blob: b7c033c3d4eefac9aa861e404f380c4ba7e210dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Package emulators contains functions to start and stop emulators, and utilities to work with the
// various *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variables.
// Unless otherwise specified, all functions in this package assume that there will be at most one
// instance of each emulator running at any given time.
package emulators
// This package uses "os/exec" as opposed to "" in order to avoid the
// following circular dependency:
// //go/exec/exec_test.go -> //go/testutils/unittest/unittest.go -> //go/emulators/emulators.go
import (
// Emulator represents a Google Cloud emulator, a test-only CockroachDB server, etc.
type Emulator string
const (
// BigTable represents a Google Cloud BigTable emulator.
BigTable = Emulator("BigTable")
// CockroachDB represents a test-only CockroachDB instance.
CockroachDB = Emulator("CockroachDB")
// Datastore represents a Google Cloud Datastore emulator.
Datastore = Emulator("Datastore")
// Firestore represents a Google Cloud Firestore emulator.
Firestore = Emulator("Firestore")
// PubSub represents a Google Cloud PubSub emulator.
PubSub = Emulator("PubSub")
// AllEmulators contains a list of all known emulators.
var AllEmulators = []Emulator{BigTable, CockroachDB, Datastore, Firestore, PubSub}
// emulatorInfo holds the information necessary to start an emulator and manage its lifecycle.
type emulatorInfo struct {
cmd string // Command and arguments to start the emulator on a developer workstation.
envVar string // Name of the emulator's environment variable, e.g. "FOO_EMULATOR_HOST".
port int // The emulator's TCP port when running locally. Ignored under RBE.
// cachedEmulatorInfos is populated by getCachedEmulatorInfo() on the first call. Do not use
// directly.
var cachedEmulatorInfos = map[Emulator]emulatorInfo{}
// getCachedEmulatorInfo builds and returns an emulatorInfo struct for the given emulator. The
// struct's contents will depend on whether we are running on Bazel and RBE or not. All structs are
// computed once and cached. Subsequent calls will return the same struct given the same input.
func getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator Emulator) emulatorInfo {
if len(cachedEmulatorInfos) == 0 {
cachedEmulatorInfos = map[Emulator]emulatorInfo{
BigTable: makeEmulatorInfo(BigTable),
CockroachDB: makeEmulatorInfo(CockroachDB),
Datastore: makeEmulatorInfo(Datastore),
Firestore: makeEmulatorInfo(Firestore),
PubSub: makeEmulatorInfo(PubSub),
emulatorInfo, ok := cachedEmulatorInfos[emulator]
if !ok {
panic("Unknown emulator: " + emulator)
return emulatorInfo
// makeEmulatorInfo returns an emulatorInfo struct for the given emulator. Under RBE, the emulator
// port will be chosen by the OS to minimize chances of parallel tests from interfering with each
// other. This function returns a new struct every time it's called, so different calls under RBE
// RBE will return structs with different ports.
func makeEmulatorInfo(emulator Emulator) emulatorInfo {
var info emulatorInfo
switch emulator {
case BigTable:
info = emulatorInfo{
cmd: "gcloud beta emulators bigtable start --host-port=localhost:%d --project=test-project",
port: 8892,
case CockroachDB:
info = emulatorInfo{
cmd: computeCockroachDBCmd(),
port: 8895,
case Datastore:
info = emulatorInfo{
cmd: "gcloud beta emulators datastore start --no-store-on-disk --host-port=localhost:%d --project=test-project",
port: 8891,
case Firestore:
info = emulatorInfo{
cmd: "gcloud beta emulators firestore start --host-port=localhost:%d",
port: 8894,
case PubSub:
info = emulatorInfo{
cmd: "gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --host-port=localhost:%d --project=test-project",
port: 8893,
panic("Unknown emulator: " + emulator)
// Under Bazel and RBE, we choose an unused port to minimize the chances of parallel tests from
// interfering with each other.
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
info.port = findUnusedTCPPort()
return info
func computeCockroachDBCmd() string {
// Read the CockroachDB storage directory from an environment variable, or create a temp dir.
cockroachDbStoreDir := os.Getenv("COCKROACHDB_EMULATOR_STORE_DIR")
if cockroachDbStoreDir == "" {
var err error
cockroachDbStoreDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "crdb-emulator-*")
if err != nil {
panic("Error while creating temporary directory: " + skerr.Wrap(err).Error())
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("cockroach start-single-node --insecure --listen-addr=localhost:%%d --store=%s", cockroachDbStoreDir)
// Under RBE, we want the web UI to be served on a random TCP port. This minimizes the chance of
// parallel tests from interfering with each other.
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
cmd += " --http-addr=localhost:0"
} else {
// The default port for Cockroach's web UI 8080, but that is the same port at which we serve
// demo pages during development.
cmd += " --http-addr=localhost:9090"
return cmd
// findUnusedTCPPort finds an unused TCP port by opening a TCP port on an unused port chosen by the
// operating system, recovering the port number and immediately closing the socket.
// This function does not guarantee that multiple calls will return different port numbers, so it
// might cause tests to flake out. However, the odds of this happening are low. In the future, we
// might decide to keep track of previously returned port numbers, and keep probing the OS until
// it returns a previously unseen port number.
func findUnusedTCPPort() int {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
if err != nil {
port := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
if err = listener.Close(); err != nil {
return port
// GetEmulatorHostEnvVar returns the contents of the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
// corresponding to the given emulator, or the empty string if the environment variable is unset.
func GetEmulatorHostEnvVar(emulator Emulator) string {
return os.Getenv(getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator).envVar)
// SetEmulatorHostEnvVar sets the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable for the given emulator to
// point to an emulator instance started via StartEmulatorIfNotRunning.
