blob: 258c0107c0c84eace8125137b1a16f1b6c2bd9a9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
import './index';
import fetchMock, { MockRequest, MockResponse } from 'fetch-mock';
import { assert } from 'chai';
import type { CanvasKit, CanvasKitInit as CKInit } from '../../wasm_libs/types/canvaskit';
import {
defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName, defaultImageURL, defaultScrapBody, numPredefinedUniforms, ShaderNode,
} from './index';
import { ChildShader, ScrapBody, ScrapID } from '../json';
// It is assumed that canvaskit.js has been loaded and this symbol is available globally.
declare const CanvasKitInit: typeof CKInit;
let canvasKit: CanvasKit | null = null;
const getCanvasKit = async (): Promise<CanvasKit> => {
if (canvasKit) {
return canvasKit;
canvasKit = await CanvasKitInit({ locateFile: (file: string) => `/canvaskit_assets/${file}` });
if (!canvasKit) {
throw new Error('Could not load CanvasKit');
return canvasKit;
const createShaderNode = async (): Promise<ShaderNode> => {
const ck = await getCanvasKit();
const node = new ShaderNode(ck);
await node.setScrap(defaultScrapBody);
return node;
const createShaderNodeWithChildShader = async (): Promise<ShaderNode> => {
const ck = await getCanvasKit();
const node = new ShaderNode(ck);
const childScrapBody: ScrapBody = {
Body: `half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {
return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);
Type: 'sksl',
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [],
fetchMock.get(`/_/load/${defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName}`, childScrapBody);
const scrapBodyWithChild: ScrapBody = {
Body: `half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {
return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);
Type: 'sksl',
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [{
UniformName: 'childShader',
ScrapHashOrName: defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName,
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [],
await node.setScrap(scrapBodyWithChild);
await fetchMock.flush();
return node;
describe('ShaderNode', async () => {
it('constructor builds with a default shader', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
// Confirm that all the post-compile pre-calculations are done correctly.
assert.equal(node.getUniformCount(), numPredefinedUniforms, 'The default shader doesn\'t have any user uniforms.');
assert.equal(node.getUniform(0).name, 'iResolution', 'Confirm the predefined shaders show up in the uniforms.');
assert.equal(node.getUniformFloatCount(), node.numPredefinedUniformValues, 'These are equal because the default shader has 0 user uniforms.');
assert.isNotNull(node['uniformsMallocObj'], "We Malloc'd");
assert.equal(node.numPredefinedUniformValues, 11, 'The number of predefined uniform values is calculated after compile() is called. This value will change if predefinedUniforms is changed.');
assert.deepEqual(node.compileErrorLineNumbers, []);
assert.equal(node.compileErrorMessage, '');
it('updates all values when a new shader is compiled.', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
// Check our starting values.
assert.equal(node.getUniformCount(), numPredefinedUniforms, 'The default shader doesn\'t have any user uniforms.');
assert.equal(node.getUniform(0).name, 'iResolution', 'Confirm the predefined shaders show up in the uniforms.');
assert.equal(node.getUniformFloatCount(), node.numPredefinedUniformValues, 'These are equal because the default shader has 0 user uniforms.');
// Set code that has a user uniform, in this case with 4 floats.
await node.setScrap({
Type: 'sksl',
Body: `uniform float4 iColorWithAlpha;
half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
return half4(iColorWithAlpha);
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [1, 0, 1, 0],
assert.isNotNull(node.getShader([0, 0, 0, 0]));
// Confirm that all the post-compile pre-calculations are done correctly for the new shader.
assert.equal(node.getUniformCount(), numPredefinedUniforms + 1, 'The new shader has 1 user uniform.');
assert.equal(node.getUniform(0).name, 'iResolution', 'Confirm the predefined shaders show up in the uniforms.');
assert.equal(node.getUniformFloatCount(), node.numPredefinedUniformValues + 4, 'The user uniform contributes 4 floats to the total.');
it('correctly indicates when run() needs to be called.', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
assert.isFalse(node.needsCompile(), 'Should not need a run immediately after a call to compile().');
const originalCode = node.shaderCode;
node.shaderCode += '\n';
assert.isTrue(node.needsCompile(), 'Needs compile when code has changed.');
node.shaderCode = originalCode;
assert.isFalse(node.needsCompile(), 'No longer needs a compile when change is undone.');
it('correctly indicates when save() needs to be called.', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
const startingUniformValues = [1, 0, 1, 0];
const modifiedUniformValues = [1, 1, 1, 1];
// Set code that has a user uniform, in this case with 4 floats, because
// saving is not only indicated when the code changes, but when the user
// uniforms change.
await node.setScrap({
Type: 'sksl',
Body: `uniform float4 iColorWithAlpha;
half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
return half4(iColorWithAlpha);
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: startingUniformValues,
const originalCode = node.shaderCode;
assert.isFalse(node.needsSave(), 'No need to save at the start.');
// Changing the code means we need to save.
node.shaderCode += '\n';
assert.isTrue(node.needsSave(), 'Needs save if code changed.');
node.shaderCode = originalCode;
assert.isFalse(node.needsSave(), "Doesn't need save when code restored.");
// Also changing the user uniform values means we need to save.
node.currentUserUniformValues = modifiedUniformValues;
assert.isTrue(node.needsSave(), 'Needs save if uniform values changed.');
node.currentUserUniformValues = startingUniformValues;
assert.isFalse(node.needsSave(), "Doesn't need save if uniform values restored.");
it('reports compiler errors', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
await node.setScrap({
Type: 'sksl',
Body: `uniform float4 iColorWithAlpha;
half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
return half4(iColorWithAlpha) // Missing trailing semicolon.
