project, ns, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
-func GetPendingTasks() *datastore.Iterator {
-	q := ds.NewQuery(ds.COMPILE_TASK).EventualConsistency().Filter("Done =", false)
-	return ds.DS.Run(context.TODO(), q)
-func GetNewDSKey() *datastore.Key {
-	return ds.NewKey(ds.COMPILE_TASK)
-func GetDSTask(taskID int64) (*datastore.Key, *CompileTask, error) {
-	key := ds.NewKey(ds.COMPILE_TASK)
-	key.ID = taskID
-	task := &CompileTask{}
-	if err := ds.DS.Get(context.TODO(), key, task); err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving task from Datastore: %v", err)
-	}
-	return key, task, nil
-func PutDSTask(ctx context.Context, k *datastore.Key, t *CompileTask) (*datastore.Key, error) {
-	return ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, t)
-func UpdateDSTask(ctx context.Context, k *datastore.Key, t *CompileTask) (*datastore.Key, error) {
-	return ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, t)
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile/main.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile/main.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f9dc0c7..0000000
--- a/android_compile/go/android_compile/main.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-	Android Compile Server for Skia Bots.
-package main
-import (
-	"context"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"html/template"
-	"net/http"
-	"os/user"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-const (
-	FORCE_SYNC_POST_URL = "/_/force_sync"
-var (
-	// Flags
-	local              = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
-	host               = flag.String("host", "localhost", "HTTP service host")
-	port               = flag.String("port", ":8000", "HTTP service port.")
-	promPort           = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':20000')")
-	workdir            = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Directory to use for scratch work.")
-	resourcesDir       = flag.String("resources_dir", "", "The directory to find and template files.  If blank then the directory two directories up from this source file will be used.")
-	numCheckouts       = flag.Int("num_checkouts", 10, "The number of checkouts the Android compile server should maintain.")
-	repoUpdateDuration = flag.Duration("repo_update_duration", 1*time.Hour, "How often to update the main Android repository.")
-	serviceAccount     = flag.String("service_account", "", "Should be set when running in K8s.")
-	authWhiteList      = flag.String("auth_whitelist", "", "White space separated list of domains and email addresses that are allowed to login.")
-	// Useful for debugging.
-	hang = flag.Bool("hang", false, "If true, just hang and do nothing.")
-	// Pubsub for storage flags.
-	projectID      = flag.String("project_id", "", "Project ID of the Cloud project where the PubSub topic and GS bucket lives.")
-	storageBucket  = flag.String("bucket", "android-compile-tasks", "Storage bucket where android compile task JSON files will be kept.")
-	subscriberName = flag.String("subscriber", "android-compile-tasks", "ID of the pubsub subscriber.")
-	topic          = flag.String("topic", "android-compile-tasks", "Google Cloud PubSub topic of the eventbus.")
-	// Datastore params
-	namespace   = flag.String("namespace", "android-compile-staging", "The Cloud Datastore namespace, such as 'android-compile'.")
-	projectName = flag.String("project_name", "", "The Google Cloud project name.")
-	// Used to signal when checkouts are ready to serve requests.
-	checkoutsReadyMutex sync.RWMutex
-	// indexTemplate is the main index.html page we serve.
-	indexTemplate *template.Template = nil
-	serverURL string
-func reloadTemplates() {
-	indexTemplate = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(
-		filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "templates/index.html"),
-		filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "templates/header.html"),
-	))
-func loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusFound)
-	return
-func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	if *local {
-		reloadTemplates()
-	}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
-	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
-		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusSeeOther)
-		return
-	}
-	waitingTasks, runningTasks, err := GetCompileTasks()
-	if err != nil {
-		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to get compile tasks")
-		return
-	}
-	var info = struct {
-		WaitingTasks         []*CompileTask
-		RunningTasks         []*CompileTask
-		MirrorLastSynced     string
-		MirrorUpdateDuration time.Duration
-		MirrorUpdateRunning  bool
-	}{
-		WaitingTasks:         waitingTasks,
-		RunningTasks:         runningTasks,
-		MirrorLastSynced:     MirrorLastSynced.Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST"),
-		MirrorUpdateDuration: *repoUpdateDuration,
-		MirrorUpdateRunning:  getMirrorUpdateRunning(),
-	}
-	if err := indexTemplate.Execute(w, info); err != nil {
-		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to expand template")
-		return
-	}
-	return
-func forceSyncHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	if *local {
-		reloadTemplates()
-	}
-	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
-		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusSeeOther)
-		return
-	}
-	if getMirrorUpdateRunning() {
-		httputils.ReportError(w, r, nil, "Checkout sync is currently in progress")
-		return
-	}
-	sklog.Infof("Force sync button has been pressed by %s", login.LoggedInAs(r))
-	UpdateMirror(context.Background())
-	return
-func readGSAndTriggerCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation) error {
-	data, err := g.storageClient.Bucket(g.bucket).Object(
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("New reader failed for %s/%s: %s", g.bucket,, err)
-	}
-	task := CompileTask{}
-	if err := json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&task); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse request: %s", err)
-	}
-	// Either hash or (issue & patchset) must be specified.
-	if task.Hash == "" && (task.Issue == 0 || task.PatchSet == 0) {
-		return errors.New("Either hash or (issue & patchset) must be specified")
-	}
-	// Set default values if LunchTarget and MMMATargets are not specified.
-	// This is done for backwards compatibility.
-	if task.LunchTarget == "" {
-		task.LunchTarget = DEFAULT_LUNCH_TARGET
-	}
-	if task.MMMATargets == "" {
-	}
-	// Check to see if this task has already been requested and is currently
-	// waiting/running. If it is then do not trigger a new task. This is done
-	// to avoid creating unnecessary duplicate tasks.
-	waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys, err := GetCompileTasksAndKeys()
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve currently waiting/running compile tasks and keys: %s", err)
-	}
-	for _, existingTaskAndKey := range append(waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys...) {
-		if task.LunchTarget == existingTaskAndKey.task.LunchTarget &&
-			((task.Hash != "" && task.Hash == existingTaskAndKey.task.Hash) ||
-				(task.Hash == "" && task.Issue == existingTaskAndKey.task.Issue && task.PatchSet == existingTaskAndKey.task.PatchSet)) {
-			sklog.Infof("Got request for already existing task [lunch_target: %s, hash: %s, issue: %d, patchset: %d, id: %d]", task.LunchTarget, task.Hash, task.Issue, task.PatchSet, existingTaskAndKey.key.ID)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	key := GetNewDSKey()
-	task.Created = time.Now()
-	datastoreKey, err := PutDSTask(ctx, key, &task)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Error putting task in datastore: %s", err)
-	}
-	// Kick off the task and return the task ID.
-	triggerCompileTask(ctx, g, &task, datastoreKey)
-	// Update the Google storage file.
-	if err := updateTaskInGoogleStorage(ctx, g, task, datastoreKey.ID); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update task in Google storage: %s", err)
-	}
-	return nil
-// triggerCompileTask runs the specified CompileTask in a goroutine. After
-// completion the task is marked as Done and updated in the Datastore.