// It's OK to call this function before calling StartEmulatorIfNotRunning because both functions
// look up the emulator information (e.g. TCP port) from a package-private, global dictionary.
func SetEmulatorHostEnvVar(emulator Emulator) error {
return setEmulatorHostEnvVarFromEmulatorInfo(getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator))
func setEmulatorHostEnvVarFromEmulatorInfo(info emulatorInfo) error {
return skerr.Wrap(os.Setenv(info.envVar, fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", info.port)))
// UnsetAllEmulatorHostEnvVars unsets the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variables for all known
// emulators.
func UnsetAllEmulatorHostEnvVars() error {
for _, emulator := range AllEmulators {
if err := os.Setenv(getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator).envVar, ""); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName returns the name of the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
// corresponding to the given emulator.
func GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName(emulator Emulator) string {
return getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator).envVar
// runningEmulators keeps track of which emulators have been started
var runningEmulators = map[Emulator]bool{}
// IsRunning returns true is the given emulator was started, or false if it hasn't been started or
// if it's been stopped.
func IsRunning(emulator Emulator) bool {
return runningEmulators[emulator]
// StartEmulatorIfNotRunning starts an emulator if it's not already running. Returns true if it
// started the emulator, or false if the emulator was already running.
func StartEmulatorIfNotRunning(emulator Emulator) (bool, error) {
if IsRunning(emulator) {
return false, nil
if err := startEmulator(getCachedEmulatorInfo(emulator)); err != nil {
return false, skerr.Wrap(err)
runningEmulators[emulator] = true
return true, nil
// StartAdHocEmulatorInstanceAndSetEmulatorHostEnvVarBazelRBEOnly starts a new instance of the given
// emulator, regardless of whether a previous instance was already started, and sets the
// corresponding *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to point to the newly started instance. Any
// emulator instances started via this function will be ignored by StartEmulatorIfNotRunning.
// This only works under RBE because under RBE, emulators are assigned an unused TCP port chosen by
// the operating system, which makes it possible to run multiple instances of the same emulator in
// parallel (e.g. one instance started via this function, and another one started via
// StartEmulatorIfNotRunning). This function will panic if called outside of RBE.
func StartAdHocEmulatorInstanceAndSetEmulatorHostEnvVarBazelRBEOnly(emulator Emulator) error {
if !bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
panic("This function cannot be called outside of RBE.")
info := makeEmulatorInfo(emulator)
if err := startEmulator(info); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := setEmulatorHostEnvVarFromEmulatorInfo(info); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// startEmulator starts an emulator using the command in the given struct.
func startEmulator(emulatorInfo emulatorInfo) error {
programAndArgsStr := fmt.Sprintf(emulatorInfo.cmd, emulatorInfo.port)
programAndArgs := strings.Split(programAndArgsStr, " ")
cmd := exec.Command(programAndArgs[0], programAndArgs[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
// Force emulator child processes to die as soon as the parent process (e.g. the Go test runner)
// dies. If we don't do this, the emulators will continue running indefinitely after the parent
// process dies, eventually timing out.
// Note that this is only possible under Linux. The below function call will panic under
// non-Linux operating systems. Running emulator tests under RBE on non-Linux OSes is therefore
// not supported. This is OK because our RBE instance is currently Linux-only. See the comments
// in the function body for alternative approaches if we ever decide to run emulator tests under
// RBE on other operating systems.
cmd.SysProcAttr = makeSysProcAttrWithPdeathsigSIGKILL()
// Start the emulator.
fmt.Printf("Starting emulator: %s\n", programAndArgsStr)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Log the emulator's exit status.
go func() {
err := cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Emulator %s finished with error: %v\n", programAndArgsStr, err)
fmt.Printf("Emulator %s finished with exit status: %d\n", programAndArgsStr, cmd.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus())
return nil
// StartAllEmulators starts all known emulators.
func StartAllEmulators() error {
for _, emulator := range AllEmulators {
if _, err := StartEmulatorIfNotRunning(emulator); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
var emulatorProcsToKill = []*regexp.Regexp{
// StopAllEmulators gracefully terminates all known emulators.
func StopAllEmulators() error {
signal := "SIGTERM"
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
// Under Bazel and RBE, we don't need graceful termination because the RBE containers are
// ephemeral. Killing the emulators with SIGKILL is faster and simpler.
signal = "SIGKILL"
return stopAllEmulators(signal)
// ForceStopAllEmulators immediately terminates all known emulators with SIGKILL.
func ForceStopAllEmulators() error {
return stopAllEmulators("SIGKILL")
func stopAllEmulators(signal string) error {
// List all processes.
psCmd := exec.Command("ps", "aux")
var psOut bytes.Buffer
psCmd.Stdout = &psOut
if err := psCmd.Run(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Parse the output of the previous command.
lines := strings.Split(psOut.String(), "\n")
procs := make(map[string]string, len(lines))
for _, line := range lines {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) < 11 {
procs[line] = fields[1]
// Kill each matching process.
for _, re := range emulatorProcsToKill {
for desc, id := range procs {
if re.MatchString(desc) {
if err := exec.Command("kill", "-s", signal, id).Run(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
delete(procs, desc)
// After this function returns, IsRunning(emulator) should return false for all known emulators.
for _, emulator := range AllEmulators {
runningEmulators[emulator] = false
return nil