blob: 51085bd74dc92fae6f2114e0cbd440c4f4a0ade7 [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Create ~/bin directory if it doesn't exist.
path: "C:\\Users\\{{ skolo_account }}\\bin"
state: directory
- name: Copy over executable.
"{{ all.repo_root }}/machine/build/{{ ansible_facts['system'] }}/{{
ansible_facts['architecture'] }}/test_machine_monitor"
# Note we copy it to "...2.exe" which is then moved to "test_machine_monitor.exe"
# by the PowerShell script.
dest: "C:\\Users\\{{ skolo_account }}\\bin\\test_machine_monitor2.exe"
- name: Copy over PowerShell script that launches test_machine_monitor.
src: templates/test_machine_monitor.ps1
dest: "C:\\Users\\{{ skolo_account }}\\bin\\test_machine_monitor.ps1"
# Note that this task schedules the PowerShell script to run, and not the
# executable. We do that so we can update the executable if needed, which can't
# be done when the exe is running.
- name: Schedule test_machine_monitor for startup.
name: test_machine_monitor
description: Run test_machine_monitor.
# Should be path to a PowerShell script that looks for a
# test_machine_monitor2.exe to overwrite test_machine_monitor.exe with if
# it exists.
- path: '{{ ansible_env.SHELL }}'
-executionpolicy bypass "C:\\Users\\{{ skolo_account
working_directory: "C:\\Users\\{{ skolo_account }}\\bin\\"
- type: logon
logon_type: interactive_token
enabled: yes
username: '{{ skolo_account }}'
hidden: no
# 2 -> Will not start a new instance if another is running.
multiple_instances: 2
state: present
path: \Skia
restart_count: 1000
# ISO 8601 Duration format for one minute.
restart_interval: PT1M
# ISO 8601 Duration format for no limit.
execution_time_limit: PT0S