blob: 2f11e6979becea48f3ba2b6c25d65ab51ea2c040 [file] [log] [blame]
package common
import (
const (
// AcquireLockSignalName signal channel name for lock acquisition
AcquireLockSignalName = "acquire-lock-event"
// RequestLockSignalName channel name for request lock
RequestLockSignalName = "request-lock-event"
// MutexLockWorkflowName is the name of the temporal workflow mutexWorkflow
mutexLockWorkflowName = "perf.mutex-lock"
type contextKey struct{}
var clientContextKey = &contextKey{}
type UnlockFunc func() error
// Mutex is a struct used by temporal to lock resources to allow workflows
// to utilize a resource sequentially. Mutex workflows hold onto swarming bots
// to ensure that they execute pairwise tasks in immediate sequential order
// without being interrupted by swarming tasks from other jobs.
// Mutex should only be used by run_benchmark or workflows that trigger
// run_benchmark
type Mutex struct {
// currentWorkflowID is the temporal workflow that needs the resource
currentWorkflowID string
// lockNamespace is a namespace for the mutex workflow
lockNamespace string
// NewMutex initializes mutex.
// currentWorkflowID is the temporal workflow that needs the resource.
// lockNamespace is a namespace for the mutex workflow.
func NewMutex(currentWorkflowID string, lockNamespace string) *Mutex {
return &Mutex{
currentWorkflowID: currentWorkflowID,
lockNamespace: lockNamespace,
// RegisterTemporal registers the temporal workflows and activities
// that are needed to run Lock()
func RegisterTemporal(w worker.Worker) *worker.Worker {
w.RegisterWorkflowWithOptions(mutexWorkflow, workflow.RegisterOptions{Name: mutexLockWorkflowName})
return &w
// Lock applies the lock on resourceID by triggering a temporal workflow
// that creates a workflow with the resourceID as part of the workflowID.
// All external workflows outside of the mutex namespace that require
// resourceID will have to wait for the resource until the lock is released
// via UnlockFunc.
// The resourceID can be any arbitrary string.
// Example usage:
// func SampleWorkflowWithMutex(resourceID):
// m := NewMutex("workflow", "namespace")
// unlockFunc, err := m.Lock(ctx, resourceID, 10*time.Minute)
// < perform workflow actions >
// _ = unlockFunc() // this releases the lock on the resource
// < remaining workflow actions >
// run a bunch of workflows in parallel, but because each workflow requires
// the same resource, they will not start until the lock is released
// func WorkflowThatNeedsSpecificResource:
// rc := workflow.NewBufferedChannel(ctx, numChildren)
// ec := workflow.NewBufferedChannel(ctx, numChildren)
// wg := workflow.NewWaitGroup(ctx)
// wg.Add(numChildren)
// for numChildren {
// workflow.Go(ctx, func(gCtx workflow.Context) {
// defer wg.Done
// if err := workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(gCtx, SampleWorkflowWithMutex, "bot-123").Get(); err != nil {
// ec.Send(gCtx, err)
// return
// }
// rc.Send(gCtx, status)
// })
// Also, if another workflow starts and calls SampleWorkflowWithMutex("bot-123")
// while `WorkflowThatNeedsSpecificResource` is still running, it, will also wait until
// the lock on "bot-123" is released via unlockFunc().
func (s *Mutex) Lock(ctx workflow.Context, resourceID string, unlockTimeout time.Duration) (UnlockFunc, error) {
activityCtx := workflow.WithLocalActivityOptions(ctx, workflow.LocalActivityOptions{
ScheduleToCloseTimeout: time.Minute,
RetryPolicy: &temporal.RetryPolicy{
InitialInterval: time.Second,
BackoffCoefficient: 2.0,
MaximumInterval: time.Minute,
MaximumAttempts: 5,
var execution workflow.Execution
err := workflow.ExecuteLocalActivity(activityCtx, signalWithStartMutexWorkflowActivity, s.lockNamespace, resourceID, s.currentWorkflowID, unlockTimeout).Get(ctx, &execution)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var releaseLockChannelName string
workflow.GetSignalChannel(ctx, AcquireLockSignalName).
