blob: 48528e25e4900a1602e5fcc01bd729afc397c3a7 [file] [log] [blame]
package stats
import (
moreStat ""
// A Hypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis of a
// location test such as a WilcoxonSignedRankedTest. The
// default (zero) value is to test against the alternative hypothesis
// that they differ.
type Hypothesis int
// A DataTransform specifies transform of the input/output of WilcoxonSignedRankedTest. The
// default (zero) value is to use the log transform.
type DataTransform int
const (
// Less specifies the alternative hypothesis that the
// location of the first sample is less than the second. This
// is a one-tailed test.
Less Hypothesis = -1
// TwoSided specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the locations of the two samples are not equal. This is a
// two-tailed test.
TwoSided Hypothesis = 0
// Greater specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the location of the first sample is greater than the
// second. This is a one-tailed test.
Greater Hypothesis = 1
confLevel float64 = 0.95
// LogTransform specifies the input of the wilcox test should be log transformed.
// The resulting point estimate and the boundaries are delta percentage.
LogTransform DataTransform = 0
// NormalizeResult specifies the output of the wilcox test should be normalized by
// dividing the median of the second input of the wilcox test. The point estimate and
// the boundaries are delta percentage.
NormalizeResult DataTransform = 1
// OriginalResult specifies that we don't need to do additional processing of the
// output of the wilcox test.
OriginalResult DataTransform = 2
// WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult is the result of a WilcoxonSignedRankedTest.
type WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult struct {
// An estimate of the location parameter.
Estimate float64
// Lower boundary of the confidence interval.
LowerCi float64
// Upper boundary of the confidence interval.
UpperCi float64
// The p-value for the test
PValue float64
// PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult is the result of a PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTest.
type PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult struct {
// An estimate of the location parameter.
Estimate float64
// Lower boundary of the confidence interval.
LowerCi float64
// Upper boundary of the confidence interval.
UpperCi float64
// The p-value for the test
PValue float64
// The median of the first input. By convention, this is the treatment.
XMedian float64
// The median of the second input. By convention, this is the control.
YMedian float64
type valueIndex struct {
value float64
index int
// PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTest conducts WilcoxonSignedRankedTest on Pinpoint's pairwise job.
// It performs a Wilcoxon signed rank test of the null that the distribution of x - y is symmetric
// about mu. y acts as baseline (control) and x acts as treatment. The resulting estimate/CI
// indicates % change relative to y when using LogTransform and NormalizeResult, and difference
// relative to y when using OriginalResult.
func PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTest(x, y []float64, alt Hypothesis, transform DataTransform) (PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult, error) {
if len(y) != 0 && len(x) != len(y) {
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Fmt("x and y must have the same length for the WilcoxonSignedRankedTest")
xCopy := make([]float64, len(x))
yCopy := make([]float64, len(y))
copy(xCopy, x)
copy(yCopy, y)
xMedian := getMedianFromSortedArray(xCopy)
yMedian := getMedianFromSortedArray(yCopy)
if transform == LogTransform {
transformX := make([]float64, len(x))
transformY := make([]float64, len(y))
for i := range x {
if x[i] <= 0 || y[i] <= 0 {
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Fmt("x[i] and y[i] must be greater than 0 to use log transform, but got x[i]: %v and y[i]: %v", x[i], y[i])
transformX[i] = math.Log(x[i])
transformY[i] = math.Log(y[i])
res, err := WilcoxonSignedRankedTest(transformX, transformY, alt)
if err != nil {
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "error calculating the wilcoxon test for input transformX(%v), transformY(%v), alt(%v)", transformX, transformY, alt)
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{Estimate: (math.Exp(res.Estimate) - 1) * 100,
LowerCi: (math.Exp(res.LowerCi) - 1) * 100, UpperCi: (math.Exp(res.UpperCi) - 1) * 100,
PValue: res.PValue, XMedian: xMedian, YMedian: yMedian}, nil
res, err := WilcoxonSignedRankedTest(x, y, alt)
if err != nil {
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "error calculating the wilcoxon test for input x(%v), y(%v), alt(%v)", x, y, alt)
if transform == NormalizeResult {
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{Estimate: res.Estimate / yMedian * 100,
LowerCi: res.LowerCi / yMedian * 100, UpperCi: res.UpperCi / yMedian * 100,
PValue: res.PValue, XMedian: xMedian, YMedian: yMedian}, nil
return PairwiseWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{Estimate: res.Estimate, LowerCi: res.LowerCi,
UpperCi: res.UpperCi, PValue: res.PValue, XMedian: xMedian, YMedian: yMedian}, nil
// WilcoxonSignedRankedTest conducts WilcoxonSignedRankedTest based on R implementation.
