| package parser |
| |
| import ( |
| "bytes" |
| "fmt" |
| "testing" |
| |
| "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
| "go.skia.org/infra/go/testutils/unittest" |
| ) |
| |
| func TestParse(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING) |
| in, err := Parse(r) |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, "google-marlin-marlin-O", in.Branch) |
| assert.Len(t, in.Metrics, 7) |
| f, err := in.Metrics["android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome"]["frame-avg-jank"].Float64() |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, 8.4, f) |
| assert.Equal(t, "coral", in.DeviceName) |
| assert.Equal(t, "API_29_R", in.SDKReleaseName) |
| } |
| |
| func TestParse2(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING2) |
| in, err := Parse(r) |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, "google-angler-angler-O", in.Branch) |
| assert.Len(t, in.Metrics, 1) |
| f, err := in.Metrics["coremark"]["score"].Float64() |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, 5439.620216, f) |
| } |
| |
| type lookupMockGood struct { |
| } |
| |
| func (l lookupMockGood) Lookup(buildid int64) (string, error) { |
| return "8dcc84f7dc8523dd90501a4feb1f632808337c34", nil |
| } |
| |
| type lookupMockBad struct { |
| } |
| |
| func (l lookupMockBad) Lookup(buildid int64) (string, error) { |
| return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to find buildid.") |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| c := New(lookupMockGood{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING) |
| benchData, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, "8dcc84f7dc8523dd90501a4feb1f632808337c34", benchData.Hash) |
| assert.Len(t, benchData.Results, 7) |
| assert.Equal(t, 8.4, benchData.Results["android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome"]["default"]["frame-avg-jank"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "marlin-userdebug", benchData.Key["build_flavor"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "google-marlin-marlin-O", benchData.Key["branch"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "coral", benchData.Key["device_name"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "API_29_R", benchData.Key["sdk_release_name"]) |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvertSecondBranch(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| // If our branch isn't listed as the main branch it should become part of the key. |
| c := New(lookupMockGood{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING) |
| benchData, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, "8dcc84f7dc8523dd90501a4feb1f632808337c34", benchData.Hash) |
| assert.Len(t, benchData.Results, 7) |
| assert.Equal(t, 8.4, benchData.Results["android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome"]["default"]["frame-avg-jank"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "marlin-userdebug", benchData.Key["build_flavor"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "google-marlin-marlin-O", benchData.Key["branch"]) |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvert2(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| c := New(lookupMockGood{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING2) |
| benchData, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| assert.Equal(t, "8dcc84f7dc8523dd90501a4feb1f632808337c34", benchData.Hash) |
| assert.Len(t, benchData.Results, 1) |
| assert.Equal(t, 5439.620216, benchData.Results["coremark"]["default"]["score"]) |
| assert.Equal(t, "google-angler-angler-O", benchData.Key["branch"]) |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvertFailHashLookup(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| c := New(lookupMockBad{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING) |
| _, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.Error(t, err) |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvertFailWrongBranch(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| c := New(lookupMockGood{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING) |
| _, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.NoError(t, err) |
| } |
| |
| func TestConvert_IgnorePresubmitResults(t *testing.T) { |
| unittest.SmallTest(t) |
| |
| c := New(lookupMockGood{}) |
| r := bytes.NewBufferString(INCOMING_PRESUBMIT) |
| _, err := c.Convert(r, "") |
| assert.Equal(t, ErrIgnorable, err) |
| } |
| |
| const INCOMING = `{ |
| "build_id": "3567162", |
| "build_flavor": "marlin-userdebug", |
| "device_name":"coral", |
| "sdk_release_name":"API_29_R", |
| "metrics": { |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchGMailtoHome": { |
| "frame-fps": "9.328892269753897", |
| "frame-avg-jank": "8.4", |
| "frame-max-frame-duration": "7.834711093388444", |
| "frame-max-jank": "10" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testHomeScreenSwipe": { |
| "gfx-avg-slow-ui-thread": "0.10191099340499558", |
| "gfx-max-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-95": "8", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-50": "5", |
| "gfx-max-slow-ui-thread": "0.25510204081632654", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-50": "5.0", |
