blob: b296db6fa42a4258cadff8e2025da86d8f613022 [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { deepCopy } from 'common-sk/modules/object';
import {
} from '../../../infra-sk/modules/test_util';
import { clusterDiffJSON, negativeDigest, positiveDigest } from './test_data';
import { testOnlySetSettings } from '../settings';
import { ClusterPageSk } from './cluster-page-sk';
import { ClusterPageSkPO } from './cluster-page-sk_po';
import {
DigestComparison, DigestDetails, TriageRequestV3, TriageResponse,
} from '../rpc_types';
import { twoHundredCommits, typicalDetails } from '../digest-details-sk/test_data';
import { groupingsResponse } from '../search-page-sk/demo_data';
describe('cluster-page-sk', () => {
const newInstance = setUpElementUnderTest<ClusterPageSk>('cluster-page-sk');
let clusterPageSk: ClusterPageSk;
let clusterPageSkPO: ClusterPageSkPO;
beforeEach(async () => {
defaultCorpus: 'infra',
// Clear out any query params we might have to not mess with our current state.
// This page always requires a grouping to be set.
// These are the default RPC calls when the page loads.
+ '&include=false&neg=false&pos=false&query=name%3Dsome-test'
+ '&source_type=infra&unt=false',
fetchMock.get('/json/v2/paramset', clusterDiffJSON.paramsetsUnion);
fetchMock.getOnce('/json/v1/groupings', groupingsResponse);
// Instantiate page; wait for RPCs to complete and for the page to render.
const endTask = eventSequencePromise(['end-task', 'end-task', 'end-task']);
clusterPageSk = newInstance();
clusterPageSkPO = new ClusterPageSkPO(clusterPageSk);
await endTask;
// Give the cluster-digests-sk component a chance to render the initial SVG elements.
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// Wait for initial page load to finish.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
afterEach(async () => {
// Completely remove the mocking which allows each test
// to be able to mess with the mocked routes w/o impacting other tests.
// Make sure all subsequent RPC calls happen.
await fetchMock.flush(true);
it('shows the paramset', async () => {
expect(await clusterPageSkPO.paramSetSkPO.getParamSets()).to.deep.equal([{
ext: ['png'],
gpu: ['AMD', 'nVidia'],
name: ['dots-legend-sk_too-many-digests'],
source_type: ['infra', 'some-other-corpus'],
it('removes corpus and test name from the paramset passed to the search controls', async () => {
await clusterPageSkPO.searchControlsSkPO.traceFilterSkPO.clickEditBtn();
const paramset = await clusterPageSkPO
ext: ['png'],
gpu: ['AMD', 'nVidia'],
it('changes what it fetches based on search controls', async () => {
// We only spot-check that one field in the search-controls-sk component is correctly wired.
// The behaviors spanning across SearchControlsSk, SearchCriteria and SearchResponse are
// thoroughly tested in search-page-sk_tests.ts. There is no need to repeat those tests here.
+ '&include=false&neg=false&pos=false&query=name%3Dsome-test'
+ '&source_type=infra&unt=false',
await clusterPageSkPO.searchControlsSkPO.clickIncludeDigestsNotAtHeadCheckbox();
+ '&grouping=name%3Dsome-test%26source_type%3Dinfra&max_rgba=255&not_at_head=true');
it('makes an RPC for details when the selection is changed to one digest', async () => {'/json/v2/details', (url, opts) => {
return {
status: 200,
body: { 'these-details': 'do not matter for this test' },
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.clickNode(positiveDigest);
it('makes an RPC for a diff when the selection is changed to two digests', async () => {'/json/v2/details', (url, opts) => {
return {
status: 200,
body: { 'these-details': 'do not matter for this test' },
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.clickNode(positiveDigest);
+ `&left=${positiveDigest}`
+ `&right=${negativeDigest}&test=some-test`, {
'these-details': 'do not matter for this test',
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.shiftClickNode(negativeDigest);
describe('triaging', async () => {
// These tests exercise the wiring that passes the groupings returned by the /json/v1/groupings
// RPC to the digest-details-sk element.
beforeEach(() => {
const triageRequest: TriageRequestV3 = {
deltas: [
grouping: {
source_type: 'infra',
name: 'dots-legend-sk_too-many-digests',
digest: '6246b773851984c726cb2e1cb13510c2',
label_before: 'positive',
label_after: 'negative',
const triageResponse: TriageResponse = { status: 'ok' };
{ url: '/json/v3/triage', body: triageRequest },
{ status: 200, body: triageResponse },
const digestDetails: DigestDetails = {
digest: deepCopy(typicalDetails),
commits: deepCopy(twoHundredCommits),
};'/json/v2/details', digestDetails);
it('can triage with one digest selected', async () => {
let endTask = eventPromise('end-task');
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.clickNode(positiveDigest);
await endTask;
endTask = eventPromise('end-task');
await clusterPageSkPO.digestDetailsSkPO.triageSkPO.clickButton('negative');
await endTask;
it('can triage with two digests selected', async () => {
let endTask = eventPromise('end-task');
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.clickNode(positiveDigest);
await endTask;
const digestComparison: DigestComparison = {
left: deepCopy(typicalDetails),
right: deepCopy(typicalDetails.refDiffs?.pos)!,
fetchMock.get('glob:/json/v2/diff*', digestComparison);
endTask = eventPromise('end-task');
await clusterPageSkPO.clusterDigestsSkPO.shiftClickNode(negativeDigest);
await endTask;
endTask = eventPromise('end-task');
await clusterPageSkPO.digestDetailsSkPO.triageSkPO.clickButton('negative');
await endTask;