blob: 9f062704889a955f2bc5ba415ab11bc835d6b2f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package search
import (
assert ""
mock_clstore ""
mock_index ""
data ""
mock_tjstore ""
// TODO(kjlubick) refactor a bit to reduce redundancy
// TODO(kjlubick) Add tests for:
// - When a CL doesn't exist or the CL has not patchsets, patchset doesn't exist,
// or otherwise no results.
// - Use ignore matcher
// - When a CL specifies a PS
// - IncludeMaster=true
// - Different metric other than combined
// - Min/Max/DiffMax different
// - Sort order different
// - UnavailableDigests is not empty
// - DiffSever error
// TestSearchThreeDevicesSunnyDay searches over the three_devices
// test data for untriaged images at head, essentially the default search.
// We expect to get two untriaged digests, with their closest positive and
// negative images (if any).
func TestSearchThreeDevicesSunnyDay(t *testing.T) {
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mi := &mock_index.IndexSource{}
mis := &mock_index.IndexSearcher{}
mds := &mocks.DiffStore{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mi.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mis.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mds.AssertExpectations(t)
s := New(mds, mes, mi, nil, nil, nil, everythingPublic)
mes.On("Get").Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
cpxTile := types.NewComplexTile(data.MakeTestTile())
dc := digest_counter.New(data.MakeTestTile())
mis.On("DigestCountsByTrace", types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Return(dc.ByTrace())
mis.On("DigestCountsByTest", types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Return(dc.ByTest())
ps := paramsets.NewParamSummary(data.MakeTestTile(), dc)
mis.On("GetParamsetSummaryByTest", types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Return(ps.GetByTest())
// Positive match
mds.On("Get", diff.PRIORITY_NOW, data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest, types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaGood1Digest}).
data.AlphaGood1Digest: makeSmallDiffMetric(),
}, nil)
// Negative match
mds.On("Get", diff.PRIORITY_NOW, data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest, types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaBad1Digest}).
data.AlphaBad1Digest: makeBigDiffMetric(),
}, nil)
// Positive match
mds.On("Get", diff.PRIORITY_NOW, data.BetaUntriaged1Digest, types.DigestSlice{data.BetaGood1Digest}).
data.BetaGood1Digest: makeBigDiffMetric(),
}, nil)
// BetaUntriaged1Digest has no negative images to compare against, so diffstore isn't queried.
q := &query.Search{
ChangeListID: "",
DeprecatedIssue: types.LegacyMasterBranch,
Unt: true,
Head: true,
FRGBAMin: 0,
FRGBAMax: 255,
FDiffMax: -1,
Sort: query.SortAscending,
resp, err := s.Search(context.Background(), q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, resp)
assert.Equal(t, &frontend.SearchResponse{
Commits: data.MakeTestCommits(),
Offset: 0,
Size: 2,
Digests: []*frontend.SRDigest{
// AlphaTest comes first because we are sorting by ascending
// "combined" metric, and AlphaTest's closest match is the
// small diff metric, whereas BetaTest's only match is the
// big diff metric.
Test: data.AlphaTest,
Digest: data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest,
Status: "untriaged",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.BullheadDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.AlphaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
Traces: &frontend.TraceGroup{
TileSize: 3, // 3 commits in tile
Traces: []frontend.Trace{
Data: []frontend.Point{
{X: 0, Y: 0, S: 1},
{X: 1, Y: 0, S: 1},
{X: 2, Y: 0, S: 0},
ID: data.BullheadAlphaTraceID,
Params: map[string]string{
"device": data.BullheadDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.AlphaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
Digests: []frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest,
Status: "untriaged",
Digest: data.AlphaBad1Digest,
Status: "negative",
ClosestRef: common.PositiveRef,
RefDiffs: map[common.RefClosest]*frontend.SRDiffDigest{
common.PositiveRef: {
DiffMetrics: makeSmallDiffMetric(),
Digest: data.AlphaGood1Digest,
Status: "positive",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.AnglerDevice, data.CrosshatchDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.AlphaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
OccurrencesInTile: 2,
common.NegativeRef: {
DiffMetrics: makeBigDiffMetric(),
Digest: data.AlphaBad1Digest,
Status: "negative",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.AnglerDevice, data.BullheadDevice, data.CrosshatchDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.AlphaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
OccurrencesInTile: 6,
Test: data.BetaTest,
Digest: data.BetaUntriaged1Digest,
Status: "untriaged",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.CrosshatchDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.BetaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
Traces: &frontend.TraceGroup{
TileSize: 3,
Traces: []frontend.Trace{
Data: []frontend.Point{
{X: 0, Y: 0, S: 0},
// Other two commits were missing
ID: data.CrosshatchBetaTraceID,
Params: map[string]string{
"device": data.CrosshatchDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.BetaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
Digests: []frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: data.BetaUntriaged1Digest,
Status: "untriaged",
ClosestRef: common.PositiveRef,
RefDiffs: map[common.RefClosest]*frontend.SRDiffDigest{
common.PositiveRef: {
DiffMetrics: makeBigDiffMetric(),
Digest: data.BetaGood1Digest,
Status: "positive",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.AnglerDevice, data.BullheadDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.BetaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
OccurrencesInTile: 6,
common.NegativeRef: nil,
}, resp)
// TestSearchThreeDevicesChangeListSunnyDay covers the case
// where two tryjobs have been run on a given CL and PS, one on the
// angler bot and one on the bullhead bot. The master branch
// looks like in the ThreeDevices data set. The outputs produced are
// Test | Device | Digest
// ----------------------
// Alpha | Angler | data.AlphaGood1Digest
// Alpha | Bullhead | data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest
// Beta | Angler | data.BetaGood1Digest
// Beta | Bullhead | BetaBrandNewDigest
// The user has triaged the data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest as positive
// but BetaBrandNewDigest remains untriaged.
