blob: 0f31996fe08249cf39390c30c29a91c8e835a512 [file] [log] [blame]
package repo_manager
import (
const (
TMPL_COMMIT_MSG_DEFAULT = `Roll {{.ChildPath}} {{.RollingFrom.String}}..{{.RollingTo.String}} ({{len .Revisions}} commits)
{{if .IncludeLog}}git log {{.RollingFrom}}..{{.RollingTo}} --date=short --first-parent --format='%ad %ae %s'
{{range .Revisions}}{{.Timestamp.Format "2006-01-02"}} {{.Author}} {{.Description}}
{{end}}{{end}}{{if len .TransitiveDeps}}
Also rolling transitive DEPS:
{{range .TransitiveDeps}} {{.ParentPath}} {{substr .RollingFrom 0 12}}..{{substr .RollingTo 0 12}}
Created with:
gclient setdep -r {{.ChildPath}}@{{.RollingTo}}
If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
using the controls here:
Please CC {{stringsJoin .Reviewers ","}} on the revert to ensure that a human
is aware of the problem.
To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:
Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
{{if .CqExtraTrybots}}Cq-Include-Trybots: {{.CqExtraTrybots}}
{{end}}Bug: {{if .Bugs}}{{stringsJoin .Bugs ","}}{{else}}None{{end}}
Tbr: {{stringsJoin .Reviewers ","}}`
// CommitMsgVars contains variables used to fill in a commit message template.
type CommitMsgVars struct {
Bugs []string
ChildPath string
ChildRepo string
CqExtraTrybots string
IncludeLog bool
Reviewers []string
Revisions []*revision.Revision
RollingFrom *revision.Revision
RollingTo *revision.Revision
ServerURL string
Tests []string
TransitiveDeps []*TransitiveDep
// TransitiveDep represents one transitive dependency roll.
type TransitiveDep struct {
ParentPath string
RollingFrom string
RollingTo string
// ParseCommitMsgTemplate parses the given commit message template string and
// returns a Template instance.
func ParseCommitMsgTemplate(tmpl string) (*template.Template, error) {
return template.New("commitMsg").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"stringsJoin": strings.Join,
"substr": func(s string, a, b int) string {
if a > len(s) {
return ""
if b > len(s) {
b = len(s)
return s[a:b]
// ValidateCommitMsgTemplate returns an error if the given commit message
// template cannot be parsed and executed with a typical set of inputs.
func ValidateCommitMsgTemplate(tmpl string) error {
t, err := ParseCommitMsgTemplate(tmpl)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse template: %s:", err)
a := &revision.Revision{
Id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
Display: "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
Author: "",
b := &revision.Revision{
Id: "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
Display: "bbbbbbbbbbbb",
Author: "",
c := &revision.Revision{
Id: "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc",
Display: "cccccccccccc",
Author: "",
vars := &CommitMsgVars{
Bugs: []string{"skia:1234"},
ChildPath: "path/to/child",
ChildRepo: "https://child-repo.git",
CqExtraTrybots: "extra-bot",
IncludeLog: true,
Reviewers: []string{""},
Revisions: []*revision.Revision{b, c},
RollingFrom: a,
RollingTo: c,
ServerURL: "https://fake.server.url",
Tests: []string{"some-test"},
TransitiveDeps: []*TransitiveDep{
ParentPath: "path/to/other",
RollingFrom: "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd",
RollingTo: "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := t.Execute(&buf, vars); err != nil {
return err
return nil