-func triggerCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task *CompileTask, datastoreKey *datastore.Key) {
-	go func() {
-		checkoutsReadyMutex.RLock()
-		defer checkoutsReadyMutex.RUnlock()
-		pathToCompileScript := filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "")
-		if err := RunCompileTask(ctx, g, task, datastoreKey, pathToCompileScript); err != nil {
-			task.InfraFailure = true
-			task.Error = err.Error()
-			sklog.Errorf("Error when compiling task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
-		}
-		updateInfraFailureMetric(task.InfraFailure)
-		task.Done = true
-		task.Completed = time.Now()
-		if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-			sklog.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
-		}
-	}()
-// UpdateCompileTask updates the task in both Google storage and in Datastore.
-func UpdateCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, datastoreKey *datastore.Key, task *CompileTask) error {
-	if err := updateTaskInGoogleStorage(ctx, g, *task, datastoreKey.ID); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update in Google storage compile task in with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
-	}
-	if _, err := UpdateDSTask(ctx, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update in Datastore compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
-	}
-	return nil
-func updateTaskInGoogleStorage(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task CompileTask, taskID int64) error {
-	// Update the Google storage file with the taskID.
-	b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
-		CompileTask
-		TaskID int64 `json:"task_id"`
-	}{
-		CompileTask: task,
-		TaskID:      taskID,
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not re-encode compile task: %s", err)
-	}
-	wr := g.storageClient.Bucket(g.bucket).Object(
-	defer util.Close(wr)
-	wr.ObjectAttrs.ContentEncoding = "application/json"
-	if _, err := wr.Write(b); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Failed writing JSON to GCS: %s", err)
-	}
-	return nil
-type gsFileLocation struct {
-	bucket        string
-	name          string
-	storageClient *storage.Client
-func newGCSFileLocation(result *storage.ObjectAttrs, storageClient *storage.Client) *gsFileLocation {
-	return &gsFileLocation{
-		bucket:        result.Bucket,
-		name:          result.Name,
-		storageClient: storageClient,
-	}
-func runServer() {
-	r := mux.NewRouter()
-	r.PathPrefix("/res/").HandlerFunc(httputils.MakeResourceHandler(*resourcesDir))
-	r.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc(FORCE_SYNC_POST_URL, forceSyncHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc("/json/version", skiaversion.JsonHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc(login.DEFAULT_OAUTH2_CALLBACK, login.OAuth2CallbackHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc("/login/", loginHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
-	r.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
-	h := httputils.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(r)
-	if !*local {
-		h = httputils.HealthzAndHTTPS(h)
-	}
-	http.Handle("/", h)
-	sklog.Infof("Ready to serve on %s", serverURL)
-	sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, nil))
-func main() {
-	flag.Parse()
-	common.InitWithMust("android_compile", common.PrometheusOpt(promPort), common.MetricsLoggingOpt())
-	defer common.Defer()
-	skiaversion.MustLogVersion()
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	if *projectID == "" || *topic == "" || *subscriberName == "" {
-		sklog.Fatalf("project_id, topic and subscriber flags must all be set.")
-	}
-	reloadTemplates()
-	serverURL = "https://" + *host
-	if *local {
-		serverURL = "http://" + *host + *port
-	}
-	login.InitWithAllow(serverURL+login.DEFAULT_OAUTH2_CALLBACK, allowed.Googlers(), allowed.Googlers(), nil)
-	if *hang {
-		sklog.Infof("--hang provided; doing nothing.")
-		httputils.RunHealthCheckServer(*port)
-	}
-	// Create token source.
-	ts, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(*local, auth.SCOPE_READ_WRITE, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL, auth.SCOPE_GERRIT, datastore.ScopeDatastore)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatalf("Problem setting up default token source: %s", err)
-	}
-	// Instantiate storage client.
-	storageClient, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create a Google Storage API client: %s", err)
-	}
-	// Initialize cloud datastore.
-	if err := DatastoreInit(*projectName, *namespace, ts); err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to init cloud datastore: %s", err)
-	}
-	if !*local {
-		// Use the gitcookie created by gitauth package.
-		user, err := user.Current()
-		if err != nil {
-			sklog.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		gitcookiesPath := filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".gitcookies")
-		if _, err := gitauth.New(ts, gitcookiesPath, true, *serviceAccount); err != nil {
-			sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create git cookie updater: %s", err)
-		}
-	}
-	// Initialize checkouts but do not block bringing up the server.
-	go func() {
-		checkoutsReadyMutex.Lock()
-		defer checkoutsReadyMutex.Unlock()
-		if err := CheckoutsInit(*numCheckouts, *workdir, *repoUpdateDuration, storageClient); err != nil {
-			sklog.Fatalf("Failed to init checkouts: %s", err)
-		}
-	}()
-	// Subscribe to storage pubsub events.
-	eventBus, err := gevent.New(*projectID, *topic, *subscriberName)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatalf("Error creating event bus: %s", err)
-	}
-	eventType, err := eventBus.RegisterStorageEvents(*storageBucket, "", nil, storageClient)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)
-	}
-	resultCh := make(chan *gsFileLocation)
-	sklog.Infof("Registered storage events. Eventtype: %s", eventType)
-	eventBus.SubscribeAsync(eventType, func(evt interface{}) {
-		file := evt.(*eventbus.StorageEvent)
-		if file.OverwroteGeneration != "" {
-			return
-		}
-		sklog.Infof("Received storage event: %s / %s\n", file.BucketID, file.ObjectID)
-		// Fetch the object attributes.
-		objAttr, err := storageClient.Bucket(file.BucketID).Object(file.ObjectID).Attrs(ctx)
-		if err != nil {
-			sklog.Errorf("Unable to get handle for '%s/%s': %s", file.BucketID, file.ObjectID, err)
-			return
-		}
-		resultCh <- newGCSFileLocation(objAttr, storageClient)
-	})
-	// Reset metrics on server startup.
-	resetMetrics()
-	// Find and reschedule all CompileTasks that are in "running" state. Any
-	// "running" CompileTasks means that the server was restarted in the middle
-	// of run(s). Do not block bringing up the server.
-	go func() {
-		_, runningTasksAndKeys, err := GetCompileTasksAndKeys()
-		if err != nil {
-			sklog.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve compile tasks and keys: %s", err)
-		}
-		for _, taskAndKey := range runningTasksAndKeys {
-			sklog.Infof("Found orphaned task %d. Retriggering it...", taskAndKey.key.ID)
-			// Fetch the object attributes.
-			fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%d.json", taskAndKey.task.LunchTarget, taskAndKey.task.Issue, taskAndKey.task.PatchSet)
-			objAttr, err := storageClient.Bucket(*storageBucket).Object(fileName).Attrs(ctx)
-			if err != nil {
-				sklog.Fatalf("Unable to get handle for orphaned task '%s/%s': %s", *storageBucket, fileName, err)
-			}
-			triggerCompileTask(ctx, newGCSFileLocation(objAttr, storageClient), taskAndKey.task, taskAndKey.key)
-		}
-	}()
-	// Wait for compile task requests that come in.
-	go func() {
-		for true {
-			fileLocation := <-resultCh
-			if err = readGSAndTriggerCompileTask(ctx, fileLocation); err != nil {
-				sklog.Errorf("Error when reading from GS and triggering compile task: %s", err)
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	runServer()
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile/metrics.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile/metrics.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba65de..0000000
--- a/android_compile/go/android_compile/metrics.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"sync"
-	""
-var (
-	// Metrics regarding number of waiting and running tasks.
