blob: 1a295b811d10e5746efd44cc0838887e3fa13ea2 [file] [log] [blame]
Used by the Leasing Server to poll swarming.
package main
import (
// populateRunningTask updates the provided Task struct with a new state, botId, lease start/end times,
// and sends a start email.
func populateRunningTask(newState, botId string, k *datastore.Key, t *Task) error {
// Update the state and add the bot name.
t.SwarmingTaskState = newState
t.SwarmingBotId = botId
// Add the start and end lease times.
durationHrs, err := strconv.Atoi(t.InitialDurationHrs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse %s", t.InitialDurationHrs)
t.LeaseStartTime = time.Now()
t.LeaseEndTime = time.Now().Add(time.Hour * time.Duration(durationHrs))
if _, err := UpdateDSTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating task in datastore: %v", err)
// Inform the requester that the task has been picked up
if err := SendStartEmail(t.Requester, t.SwarmingServer, t.SwarmingTaskId, t.SwarmingBotId, t.TaskIdForIsolates); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error sending start email: %s", err)
return nil
// expireTask marks the provided Task struct as Done and sends a completion email.
func expireTask(k *datastore.Key, t *Task) error {
t.Done = true
t.SwarmingTaskState = getCompletedStateStr(false)
if _, err := UpdateDSTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating task in datastore: %v", err)
sklog.Infof("Marked as expired task %v in the datastore with key %d", t, k.ID)
// Inform the requester that the task has completed.
if err := SendCompletionEmail(t.Requester, t.SwarmingServer, t.SwarmingTaskId, t.SwarmingBotId); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error sending completion email: %s", err)
return nil
// taskExpiringSoon sends a warning email and updates the WarningSent field in the Task struct.
func taskExpiringSoon(k *datastore.Key, t *Task) error {
if err := SendWarningEmail(t.Requester, t.SwarmingServer, t.SwarmingTaskId, t.SwarmingBotId); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error sending 15m warning email: %s", err)
t.WarningSent = true
if _, err := UpdateDSTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating task in datastore: %v", err)
return nil
// taskCancelled marks the provided Task struct as cancelled.
func taskCancelled(k *datastore.Key, t *Task) error {
t.Done = true
t.SwarmingTaskState = getCompletedStateStr(true)
t.LeaseStartTime = time.Now()
t.LeaseEndTime = time.Now()
if _, err := UpdateDSTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating task in datastore: %v", err)
return nil
func getCompletedStateStr(failure bool) string {
if failure {
return swarming.TASK_STATE_COMPLETED + " (FAILURE)"
} else {
return swarming.TASK_STATE_COMPLETED + " (SUCCESS)"
// checkForUnexpectedStates checks to see if the new state falls in a list of unexpected states.
// If it does then the Task is marked as Done, the lease ended and a failure email it sent.
func checkForUnexpectedStates(newState string, failure bool, k *datastore.Key, t *Task) error {
unexpectedStates := []string{
for _, unexpectedState := range unexpectedStates {
if newState == unexpectedState {
// Update the state.
if newState == swarming.TASK_STATE_COMPLETED {
newState = getCompletedStateStr(failure)
t.SwarmingTaskState = newState
// Something unexpected happened so mark the leasing task as done and end the lease.
t.Done = true
t.LeaseEndTime = time.Now()
if _, err := UpdateDSTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating task in datastore: %v", err)
// Inform the requester that something went wrong.
if err := SendFailureEmail(t.Requester, t.SwarmingServer, t.SwarmingTaskId, t.SwarmingBotId, t.SwarmingTaskState); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error sending failure email: %s", err)
return nil
// pollSwarmingTasks gets all running tasks from the Datastore, polls the equivalent
// tasks in swarming, and updates the tasks in the Datastore accordingly.
func pollSwarmingTasks() error {
it := GetRunningDSTasks()
for {
t := &Task{}
k, err := it.Next(t)
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of tasks: %s", err)
if t.SwarmingTaskId == "" {
// This task is not ready to be looked at yet.
// Get the swarming task from swarming server.
swarmingTask, err := GetSwarmingTask(t.SwarmingPool, t.SwarmingTaskId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve swarming task %s: %s", t.SwarmingTaskId, err)
if swarmingTask.State == swarming.TASK_STATE_PENDING {
// If the swarming task is still pending then there is nothing to do here.
} else if swarmingTask.State == swarming.TASK_STATE_CANCELED {
// If the swarming task has been cancelled then mark it as such in the DS.
if err := taskCancelled(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to mark task as cancelled: %s", err)
// Check for 4 things-
// Check 1: If the previous state was pending and the new state is not then
// update the state, add botId and populate the lease start/end time.
// Check 2: If lease has already expired then set Done=true.
// Check 3: If lease is expiring in 15 mins then send a warning email if we
// have not done so already.
// Check 4: If new state is unexpected then set Done=true and send failure email
// to the requester.
if t.SwarmingTaskState == swarming.TASK_STATE_PENDING /* Check 1 */ {
// The previous task state was pending but this has now changed.
// Populate the datastore with running task values.
if err := populateRunningTask(swarmingTask.State, swarmingTask.BotId, k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error populating running task: %s", err)
} else if t.LeaseEndTime.Before(time.Now()) /* Check 2*/ {
// The task has expired.
if err := expireTask(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when expiring task: %s", err)
} else if swarmingTask.State == swarming.TASK_STATE_RUNNING && !t.WarningSent && t.LeaseEndTime.Before(time.Now().Add(time.Minute*15)) /* Check 3 */ {
if err := taskExpiringSoon(k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when warning task expiring soon: %s", err)
} else /* Check 4 */ {
if err := checkForUnexpectedStates(swarmingTask.State, swarmingTask.Failure, k, t); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when warning task expiring soon: %s", err)
return nil