blob: d7d2ec01cb07481df1c17d3dc720a55ae911346b [file] [log] [blame]
package incremental
Allow incremental updates to the client.
import (
// Task is a trimmed-down version of types.Task for minimizing the amount of data
// we send to the client.
type Task struct {
Commits []string `json:"commits"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Revision string `json:"revision"`
Status types.TaskStatus `json:"status"`
SwarmingTaskId string `json:"swarming_task_id"`
// Update represents all of the new information we obtained in a single Update()
// tick. Every time Update() is called on IncrementalCache, a new Update object
// is stored internally. When the client calls any variant of Get, any new
// Updates are found and merged into a single Update object to return.
type Update struct {
BranchHeads []*git.Branch `json:"branch_heads,omitempty"`
CommitComments map[string][]*CommitComment `json:"commit_comments,omitempty"`
Commits []*vcsinfo.LongCommit `json:"commits,omitempty"`
StartOver *bool `json:"start_over,omitempty"`
SwarmingUrl string `json:"swarming_url,omitempty"`
TaskComments map[string]map[string][]*TaskComment `json:"task_comments,omitempty"`
Tasks []*Task `json:"tasks,omitempty"`
TaskSchedulerUrl string `json:"task_scheduler_url,omitempty"`
TaskSpecComments map[string][]*TaskSpecComment `json:"task_spec_comments,omitempty"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"-"`
// IncrementalCache is a cache used for sending only new information to a
// client. New data is obtained at each Update() tick and stored internally with
// a timestamp. When the client requests new data, we return a combined set of
// Updates.
type IncrementalCache struct {
comments *commentsCache
commits *commitsCache
mtx sync.RWMutex
numCommits int
swarmingUrl string
taskSchedulerUrl string
tasks *taskCache
updateMtx sync.Mutex
// Updates, keyed by repo and sorted ascending by timestamp.
updates map[string][]*Update
w *window.Window
// NewIncrementalCache returns an IncrementalCache instance.
func NewIncrementalCache(ctx context.Context, d db.RemoteDB, w *window.Window, repos repograph.Map, numCommits int, swarmingUrl, taskSchedulerUrl string) (*IncrementalCache, error) {
c := &IncrementalCache{
comments: newCommentsCache(d, repos),
commits: newCommitsCache(repos),
numCommits: numCommits,
swarmingUrl: swarmingUrl,
taskSchedulerUrl: taskSchedulerUrl,
tasks: newTaskCache(d),
w: w,
return c, c.Update(ctx, true)
// getUpdatesInRange is a helper function which retrieves all Update objects
// within a given time range.
func (c *IncrementalCache) getUpdatesInRange(repo string, from, to time.Time) []*Update {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
from = from.UTC()
to = to.UTC()
// Obtain all updates in the given range.
updates := []*Update{}
// TODO(borenet): Could use binary search to get to the starting point
// faster.
for _, u := range c.updates[repo] {
if !u.Timestamp.Before(from) && u.Timestamp.Before(to) {
updates = append(updates, u)
return updates
// GetRange returns all newly-obtained data in the given time range, trimmed
// to maxCommits.
func (c *IncrementalCache) GetRange(repo string, from, to time.Time, maxCommits int) (*Update, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
updates := c.getUpdatesInRange(repo, from, to)
// Merge the updates.
rv := &Update{
BranchHeads: nil,
Commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{},
StartOver: nil,
Tasks: []*Task{},
for _, u := range updates {
if u.BranchHeads != nil {
rv.BranchHeads = u.BranchHeads
if u.CommitComments != nil {
rv.CommitComments = u.CommitComments
rv.Commits = append(rv.Commits, u.Commits...)
if u.StartOver != nil && *u.StartOver {
rv.StartOver = u.StartOver
if u.TaskComments != nil {
rv.TaskComments = u.TaskComments
rv.Tasks = append(rv.Tasks, u.Tasks...)
if u.TaskSpecComments != nil {
rv.TaskSpecComments = u.TaskSpecComments
// Limit to only the most recent N commits.
sort.Sort(vcsinfo.LongCommitSlice(rv.Commits)) // Most recent first.
if len(rv.Commits) > maxCommits {
rv.Commits = rv.Commits[:maxCommits]
// Replace empty slices with nil to save a few bytes in transfer.