-	queueLengthMetric   = metrics2.GetCounter("android_compile_waiting_tasks", nil)
-	runningLengthMetric = metrics2.GetCounter("android_compile_running_tasks", nil)
-	// Mutex to control access to the above metrics.
-	lengthMetricsMutex = sync.Mutex{}
-	// Metric regarding infra failures and it's mutex.
-	infraFailureMetric      = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_infra_failure", nil)
-	infraFailureMetricMutex = sync.Mutex{}
-	// Metric regarding broken android tree and it's mutex.
-	androidTreeBrokenMetric      = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_tree_broken", nil)
-	androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex = sync.Mutex{}
-	// Metric regarding mirror syncs. Does not need a mutex because the tree is
-	// only updated after a mutex lock.
-	mirrorSyncFailureMetric = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_mirror_sync_failure", nil)
-func resetMetrics() {
-	queueLengthMetric.Reset()
-	runningLengthMetric.Reset()
-func updateInfraFailureMetric(failure bool) {
-	val := 0
-	if failure {
-		val = 1
-	}
-	infraFailureMetricMutex.Lock()
-	defer infraFailureMetricMutex.Unlock()
-	infraFailureMetric.Update(int64(val))
-func updateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(broken bool) {
-	val := 0
-	if broken {
-		val = 1
-	}
-	androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex.Lock()
-	defer androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex.Unlock()
-	androidTreeBrokenMetric.Update(int64(val))
-func moveToRunningMetric() {
-	lengthMetricsMutex.Lock()
-	defer lengthMetricsMutex.Unlock()
-	queueLengthMetric.Dec(1)
-	runningLengthMetric.Inc(1)
-func decRunningMetric() {
-	lengthMetricsMutex.Lock()
-	defer lengthMetricsMutex.Unlock()
-	runningLengthMetric.Dec(1)
-func incWaitingMetric() {
-	lengthMetricsMutex.Lock()
-	defer lengthMetricsMutex.Unlock()
-	queueLengthMetric.Inc(1)
diff --git a/android_compile/Dockerfile b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/Dockerfile
similarity index 96%
rename from android_compile/Dockerfile
rename to android_compile/go/android_compile_be/Dockerfile
index 063e242..fa38f47 100644
--- a/android_compile/Dockerfile
+++ b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/Dockerfile
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
 ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
 ENV PATH /home/skia/bin:$PATH
-ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/android_compile"]
+ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/android_compile_be"]
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile/checkouts.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/checkouts.go
similarity index 93%
rename from android_compile/go/android_compile/checkouts.go
rename to android_compile/go/android_compile_be/checkouts.go
index 5cf0e59..70cd5b1 100644
--- a/android_compile/go/android_compile/checkouts.go
+++ b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/checkouts.go
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
-	""
+	ac_util ""
 	sk_exec ""
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 var (
-	availableCheckoutsChan chan string
+	AvailableCheckoutsChan chan string
 	bucketHandle *storage.BucketHandle
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
 func UpdateMirror(ctx context.Context) {
 	if err := updateCheckout(ctx, pathToMirror, true); err != nil {
 		sklog.Errorf("Error when updating the mirror: %s", err)
-		mirrorSyncFailureMetric.Update(1)
+		ac_util.MirrorSyncFailureMetric.Update(1)
 	} else {
-		mirrorSyncFailureMetric.Update(0)
+		ac_util.MirrorSyncFailureMetric.Update(0)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 	// Slice that will be used to update all checkouts in parallel.
 	checkoutsToUpdate := []string{}
 	// Channel that will be used to determine which checkouts are available.
-	availableCheckoutsChan = make(chan string, numCheckouts)
+	AvailableCheckoutsChan = make(chan string, numCheckouts)
 	// Populate the channel with available checkouts.
 	pathToMirrorManifest := filepath.Join(pathToMirror, "platform", "manifest.git")
 	for i := 1; i <= numCheckouts; i++ {
@@ -160,9 +160,10 @@
 					return fmt.Errorf("Error running init on %s: %s", checkoutPath, err)
+				checkoutsToUpdate = append(checkoutsToUpdate, checkoutPath)
-		checkoutsToUpdate = append(checkoutsToUpdate, checkoutPath)
@@ -307,6 +308,9 @@
 					sklog.Info("Will recreate mirror before next sync.")
 				MirrorLastSynced = time.Now()
+				if err := ac_util.UpdateInstanceInDS(ctx, hostname, MirrorLastSynced.Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST"), *repoUpdateDuration, false); err != nil {
+					sklog.Errorf("Failed to update instance kind in datastore: %s", err)
+				}
@@ -433,7 +437,7 @@
 func addToCheckoutsChannel(checkout string) {
-	availableCheckoutsChan <- checkout
+	AvailableCheckoutsChan <- checkout
 // RunCompileTask runs the specified CompileTask using the following algorithm-
@@ -464,19 +468,17 @@
 // that the tree is not broken by building at Skia HEAD. Update CompileTask
 // with link to logs and whether the no patch run was successful.
-func RunCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task *CompileTask, datastoreKey *datastore.Key, pathToCompileScript string) error {
-	incWaitingMetric()
+func RunCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task *ac_util.CompileTask, pathToCompileScript string) error {
 	// Blocking call to wait for an available checkout.
-	checkoutPath := <-availableCheckoutsChan
-	moveToRunningMetric()
-	defer decRunningMetric()
+	checkoutPath := <-AvailableCheckoutsChan
 	defer addToCheckoutsChannel(checkoutPath)
 	// Step 1: Find an available Android checkout and update the CompileTask
 	// with the checkout. This is done for the UI and for easier debugging.
+	datastoreKey := ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(task.LunchTarget, task.Issue, task.PatchSet)
 	task.Checkout = path.Base(checkoutPath)
-	if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
+	if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
 	skiaPath := filepath.Join(checkoutPath, "external", "skia")
@@ -531,8 +533,8 @@
 		task.IsMasterBranch = fromMaster
 		if !task.IsMasterBranch {
-			if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
+			if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
 			sklog.Infof("Patch with issue %d and patchset %d is not on master branch.", task.Issue, task.PatchSet)
 			return nil
@@ -555,7 +557,7 @@
 		task.IsMasterBranch = fromMaster
 		if !task.IsMasterBranch {
-			if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
+			if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
 				return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
 			sklog.Infof("Hash %s is not on master branch.", task.Hash)
@@ -571,14 +573,14 @@
 	// Step 8: Do the with patch or with hash compilation and update CompileTask
 	// with link to logs and whether it was successful.
-	withPatchSuccess, gsWithPatchLink, err := compileCheckout(ctx, checkoutPath, task.LunchTarget, task.MMMATargets, fmt.Sprintf("%d_withpatch_", datastoreKey.ID), pathToCompileScript)
+	withPatchSuccess, gsWithPatchLink, err := compileCheckout(ctx, checkoutPath, task.LunchTarget, task.MMMATargets, fmt.Sprintf("%s_withpatch_", datastoreKey.Name), pathToCompileScript)
 	if err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("Error when compiling checkout withpatch at %s: %s", checkoutPath, err)
 	task.WithPatchSucceeded = withPatchSuccess
 	task.WithPatchLog = gsWithPatchLink
-	if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
+	if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
 	// Step 9: If the compilation failed and if it is a trybot run then verify
@@ -597,19 +599,19 @@
 			return fmt.Errorf("Could not prepare Skia checkout for compile: %s", err)
 		// Do the no patch compilation.