func WilcoxonSignedRankedTest(x, y []float64, alt Hypothesis) (WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult, error) {
if len(x) == 0 {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Fmt("x is missing for the WilcoxonSignedRankedTest")
if len(y) != 0 && len(x) != len(y) {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Fmt("x and y must have the same length for the WilcoxonSignedRankedTest")
diff := make([]float64, len(x)) // removing this line will modify the original input slice
// Converting the paired data to one sample.
if len(y) != 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(diff); i++ {
diff[i] = x[i] - y[i]
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(diff); i++ {
diff[i] = x[i]
zeroes := false
var xNonZero []float64
var xAbsNonZero []float64
for _, ele := range diff {
if ele == 0 {
zeroes = true
} else {
xNonZero = append(xNonZero, ele)
xAbsNonZero = append(xAbsNonZero, math.Abs(ele))
xLen := len(xNonZero)
// exact indicates whether an exact p-value should be computed.
exact := xLen < 50
// Find the rank of xAbsNonZero.
r, hasTies := rank(xAbsNonZero)
// Get the statistic.
statistic := getStatistic(xNonZero, r)
alpha := 1 - confLevel
var pVal, lowerCi, upperCi, estimate float64
if exact && !hasTies && !zeroes {
// Use the exact test for estimation.
// Calculate pVal
var err error
dist, err := newWilcoxonDistribution(xLen)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not calculate wilcoxon distribution for xLen %v", xLen)
if alt == TwoSided {
if statistic > float64(xLen*(xLen+1))/4 {
pVal = dist.pSignRank(statistic-1, false)
} else {
pVal = dist.pSignRank(statistic, true)
pVal = math.Min(2*pVal, 1.0)
} else if alt == Greater {
pVal = dist.pSignRank(statistic-1, false)
} else {
pVal = dist.pSignRank(statistic, true)
// Calculate confidence intervals
diffs := getDiffs(xNonZero)
qu := 0.0
achievedAlpha := 0.0
if alt == TwoSided {
qu, err = dist.qSignRank(alpha/2, true)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not calculate QSignRank with alpha/2 (%v) and xLen (%v)", alpha/2, xLen)
if qu == 0 {
qu = 1
q1 := float64(xLen*(xLen+1))/2 - qu
achievedAlpha = dist.pSignRank(math.Ceil(q1)-1.0, true)
achievedAlpha = achievedAlpha * 2
lowerCi = diffs[int(math.Round(qu))-1]
upperCi = diffs[int(math.Round(q1))]
} else if alt == Greater {
qu, err = dist.qSignRank(alpha, true)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not calculate QSignRank with alpha (%v) and xLen (%v)", alpha, xLen)
if qu == 0 {
qu = 1
achievedAlpha = dist.pSignRank(math.Ceil(qu)-1.0, true)
lowerCi = diffs[int(math.Round(qu))-1]
upperCi = math.Inf(1)
} else {
qu, err = dist.qSignRank(alpha, true)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not calculate QSignRank with alpha (%v) and xLen (%v)", alpha, xLen)
if qu == 0 {
qu = 1
q1 := float64(xLen*(xLen+1))/2 - qu
achievedAlpha = dist.pSignRank(math.Ceil(qu)-1.0, true)
lowerCi = math.Inf(-1)
upperCi = diffs[int(math.Round(q1))]
if achievedAlpha-alpha > alpha/2 {
sklog.Warning("requested conf.level not achievable")
estimate = getMedianFromSortedArray(diffs)
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{Estimate: estimate, LowerCi: lowerCi, UpperCi: upperCi, PValue: pVal}, nil
nTiesSum := getSumOfNTies(r)
z := statistic - float64(xLen*(xLen+1))/4
sigma := math.Sqrt(float64(xLen*(xLen+1)*(2*xLen+1))/24 - float64(nTiesSum)/48)
correction := getCorrection(alt, z)
correct := true
z = (z - correction) / sigma
normalDist := moreStat.StdNormal
if alt == TwoSided {
pVal = 2 * math.Min(normalDist.CDF(z), 1-normalDist.CDF(z))
} else if alt == Greater {
pVal = 1 - normalDist.CDF(z)
} else {
pVal = normalDist.CDF(z)
// Asymptotic confidence interval for the median in the one-sample case.
