blob: 129b02ca4358cf85282539f270d79a65ad4eff63 [file] [log] [blame]
package parent
import (
const (
GClient = ""
// DEPSLocalConfig provides configuration for a Parent which uses a local
// checkout and DEPS to manage dependencies.
type DEPSLocalConfig struct {
// Optional fields.
// Relative path to the repo within the checkout root. Required if
// GClientSpec is provided and specifies a name other than the default
// obtained by "git clone".
CheckoutPath string `json:"checkoutPath,omitempty"`
// Override the default gclient spec with this string.
GClientSpec string `json:"gclientSpec,omitempty"`
// Named steps to run before uploading roll CLs.
PreUploadSteps []string `json:"preUploadSteps,omitempty"`
// Run "gclient runhooks" if true.
RunHooks bool `json:"runhooks,omitempty"`
// See documentation for util.Validator interface.
func (c DEPSLocalConfig) Validate() error {
if err := c.GitCheckoutConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := c.DependencyConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if c.ID == "" {
return skerr.Fmt("Dep is required")
for _, step := range c.PreUploadSteps {
if _, err := GetPreUploadStep(step); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// NewDEPSLocal returns a Parent which uses a local checkout and DEPS to manage
// dependencies.
func NewDEPSLocal(ctx context.Context, c DEPSLocalConfig, reg *config_vars.Registry, client *http.Client, serverURL, workdir, userName, userEmail, recipeCfgFile string, uploadRoll GitCheckoutUploadRollFunc) (*GitCheckoutParent, error) {
// Validation.
if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Set up depot tools.
depotTools, err := depot_tools.GetDepotTools(ctx, workdir, recipeCfgFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
depotToolsEnv := append(depot_tools.Env(depotTools), "SKIP_GCE_AUTH_FOR_GIT=1")
gclientCmd := []string{filepath.Join(depotTools, GClient)}
gclient := func(ctx context.Context, cmd ...string) error {
_, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Dir: workdir,
Env: depotToolsEnv,
Name: "python",
Args: append(gclientCmd, cmd...),
return skerr.Wrap(err)
sync := func(ctx context.Context) error {
args := []string{"sync", "--delete_unversioned_trees", "--force"}
if !c.RunHooks {
args = append(args, "--nohooks")
return skerr.Wrap(gclient(ctx, args...))
// Pre-upload steps are run after setting the new dependency version and
// syncing, but before committing and uploading.
preUploadSteps, err := GetPreUploadSteps(c.PreUploadSteps)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Create the Git checkout. DEPS allows the parent repo to be flexibly
// located, ie. not necessarily in the root of the workdir, so we can't
// rely on GitCheckoutParent to do the right thing.
args := []string{"config"}
if c.GClientSpec != "" {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--spec=%s", c.GClientSpec))
} else {
args = append(args, c.RepoURL, "--unmanaged")
if err := gclient(ctx, args...); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := sync(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// See documentation for GitCheckoutCreateRollFunc.
createRollHelper := gitCheckoutFileCreateRollFunc(version_file_common.DependencyConfig{
VersionFileConfig: version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: c.ID,
Path: deps_parser.DepsFileName,
TransitiveDeps: c.TransitiveDeps,
createRoll := func(ctx context.Context, co *git.Checkout, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision, rolling []*revision.Revision, commitMsg string) (string, error) {
// Run the helper to set the new dependency version(s).
if _, err := createRollHelper(ctx, co, from, to, rolling, commitMsg); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
// Run "gclient sync" to sync dependencies.
if err := sync(ctx); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
// Run the pre-upload steps.
sklog.Infof("Running %d pre-upload steps.", len(preUploadSteps))
for _, s := range preUploadSteps {
if err := s(ctx, depotToolsEnv, client, co.Dir()); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed pre-upload step")
// Commit.
if _, err := co.Git(ctx, "commit", "-a", "--amend", "--no-edit"); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
out, err := co.RevParse(ctx, "HEAD")
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
return strings.TrimSpace(out), nil
// Find the checkout within the workdir.
checkoutPath, err := GetDEPSCheckoutPath(c, workdir)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
co := &git.Checkout{GitDir: git.GitDir(checkoutPath)}
return NewGitCheckout(ctx, c.GitCheckoutConfig, reg, serverURL, workdir, userName, userEmail, co, createRoll, uploadRoll)
// GetDEPSCheckoutPath returns the path to the checkout within the workdir,
// using the given DEPSLocalConfig.
func GetDEPSCheckoutPath(c DEPSLocalConfig, workdir string) (string, error) {
var repoRelPath string
if c.CheckoutPath == "" {
normUrl, err := git.NormalizeURL(c.RepoURL)
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
repoRelPath = path.Base(normUrl)
} else {
repoRelPath = c.CheckoutPath
return filepath.Join(workdir, repoRelPath), nil