| "gfx-max-jank": "0.26", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-draw": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-95": "7.4", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-90": "7", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-90": "6.8", |
| "gfx-avg-jank": "0.10200000000000001", |
| "gfx-max-missed-vsync": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-high-input-latency": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-99": "12", |
| "gfx-avg-missed-vsync": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-99": "10.4", |
| "gfx-max-slow-draw": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-high-input-latency": "0.0" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testWidgetsContainerFling": { |
| "gfx-avg-slow-ui-thread": "0.0968528680643497", |
| "gfx-max-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-95": "9", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-50": "5", |
| "gfx-max-slow-ui-thread": "0.24271844660194172", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-50": "5.0", |
| "gfx-max-jank": "0.5", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-draw": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-95": "8.2", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-90": "8", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-90": "7.2", |
| "gfx-avg-jank": "0.294", |
| "gfx-max-missed-vsync": "0.24271844660194172", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-high-input-latency": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-99": "15", |
| "gfx-avg-missed-vsync": "0.14539655738473806", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-99": "11.0", |
| "gfx-max-slow-draw": "0.0", |
| "gfx-avg-high-input-latency": "0.0" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAllAppsContainerSwipe": { |
| "gfx-avg-slow-ui-thread": "0.07554138508437006", |
| "gfx-max-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.07598784194528875", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-95": "9", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-50": "5", |
| "gfx-max-slow-ui-thread": "0.1508295625942685", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-50": "5.0", |
| "gfx-max-jank": "0.3", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-draw": "0.045592705167173245", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-95": "8.2", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-90": "8", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-90": "7.4", |
| "gfx-avg-jank": "0.16599999999999998", |
| "gfx-max-missed-vsync": "0.15232292460015232", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.01519756838905775", |
| "gfx-max-high-input-latency": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-99": "11", |
| "gfx-avg-missed-vsync": "0.07567937219606331", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-99": "10.6", |
| "gfx-max-slow-draw": "0.22796352583586624", |
| "gfx-avg-high-input-latency": "0.0" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchChrometoHome": { |
| "frame-fps": "9.059377622237943", |
| "frame-avg-jank": "8.6", |
| "frame-max-frame-duration": "11.048077785923113", |
| "frame-max-jank": "9" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testAppSwitchPhotostoHome": { |
| "frame-fps": "9.342556065428203", |
| "frame-avg-jank": "8.0", |
| "frame-max-frame-duration": "7.633792937351717", |
| "frame-max-jank": "9" |
| }, |
| "android.platform.systemui.tests.jank.LauncherJankTests#testOpenAllAppsContainer": { |
| "gfx-avg-slow-ui-thread": "5.040813095770279", |
| "gfx-max-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-95": "24", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-50": "7", |
| "gfx-max-slow-ui-thread": "5.352112676056338", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-50": "7.0", |
| "gfx-max-jank": "8.17", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-draw": "1.5528189571212099", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-95": "22.4", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-90": "14", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-90": "12.8", |
| "gfx-avg-jank": "7.148000000000001", |
| "gfx-max-missed-vsync": "3.867403314917127", |
| "gfx-avg-slow-bitmap-uploads": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-high-input-latency": "0.0", |
| "gfx-max-frame-time-99": "61", |
| "gfx-avg-missed-vsync": "3.4349243386335053", |
| "gfx-avg-frame-time-99": "51.4", |
| "gfx-max-slow-draw": "2.2535211267605635", |
| "gfx-avg-high-input-latency": "0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| "branch": "google-marlin-marlin-O" |
| }` |
| |
| const INCOMING2 = `{ |
| "build_id" : "3842951", |
| "metrics" : { |
| "coremark" : { |
| "score" : "5439.620216" |
| } |
| }, |
| "results_name" : "coremarkcom.google.android.performance.CoreMarkTest#coremark", |
| "build_flavor" : "angler-userdebug", |
| "branch" : "google-angler-angler-O" |
| }` |
| |
| // INCOMING_PRESUBMIT is a file with a build_id that begins with "P", which |
| // means it is a presubmit result and can be ignored. |
| "build_id" : "P3842951" |
| }` |