blob: 4de154b6e0102779adadddd583873921af3ea6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
package tryjobstore
const (
// EV_TRYJOB_UPDATED is the event that is fired when a tryjob is updated (update or creation).
EV_TRYJOB_UPDATED = "tryjobstore:tryjob-updated"
// NewValueFn is a callback function that allows to update the value of
// datastore entity within a transation. It receives the current value an
// entity and returns the updated value or nil, if it does not want to update
// the current value.
type NewValueFn func(data interface{}) interface{}
// TryjobStore define methods to store tryjob information and code review
// issues as a key component for transactional trybot support.
type TryjobStore interface {
// ListIssues lists all current issues in the store. The offset and size are
// used for pagination. 'offset' defines the starting index (zero based) of the
// page and size defines the size of the page.
// The function returns a a list of issues and the total number of issues.
ListIssues(offset, size int) ([]*Issue, int, error)
// GetIssue retrieves information about the given issue and patchsets. If needded
// this will include tryjob information.
GetIssue(issueID int64, loadTryjobs bool) (*Issue, error)
// UpdateIssue updates the given issue with the provided data. If the issue does not
// exist in the database it will be created. If updateFn is nil, issue will be
// written to the database unconditionally, updateFn is used as described above.
UpdateIssue(details *Issue, updateFn NewValueFn) error
// CommitIssueExp commits the expectations of the given issue. The writeFn
// is expected to make the changes to the master baseline. An issue is
// marked as committed if the writeFn runs without error.
CommitIssueExp(issueID int64, writeFn func() error) error
// GetTryjobs returns the Tryjobs for given issues. If filterDup is true it
// will also filter duplicate tryjobs for each patchset and only keep the newest.
// If loadResults is true it will also load the Tryjob results. The second
// return value will contain the results of the Tryjob with same index in the
// first return value.
GetTryjobs(issueID int64, patchsetIDs []int64, filterDup bool, loadResults bool) ([]*Tryjob, [][]*TryjobResult, error)
// RunningTryjobs returns a list of tryjobs that are considered running by
// the datastore (their status is less than TRYJOB_COMPLETE)
RunningTryjobs() ([]*Tryjob, error)
// GetTryjob returns the Tryjob instance defined by issueID and buildBucketID.
GetTryjob(issueID, buildBucketID int64) (*Tryjob, error)
// GetTryjobResults returns the results for the given Tryjobs.
// This is intended to be used when we have a list of Tryjobs already
// and we want to avoid another trip to the database to fetch them. The
// return slice will match the indices of the input slice.
GetTryjobResults(tryjobs []*Tryjob) ([][]*TryjobResult, error)
// UpdateTryjob updates the information about a tryjob. If the tryjob does not
// exist it will be created. If tryjob is not nil it will be written to the
// datastore if it is newer than the current entity.
// If tryjob is nil, then the buildBucketID and newValFn are used to load the
// current value and update it. If the current entity does not exist an error
// is returned.
UpdateTryjob(buildBucketID int64, tryjob *Tryjob, newValFn NewValueFn) error
// UpdateTryjobResult updates the results for the given tryjob. It assumes that the
// BuildBucketID field in the given instances of TryjobResult are set correctly, thus
// linking it to the instance of Tryjob that corresponds to that BuildBucketID.
UpdateTryjobResult(results []*TryjobResult) error