-		noPatchSuccess, gsNoPatchLink, err := compileCheckout(ctx, checkoutPath, task.LunchTarget, task.MMMATargets, fmt.Sprintf("%d_nopatch_", datastoreKey.ID), pathToCompileScript)
+		noPatchSuccess, gsNoPatchLink, err := compileCheckout(ctx, checkoutPath, task.LunchTarget, task.MMMATargets, fmt.Sprintf("%s_nopatch_", datastoreKey.Name), pathToCompileScript)
 		if err != nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Error when compiling checkout nopatch at %s: %s", checkoutPath, err)
-		updateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(!noPatchSuccess)
+		ac_util.UpdateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(!noPatchSuccess)
 		task.NoPatchSucceeded = noPatchSuccess
 		task.NoPatchLog = gsNoPatchLink
-		if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, datastoreKey, task); err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with ID %d: %s", datastoreKey.ID, err)
+		if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Could not update compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
 	} else {
 		// The with patch run succeeded. Mark the android_compile_tree_broken metric accordingly.
-		updateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(false)
+		ac_util.UpdateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(false)
 	return nil
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/main.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420a06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/go/android_compile_be/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+	Android Compile Server for Skia Bots.
+package main
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"html/template"
+	"os"
+	"os/user"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	ac_util ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	// This determines the number of go routines we want to run when receiving pubsub messages.
+	// When we receive a pubsub msg we handle it immediately and either Ack it or Nack it,
+	// there should be no need for parallel receives. Also we do not expect to get tons of parallel
+	// tryjob requests so handling one at a time should be ok.
+var (
+	// Flags
+	local              = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
+	port               = flag.String("port", ":8000", "HTTP service port.")
+	promPort           = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':20000')")
+	resourcesDir       = flag.String("resources_dir", "", "The directory to find and template files.  If blank then the directory two directories up from this source file will be used.")
+	workdir            = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Directory to use for scratch work.")
+	numCheckouts       = flag.Int("num_checkouts", 10, "The number of checkouts the Android compile server should maintain.")
+	repoUpdateDuration = flag.Duration("repo_update_duration", 1*time.Hour, "How often to update the main Android repository.")
+	serviceAccount     = flag.String("service_account", "", "Should be set when running in K8s.")
+	// Useful for debugging.
+	hang = flag.Bool("hang", false, "If true, just hang and do nothing.")
+	// Pubsub for storage flags.
+	projectID      = flag.String("project_id", "", "Project ID of the Cloud project where the PubSub topic and GS bucket lives.")
+	storageBucket  = flag.String("bucket", "android-compile-tasks-staging", "Storage bucket where android compile task JSON files will be kept.")
+	subscriberName = flag.String("subscriber", "android-compile-tasks-staging", "ID of the pubsub subscriber.")
+	topicName      = flag.String("topic", "android-compile-tasks-staging", "Google Cloud PubSub topic of the eventbus.")
+	// Datastore params
+	namespace   = flag.String("namespace", "android-compile-staging", "The Cloud Datastore namespace, such as 'android-compile'.")
+	projectName = flag.String("project_name", "", "The Google Cloud project name.")
+	// Used to signal when checkouts are ready to serve requests.
+	checkoutsReadyMutex sync.RWMutex
+	// indexTemplate is the main index.html page we serve.
+	indexTemplate *template.Template = nil
+	hostname string
+// triggerCompileTask runs the specified CompileTask in a goroutine. After
+// completion the task is marked as Done and updated in the Datastore.
+func triggerCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task *ac_util.CompileTask) {
+	go func() {
+		checkoutsReadyMutex.RLock()
+		defer checkoutsReadyMutex.RUnlock()
+		pathToCompileScript := filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "")
+		datastoreKey := ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(task.LunchTarget, task.Issue, task.PatchSet)
+		sklog.Infof("Triggering %s", datastoreKey.Name)
+		if err := RunCompileTask(ctx, g, task, pathToCompileScript); err != nil {
+			task.InfraFailure = true
+			task.Error = err.Error()
+			sklog.Errorf("Error when compiling task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
+		}
+		task.Done = true
+		task.Completed = time.Now()
+		if err := UpdateCompileTask(ctx, g, task); err != nil {
+			sklog.Errorf("Could not update compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
+		}
+	}()
+// UpdateCompileTask updates the task in both Google storage and in Datastore.
+func UpdateCompileTask(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task *ac_util.CompileTask) error {
+	datastoreKey := ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(task.LunchTarget, task.Issue, task.PatchSet)
+	if err := updateTaskInGoogleStorage(ctx, g, *task); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update in Google storage compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
+	}
+	if _, err := ac_util.UpdateTaskInDS(ctx, task); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Could not update in Datastore compile task with Key %s: %s", datastoreKey.Name, err)
+	}
+	return nil
+func updateTaskInGoogleStorage(ctx context.Context, g *gsFileLocation, task ac_util.CompileTask) error {
+	// Update the Google storage file with the taskID.
+	b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
+		ac_util.CompileTask
+		TaskID string `json:"task_id"`
+	}{
+		CompileTask: task,
+		TaskID:      ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(task.LunchTarget, task.Issue, task.PatchSet).Name,
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Could not re-encode compile task: %s", err)
+	}
+	wr := g.storageClient.Bucket(g.bucket).Object(
+	defer util.Close(wr)
+	wr.ObjectAttrs.ContentEncoding = "application/json"
+	if _, err := wr.Write(b); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Failed writing JSON to GCS: %s", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+type gsFileLocation struct {
+	bucket        string
+	name          string
+	storageClient *storage.Client
+func newGCSFileLocation(bucket, name string, storageClient *storage.Client) *gsFileLocation {
+	return &gsFileLocation{
+		bucket:        bucket,
+		name:          name,
+		storageClient: storageClient,
+	}
+func initPubSub(ts oauth2.TokenSource, resultCh chan *ac_util.CompileTask, storageClient *storage.Client) error {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	// Create a client.
+	client, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, *projectID, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Create topic and subscription if necessary.
+	// Topic.
+	topic := client.Topic(*topicName)
+	exists, err := topic.Exists(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if !exists {
+		if _, err := client.CreateTopic(ctx, *topicName); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	// Subscription.
+	subName := fmt.Sprintf("%s+%s", *subscriberName, *topicName)
+	sub := client.Subscription(subName)
+	exists, err = sub.Exists(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if !exists {
+		if _, err := client.CreateSubscription(ctx, subName, pubsub.SubscriptionConfig{
+			Topic:       topic,
+			AckDeadline: 10 * time.Second,
+		}); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages = MAX_PARALLEL_RECEIVES
+	sub.ReceiveSettings.NumGoroutines = MAX_PARALLEL_RECEIVES
+	go func() {
+		for {
+			// The pubsub receive callback method does either an Ack()
+			// or Nack() with a comment before all returns.
+			//
+			//
+			// The following cases are Nack'ed:
+			// * All checkouts on this instance are busy and cannot
+			//   pickup the task yet.
