blob: 9365e44000562040b314c52f460ee2a87612c8f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package commit_msg
import (
var (
// namedCommitMsgTemplates contains pre-defined commit message templates
// which may be referenced by name in config files.
namedCommitMsgTemplates = map[string]*template.Template{
TmplNameAndroid: tmplAndroid,
TmplNameDefault: tmplCommitMsg,
limitEmptyLinesRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\n\n\n+`)
newlineAtEndRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\n*$`)
// transitiveDepUpdate represents an update to one transitive dependency.
type transitiveDepUpdate struct {
Dep string
RollingFrom string
RollingTo string
// CommitMsgConfig provides configuration for commit messages.
type CommitMsgConfig struct {
BugProject string `json:"bugProject,omitempty"`
ChildLogURLTmpl string `json:"childLogURLTmpl,omitempty"`
CqExtraTrybots []string `json:"cqExtraTrybots,omitempty"`
IncludeLog bool `json:"includeLog,omitempty"`
IncludeRevisionCount bool `json:"includeRevisionCount,omitempty"`
IncludeTbrLine bool `json:"includeTbrLine,omitempty"`
IncludeTests bool `json:"includeTests,omitempty"`
// Template is either a full commit message template string or the name of
// an entry in NamedCommitMsgTemplates. If not specified, the default
// template is used.
Template string `json:"template,omitempty"`
// See documentation for util.Validator interface.
func (c *CommitMsgConfig) Validate() error {
// We are not concerned with the presence or absence of any given field,
// since some rollers may not need all of the fields. If we are able to
// execute the template given a typical set of inputs, we consider the
// CommitMsgConfig to be valid.
from, to, revs, reviewers := FakeCommitMsgInputs()
_, err := buildCommitMsg(c, fakeChildName, fakeServerURL, fakeTransitiveDeps, from, to, revs, reviewers)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Builder is a helper used to build commit messages.
type Builder struct {
cfg *CommitMsgConfig
childName string
serverURL string
transitiveDeps version_file_common.TransitiveDepConfigs
// NewBuilder returns a Builder instance.
func NewBuilder(c *CommitMsgConfig, childName, serverURL string, transitiveDeps version_file_common.TransitiveDepConfigs) (*Builder, error) {
if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if childName == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("childName is required")
if serverURL == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("serverURL is required")
if err := transitiveDeps.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &Builder{
cfg: c,
childName: childName,
serverURL: serverURL,
transitiveDeps: transitiveDeps,
}, nil
// Build a commit message for the given roll.
func (b *Builder) Build(from, to *revision.Revision, rolling []*revision.Revision, reviewers []string) (string, error) {
return buildCommitMsg(b.cfg, b.childName, b.serverURL, b.transitiveDeps, from, to, rolling, reviewers)
// buildCommitMsg builds a commit message for the given roll.
func buildCommitMsg(c *CommitMsgConfig, childName, serverURL string, transitiveDeps []*version_file_common.TransitiveDepConfig, from, to *revision.Revision, rolling []*revision.Revision, reviewers []string) (string, error) {
vars, err := makeVars(c, childName, serverURL, transitiveDeps, from, to, rolling, reviewers)
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
// Create the commit message.
commitMsgTmpl := tmplCommitMsg
if vars.Template != "" {
if builtin, ok := namedCommitMsgTemplates[vars.Template]; ok {
commitMsgTmpl = builtin
} else {
commitMsgTmpl, err = parseCommitMsgTemplate(tmplCommitMsg, "customCommitMsg", vars.Template)
if err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := commitMsgTmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, tmplNameCommitMsg, vars); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
// Templates make whitespace tricky when they involve optional sections. To
// ensure that the message looks reasonable, limit to two newlines in a row
// (ie. at most one empty line), and ensure that the message ends in exactly
// one newline.
