blob: 6c139628ee54f8d9f9c203021d474c0936bd0cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// This program takes an HTML page and inserts <link> and <script> tags to load CSS and JavaScript
// files at the specified locations, with an optional "nonce" attribute with the specified value.
package main
import (
func insertAssets(inputHTML io.Reader, jsPath, cssPath, nonce string) (string, error) {
var output []string
tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(inputHTML)
for {
tokenType := tokenizer.Next()
switch tokenType {
case html.ErrorToken:
if tokenizer.Err() == io.EOF {
return strings.Join(output, ""), nil
} else {
return "", tokenizer.Err()
case html.EndTagToken:
tagNameBytes, _ := tokenizer.TagName()
tagName := string(tagNameBytes)
if tagName == "head" {
// Insert <link> tag.
if nonce != "" {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=%q nonce=%q>", cssPath, nonce))
} else {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=%q>", cssPath))
if tagName == "body" {
// Insert <script> tag.
if nonce != "" {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("<script src=%q nonce=%q></script>", jsPath, nonce))
} else {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("<script src=%q></script>", jsPath))
output = append(output, string(tokenizer.Raw()))
func main() {
html := flag.String("html", "", "Path to the HTML file to instrument.")
js := flag.String("js", "", "Serving path of the JavaScript file to insert.")
css := flag.String("css", "", "Serving path of the CSS file to insert.")
nonce := flag.String("nonce", "", "Value of the nonce attribute of the inserted link/script tags. Optional.")
if *html == "" || *js == "" || *css == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0])
htmlReader, err := os.Open(*html)
if err != nil {
instrumentedHTML, err := insertAssets(htmlReader, *js, *css, *nonce)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
fmt.Printf("%s", instrumentedHTML)