blob: f7885b1303123256bd7216743f5e23c2d8f58c5e [file] [log] [blame]
load("//infra-sk:index.bzl", "nodejs_test", "ts_library")
name = "util_nodejs_test",
src = "util_nodejs_test.ts",
deps = [
name = "util_ts_lib",
srcs = ["util.ts"],
data = select({
# Provides Google Chrome, libraries and fonts.
"@platforms//os:linux": [
# We don't have hermetic support for Mac and Windows. Users are expected
# to have a working chrome installation already.
"//conditions:default": [],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = ["@npm//puppeteer"],
# This is where we configured Puppeteer to download the cached version of Chrome.
name = "chrome",
# Add a dependency to puppeteer so Bazel globs the chrome_cache *after* npm installation
# completes
data = ["@npm//:node_modules/puppeteer/"] + glob(
allow_empty = False,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],