Receive(ctx, &releaseLockChannelName)
unlockFunc := func() error {
return workflow.SignalExternalWorkflow(ctx, execution.ID, execution.RunID,
releaseLockChannelName, "releaseLock").Get(ctx, nil)
return unlockFunc, nil
// mutexWorkflow is a temporal workflow that verifies if the lock if available and
// will poll the lock's availability until it is released or times out (unlockTimeout)
// It is meant to only be triggered by signalWithStartMutexWorkflowActivity.
// Note the resourceID is appended to the workflowID when it is triggered by
// signalWithStartMutexWorkflowActivity, but is not used in this workflow.
// Temporal will still track the workflow inputs and outputs, so including the resourceID
// is for debugging convenience on the temporal UI.
func mutexWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, namespace string, resourceID string, unlockTimeout time.Duration) error {
logger := workflow.GetLogger(ctx)
logger.Info("started", "currentWorkflowID", workflow.GetInfo(ctx).WorkflowExecution.ID)
var ack string
requestLockCh := workflow.GetSignalChannel(ctx, RequestLockSignalName)
for {
var senderWorkflowID string
// Check if the lock is used by another workflow
// If not, break out of the loop
if !requestLockCh.ReceiveAsync(&senderWorkflowID) {
logger.Info("no more signals")
var releaseLockChannelName string
_ = workflow.SideEffect(ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) interface{} {
return generateUnlockChannelName(senderWorkflowID)
logger.Info("generated release lock channel name", "releaseLockChannelName", releaseLockChannelName)
// Send release lock channel name back to another workflow holding the lock, via senderWorkflowID,
// so that it can release the lock using release lock channel name
// .Get(ctx, nil) blocks until the signal is sent.
if err := workflow.SignalExternalWorkflow(ctx, senderWorkflowID, "", AcquireLockSignalName, releaseLockChannelName).Get(ctx, nil); err != nil {
// If the external workflow at senderWorkflowID is closed (terminated/canceled/timeouted/completed/etc)
// this would return error. Instead of failing the mutex workflow, release the lock immediately.
// Mutex workflow failing would lead to all workflows that have sent requestLock will be waiting.
logger.Info("SignalExternalWorkflow error", "Error", err)
logger.Info("signaled external workflow")
selector := workflow.NewSelector(ctx)
selector.AddFuture(workflow.NewTimer(ctx, unlockTimeout), func(f workflow.Future) {
logger.Info("unlockTimeout exceeded")
selector.AddReceive(workflow.GetSignalChannel(ctx, releaseLockChannelName), func(c workflow.ReceiveChannel, more bool) {
c.Receive(ctx, &ack)
logger.Info("release signal received")
return nil
// signalWithStartMutexWorkflowActivity triggers the MutexWorkflow using
// the namespace and resourceID as a unique workflow to prevent other
// workflows from accessing the same resourceID.
func signalWithStartMutexWorkflowActivity(ctx context.Context, namespace string, resourceID string, senderWorkflowID string, unlockTimeout time.Duration) (*workflow.Execution, error) {
c := ctx.Value(clientContextKey).(client.Client)
workflowID := fmt.Sprintf(
workflowOptions := client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: workflowID,
TaskQueue: "mutex",
RetryPolicy: &temporal.RetryPolicy{
InitialInterval: time.Second,
BackoffCoefficient: 2.0,
MaximumInterval: time.Minute,
MaximumAttempts: 5,
wr, err := c.SignalWithStartWorkflow(ctx, workflowID, RequestLockSignalName, senderWorkflowID, workflowOptions, mutexWorkflow, namespace, resourceID, unlockTimeout)
if err != nil {
activity.GetLogger(ctx).Error("Unable to signal with start workflow", "Error", err)
} else {
activity.GetLogger(ctx).Info("Signaled and started Workflow", "WorkflowID", wr.GetID(), "RunID", wr.GetRunID())
return &workflow.Execution{
ID: wr.GetID(),
RunID: wr.GetRunID(),
}, nil
// generateUnlockChannelName generates release lock channel name
func generateUnlockChannelName(senderWorkflowID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unlock-event-%s", senderWorkflowID)