blob: e536270ccfed24b77d5be9dddde1d407f2ad726b [file] [log] [blame]
package repo_manager
import (
github_api ""
git_testutils ""
func githubCR(t *testing.T, g *github.GitHub) codereview.CodeReview {
rv, err := (&codereview.GithubConfig{
RepoOwner: "me",
RepoName: "my-repo",
ChecksWaitFor: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
}).Init(nil, g)
require.NoError(t, err)
return rv
func githubRmCfg(t *testing.T) *GithubRepoManagerConfig {
return &GithubRepoManagerConfig{
CommonRepoManagerConfig: CommonRepoManagerConfig{
ChildBranch: masterBranchTmpl(t),
ChildPath: "earth",
ParentBranch: masterBranchTmpl(t),
ParentRepo: "",
ChildRepoURL: "",
RevisionFile: "dummy-file.txt",
func TestGithubConfigValidation(t *testing.T) {
cfg := githubRmCfg(t)
require.NoError(t, cfg.Validate())
// The only fields come from the nested Configs, so exclude them and
// verify that we fail validation.
cfg = &GithubRepoManagerConfig{}
require.Error(t, cfg.Validate())
func setupGithub(t *testing.T) (context.Context, string, *git_testutils.GitBuilder, []string, *git_testutils.GitBuilder, *exec.CommandCollector, func()) {
wd, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create child and parent repos.
childPath := filepath.Join(wd, "github_repos", "earth")
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(childPath, 0755))
child := git_testutils.GitInitWithDir(t, context.Background(), childPath)
f := "somefile.txt"
childCommits := make([]string, 0, 10)
for i := 0; i < numChildCommits; i++ {
childCommits = append(childCommits, child.CommitGen(context.Background(), f))
parentPath := filepath.Join(wd, "github_repos", "krypton")
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(parentPath, 0755))
parent := git_testutils.GitInitWithDir(t, context.Background(), parentPath)
parent.Add(context.Background(), "dummy-file.txt", fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, childCommits[0]))
mockRun := &exec.CommandCollector{}
mockRun.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if strings.Contains(cmd.Name, "git") {
if cmd.Args[0] == "clone" || cmd.Args[0] == "fetch" {
return nil
if cmd.Args[0] == "checkout" && cmd.Args[1] == "remote/master" {
// Pretend origin is the remote branch for testing ease.
cmd.Args[1] = "origin/master"
return exec.DefaultRun(ctx, cmd)
ctx := exec.NewContext(context.Background(), mockRun.Run)
cleanup := func() {
testutils.RemoveAll(t, wd)
return ctx, wd, child, childCommits, parent, mockRun, cleanup
func setupFakeGithub(t *testing.T, childCommits []string) (*github.GitHub, *mockhttpclient.URLMock) {
urlMock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
// Mock /user endpoint.
serializedUser, err := json.Marshal(&github_api.User{
Login: &mockGithubUser,
Email: &mockGithubUserEmail,
require.NoError(t, err)
urlMock.MockOnce(githubApiUrl+"/user", mockhttpclient.MockGetDialogue(serializedUser))
if childCommits != nil && len(childCommits) > 0 {
// Mock getRawFile.
urlMock.MockOnce("", mockhttpclient.MockGetDialogue([]byte(childCommits[0])))
// Mock /issues endpoint for get and patch requests.
serializedIssue, err := json.Marshal(&github_api.Issue{
Labels: []github_api.Label{},
require.NoError(t, err)
urlMock.MockOnce(githubApiUrl+"/repos/superman/krypton/issues/12345", mockhttpclient.MockGetDialogue(serializedIssue))
patchRespBody := []byte(testutils.MarshalJSON(t, &github_api.PullRequest{}))
patchReqType := "application/json"
patchReqBody := []byte(`{"labels":["waiting for tree to go green"]}
patchMd := mockhttpclient.MockPatchDialogue(patchReqType, patchReqBody, patchRespBody)
urlMock.MockOnce(githubApiUrl+"/repos/superman/krypton/issues/12345", patchMd)
g, err := github.NewGitHub(context.Background(), "superman", "krypton", urlMock.Client())
require.NoError(t, err)
return g, urlMock
func mockGithubRequests(t *testing.T, urlMock *mockhttpclient.URLMock) {
// Mock /pulls endpoint.
