blob: 62b8dc3e5aa0db3f317ed7755a8fd11c50a9eee8 [file] [log] [blame]
package types
import (
func init() {
// Register *GoldenTrace in gob so that it can be used as a
// concrete type for Trace when writing and reading Tiles in gobs.
const (
// Primary key field that uniquely identifies a key.
// Field that contains the corpus identifier.
CORPUS_FIELD = "source_type"
// MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH is the maximum length in bytes a test name can be.
// Label for classifying digests.
type Label int
const (
// Classifications for observed digests.
UNTRIAGED Label = iota // == 0
// String representation for Labels. The order must match order above.
var labelStringRepresentation = []string{
func (l Label) String() string {
return labelStringRepresentation[l]
var labels = map[string]Label{
"untriaged": UNTRIAGED,
"positive": POSITIVE,
"negative": NEGATIVE,
func LabelFromString(s string) Label {
if l, ok := labels[s]; ok {
return l
// ValidLabel returns true if the given label is a valid label string.
func ValidLabel(s string) bool {
_, ok := labels[s]
return ok
// Strings are used a lot, so these type "aliases" can help document
// which are meant where. See also tiling.TraceId
// Of note, Digest exclusively means a unique image, identified by
// the MD5 hash of its pixels.
type Digest string
type TestName string
// Stores the digests and their associated labels.
// Note: The name of the test is assumed to be handled by the client of this
// type. Most likely in the keys of a map.
type TestClassification map[Digest]Label
func (tc *TestClassification) DeepCopy() TestClassification {
result := make(map[Digest]Label, len(*tc))
for k, v := range *tc {
result[k] = v
return result
// The IgnoreState enum gives a human-readable way to determine if the
// tile or whatever is dealing with the full amount of information
// (IncludeIgnoredTraces) or the information with the ignore rules applied
// (ExcludeIgnoredTraces).
type IgnoreState int
const (
ExcludeIgnoredTraces IgnoreState = iota
IncludeIgnoredTraces // i.e. all digests
var IgnoreStates = []IgnoreState{ExcludeIgnoredTraces, IncludeIgnoredTraces}
// ComplexTile contains an enriched version of a tile loaded through the ingestion process.
// It provides ways to handle sparse tiles, where many commits of the underlying raw tile
// contain no data and therefore removed.
// In either case (sparse or dense tile) it offers two versions of the tile.
// one with all ignored traces and one without the ignored traces.
// In addition it also contains the ignore rules and information about the larger "sparse" tile
// if the tiles at hand were condensed from a larger tile.
type ComplexTile interface {
// AllCommits returns all commits that were processed to get the data commits.
// Its first commit should match the first commit returned when calling DataCommits.
AllCommits() []*tiling.Commit
// DataCommits returns all commits that contain data. In some busy repos, there are commits that
// don't get tested directly because the commits are batched in with others. DataCommits
// is a way to get just the commits where some data has been ingested.
DataCommits() []*tiling.Commit
// FromSame returns true if the given complex tile was derived from the same tile as the one
// provided and if none of the other parameters changed, especially the ignore revision.
FromSame(completeTile *tiling.Tile, ignoreRev int64) bool
// FilledCommits returns how many commits in the tile have data.
FilledCommits() int
// GetTile returns a simple tile either with or without ignored traces depending on the argument.
GetTile(is IgnoreState) *tiling.Tile
// SetIgnoreRules adds ignore rules to the tile and a sub-tile with the ignores removed.
// In other words this function assumes that original tile has been filtered by the
// ignore rules that are being passed.
SetIgnoreRules(reducedTile *tiling.Tile, ignoreRules paramtools.ParamMatcher, irRev int64)
// IgnoreRules returns the ignore rules for this tile.
IgnoreRules() paramtools.ParamMatcher
// SetSparse sets sparsity information about this tile.
