blob: 1058a610e4cb6b3c1db4171fec8d35b53635c579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Parser parses incoming JSON files from Android Testing and converts them
// into a format acceptable to Skia Perf.
package parser
import (
var (
// ErrIgnorable is returned from Convert if the file can safely be ignored.
ErrIgnorable = errors.New("File should be ignored.")
// Incoming is the JSON structure of the data sent to us from the Android
// testing infrastructure.
type Incoming struct {
BuildId string `json:"build_id"`
BuildFlavor string `json:"build_flavor"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
// Metrics is a map[test name]map[metric]value, where value
// is a string encoded float, thus the use of json.Number.
Metrics map[string]map[string]json.Number `json:"metrics"`
// Parse the 'incoming' stream into an *Incoming struct.
func Parse(incoming io.Reader) (*Incoming, error) {
ret := &Incoming{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(incoming).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode incoming JSON: %s", err)
return ret, nil
// An interface for looking up a git hashes from a buildid.
// The *lookup.Cache satisfies this interface.
type Lookup interface {
Lookup(buildid int64) (string, error)
// Converter converts a serialized *Incoming into
// an *format.BenchData.
type Converter struct {
lookup Lookup
// New creates a new *Converter.
func New(lookup Lookup) *Converter {
return &Converter{
lookup: lookup,
// Convert the serialize *Incoming JSON into an *format.BenchData.
func (c *Converter) Convert(incoming io.Reader, txLogName string) (*format.BenchData, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(incoming)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read during convert %q: %s", txLogName, err)
reader := bytes.NewReader(b)
in, err := Parse(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse during convert %q: %s", txLogName, err)
metrics2.GetCounter("androidingest_upload_received", map[string]string{"branch": in.Branch}).Inc(1)
sklog.Infof("POST for filename %q buildid: %s branch: %s flavor: %s num metrics: %d", txLogName, in.BuildId, in.Branch, in.BuildFlavor, len(in.Metrics))
// Files where the BuildId is prefixed with "P" are presubmits and don't
// produce any data and can be ignored.
if strings.HasPrefix(in.BuildId, "P") {
return nil, ErrIgnorable
buildid, err := strconv.ParseInt(in.BuildId, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse buildid %q: %q %q %s", in.BuildId, txLogName, in.Branch, err)
hash, err := c.lookup.Lookup(buildid)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find matching hash for buildid %d: %q %q %s", buildid, txLogName, in.Branch, err)
// Convert Incoming into format.BenchData, i.e. convert the following:
// {
// "build_id": "3567162",
// "build_flavor": "marlin-userdebug",
// "metrics": {
// "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome": {
// "frame-fps": "9.328892269753897",
// "frame-avg-jank": "8.4",
// "frame-max-frame-duration": "7.834711093388444",
// "frame-max-jank": "10"
// },
// ...
// }
// }
// into
// {
// "gitHash" : "8dcc84f7dc8523dd90501a4feb1f632808337c34",
// "key" : {
// "build_flavor" : "marlin-userdebug"
// },
// "results" : {
// "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome" : {
// "default" : {
// "frame-fps": 9.328892269753897,
// "frame-avg-jank": 8.4,
// "frame-max-frame-duration": 7.834711093388444,
// "frame-max-jank": 10
// "options" : {
// "name" : "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests",
// "subtest" : "testAppSwitchGMailtoHome",
// },
// },
// }
// }
// }
// Note that the incoming data doesn't have a concept similar to "config" so we just
// use a value of "default" for config for now.
benchData := &format.BenchData{
Hash: hash,
Key: map[string]string{
"build_flavor": in.BuildFlavor,
Results: map[string]format.BenchResults{},
// Record the branch name.
benchData.Key["branch"] = in.Branch
for test, metrics := range in.Metrics {
benchData.Results[test] = format.BenchResults{}
benchData.Results[test]["default"] = format.BenchResult{}
for key, value := range metrics {
f, err := value.Float64()
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Couldn't parse %q as a float64: %s", value.String(), err)
benchData.Results[test]["default"][key] = f
if len(benchData.Results) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to extract any data from incoming file: %q", txLogName)
sklog.Infof("Found %d metrics of %d incoming metrics in branch %q buildid %q in file %q", len(benchData.Results), len(in.Metrics), in.Branch, in.BuildId, txLogName)
metrics2.GetCounter("androidingest_upload_success", map[string]string{"branch": in.Branch}).Inc(1)
return benchData, nil