var muMin, muMax, wMuMin, wMuMax, zq float64
dist := moreStat.StdNormal
var err error
if xLen > 0 {
// These are sample based limits for the median
muMin = getMin(xNonZero)
muMax = getMax(xNonZero)
wMuMin = asymptoticW(xNonZero, muMin, alt, correct)
if math.IsInf(wMuMin, 0) || math.IsNaN(wMuMin) {
wMuMax = math.NaN()
} else {
wMuMax = asymptoticW(xNonZero, muMax, alt, correct)
if xLen == 0 || math.IsInf(wMuMax, 0) || math.IsNaN(wMuMax) {
if alt == Less {
lowerCi = math.Inf(-1)
upperCi = math.NaN()
} else if alt == Greater {
lowerCi = math.NaN()
upperCi = math.Inf(1)
} else {
lowerCi = math.NaN()
upperCi = math.NaN()
if xLen > 0 {
estimate = (muMin + muMax) / 2.0
} else {
estimate = math.NaN()
} else {
if alt == TwoSided {
for {
minDiff := wMuMin - dist.InvCDF(1-alpha/2)
maxDiff := wMuMax - dist.InvCDF(alpha/2)
if minDiff < 0 || maxDiff > 0 {
alpha = alpha * 2
} else {
if alpha >= 1 || 1-confLevel < alpha*0.75 {
sklog.Warning("requested confLevel not achievable")
if alpha < 1 {
zq = dist.InvCDF(1 - alpha/2)
lowerCi, err = zeroin(zq, muMin, muMax, 0.0001, xNonZero, alt, correct, asymptoticW)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
zq = dist.InvCDF(alpha / 2)
upperCi, err = zeroin(zq, muMin, muMax, 0.0001, xNonZero, alt, correct, asymptoticW)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
lowerCi = getMedianFromSortedArray(xNonZero)
upperCi = lowerCi
} else if alt == Greater {
for {
minDiff := wMuMin - dist.InvCDF(1-alpha/2)
if minDiff < 0 {
alpha = alpha * 2
} else {
if alpha >= 1 || 1-confLevel < alpha*0.75 {
sklog.Warning("requested conf.level not achievable")
if alpha < 1 {
zq = dist.InvCDF(1 - alpha)
lowerCi, err = zeroin(zq, muMin, muMax, 0.0001, xNonZero, alt, correct, asymptoticW)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
lowerCi = getMedianFromSortedArray(xNonZero)
upperCi = math.Inf(1)
} else { // alt == Less
for {
maxDiff := wMuMax - dist.InvCDF(alpha/2)
if maxDiff > 0 {
alpha = alpha * 2
} else {
if alpha >= 1 || 1-confLevel < alpha*0.75 {
sklog.Warning("requested conf.level not achievable")
if alpha < 1 {
zq = dist.InvCDF(alpha)
upperCi, err = zeroin(zq, muMin, muMax, 0.0001, xNonZero, alt, correct, asymptoticW)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
upperCi = getMedianFromSortedArray(xNonZero)
lowerCi = math.Inf(-1)
// For W(): no continuity correction for estimate
correct = false
estimate, err = zeroin(0, muMin, muMax, 0.0001, xNonZero, alt, correct, asymptoticW)
if err != nil {
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if exact && hasTies {
sklog.Warning("cannot compute exact p-value and confidence interval with ties, x is: %v, y is: %v", x, y)
if exact && zeroes {
sklog.Warning("cannot compute exact p-value and confidence interval with zeroes, x is: %v, y is: %v", x, y)
return WilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult{Estimate: estimate, LowerCi: lowerCi, UpperCi: upperCi, PValue: pVal}, nil
// Rank returns the sample ranks of the value in a list.
