blob: 74504cd3574ca4e126dcdf510554d83e023d93f6 [file] [log] [blame]
package diffstore
import (
assert ""
const (
gsImageBaseDir = "dm-images-v1"
// These digests match the images below.
digest1 = types.Digest("bde6b72edc996515916348e8f4dd406d")
digest2 = types.Digest("96f28080f8cebfdb463bb00724aba779")
image1GsPath = gsImageBaseDir + "/" + string(digest1) + ".png"
image2GsPath = gsImageBaseDir + "/" + string(digest2) + ".png"
skTextImage1 = `! SKTEXTSIMPLE
1 5
skTextImage2 = `! SKTEXTSIMPLE
1 5
// These images (of type *image.NRGBA) are created from the SKTEXTSIMPLE images defined above, and
// are assumed to be used in a read-only manner throughout the tests.
var image1 = skTextToImage(skTextImage1)
var image2 = skTextToImage(skTextImage2)
func TestImageLoaderExpectedDigestsAreCorrect(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, imageToDigest(image1), digest1)
assert.Equal(t, imageToDigest(image2), digest2)
// Sets up the mock GCSClient and temp folder for images, and returns the test ImageLoader instance.
func setUp(t *testing.T) (*ImageLoader, *test_gcsclient.MockGCSClient, *mocks.FailureStore) {
// Build mock GCSClient.
mockBucketClient := test_gcsclient.NewMockClient()
// Only used for logging errors, which only some tests produce.
// Build mock FailureStore.
mockFailureStore := &mocks.FailureStore{}
// Compute an arbitrary cache size.
imgCacheCount, _ := getCacheCounts(10)
// Create the ImageLoader instance.
imageLoader, err := NewImgLoader(mockBucketClient, mockFailureStore, gsImageBaseDir, imgCacheCount, &disk_mapper.DiskMapper{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
return imageLoader, mockBucketClient, mockFailureStore
func TestImageLoaderGetSingleDigestFoundInBucket(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest1)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa, nil)
// digest1 is read.
reader := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image1))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(reader, nil)
// Get image.
images, err := imageLoader.Get(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1})
// Assert that the correct image was returned.
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, images, 1)
assert.Equal(t, images[0], image1)
func TestImageLoaderGetSingleDigestNotFound(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is NOT present in the GCS bucket.
var oa *storage.ObjectAttrs = nil
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa, errors.New("not found"))
// Failure is stored.
mockFailureStore.On("AddDigestFailure", diffFailureMatcher(digest1, "http_error")).Return(nil)
mockFailureStore.On("AddDigestFailureIfNew", diffFailureMatcher(digest1, "other")).Return(nil)
// Get images.
_, err := imageLoader.Get(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1})
// Assert that retrieval failed.
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "Unable to retrieve attributes")
func TestImageLoaderGetMultipleDigestsAllFoundInBucket(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa1 := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest1)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa1, nil)
// digest1 is read.
reader1 := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image1))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(reader1, nil)
// digest2 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa2 := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest2)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image2GsPath).Return(oa2, nil)
// digest2 is read.
reader2 := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image2))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image2GsPath).Return(reader2, nil)
// Get images.
images, err := imageLoader.Get(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1, digest2})
// Assert that the correct images were returned.
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, images, 2)
assert.Equal(t, images[0], image1)
assert.Equal(t, images[1], image2)
func TestImageLoaderGetMultipleDigestsDigest1FoundInBucketDigest2NotFound(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa1 := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest1)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa1, nil)
// digest1 is read.
reader := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image1))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(reader, nil)
// digest2 is NOT present in the GCS bucket.
var oa2 *storage.ObjectAttrs = nil
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image2GsPath).Return(oa2, errors.New("not found"))
// Failure is stored.
mockFailureStore.On("AddDigestFailure", diffFailureMatcher(digest2, "http_error")).Return(nil)
mockFailureStore.On("AddDigestFailureIfNew", diffFailureMatcher(digest2, "other")).Return(nil)
// Get images.
_, err := imageLoader.Get(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1, digest2})
// Assert that retrieval failed.
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "Unable to retrieve attributes")
func TestImageLoaderWarm(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa1 := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest1)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa1, nil).