SetSparse(sparseCommits []*tiling.Commit, cardinalities []int)
type ComplexTileImpl struct {
// tileExcludeIgnoredTraces is the current tile without ignored traces.
tileExcludeIgnoredTraces *tiling.Tile
// tileIncludeIgnoredTraces is the current tile containing all available data.
tileIncludeIgnoredTraces *tiling.Tile
// ignoreRules contains the rules used to created the TileWithIgnores.
ignoreRules paramtools.ParamMatcher
// irRevision is the (monotonically increasing) revision of the ignore rules.
irRevision int64
// sparseCommits are all the commits that were used condense the underlying tile.
sparseCommits []*tiling.Commit
// cards captures the cardinality of each commit in sparse tile, meaning how many data points
// each commit contains.
cardinalities []int
// filled contains the number of commits that are non-empty.
filled int
func NewComplexTile(completeTile *tiling.Tile) *ComplexTileImpl {
return &ComplexTileImpl{
tileExcludeIgnoredTraces: completeTile,
tileIncludeIgnoredTraces: completeTile,
// SetIgnoreRules fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) SetIgnoreRules(reducedTile *tiling.Tile, ignoreRules paramtools.ParamMatcher, irRev int64) {
c.tileExcludeIgnoredTraces = reducedTile
c.irRevision = irRev
c.ignoreRules = ignoreRules
// SetSparse fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) SetSparse(sparseCommits []*tiling.Commit, cardinalities []int) {
// Make sure we always have valid values sparce commits.
if len(sparseCommits) == 0 {
sparseCommits = c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces.Commits
filled := len(c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces.Commits)
if len(cardinalities) == 0 {
cardinalities = make([]int, len(sparseCommits))
for idx := range cardinalities {
cardinalities[idx] = len(c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces.Traces)
} else {
for _, card := range cardinalities {
if card > 0 {
commitsLen := tiling.LastCommitIndex(sparseCommits) + 1
if commitsLen < len(sparseCommits) {
sparseCommits = sparseCommits[:commitsLen]
cardinalities = cardinalities[:commitsLen]
c.sparseCommits = sparseCommits
c.cardinalities = cardinalities
c.filled = filled
// FilledCommits fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) FilledCommits() int {
return c.filled
// FromSame fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) FromSame(completeTile *tiling.Tile, ignoreRev int64) bool {
return c != nil &&
c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces != nil &&
c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces == completeTile &&
c.tileExcludeIgnoredTraces != nil &&
c.irRevision == ignoreRev
// DataCommits fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) DataCommits() []*tiling.Commit {
return c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces.Commits
// AllCommits fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) AllCommits() []*tiling.Commit {
return c.sparseCommits
// GetTile fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) GetTile(is IgnoreState) *tiling.Tile {
if is == IncludeIgnoredTraces {
return c.tileIncludeIgnoredTraces
return c.tileExcludeIgnoredTraces
// IgnoreRules fulfills the ComplexTile interface.
func (c *ComplexTileImpl) IgnoreRules() paramtools.ParamMatcher {
return c.ignoreRules
// Make sure ComplexTileImpl fulfills the ComplexTile Interface
var _ ComplexTile = (*ComplexTileImpl)(nil)
const (
// No digest available.
// GoldenTrace represents all the Digests of a single test across a series
// of Commits. GoldenTrace implements the Trace interface.
type GoldenTrace struct {
// The JSON keys are named this way to maintain backwards compatibility
// with JSON already written to disk.
Keys map[string]string `json:"Params_"`
Digests []Digest `json:"Values"`
// Params implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Params() map[string]string {
return g.Keys
// TestName is a helper for extracting just the test name for this
// trace, of which there should always be exactly one.