+			// * This instance is syncing it's mirror and cannot
+			//   pickup the task till it is done.
+			// * Unknown errors when trying to claim the task.
+			//
+			//
+			// The followed cases are Ack'ed:
+			// * Could not decode the pubsub message body.
+			// * When storage object is overwritten (not new file). We
+			//   only care about processing new files.
+			// * The file no longer exists in Google storage.
+			// * Could not read the JSON in the file.
+			// * There is a datastore entry for the file that says that
+			//   the current instance owns it but is not running it yet.
+			//   Something probably went wrong and we will Ack it and run
+			//   the task.
+			// * There is a datastore entry for the file that says that
+			//   another instance owns it. This instance will Ack it and not
+			//   run the task to avoid duplicated work.
+			// * If none of the above Nack or Ack cases matched it then we
+			//   will Ack it and run the task.
+			//
+			if err := sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, m *pubsub.Message) {
+				var message struct {
+					Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
+					Name   string `json:"name"`
+				}
+				if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Data, &message); err != nil {
+					sklog.Errorf("Failed to decode pubsub message body: %s", err)
+					m.Ack() // We'll never be able to handle this message.
+					return
+				}
+				// The overwroteGeneration attribute only appears in OBJECT_FINALIZE
+				// events in the case of an overwrite.
+				// Source:
+				// We ignore such messages because we only care about
+				// processing new files.
+				if m.Attributes["overwroteGeneration"] != "" {
+					sklog.Debugf("Override for %s", message.Name)
+					m.Ack() // An existing request.
+					return
+				}
+				sklog.Infof("Received storage event: %s / %s\n", message.Bucket, message.Name)
+				data, err := storageClient.Bucket(message.Bucket).Object(message.Name).NewReader(ctx)
+				if err != nil {
+					sklog.Errorf("New reader failed for %s/%s: %s", message.Bucket, message.Name, err)
+					m.Ack() // Maybe the file no longer exists.
+					return
+				}
+				task := ac_util.CompileTask{}
+				if err := json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&task); err != nil {
+					sklog.Errorf("Failed to parse request: %s", err)
+					m.Ack() // We'll probably never be able to handle this message.
+					return
+				}
+				// Is this instance ready to pickup new tasks? Checks for the following to decide:
+				// * Are all checkouts busy?
+				// * Is mirror sync going on?
+				// If either of these cases are true then the message is Nack'ed. Hopefully another instance
+				// handles it, else this instance will pick it up when free.
+				if len(AvailableCheckoutsChan) == 0 {
+					sklog.Debugf("All %d checkouts are busy. Nack'ing %s .", *numCheckouts, message.Name)
+					if err := ac_util.AddUnownedCompileTask(&task); err != nil {
+						sklog.Error(err)
+					}
+					m.Nack()
+					return
+				} else if getMirrorUpdateRunning() {
+					sklog.Debugf("Mirror is being updated right now. Nack'ing %s.", message.Name)
+					if err := ac_util.AddUnownedCompileTask(&task); err != nil {
+						sklog.Error(err)
+					}
+					m.Nack()
+					return
+				}
+				// Check to see if another instance picked up this task, if not then claim it.
+				if err := ac_util.ClaimAndAddCompileTask(&task, hostname /* ownedByInstance */); err != nil {
+					if err == ac_util.ErrAnotherInstanceRunningTask || err == ac_util.ErrThisInstanceRunningTask {
+						sklog.Info(err.Error())
+						m.Ack() // An instance is already running this task.
+						return
+					} else if err == ac_util.ErrThisInstanceOwnsTaskButNotRunning {
+						sklog.Info(err.Error())
+						// This instance should run this task so continue.
+						// TODO(rmistry): Not sure if this should be Ack'ed instead.
+					} else {
+						sklog.Errorf("Could not claim %s: %s", message.Name, err)
+						m.Nack() // Failed due to unknown reason. Let's try again.
+						return
+					}
+				}
+				// Send the new task to the results channel and Ack the message afterwards.
+				resultCh <- &task
+				m.Ack()
+				return
+			}); err != nil {
+				sklog.Errorf("Failed to receive pubsub messages: %s", err)
+			}
+		}
+	}()
+	return nil
+func main() {
+	flag.Parse()
+	common.InitWithMust("android_compile", common.PrometheusOpt(promPort), common.MetricsLoggingOpt())
+	defer common.Defer()
+	skiaversion.MustLogVersion()
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	var err error
+	hostname, err = os.Hostname()
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Could not find hostname: %s", err)
+	}
+	if *projectID == "" || *topicName == "" || *subscriberName == "" {
+		sklog.Fatalf("project_id, topic and subscriber flags must all be set.")
+	}
+	if *hang {
+		sklog.Infof("--hang provided; doing nothing.")
+		httputils.RunHealthCheckServer(*port)
+	}
+	// Create token source.
+	ts, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(*local, auth.SCOPE_READ_WRITE, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL, auth.SCOPE_GERRIT, datastore.ScopeDatastore, pubsub.ScopePubSub)
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Problem setting up default token source: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Instantiate storage client.
+	storageClient, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create a Google Storage API client: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Initialize cloud datastore.
+	if err := ac_util.DatastoreInit(*projectName, *namespace, ts); err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to init cloud datastore: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Register instance with frontend.
+	if err := ac_util.UpdateInstanceInDS(ctx, hostname, time.Now().Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST"), *repoUpdateDuration, false); err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to update instance kind in datastore: %s", err)
+	}
+	if !*local {
+		// Use the gitcookie created by gitauth package.
+		user, err := user.Current()
+		if err != nil {
+			sklog.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		gitcookiesPath := filepath.Join(user.HomeDir, ".gitcookies")
+		if _, err := gitauth.New(ts, gitcookiesPath, true, *serviceAccount); err != nil {
+			sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create git cookie updater: %s", err)
+		}
+	}
+	// Initialize checkouts.
+	if err := CheckoutsInit(*numCheckouts, *workdir, *repoUpdateDuration, storageClient); err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to init checkouts: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Init pubsub.
+	resultCh := make(chan *ac_util.CompileTask)
+	if err := initPubSub(ts, resultCh, storageClient); err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// Start listener for when the mirror should be force synced.
+	// Update mirror here and then periodically.
+	cleanup.Repeat(time.Minute, func() {
+		// Check the datastore and if it is true then Update the mirror!
+		forceMirror, err := ac_util.GetForceMirrorUpdateBool(ctx, hostname)
+		if err != nil {
+			sklog.Errorf("Could not get force mirror update bool from datastore: %s", err)
+		} else if forceMirror {
+			sklog.Info("Gone request to force sync mirror. Starting now.")
+			UpdateMirror(ctx)
+		}
+	}, nil)
+	// Find and reschedule all CompileTasks that are owned by this instance but did not
+	// run to completion. They likely did not run to completion because the server
+	// was restarted in the middle of run(s). Do not block bringing up the server.
+	// Any "running" CompileTasks means that the server was restarted in the middle
+	// of run(s). Do not block bringing up the server.
+	go func() {
+		_, ownedPendingTasks, err := ac_util.GetPendingCompileTasks(hostname /* ownedByInstance */)
+		if err != nil {
+			sklog.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve compile tasks and keys: %s", err)
+		}
+		for _, t := range ownedPendingTasks {
+			taskKey := ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(t.LunchTarget, t.Issue, t.PatchSet)
+			sklog.Infof("Found orphaned task %s. Retriggering it...", taskKey.Name)
+			// Make sure the file exists in GS first.
