blob: 6ff3f9a42a65e5c9b4cddd010913a88ee4b722bc [file] [log] [blame]
package log_parser
import (
func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
// Create a dummy output format which just indicates results of steps.
steps := []struct {
Name string
Result td.StepResult
Name: "a",
Result: td.StepResultSuccess,
Name: "b",
Result: td.StepResultFailure,
Name: "c",
Result: td.StepResultSuccess,
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Run(ctx, ".", []string{"echo", "a b c"}, bufio.ScanWords, func(sm *StepManager, line string) error {
for _, stepData := range steps {
if stepData.Name == line {
s := sm.StartStep(td.Props(stepData.Name))
if stepData.Result != td.StepResultSuccess {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("No matching step for %q", line)
// Verify that we got the expected structure.
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Steps))
cmdStep := res.Steps[0]
require.Equal(t, "echo a b c", cmdStep.Name)
require.Equal(t, len(steps), len(cmdStep.Steps))
for idx, actualStep := range cmdStep.Steps {
require.Equal(t, steps[idx].Name, actualStep.Name)
require.Equal(t, steps[idx].Result, actualStep.Result)
// everyLineIsAStep is a function which may be passed to Run. It emits a new
// step for each line in the stdout stream.
func everyLineIsAStep(sm *StepManager, line string) error {
s := sm.CurrentStep()
if s != nil {
return nil
func TestTimeout(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(borenet): This test will not work on Windows.
// Write a script to generate steps.
tmp := t.TempDir()
slowSecondStep := filepath.Join(tmp, "")
testutils.WriteFile(t, slowSecondStep, `#!/bin/bash
echo "Step1"
echo "Step2"
sleep 10
echo "Step3"
// The following Task Driver runs the above script, which takes longer
// than 10 seconds, with a timeout of 100 milliseconds.
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Set up the timeout.
timeout := 100 * time.Millisecond
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
require.True(t, elapsed < 2*time.Second, fmt.Sprintf("Timeout is %s; command exited after %s", timeout, elapsed))
// Run the script. It should hit the timeout during the second
// step.
return Run(ctx, ".", []string{slowSecondStep}, bufio.ScanLines, everyLineIsAStep)
// There should be a single root-level step, which is the execution of
// the script itself.
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Steps))
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultFailure, res.Steps[0].Result)
// We saw two log lines before the timeout, so we should have two steps.
// The second should be a failure because of the timeout.
require.Equal(t, 2, len(res.Steps[0].Steps))
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultSuccess, res.Steps[0].Steps[0].Result)
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultFailure, res.Steps[0].Steps[1].Result)
// The active steps should have received errors in their logs.
assertLogMatchesContent(t, res.Steps[0], logNameStderr, context.DeadlineExceeded.Error()+"\n")
assertLogMatchesContent(t, res.Steps[0].Steps[1], logNameStderr, context.DeadlineExceeded.Error()+"\n")
// numberedStepsRe matches lines like "Step 1: Hello World" to produce steps.
var numberedStepsRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^Step \d: (.+)$`)
// numberedStepsTokenHandler is a TokenHandler which uses numberedStepsRe.
var numberedStepsTokenHandler = RegexpTokenHandler(numberedStepsRe)
// runPythonScript writes the given Python script to a temporary file and runs
// a Task Driver which uses log_parser.Run with the given TokenHandler.
func runPythonScript(t *testing.T, fn TokenHandler, script string) *td.StepReport {
python3, err := rules_python.FindPython3()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write a script to generate steps.
tmp := t.TempDir()
scriptPath := filepath.Join(tmp, "")
testutils.WriteFile(t, scriptPath, script)
// Run the Task Driver.
return td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return Run(ctx, ".", []string{python3, "-u", scriptPath}, bufio.ScanLines, fn)
// assertLogMatchesContent verifies that the given log buffer contains the given
// lines.
func assertLogMatchesContent(t *testing.T, s *td.StepReport, logName, expect string) {
var b *bytes.Buffer
for _, data := range s.Data {
logData, ok := data.(*td.LogData)
if ok && logData.Name == logName {
log, ok := s.Logs[logData.Id]
if ok {
b = log
require.NotNil(t, b, "Failed to find log %q for step %q", logName, s.Name)
require.Equal(t, expect, b.String())
func TestLogs(t *testing.T) {
unittest.BazelOnlyTest(t) // Uses the Bazel-downloaded python3 binary.
// This script writes log output which implies two sub-steps. We expect
// the numberedStepsTokenHandler to actually emit these two steps, and
// we expect that all log output which follows "Step X" lines to be
// attributed to step X.
res := runPythonScript(t, numberedStepsTokenHandler, `
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
print('Step 1: Do a thing')
print('log for step 1')
print('... more')
print('Step 2: Do another thing')
print('inside step 2')
print('err in step 2', file=sys.stderr)
print('more err in step 2', file=sys.stderr)
// Run should produce one root-level step, which is the execution of the
// command itself. This step should have all of the raw output of the
// command.
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Steps))
base := res.Steps[0]
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultSuccess, base.Result)
assertLogMatchesContent(t, base, logNameStdout, `Step 1: Do a thing
log for step 1
... more
Step 2: Do another thing
inside step 2
assertLogMatchesContent(t, base, logNameStderr, `err in step 2
more err in step 2
// Ensure that we ended up with both of the expected sub-steps, each
// with the correct log output.
// NOTE: We'd like to verify that the stderr lines went to step2 and not
// step1 below, but due to the racy nature of the two streams described
// in the docstring for Run(), we cannot guarantee that stderr lines are
// attached to the correct sub-step.
require.Equal(t, 2, len(base.Steps))
step1 := base.Steps[0]
require.Equal(t, "Do a thing", step1.Name)
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultSuccess, step1.Result)
assertLogMatchesContent(t, step1, logNameStdout, `Step 1: Do a thing
log for step 1
... more
step2 := base.Steps[1]
require.Equal(t, "Do another thing", step2.Name)
require.Equal(t, td.StepResultSuccess, step2.Result)
assertLogMatchesContent(t, step2, logNameStdout, `Step 2: Do another thing
inside step 2