// With this setup, we do a default query (don't show master,
// only untriaged digests) and expect to see only an entry about
// BetaBrandNewDigest.
func TestSearchThreeDevicesChangeListSunnyDay(t *testing.T) {
clInt := int64(1234)
clID := "1234"
AlphaNowGoodDigest := data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest
BetaBrandNewDigest := types.Digest("be7a03256511bec3a7453c3186bb2e07")
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
issueStore := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mi := &mock_index.IndexSource{}
mis := &mock_index.IndexSearcher{}
mds := &mocks.DiffStore{}
mcls := &mock_clstore.Store{}
mtjs := &mock_tjstore.Store{}
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer issueStore.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mi.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mis.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mds.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mcls.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mtjs.AssertExpectations(t)
mes.On("ForIssue", clInt).Return(issueStore, nil)
data.AlphaTest: {
AlphaNowGoodDigest: types.POSITIVE,
}, nil)
mes.On("Get").Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
cpxTile := types.NewComplexTile(data.MakeTestTile())
dc := digest_counter.New(data.MakeTestTile())
mis.On("DigestCountsByTest", types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Return(dc.ByTest())
ps := paramsets.NewParamSummary(data.MakeTestTile(), dc)
mis.On("GetParamsetSummaryByTest", types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Return(ps.GetByTest())
mcls.On("GetPatchSets", testutils.AnyContext, clID).Return([]code_review.PatchSet{
SystemID: "first_one",
ChangeListID: clID,
Order: 1,
// All the rest are ignored
SystemID: "fourth_one",
ChangeListID: clID,
Order: 4,
// All the rest are ignored
}, nil)
expectedID := tjstore.CombinedPSID{
CL: clID,
CRS: "gerrit",
PS: "fourth_one", // we didn't specify a PS, so it goes with the most recent
anglerGroup := map[string]string{
"device": data.AnglerDevice,
bullheadGroup := map[string]string{
"device": data.BullheadDevice,
options := map[string]string{
"ext": "png",
mtjs.On("GetResults", testutils.AnyContext, expectedID).Return([]tjstore.TryJobResult{
GroupParams: anglerGroup,
Options: options,
Digest: data.AlphaGood1Digest,
ResultParams: map[string]string{
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.AlphaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
GroupParams: bullheadGroup,
Options: options,
Digest: AlphaNowGoodDigest,
ResultParams: map[string]string{
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.AlphaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
GroupParams: anglerGroup,
Options: options,
Digest: data.BetaGood1Digest,
ResultParams: map[string]string{
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.BetaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
GroupParams: bullheadGroup,
Options: options,
Digest: BetaBrandNewDigest,
ResultParams: map[string]string{
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(data.BetaTest),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
}, nil)
mds.On("Get", diff.PRIORITY_NOW, BetaBrandNewDigest, types.DigestSlice{data.BetaGood1Digest}).
data.BetaGood1Digest: makeSmallDiffMetric(),
}, nil)
s := New(mds, mes, mi, nil, mcls, mtjs, everythingPublic)
q := &query.Search{
ChangeListID: clID,
DeprecatedIssue: clInt,
NewCLStore: true,
IncludeMaster: false,
Unt: true,
Head: true,
FRGBAMin: 0,
FRGBAMax: 255,
FDiffMax: -1,
Sort: query.SortAscending,
resp, err := s.Search(context.Background(), q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, resp)
// make sure the group maps were not mutated.
assert.Len(t, anglerGroup, 1)
assert.Len(t, bullheadGroup, 1)
assert.Len(t, options, 1)
assert.Equal(t, &frontend.SearchResponse{
Commits: data.MakeTestCommits(),
Offset: 0,
Size: 1,
Digests: []*frontend.SRDigest{
Test: data.BetaTest,
Digest: BetaBrandNewDigest,
Status: "untriaged",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.BullheadDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.BetaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
"ext": {"png"},
Traces: &frontend.TraceGroup{
TileSize: 3,
Traces: []frontend.Trace{},
Digests: []frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: BetaBrandNewDigest,
Status: "untriaged",
ClosestRef: common.PositiveRef,
RefDiffs: map[common.RefClosest]*frontend.SRDiffDigest{
common.PositiveRef: {
DiffMetrics: makeSmallDiffMetric(),
Digest: data.BetaGood1Digest,
Status: "positive",
ParamSet: map[string][]string{
"device": {data.AnglerDevice, data.BullheadDevice},
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: {string(data.BetaTest)},
types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"},
// Note: the data from three_devices lacks an "ext" entry, so
// we don't see one here
OccurrencesInTile: 6,
common.NegativeRef: nil,
}, resp)
var everythingPublic = paramtools.ParamSet{}
// This is arbitrary data.
func makeSmallDiffMetric() *diff.DiffMetrics {
return &diff.DiffMetrics{
NumDiffPixels: 8,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.002,
MaxRGBADiffs: []int{0, 48, 12, 0},
DimDiffer: false,
Diffs: map[string]float32{
diff.METRIC_COMBINED: 0.0005,
"percent": 0.002,
"pixel": 8,
func makeBigDiffMetric() *diff.DiffMetrics {
return &diff.DiffMetrics{
NumDiffPixels: 88812,
PixelDiffPercent: 0.9868,
MaxRGBADiffs: []int{102, 51, 13, 0},
DimDiffer: true,
Diffs: map[string]float32{
"percent": 0.9868,
"pixel": 88812,