+			fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", taskKey.Name)
+			_, err := storageClient.Bucket(*storageBucket).Object(fileName).Attrs(ctx)
+			if err != nil {
+				sklog.Fatalf("Unable to get handle for orphaned task '%s/%s': %s", *storageBucket, fileName, err)
+			}
+			triggerCompileTask(ctx, newGCSFileLocation(*storageBucket, fileName, storageClient), t)
+		}
+	}()
+	// Wait for compile task requests that come in.
+	go func() {
+		for true {
+			compileTask := <-resultCh
+			taskKey := ac_util.GetTaskDSKey(compileTask.LunchTarget, compileTask.Issue, compileTask.PatchSet)
+			fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", taskKey.Name)
+			triggerCompileTask(ctx, newGCSFileLocation(*storageBucket, fileName, storageClient), compileTask)
+		}
+	}()
+	httputils.RunHealthCheckServer(*port)
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/Dockerfile b/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca69ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+USER skia
+COPY . /
+ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/android_compile_fe"]
diff --git a/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/main.go b/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22bd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/go/android_compile_fe/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+	Android Compile Server Frontend.
+package main
+import (
+	"context"
+	"flag"
+	"html/template"
+	"net/http"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	FORCE_SYNC_POST_URL = "/_/force_sync"
+var (
+	// Flags
+	local        = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
+	host         = flag.String("host", "localhost", "HTTP service host")
+	port         = flag.String("port", ":8000", "HTTP service port.")
+	promPort     = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':20000')")
+	resourcesDir = flag.String("resources_dir", "", "The directory to find and template files.  If blank then the directory two directories up from this source file will be used.")
+	// Datastore params
+	namespace   = flag.String("namespace", "android-compile-staging", "The Cloud Datastore namespace, such as 'android-compile'.")
+	projectName = flag.String("project_name", "", "The Google Cloud project name.")
+	// indexTemplate is the main index.html page we serve.
+	indexTemplate *template.Template = nil
+	serverURL string
+func reloadTemplates() {
+	indexTemplate = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(
+		filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "templates/index.html"),
+		filepath.Join(*resourcesDir, "templates/header.html"),
+	))
+func loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusFound)
+	return
+func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	if *local {
+		reloadTemplates()
+	}
+	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
+	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
+		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusSeeOther)
+		return
+	}
+	unownedPendingTasks, ownedPendingTasks, err := util.GetPendingCompileTasks("" /* ownedByInstance */)
+	if err != nil {
+		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to get unowned/owned compile tasks")
+		return
+	}
+	androidCompileInstances, err := util.GetAllCompileInstances(context.Background())
+	if err != nil {
+		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to get android compile instances")
+		return
+	}
+	var info = struct {
+		AndroidCompileInstances []*util.AndroidCompileInstance
+		UnownedPendingTasks     []*util.CompileTask
+		OwnedPendingTasks       []*util.CompileTask
+	}{
+		AndroidCompileInstances: androidCompileInstances,
+		UnownedPendingTasks:     unownedPendingTasks,
+		OwnedPendingTasks:       ownedPendingTasks,
+	}
+	if err := indexTemplate.Execute(w, info); err != nil {
+		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to expand template")
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func forceSyncHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	if *local {
+		reloadTemplates()
+	}
+	if login.LoggedInAs(r) == "" {
+		http.Redirect(w, r, login.LoginURL(w, r), http.StatusSeeOther)
+		return
+	}
+	if err := util.SetForceMirrorUpdateOnAllInstances(context.Background()); err != nil {
+		httputils.ReportError(w, r, err, "Failed to set force mirror update on all instances")
+		return
+	}
+	sklog.Infof("Force sync button has been pressed by %s", login.LoggedInAs(r))
+	return
+func runServer() {
+	r := mux.NewRouter()
+	r.PathPrefix("/res/").HandlerFunc(httputils.MakeResourceHandler(*resourcesDir))
+	r.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc(FORCE_SYNC_POST_URL, forceSyncHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc("/json/version", skiaversion.JsonHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc(login.DEFAULT_OAUTH2_CALLBACK, login.OAuth2CallbackHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc("/login/", loginHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
+	r.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
+	h := httputils.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(r)
+	if !*local {
+		h = httputils.HealthzAndHTTPS(h)
+	}
+	http.Handle("/", h)
+	sklog.Infof("Ready to serve on %s", serverURL)
+	sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, nil))
+func main() {
+	flag.Parse()
+	common.InitWithMust("android_compile_fe", common.PrometheusOpt(promPort), common.MetricsLoggingOpt())
+	defer common.Defer()
+	skiaversion.MustLogVersion()
+	reloadTemplates()
+	serverURL = "https://" + *host
+	if *local {
+		serverURL = "http://" + *host + *port
+	}
+	login.InitWithAllow(serverURL+login.DEFAULT_OAUTH2_CALLBACK, allowed.Googlers(), allowed.Googlers(), nil)
+	// Create token source.
+	ts, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(*local, auth.SCOPE_READ_WRITE, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL, auth.SCOPE_GERRIT, datastore.ScopeDatastore)
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Problem setting up default token source: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Initialize cloud datastore.
+	if err := util.DatastoreInit(*projectName, *namespace, ts); err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatalf("Failed to init cloud datastore: %s", err)
+	}
+	// Start updater for the queue length metrics.
+	cleanup.Repeat(time.Minute, func() {
+		unownedPendingTasks, ownedPendingTasks, err := util.GetPendingCompileTasks("" /* ownedByInstance */)
+		if err != nil {
+			sklog.Errorf("Failed to get unowned/owned compile tasks: %s", err)
+		} else {
+			util.QueueLengthMetric.Update(int64(len(unownedPendingTasks)))
+			util.RunningLengthMetric.Update(int64(len(ownedPendingTasks)))
+		}
+	}, nil)
+	runServer()
diff --git a/android_compile/go/util/datastore.go b/android_compile/go/util/datastore.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c56d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/go/util/datastore.go
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+	Used by the Android Compile Server to interact with the cloud datastore.
+package util
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"sort"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+var (
+	ErrAnotherInstanceRunningTask        = errors.New("Another instance has picked up this task")
+	ErrThisInstanceRunningTask           = errors.New("This instance is already running this task")
+	ErrThisInstanceOwnsTaskButNotRunning = errors.New("This instance has picked up this task but it is not running yet")
+type AndroidCompileInstance struct {
+	MirrorLastSynced     string `json:"mirror_last_synced"`
+	MirrorUpdateDuration string `json:"mirror_update_duration"`
+	ForceMirrorUpdate    bool   `json:"force_mirror_update"`
+	Name                 string `json:"name"`
+type CompileTask struct {
+	Issue    int    `json:"issue"`
+	PatchSet int    `json:"patchset"`
+	Hash     string `json:"hash"`
+	LunchTarget string `json:"lunch_target"`
+	MMMATargets string `json:"mmma_targets"`
+	Checkout string `json:"checkout"`
+	Created   time.Time `json:"created"`
+	Completed time.Time `json:"completed"`
+	WithPatchSucceeded bool `json:"withpatch_success"`
+	NoPatchSucceeded   bool `json:"nopatch_success"`
+	WithPatchLog string `json:"withpatch_log"`
+	NoPatchLog   string `json:"nopatch_log"`
+	CompileServerInstance string `json:"compile_server_instance"`
+	IsMasterBranch        bool   `json:"is_master_branch"`
+	Done                  bool   `json:"done"`
+	Error                 string `json:"error"`
+	InfraFailure          bool   `json:"infra_failure"`
+type sortTasks []*CompileTask
+func (a sortTasks) Len() int      { return len(a) }
+func (a sortTasks) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
+func (a sortTasks) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return a[i].Created.Before(a[j].Created)
+// ClaimAndAddCompileTask adds the compile task to the datastore and marks it
+// as being owned by the specified instance.
