blob: 39a4a0cac1d081da6fe50f6bdff23d934a3c6d89 [file] [log] [blame]
package github
import (
github_api ""
func TestGithubSearch(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
id1 := 11
id2 := 22
assignee := ""
label1Name := "abc"
label2Name := "xyz"
label3Name := "123"
label1 := github_api.Label{Name: &label1Name}
label2 := github_api.Label{Name: &label2Name}
label3 := github_api.Label{Name: &label3Name}
issue1 := github_api.Issue{
Number: &id1,
Labels: []github_api.Label{label1, label2},
Assignee: &github_api.User{
Email: &assignee,
issue2 := github_api.Issue{
Number: &id2,
Labels: []github_api.Label{label3},
Assignee: &github_api.User{
Email: &assignee,
respBody := []byte(testutils.MarshalJSON(t, []*github_api.Issue{&issue1, &issue2}))
r := mux.NewRouter()
md := mockhttpclient.MockGetDialogue(respBody)
r.Schemes("https").Host("").Methods("GET").Path("/repos/kryptonians/krypton/issues").Queries("labels", "abc,xyz", "per_page", "1000", "state", "open").Handler(md)
httpClient := mockhttpclient.NewMuxClient(r)
githubClient, err := github.NewGitHub(ctx, "kryptonians", "krypton", httpClient)
require.NoError(t, err)
qc := &GithubQueryConfig{
Labels: []string{label1Name, label2Name},
ExcludeLabels: []string{label3Name},
Open: true,
PriorityRequired: false,
Client: "Flutter-native",
g := githubFramework{
githubClient: githubClient,
projectName: "flutter/flutter",
openIssues: bugs.InitOpenIssues(),
queryConfig: qc,
issues, countData, err := g.Search(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// There should be one matching issue and one excluded issue.
require.Equal(t, 1, len(issues))
require.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(id1), issues[0].Id)
require.Equal(t, 1, countData.OpenCount)
// Change the query config to have priority required. There should be
// no matching issues because priority was not specified.
qc.PriorityRequired = true
issues, countData, err = g.Search(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(issues))
require.Equal(t, 0, countData.OpenCount)