Once() // This ensures that Get doesn't hit GCS after a call to Warm for the same digest.
// digest1 is read.
reader1 := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image1))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(reader1, nil).
Once() // This ensures that Get doesn't hit GCS after a call to Warm for the same digest.
// digest2 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa2 := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest2)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image2GsPath).Return(oa2, nil).
Once() // This ensures that Get doesn't hit GCS after a call to Warm for the same digest.
// digest2 is read.
reader2 := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image2))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image2GsPath).Return(reader2, nil).
Once() // This ensures that Get doesn't hit GCS after a call to Warm for the same digest.
// Fetch both images from GCS and cache them in memory.
imageLoader.Warm(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1, digest2}, true)
// Assert that the mocked methods were called as expected.
// Assert that the images are in the cache.
assert.True(t, imageLoader.Contains(digest1))
assert.True(t, imageLoader.Contains(digest2))
// Get cached images from memory. This shouldn't hit GCS. If it does, the mockClient will panic
// as per the Once() calls.
images, err := imageLoader.Get(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1, digest2})
// Assert that the correct images were returned.
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, images, 2)
assert.Equal(t, images[0], image1)
assert.Equal(t, images[1], image2)
// TODO(lovisolo): Add test cases for multiple digests, and decide what to do about purgeGCS=false.
func TestImageLoaderPurgeImages(t *testing.T) {
imageLoader, mockClient, mockFailureStore := setUp(t)
defer mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mockFailureStore.AssertExpectations(t)
// digest1 is present in the GCS bucket.
oa := &storage.ObjectAttrs{MD5: digestToMD5Bytes(digest1)}
mockClient.On("GetFileObjectAttrs", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(oa, nil)
// digest1 is read.
reader1 := ioutil.NopCloser(imageToPng(image1))
mockClient.On("FileReader", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(reader1, nil)
// Fetch digest from GCS and and cache it in memory.
imageLoader.Warm(1, types.DigestSlice{digest1}, true)
// Assert that the image is in the cache.
assert.True(t, imageLoader.Contains(digest1))
// digest1 is deleted.
mockClient.On("DeleteFile", testutils.AnyContext, image1GsPath).Return(nil)
// Purge image.
err := imageLoader.PurgeImages(types.DigestSlice{digest1}, true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the image was removed from the cache.
assert.False(t, imageLoader.Contains(digest1))
// Decodes an SKTEXTSIMPLE image.
func skTextToImage(s string) *image.NRGBA {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString(s)
img, err := text.Decode(buf)
if err != nil {
// This indicates an error with the static test data which is initialized before executing the
// tests, thus we panic instead of asserting the absence of errors with assert.NoError.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to decode a valid image: %s", err))
return img.(*image.NRGBA)
// Takes an image and returns a PNG-encoded bytes.Buffer.
func imageToPng(image *image.NRGBA) *bytes.Buffer {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := common.EncodeImg(buf, image)
if err != nil {
// This indicates an error with the static test data which is initialized before executing the
// tests, thus we panic instead of asserting the absence of errors with assert.NoError.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to encode image as PNG: %s", err))
return buf
// Takes an image and returns a string with its MD5 hash.
func imageToDigest(image *image.NRGBA) types.Digest {
md5 := md5.New()
return types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(md5.Sum(nil)))
// Takes a string with an MD5 hash and encodes it as a byte array.
func digestToMD5Bytes(digest types.Digest) []byte {
bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(string(digest))
if err != nil {
// This indicates an error with the static test data which is initialized before executing the
// tests, thus we panic instead of asserting the absence of errors with assert.NoError.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to encode digest as MD5 bytes: %s", err))
return bytes
// This matcher is necessary due to the timestamp stored in field DigestFailure.TS.
func diffFailureMatcher(digest types.Digest, reason diff.DiffErr) interface{} {
return mock.MatchedBy(func(failure *diff.DigestFailure) bool {
return failure.Digest == digest && failure.Reason == reason
func TestGetGSRelPath(t *testing.T) {
digest := types.Digest("098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6")
expectedGSPath := string(digest + ".png")
gsPath := getGSRelPath(digest)
assert.Equal(t, expectedGSPath, gsPath)