+// The function throws the following custom errors:
+// * ErrThisInstanceOwnsTaskButNotRunning - Thrown when the specified instance
+//     owns the task but it is not running yet.
+// * ErrThisInstanceRunningTask - Thrown when the specified instance owns the task
+// *   and it is currently running.
+// * ErrAnotherInstanceRunningTask - Thrown when another instance (not the specified
+//     instance) owns the task.
+func ClaimAndAddCompileTask(taskFromGS *CompileTask, currentInstance string) error {
+	var err error
+	_, err = ds.DS.RunInTransaction(context.Background(), func(tx *datastore.Transaction) error {
+		var taskFromDS CompileTask
+		// Use the task from GS to construct the Key and look in Datastore.
+		k := GetTaskDSKey(taskFromGS.LunchTarget, taskFromGS.Issue, taskFromGS.PatchSet)
+		if err := tx.Get(k, &taskFromDS); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
+			return err
+		}
+		if taskFromDS.Done {
+			sklog.Infof("%s exists in Datastore and is completed but there was a new request for it. Running it..", k)
+		} else if taskFromDS.CompileServerInstance != "" {
+			if taskFromDS.CompileServerInstance == currentInstance {
+				if taskFromDS.Checkout == "" {
+					sklog.Infof("%s has already been picked up by this instance but task is not running.", k)
+					return ErrThisInstanceOwnsTaskButNotRunning
+				} else {
+					sklog.Infof("%s has already been picked up by this instance", k)
+					return ErrThisInstanceRunningTask
+				}
+			} else {
+				sklog.Infof("%s has been picked up by %s", k, taskFromDS.CompileServerInstance)
+				return ErrAnotherInstanceRunningTask
+			}
+		}
+		// Populate some taskFromGS properties before adding to datastore.
+		taskFromGS.CompileServerInstance = currentInstance
+		taskFromGS.Created = time.Now()
+		if _, err := tx.Put(k, taskFromGS); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		return nil
+	})
+	return err
+// AddUnownedCompileTask adds the task to the datastore without an owner instance.
+// Task is added to the datastore if it does not already exist in the datastore or
+// if it exists but is marked as completed.
+func AddUnownedCompileTask(taskFromGS *CompileTask) error {
+	var err error
+	_, err = ds.DS.RunInTransaction(context.Background(), func(tx *datastore.Transaction) error {
+		var taskFromDS CompileTask
+		k := GetTaskDSKey(taskFromGS.LunchTarget, taskFromGS.Issue, taskFromGS.PatchSet)
+		if err := tx.Get(k, &taskFromDS); err != nil {
+			if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
+				// If task does not exist then add it as a pending task.
+				taskFromGS.Created = time.Now()
+				if _, err := tx.Put(k, taskFromGS); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			} else {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		if taskFromDS.Done {
+			// Task is in Datastore and has completed, but a new request
+			// has come in so override the old task.
+			taskFromGS.Created = time.Now()
+			if _, err := tx.Put(k, taskFromGS); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		return nil
+	})
+	return err
+// GetPendingCompileTasks returns slices of unowned tasks and currently running
+// (but not yet completed) tasks.
+func GetPendingCompileTasks(ownedByInstance string) ([]*CompileTask, []*CompileTask, error) {
+	// Pending tasks that have not been picked up by an instance yet.
+	unownedPendingTasks := []*CompileTask{}
+	// Pending tasks that have been picked up by an instance.
+	ownedPendingTasks := []*CompileTask{}
+	q := ds.NewQuery(ds.COMPILE_TASK).EventualConsistency().Filter("Done =", false)
+	it := ds.DS.Run(context.TODO(), q)
+	for {
+		t := &CompileTask{}
+		_, err := it.Next(t)
+		if err == iterator.Done {
+			break
+		} else if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of tasks: %s", err)
+		}
+		if t.CompileServerInstance == "" {
+			unownedPendingTasks = append(unownedPendingTasks, t)
+		} else {
+			if ownedByInstance == "" {
+				ownedPendingTasks = append(ownedPendingTasks, t)
+			} else if t.CompileServerInstance == ownedByInstance {
+				ownedPendingTasks = append(ownedPendingTasks, t)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	sort.Sort(sortTasks(unownedPendingTasks))
+	sort.Sort(sortTasks(ownedPendingTasks))
+	return unownedPendingTasks, ownedPendingTasks, nil
+func DatastoreInit(project, ns string, ts oauth2.TokenSource) error {
+	return ds.InitWithOpt(project, ns, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
+func UpdateInstanceInDS(ctx context.Context, hostname, mirrorLastSynced string, mirrorUpdateDuration time.Duration, forceMirrorUpdate bool) error {
+	k := GetInstanceDSKey(hostname)
+	i := AndroidCompileInstance{
+		MirrorLastSynced:     mirrorLastSynced,
+		MirrorUpdateDuration: mirrorUpdateDuration.String(),
+		ForceMirrorUpdate:    forceMirrorUpdate,
+		Name:                 hostname,
+	}
+	_, err := ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, &i)
+	return err
+func GetAllCompileInstances(ctx context.Context) ([]*AndroidCompileInstance, error) {
+	var instances []*AndroidCompileInstance
+	_, err := ds.DS.GetAll(ctx, q, &instances)
+	return instances, err
+func SetForceMirrorUpdateOnAllInstances(ctx context.Context) error {
+	var instances []*AndroidCompileInstance
+	if _, err := ds.DS.GetAll(ctx, q, &instances); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, i := range instances {
+		i.ForceMirrorUpdate = true
+		if _, err := ds.DS.Put(ctx, GetInstanceDSKey(i.Name), i); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func GetForceMirrorUpdateBool(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (bool, error) {
+	k := GetInstanceDSKey(hostname)
+	var i AndroidCompileInstance
+	if err := ds.DS.Get(ctx, k, &i); err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	return i.ForceMirrorUpdate, nil
+func GetInstanceDSKey(hostname string) *datastore.Key {
+	k.Name = hostname
+	return k
+func GetTaskDSKey(lunchTarget string, issue, patchset int) *datastore.Key {
+	k := ds.NewKey(ds.COMPILE_TASK)
+	k.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%d", lunchTarget, issue, patchset)
+	return k
+func UpdateTaskInDS(ctx context.Context, t *CompileTask) (*datastore.Key, error) {
+	k := GetTaskDSKey(t.LunchTarget, t.Issue, t.PatchSet)
+	return ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, t)
diff --git a/android_compile/go/util/metrics.go b/android_compile/go/util/metrics.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33f7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_compile/go/util/metrics.go
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package util
+import (
+	"sync"
+	""
+var (
+	// Metrics regarding number of waiting and running tasks.