func (g *GoldenTrace) TestName() TestName {
return TestName(g.Keys[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD])
// Corpus is a helper for extracting just the corpus key for this
// trace, of which there should always be exactly one.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Corpus() string {
return g.Keys[CORPUS_FIELD]
// Len implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Len() int {
return len(g.Digests)
// IsMissing implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) IsMissing(i int) bool {
return g.Digests[i] == MISSING_DIGEST
// DeepCopy implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) DeepCopy() tiling.Trace {
n := len(g.Digests)
cp := &GoldenTrace{
Digests: make([]Digest, n),
Keys: make(map[string]string),
copy(cp.Digests, g.Digests)
for k, v := range g.Keys {
cp.Keys[k] = v
return cp
// Merge implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Merge(next tiling.Trace) tiling.Trace {
nextGold := next.(*GoldenTrace)
n := len(g.Digests) + len(nextGold.Digests)
n1 := len(g.Digests)
merged := NewGoldenTraceN(n)
merged.Keys = g.Keys
for k, v := range nextGold.Keys {
merged.Keys[k] = v
copy(merged.Digests, g.Digests)
for i, v := range nextGold.Digests {
merged.Digests[n1+i] = v
return merged
// Grow implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Grow(n int, fill tiling.FillType) {
if n < len(g.Digests) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Grow must take a value (%d) larger than the current Trace size: %d", n, len(g.Digests)))
delta := n - len(g.Digests)
newDigests := make([]Digest, n)
if fill == tiling.FILL_AFTER {
copy(newDigests, g.Digests)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newDigests[i+len(g.Digests)] = MISSING_DIGEST
} else {
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newDigests[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
copy(newDigests[delta:], g.Digests)
g.Digests = newDigests
// Trim implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Trim(begin, end int) error {
if end < begin || end > g.Len() || begin < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Trim range [%d, %d) of [0, %d]", begin, end, g.Len())
n := end - begin
newDigests := make([]Digest, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
newDigests[i] = g.Digests[i+begin]
g.Digests = newDigests
return nil
// SetAt implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) SetAt(index int, value []byte) error {
if index < 0 || index > len(g.Digests) {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid index: %d", index)
g.Digests[index] = Digest(value)
return nil
// LastDigest returns the last digest in the trace (HEAD) or the empty string otherwise.
func (g *GoldenTrace) LastDigest() Digest {
if idx := g.LastIndex(); idx >= 0 {
return g.Digests[idx]
return Digest("")
// LastIndex returns the index of last non-empty value in this trace and -1 if
// if the entire trace is empty.
func (g *GoldenTrace) LastIndex() int {
for i := len(g.Digests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if g.Digests[i] != MISSING_DIGEST {
return i
return -1
// NewGoldenTrace allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Digests are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewGoldenTrace() *GoldenTrace {
return NewGoldenTraceN(tiling.TILE_SIZE)
// NewGoldenTraceN allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Digests are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewGoldenTraceN(n int) *GoldenTrace {
g := &GoldenTrace{
Digests: make([]Digest, n),
Keys: make(map[string]string),
for i := range g.Digests {
g.Digests[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
return g
func GoldenTraceBuilder(n int) tiling.Trace {
return NewGoldenTraceN(n)
// Same as Tile but instead of Traces we preserve the raw JSON. This is a
// utility struct that is used to parse a tile where we don't know the
// Trace type upfront.
type TileWithRawTraces struct {
Traces map[tiling.TraceId]json.RawMessage `json:"traces"`
ParamSet map[string][]string `json:"param_set"`
Commits []*tiling.Commit `json:"commits"`
Scale int `json:"scale"`
TileIndex int `json:"tileIndex"`
// TileFromJson parses a tile that has been serialized to JSON.
// traceExample has to be an instance of the Trace implementation
// that needs to be deserialized.
// Note: Instead of the type switch below we could use reflection
// to be truly generic, but it makes the code harder to read and
// currently we only have two types.
func TileFromJson(r io.Reader, traceExample tiling.Trace) (*tiling.Tile, error) {
factory := func() tiling.Trace { return NewGoldenTrace() }
// Decode everything, but the traces.
dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
var rawTile TileWithRawTraces
err := dec.Decode(&rawTile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Parse the traces.
traces := map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace{}
for k, rawJson := range rawTile.Traces {
newTrace := factory()
if err = json.Unmarshal(rawJson, newTrace); err != nil {
return nil, err
traces[k] = newTrace.(tiling.Trace)
return &tiling.Tile{
Traces: traces,
ParamSet: rawTile.ParamSet,
Commits: rawTile.Commits,
Scale: rawTile.Scale,
TileIndex: rawTile.Scale,
}, nil