blob: d4292774215f99373f551fcc08a5d1dcc7a168b7 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
var (
// Required properties for this task.
projectID = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.")
taskID = flag.String("task_id", "", "ID of this task.")
taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory.")
rbe = flag.Bool("rbe", false, "Whether to run Bazel on RBE or locally.")
// Optional flags.
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "True if running locally (as opposed to on the bots)")
output = flag.String("o", "", "If provided, dump a JSON blob of step data to the given file. Prints to stdout if '-' is given.")
func main() {
// Setup.
ctx := td.StartRun(projectID, taskID, taskName, output, local)
defer td.EndRun(ctx)
// Compute various directory paths.
wd, err := os_steps.Abs(ctx, *workdir)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
repoDir := filepath.Join(wd, "buildbot") // Repository checkout.
// Initialize a fake Git repository. We will use it to detect diffs.
// We receive the code via Isolate, but it doesn't include the .git dir.
gitDir := git.GitDir(repoDir)
err = td.Do(ctx, td.Props("Initialize fake Git repository"), func(ctx context.Context) error {
if gitVer, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "version"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Git version %s", gitVer)
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "init"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "config", "--local", "", "Skia bots"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "config", "--local", "", "fake@skia.bots"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "add", "."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "commit", "--no-verify", "-m", "Fake commit to detect diffs"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
return nil
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Causes the tryjob to fail in the presence of diffs, e.g. as a consequence of running Gazelle.
failIfNonEmptyGitDiff := func() {
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "diff", "--no-ext-diff", "--exit-code"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Set up go.
ctx = golang.WithEnv(ctx, wd)
if err := golang.InstallCommonDeps(ctx, repoDir); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Run "go generate" and fail it there are any diffs.
if _, err := golang.Go(ctx, repoDir, "generate", "./..."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Run "go fmt" and fail it there are any diffs.
if _, err := golang.Go(ctx, repoDir, "fmt", "./..."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Temporary directory for the Bazel cache.
// We cannot use the default Bazel cache location ($HOME/.cache/bazel) because:
// - The cache can be large (>10G).
// - Swarming bots have limited storage space on the root partition (15G).
// - Because the above, the Bazel build fails with a "no space left on device" error.
// - The Bazel cache under $HOME/.cache/bazel lingers after the tryjob completes, causing the
// Swarming bot to be quarantined due to low disk space.
// - Generally, it's considered poor hygiene to leave a bot in a different state.
// The temporary directory created by the below function call lives under /mnt/pd0, which has
// significantly more storage space, and will be wiped after the tryjob completes.
// Reference:
bazelCacheDir, err := os_steps.TempDir(ctx, "", "bazel-user-cache-*")
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// By invoking Bazel via this function, we ensure that we will always use the temporary cache.
bazel := func(args ...string) {
command := []string{"bazel", "--output_user_root=" + bazelCacheDir}
if *rbe {
// TODO(lovisolo): Uncomment once we figure out how to authenticate against RBE.
// command = append(command, "--config=remote")
command = append(command, args...)
if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, repoDir, command...); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Print out the Bazel version for debugging purposes.
// Buildifier formats all BUILD.bazel and .bzl files. We enforce formatting by making the tryjob
// fail if this step produces any diffs.
bazel("run", "//:buildifier")
// Regenerate //go_repositories.bzl from //go.mod with Gazelle, and fail if there are any diffs.
bazel("run", "//:gazelle", "--", "update-repos", "-from_file=go.mod", "-to_macro=go_repositories.bzl%go_repositories")
// Update all Go BUILD targets with Gazelle, and fail if there are any diffs.
bazel("run", "//:gazelle", "--", "update", ".")
// Build all code in the repository. The tryjob will fail upon any build errors.
bazel("build", "//...")