+	QueueLengthMetric   = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_waiting_tasks", nil)
+	RunningLengthMetric = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_running_tasks", nil)
+	// Metric regarding broken android tree and it's mutex.
+	androidTreeBrokenMetric      = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_tree_broken", nil)
+	androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex = sync.Mutex{}
+	// Metric regarding mirror syncs. Does not need a mutex because the tree is
+	// only updated after a mutex lock.
+	MirrorSyncFailureMetric = metrics2.GetInt64Metric("android_compile_mirror_sync_failure", nil)
+func UpdateAndroidTreeBrokenMetric(broken bool) {
+	val := 0
+	if broken {
+		val = 1
+	}
+	androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex.Lock()
+	defer androidTreeBrokenMetricMutex.Unlock()
+	androidTreeBrokenMetric.Update(int64(val))
diff --git a/android_compile/res/imp/force-sync-sk.html b/android_compile/res/imp/force-sync-sk.html
index 53e8230..8b4e3a6 100644
--- a/android_compile/res/imp/force-sync-sk.html
+++ b/android_compile/res/imp/force-sync-sk.html
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
         border-spacing: 0px;
         width: 80%;
+      tr.headers {
+        background-color: #CCCCFF;
+        text-align: center;
+      }
       tr {
         text-align: center;
@@ -46,19 +50,25 @@
     <table class="forcesync">
-      <col width = "50%">
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-          Checkout synced at: {{mirrorLastSynced}}
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          Periodic syncs done every: {{mirrorUpdateDuration}}
-        </td>
+      <tr class="headers">
+        <td colspan=3>Instances</td>
+      <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[androidCompileInstances]]">
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            {{}}
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            Last synced at: {{item.mirror_last_synced}}
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            Periodic syncs done every: {{item.mirror_update_duration}}
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </template>
-        <td colspan=2>
-          <paper-button raised id="force_sync" disabled={{mirrorUpdateRunning}}>Force Sync Android Checkout</paper-button>
-          <template is="dom-if" if="{{mirrorUpdateRunning}}"><br/>Checkout is currently being synced</template>
+        <td colspan=3>
+          <paper-button raised id="force_sync">Force Sync All Instances</paper-button>
@@ -69,17 +79,9 @@
     is: "force-sync-sk",
     properties: {
-      mirrorLastSynced: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      mirrorUpdateDuration: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      mirrorUpdateRunning: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
+      androidCompileInstances: {
+        type: Array,
+        value: [],
diff --git a/android_compile/res/imp/list-tasks-sk.html b/android_compile/res/imp/list-tasks-sk.html
index b3c6137..f20835b 100644
--- a/android_compile/res/imp/list-tasks-sk.html
+++ b/android_compile/res/imp/list-tasks-sk.html
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
-    waitingTasks - An array of compile tasks waiting to be picked up.
-    runningTasks - An array of currently running compile tasks.
+    androidCompileInstances - An array of Android compile instances.
+    unownedPendingTasks - An array of compile tasks waiting to be picked up.
+    ownedPendingTasks - An array of currently running compile tasks.
@@ -55,9 +56,7 @@
       <compile-menu-sk navigation></compile-menu-sk>
-      <force-sync-sk mirror-last-synced="{{mirrorLastSynced}}"
-                     mirror-update-duration="{{mirrorUpdateDuration}}"
-                     mirror-update-running="{{mirrorUpdateRunning}}">
+      <force-sync-sk android-compile-instances="[[androidCompileInstances]]">
@@ -66,10 +65,10 @@
         <col width = "50%">
         <tr class="headers">
           <td colspan=2>
-            [[waitingTasks.length]] Tasks Waiting in Queue
+            [[unownedPendingTasks.length]] Tasks Waiting in Queue
-        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{waitingTasks}}">
+        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{unownedPendingTasks}}">
               <template is="dom-if" if="[[item.hash]]">
@@ -93,19 +92,14 @@
         <col width = "50%">
         <tr class="headers">
           <td colspan=2>
-            [[runningTasks.length]] Tasks Currently Running
+            [[ownedPendingTasks.length]] Tasks Currently Running
-        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{runningTasks}}">
+        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{ownedPendingTasks}}">
-              Running on [[item.checkout]] :
-              <template is="dom-if" if="[[item.hash]]">
-                <a href="[[ _getHashLink(item.hash) ]]" target="_blank">[[ _getShortHash(item.hash) ]]</a>
-              </template>
-              <template is="dom-if" if="[[item.issue]]">
-                <a href="[[ _getGerritLink(item.issue, item.patchset) ]]" target="_blank">skrev/[[item.issue]]/[[item.patchset]]</a>
-              </template>
+              Running on [[item.compile_server_instance]] ([[item.checkout]]):
+              <a href="[[ _getGerritLink(item.issue, item.patchset) ]]" target="_blank">skrev/[[item.issue]]/[[item.patchset]]</a>
               Created: [[ _formatTimestamp(item.created) ]]
@@ -120,23 +114,15 @@
     is: "list-tasks-sk",
     properties: {
-      mirrorLastSynced: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      mirrorUpdateDuration: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      mirrorUpdateRunning: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      waitingTasks: {
+      androidCompileInstances: {
         type: Array,
         value: [],
-      runningTasks: {
+      unownedPendingTasks: {
+        type: Array,
+        value: [],
+      },
+      ownedPendingTasks: {
         type: Array,
         value: [],
diff --git a/android_compile/templates/index.html b/android_compile/templates/index.html
index 96b4c6c..ac88633 100644
--- a/android_compile/templates/index.html
+++ b/android_compile/templates/index.html
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@
     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
       (function() {
-         $$$('list-tasks-sk').mirrorLastSynced = {{.MirrorLastSynced}};
-         $$$('list-tasks-sk').mirrorUpdateDuration = {{.MirrorUpdateDuration}};
-         $$$('list-tasks-sk').mirrorUpdateRunning = {{.MirrorUpdateRunning}};
-         $$$('list-tasks-sk').waitingTasks = {{.WaitingTasks}};
-         $$$('list-tasks-sk').runningTasks = {{.RunningTasks}};
+         $$$('list-tasks-sk').androidCompileInstances = {{.AndroidCompileInstances}};
+         $$$('list-tasks-sk').unownedPendingTasks = {{.UnownedPendingTasks}};
+         $$$('list-tasks-sk').ownedPendingTasks = {{.OwnedPendingTasks}};
diff --git a/go/ds/ds.go b/go/ds/ds.go
index 0378b0a..b52f03c 100644
--- a/go/ds/ds.go
+++ b/go/ds/ds.go
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
 	HELPER_RECENT_KEYS Kind = "HelperRecentKeys"
 	// Android Compile
-	COMPILE_TASK Kind = "CompileTask"
+	COMPILE_TASK              Kind = "CompileTask"
+	ANDROID_COMPILE_INSTANCES Kind = "AndroidCompileInstances"
 	// Leasing
 	TASK Kind = "Task"
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
 		GOLD_LOTTIE_NS:         goldKinds,
 		GOLD_PDFIUM_NS:         goldKinds,
 		GOLD_SKIA_PROD_NS:      goldKinds,