blob: 78f4499c36bdc3cf7e8ca53a4bf5c0d202c815f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package progress
import (
var (
// newTimeTickerFunc allows overriding time.NewTicker for testing.
newTimeTickerFunc now.NewTimeTickerFunc = now.NewTimeTicker
// callbackFunc is the function which report the number of bytes transferred.
callbackFunc = loggingCallbackFunc
// loggingCallbackFunc logs the number of transferred bytes.
func loggingCallbackFunc(byteCount int64) {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s transferred", humanize.Bytes(uint64(byteCount))))
// readCloser pairs an io.Reader and an io.Closer to form an io.ReadCloser.
type readCloser struct {
var _ io.ReadCloser = readCloser{}
// callbackReader is an io.Reader which calls a function whenever bytes are
// read.
type callbackReader struct {
cb func(int)
// Read implements io.Reader.
func (r *callbackReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.Reader.Read(p)
return n, err
// newCallbackReader returns an io.Reader which calls the given callback
// function whenever bytes are written.
func newCallbackReader(r io.Reader, cb func(int)) *callbackReader {
return &callbackReader{
Reader: r,
cb: cb,
var _ io.Reader = &callbackReader{}
// ProgressTracker tracks the number of bytes which have been transferred and
// periodically logs the number to stdout.
type ProgressTracker struct {
ch chan int
enable chan bool
// track is called by ProgressTrackingRoundTripper whenever bytes are
// transferred.
func (t *ProgressTracker) track(n int) { <- n
// Start tracking the number of bytes transferred.
func (t *ProgressTracker) Start() {
t.enable <- true
// Stop tracking the number of bytes transferred.
func (t *ProgressTracker) Stop() {
t.enable <- false
// NewProgressTracker returns a ProgressTracker.
func NewProgressTracker() *ProgressTracker {
t := &ProgressTracker{
ch: make(chan int),
enable: make(chan bool),
var callback func(int64) = nil
count := int64(0)
ticker := newTimeTickerFunc(time.Second)
go func() {
for {
select {
case n := <
count += int64(n)
case <-ticker.C():
if callback != nil {
case enable := <-t.enable:
if enable {
callback = callbackFunc
} else {
callback = nil
count = 0
return t
// ProgressTrackingRoundTripper is a http.RoundTripper which wraps another
// http.RoundTripper and prints information about the number of bytes which have
// been transferred.
type ProgressTrackingRoundTripper struct {
upload *ProgressTracker
download *ProgressTracker
// RoundTrip implements http.RoundTripper.
func (t *ProgressTrackingRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if req.Body != nil {
req.Body = readCloser{
Reader: newCallbackReader(req.Body, t.upload.track),
Closer: req.Body,
resp, err := t.RoundTripper.RoundTrip(req)
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
resp.Body = readCloser{
Reader: newCallbackReader(resp.Body,,
Closer: resp.Body,
return resp, err
// NewProgressTrackingRoundTripper returns a http.RoundTripper which wraps the
// given http.RoundTripper and prints information about the number of bytes
// which have been transferred.
func NewProgressTrackingRoundTripper(wrap http.RoundTripper) (*ProgressTrackingRoundTripper, *ProgressTracker, *ProgressTracker) {
if wrap == nil {
wrap = http.DefaultTransport
upload := NewProgressTracker()
download := NewProgressTracker()
return &ProgressTrackingRoundTripper{
RoundTripper: wrap,
upload: upload,
download: download,
}, upload, download
var _ http.RoundTripper = &ProgressTrackingRoundTripper{}
// ProgressTrackingClient returns a http.Client which wraps the given
// http.Client and prints information about the number of bytes which have been
// transferred. Use the returned upload and download ProgressTrackers to start
// and stop tracking transfers.
func ProgressTrackingClient(wrap *http.Client) (client *http.Client, upload *ProgressTracker, download *ProgressTracker) {
transport, upload, download := NewProgressTrackingRoundTripper(wrap.Transport)
return &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
CheckRedirect: wrap.CheckRedirect,
Jar: wrap.Jar,
Timeout: wrap.Timeout,
}, upload, download