// It orders the differences from smallest to largest and assigns them their ranks 1,...n (or average rank for ties).
func rank(nums []float64) ([]float64, bool) {
var valueIndexes []valueIndex
for index, ele := range nums {
valueIndexes = append(valueIndexes, valueIndex{value: ele, index: index})
sort.Slice(valueIndexes, func(i, j int) bool {
return valueIndexes[i].value < valueIndexes[j].value
hasTies := false
var orderedRanks []float64
for i := 0; i < len(valueIndexes); {
startRank, ties, v1 := i+1, 0, valueIndexes[i].value
// Consume samples that tie this sample (including itself).
for ; i < len(valueIndexes) && valueIndexes[i].value == v1; i++ {
// Assign all tied samples the average rank of the samples.
rank := float64(i+startRank) / 2
for j := startRank; j <= i; j++ {
orderedRanks = append(orderedRanks, rank)
if ties > 1 {
hasTies = true
res := make([]float64, len(valueIndexes))
for i, ele := range valueIndexes {
res[ele.index] = orderedRanks[i]
return res, hasTies
// Statistic for the WilcoxonSignedRankedTest is the sum for the ranks whose original values are greater than zeroes.
func getStatistic(x, r []float64) float64 {
statistics := 0.0
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
if x[i] > 0 {
statistics += r[i]
return statistics
func getDiffs(x []float64) []float64 {
xLen := len(x)
diffs := make([][]float64, xLen)
for i := 0; i < xLen; i++ {
diffs[i] = make([]float64, xLen)
for j := 0; j < xLen; j++ {
diffs[i][j] = x[i] + x[j]
res := make([]float64, xLen*(xLen+1)/2)
cnt := 0
for i := 0; i < xLen; i++ {
for j := i; j < xLen; j++ {
res[cnt] += diffs[i][j] / 2.0
return res
func getMedianFromSortedArray(x []float64) float64 {
len := len(x)
if len%2 == 1 {
return x[len/2]
return (x[len/2] + x[len/2-1]) / 2.0
func getSumOfNTies(x []float64) int {
m := make(map[float64]int)
for _, val := range x {
res := 0
for _, freq := range m {
res += freq*freq*freq - freq
return res
func getCorrection(alt Hypothesis, z float64) float64 {
correction := 0.0
if alt == TwoSided {
if z > 0 {
correction = 0.5
} else if z < 0 {
correction = -0.5
} else if alt == Greater {
correction = 0.5
} else {
correction = -0.5
return correction
func getMin(x []float64) float64 {
min := math.Inf(1)
for _, val := range x {
min = math.Min(min, val)
return min
func getMax(x []float64) float64 {
max := math.Inf(-1)
for _, val := range x {
max = math.Max(max, val)
return max
// asymptoticW is the asymptotic Wilcoxon statistic of x - d.
func asymptoticW(x []float64, d float64, alt Hypothesis, correct bool) float64 {
var xD []float64
var xDAbs []float64
for _, val := range x {
if val != d {
xD = append(xD, val-d)
xDAbs = append(xDAbs, math.Abs(val-d))
nX := len(xD)
dR, _ := rank(xDAbs)
zd := 0.0
for index, val := range dR {
if xD[index] > 0 {
zd += val
zd = zd - float64(nX*(nX+1))/4
nTiesSum := getSumOfNTies(dR)
sigmaCi := math.Sqrt(float64(nX*(nX+1)*(2*nX+1))/24 - float64(nTiesSum)/48)
if sigmaCi == 0 {
sklog.Warning("cannot compute confidence interval when all observations are zero or tied")
return math.NaN()
correctionCi := 0.0
if correct {
correctionCi = getCorrection(alt, zd)
return (zd - correctionCi) / sigmaCi