if len(rv.Commits) == 0 {
rv.Commits = nil
if len(rv.Tasks) == 0 {
rv.Tasks = nil
// If rv.StartOver is true, then we're providing all of the data the
// client needs and we can perform an additional fitering step on the
// tasks to ensure that we don't send older tasks the client doesn't
// care about.
if rv.StartOver != nil && *rv.StartOver {
commits := make(map[string]bool, len(rv.Commits))
for _, c := range rv.Commits {
commits[c.Hash] = true
filteredTasks := make([]*Task, 0, len(rv.Tasks))
for _, t := range rv.Tasks {
if commits[t.Revision] {
filteredTasks = append(filteredTasks, t)
rv.Tasks = filteredTasks
// Also provide the Swarming and Task Scheduler URLs when
// starting over.
rv.SwarmingUrl = c.swarmingUrl
rv.TaskSchedulerUrl = c.taskSchedulerUrl
return rv, nil
// Get returns all newly-obtained data since the given time, trimmed to
// maxComits.
func (c *IncrementalCache) Get(repo string, since time.Time, maxCommits int) (*Update, error) {
return c.GetRange(repo, since, time.Now().UTC(), maxCommits)
// GetAll returns all of the data in the cache, trimmed to maxCommits.
func (c *IncrementalCache) GetAll(repo string, maxCommits int) (*Update, error) {
return c.Get(repo, c.w.Start(repo), maxCommits)
// Update obtains new data and stores it internally keyed by the current time.
func (c *IncrementalCache) Update(ctx context.Context, reset bool) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
defer c.updateMtx.Unlock()
if err := c.w.Update(); err != nil {
return err
if reset {
comments, err := c.comments.Update(c.w)
if err != nil {
return err
var newTasks map[string][]*Task
var startOver bool
if reset {
// Reset() always returns true for startOver.
newTasks, startOver, err = c.tasks.Reset(c.w)
} else {
newTasks, startOver, err = c.tasks.Update(c.w)
if err != nil {
return err
// Because of the way the tasks cache works, if any step below c.tasks.Update()
// fails and we return an error without adding newTasks to an Update object,
// we will lose the contents of newTasks forever. Therefore, any failure below
// needs careful handling. In particular, we force c.tasks and c.comments to
// load from scratch on the next call to Update().
onError := func(e error) error {
return e
branchHeads, commits, err := c.commits.Update(ctx, c.w, startOver, c.numCommits)
if err != nil {
return onError(err)
if startOver && !reset {
comments, err = c.comments.Update(c.w)
if err != nil {
return onError(err)
updates := map[string]*Update{}
var so *bool
if startOver {
so = new(bool)
*so = true
for _, repo := range c.comments.repos {
tasks := newTasks[repo]
rc := comments[repo]
haveNewData := len(branchHeads[repo]) > 0 ||
len(commits[repo]) > 0 ||
len(tasks) > 0 ||
len(rc.CommitComments) > 0 ||
len(rc.TaskComments) > 0 ||
len(rc.TaskSpecComments) > 0
if haveNewData {
updates[repo] = &Update{
BranchHeads: branchHeads[repo],
CommitComments: rc.CommitComments,
Commits: commits[repo],
StartOver: so,
TaskComments: rc.TaskComments,
Tasks: tasks,
TaskSpecComments: rc.TaskSpecComments,
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
if startOver {
c.updates = map[string][]*Update{}
// Intentionally waited to set timestamps until we locked the cache.
ts := time.Now().UTC()
for repo, u := range updates {
u.Timestamp = ts
c.updates[repo] = append(c.updates[repo], u)
return nil
// UpdateLoop runs c.Update() in a loop. Automatically resets the cache every
// 24 hours.
func (c *IncrementalCache) UpdateLoop(frequency time.Duration, ctx context.Context) {
lv := metrics2.NewLiveness("last_successful_incremental_cache_update")
lastReset := time.Now()
go util.RepeatCtx(frequency, ctx, func() {
reset := false
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(lastReset) > 24*time.Hour {
reset = true
if err := c.Update(ctx, reset); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to update incremental cache: %s", err)
} else {
if reset {
lastReset = now