blob: 60d494b33c3e3fb1c58b3b61a8a9aa265ae8747f [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
const (
PROTO_FILE_PATH = "appengine/cr-buildbucket/proto/project_config.proto"
// findCheckoutRoot attempts to find the root of the checkout, assuming that
// this program is being run from somewhere inside the checkout.
func findCheckoutRoot() (string, error) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return "", err
for cwd != "." && cwd != "/" {
if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(cwd, ".git")); err == nil {
return cwd, nil
cwd = path.Dir(cwd)
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to find checkout root.")
func main() {
root, err := findCheckoutRoot()
if err != nil {
buildbucket_dir := path.Join(root, "go", "buildbucket")
dst := path.Join(buildbucket_dir, path.Base(PROTO_FILE_PATH))
// Download the most recent version of the proto file.
if err := gitiles.NewRepo(PROTO_REPO, "", nil).DownloadFile(PROTO_FILE_PATH, dst); err != nil {
defer util.Remove(dst)
// Regenerate project_cfg.pb.go from the .proto file.
if output, err := exec.RunCwd(context.Background(), buildbucket_dir, "protoc", "--go_out=plugins=grpc:.", dst, "--proto_path", buildbucket_dir); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error: %s\n\n%s", err, output)