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [1, 0, 1, 0],
assert.deepEqual(node.compileErrorLineNumbers, [5]);
node.compileErrorMessage.startsWith("error: 5: expected ';', but found '}'");
it('makes a copy of the ScrapBody', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
const startScrap = node.getScrap();
startScrap.Body = '';
// Confirm we haven't changed the original scrap.
it('always starts with non-null input image', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
it('protects against unsafe URLs', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
node['currentImageURL'] = 'data:foo';
assert.equal(node.getCurrentImageURL(), 'data:foo');
assert.equal(node.getSafeImageURL(), defaultImageURL);
it('reverts to empty image URL if image fails to load.', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
await node.setCurrentImageURL('/dist/some-unknown-image.png');
assert.equal(node.getCurrentImageURL(), '');
describe('child shader', () => {
it('is created on loadScrap', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.equal(1, node.children.length);
assert.equal(defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName, node.children[0]['scrapID']);
assert.equal(node.getChildShader(0).UniformName, 'childShader');
it('can be removed', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.equal(0, node.children.length);
it('throws on out of bounds when removing shader', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.throws(() => {
it('throws on out of bounds when accessing child shader', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.throws(() => {
it('can be appended', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNode();
const childScrapBody: ScrapBody = {
Body: `half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {
return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);
Type: 'sksl',
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [],
fetchMock.get(`/_/load/${defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName}`, childScrapBody);
await node.appendNewChildShader();
assert.equal(1, node.children.length);
assert.equal(defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName, node.children[0]['scrapID']);
await fetchMock.flush();
it('has a name', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.equal(node.getChildShaderUniformName(0), 'childShader');
it('has uniform declarations', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
assert.equal(node.getChildShaderUniforms(), 'uniform shader childShader;');
it('has a name that can be changed', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
const newUniformName = 'someNewName';
const childScrapBody: ScrapBody = {
Body: `half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {
return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);
Type: 'sksl',
SKSLMetaData: {
Children: [],
ImageURL: '',
Uniforms: [],
fetchMock.get(`/_/load/${defaultChildShaderScrapHashOrName}`, childScrapBody);
await node.setChildShaderUniformName(0, newUniformName);
assert.equal(node.getChildShaderUniformName(0), newUniformName);
await fetchMock.flush();
it('raises on invalid child shader names', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
await node.setChildShaderUniformName(0, 'this is an invalid uniform name because it contains spaces')
.then(() =>
.catch((err: Error) => assert.match(err.message, /Invalid uniform name/));
it('raises on out of bounds', async () => {
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
await node.setChildShaderUniformName(1, 'aNewName')
.then(() =>
.catch((err: Error) => assert.match(err.message, /does not exist/));
it('saves depth first', async () => {
const parentNodeSavedID = 'parentNodeSavedID';
const childNodeSavedID = 'childNodeSavedID';
const node = await createShaderNodeWithChildShader();
// The save endpoint should be called twice, the first time from the child
// node, and the second time from the parent node.
const callOrder = [childNodeSavedID, parentNodeSavedID];
const bodiesSent = [
'{"Body":"half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {\\n return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);\\n }","Type":"sksl","SKSLMetaData":{"Uniforms":[],"ImageURL":"","Children":[]}}',
'{"Body":"half4 main(vec2 fragcoord) {\\n return half4(0, 1, 0, 1);\\n }","Type":"sksl","SKSLMetaData":{"Uniforms":[],"ImageURL":"","Children":[{"UniformName":"childShader","ScrapHashOrName":"childNodeSavedID"}]}}',
let call = 0;'/_/save/', (url: string, opts: MockRequest): MockResponse => {
const { body } = opts;
assert.equal(body, bodiesSent[call]);
const resp: ScrapID = {
Hash: callOrder[call],
return resp;
}, {
sendAsJson: true,
const newID = await node.saveScrap();
await fetchMock.flush();
assert.equal(newID, parentNodeSavedID);
describe('childShadersAreDifferent', () => {
it('detects differences', () => {
const a: ChildShader = {
UniformName: 'foo',
ScrapHashOrName: '@someName',
const b: ChildShader = {
UniformName: 'bar',
ScrapHashOrName: '@someName',
const c: ChildShader = {
UniformName: 'foo',
ScrapHashOrName: '@someDifferentName',
assert.isTrue(childShadersAreDifferent(a, b));
assert.isTrue(childShadersAreDifferent(b, c));
assert.isTrue(childShadersAreDifferent(a, c));
assert.isFalse(childShadersAreDifferent(a, a));
describe('childShaderArraysDiffer', () => {
it('handles empty arrays', () => {
assert.isFalse(childShaderArraysDiffer([], []));
it('handles different sized arrays', () => {
const a: ChildShader = {
UniformName: 'foo',
ScrapHashOrName: '@someName',
assert.isTrue(childShaderArraysDiffer([], [a]));
assert.isTrue(childShaderArraysDiffer([a], []));
assert.isTrue(childShaderArraysDiffer([a], [a, a]));
assert.isFalse(childShaderArraysDiffer([a], [a]));