serializedPull, err := json.Marshal(&github_api.PullRequest{
Number: &testPullNumber,
require.NoError(t, err)
reqType := "application/json"
md := mockhttpclient.MockPostDialogueWithResponseCode(reqType, mockhttpclient.DONT_CARE_REQUEST, serializedPull, http.StatusCreated)
urlMock.MockOnce(githubApiUrl+"/repos/superman/krypton/pulls", md)
// Mock /comments endpoint.
reqType = "application/json"
reqBody := []byte(`{"body":"@reviewer : New roll has been created by"}
md = mockhttpclient.MockPostDialogueWithResponseCode(reqType, reqBody, nil, http.StatusCreated)
urlMock.MockOnce(githubApiUrl+"/repos/superman/krypton/issues/12345/comments", md)
// TestGithubRepoManager tests all aspects of the GithubRepoManager except for CreateNewRoll.
func TestGithubRepoManager(t *testing.T) {
ctx, wd, _, childCommits, _, _, cleanup := setupGithub(t)
defer cleanup()
recipesCfg := filepath.Join(testutils.GetRepoRoot(t), recipe_cfg.RECIPE_CFG_PATH)
g, _ := setupFakeGithub(t, childCommits)
cfg := githubRmCfg(t)
rm, err := NewGithubRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), wd, g, recipesCfg, "", nil, githubCR(t, g), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, childCommits[0], lastRollRev.Id)
require.Equal(t, childCommits[len(childCommits)-1], tipRev.Id)
require.Equal(t, len(childCommits)-1, len(notRolledRevs))
func TestCreateNewGithubRoll(t *testing.T) {
ctx, wd, _, childCommits, _, _, cleanup := setupGithub(t)
defer cleanup()
recipesCfg := filepath.Join(testutils.GetRepoRoot(t), recipe_cfg.RECIPE_CFG_PATH)
g, urlMock := setupFakeGithub(t, childCommits)
cfg := githubRmCfg(t)
rm, err := NewGithubRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), wd, g, recipesCfg, "", nil, githubCR(t, g), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a roll.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock)
issue, err := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, cqExtraTrybots, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, issueNum, issue)
// Verify that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
func TestRanPreUploadStepsGithub(t *testing.T) {
ctx, wd, _, childCommits, _, _, cleanup := setupGithub(t)
defer cleanup()
recipesCfg := filepath.Join(testutils.GetRepoRoot(t), recipe_cfg.RECIPE_CFG_PATH)
g, urlMock := setupFakeGithub(t, childCommits)
cfg := githubRmCfg(t)
rm, err := NewGithubRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), wd, g, recipesCfg, "", nil, githubCR(t, g), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
ran := false
rm.(*githubRepoManager).preUploadSteps = []PreUploadStep{
func(context.Context, []string, *http.Client, string) error {
ran = true
return nil
// Create a roll, assert that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock)
_, createErr := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, cqExtraTrybots, false)
require.NoError(t, createErr)
require.True(t, ran)
// Verify that we fail when a PreUploadStep fails.
func TestErrorPreUploadStepsGithub(t *testing.T) {
ctx, wd, _, childCommits, _, _, cleanup := setupGithub(t)
defer cleanup()
recipesCfg := filepath.Join(testutils.GetRepoRoot(t), recipe_cfg.RECIPE_CFG_PATH)
g, urlMock := setupFakeGithub(t, childCommits)
cfg := githubRmCfg(t)
rm, err := NewGithubRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), wd, g, recipesCfg, "", nil, githubCR(t, g), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
ran := false
expectedErr := errors.New("Expected error")
rm.(*githubRepoManager).preUploadSteps = []PreUploadStep{
func(context.Context, []string, *http.Client, string) error {
ran = true
return expectedErr
// Create a roll, assert that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock)
_, createErr := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, cqExtraTrybots, false)
require.Error(t, expectedErr, createErr)
require.True(t, ran)