msg := limitEmptyLinesRegex.ReplaceAllString(buf.String(), "\n\n")
msg = newlineAtEndRegex.ReplaceAllString(msg, "\n")
return msg, nil
func fixupRevision(rev *revision.Revision) *revision.Revision {
cpy := rev.Copy()
cpy.Timestamp = cpy.Timestamp.UTC()
return cpy
// makeVars derives commitMsgVars from the CommitMsgConfig for the given roll.
func makeVars(c *CommitMsgConfig, childName, serverURL string, transitiveDeps []*version_file_common.TransitiveDepConfig, from, to *revision.Revision, revisions []*revision.Revision, reviewers []string) (*commitMsgVars, error) {
// Create the commitMsgVars object to be used as input to the template.
revsCopy := make([]*revision.Revision, 0, len(revisions))
for _, rev := range revisions {
revsCopy = append(revsCopy, fixupRevision(rev))
vars := &commitMsgVars{
CommitMsgConfig: c,
ChildName: childName,
Reviewers: reviewers,
Revisions: revsCopy,
RollingFrom: fixupRevision(from),
RollingTo: fixupRevision(to),
ServerURL: serverURL,
// Bugs.
vars.Bugs = nil
if c.BugProject != "" {
// TODO(borenet): Move this to a util.MakeBugLines utility?
bugMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, rev := range revisions {
for _, bug := range rev.Bugs[c.BugProject] {
bugMap[bug] = true
if len(bugMap) > 0 {
vars.Bugs = make([]string, 0, len(bugMap))
for bug := range bugMap {
bugStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", c.BugProject, bug)
if c.BugProject == util.BUG_PROJECT_BUGANIZER {
bugStr = fmt.Sprintf("b/%s", bug)
vars.Bugs = append(vars.Bugs, bugStr)
// Log URL.
vars.ChildLogURL = ""
if c.ChildLogURLTmpl != "" {
childLogURLTmpl, err := parseCommitMsgTemplate(nil, "childLogURL", c.ChildLogURLTmpl)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := childLogURLTmpl.Execute(&buf, vars); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
vars.ChildLogURL = buf.String()
// Tests.
if c.IncludeTests {
testsMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, rev := range revisions {
for _, test := range rev.Tests {
testsMap[test] = true
if len(testsMap) > 0 {
vars.Tests = make([]string, 0, len(testsMap))
for test := range testsMap {
vars.Tests = append(vars.Tests, test)
// Transitive deps. Note that we can't verify that the repo manager
// implementation actually included these changes in the roll; we assume
// that it would do so if working correctly and would error out otherwise.
var transitiveUpdates []*transitiveDepUpdate
for _, td := range transitiveDeps {
// Find the versions of the transitive dep in the old and new revisions.
oldRev, ok := from.Dependencies[td.Child.ID]
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Transitive dependency %q is missing from revision %s", td.Child.ID, from.Id)
newRev, ok := to.Dependencies[td.Child.ID]
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Transitive dependency %q is missing from revision %s", td.Child.ID, to.Id)
if oldRev != newRev {
transitiveUpdates = append(transitiveUpdates, &transitiveDepUpdate{
Dep: td.Parent.ID,
RollingFrom: oldRev,
RollingTo: newRev,
vars.TransitiveDeps = transitiveUpdates
return vars, nil
// commitMsgVars contains variables used to fill in a commit message template.
type commitMsgVars struct {
Bugs []string
ChildLogURL string
ChildName string
Reviewers []string
Revisions []*revision.Revision
RollingFrom *revision.Revision
RollingTo *revision.Revision
ServerURL string
Tests []string
TransitiveDeps []*transitiveDepUpdate
// parseCommitMsgTemplate parses the given commit message template string and
// returns a Template instance.
func parseCommitMsgTemplate(parent *template.Template, name, tmpl string) (*template.Template, error) {
var t *template.Template
if parent != nil {
clone, err := parent.Clone()
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
t = clone.New(name)
} else {
t = template.New(name)
return t.Option("missingkey=error").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"stringsJoin": strings.Join,
"substr": func(s string, a, b int) string {
if a > len(s) {
return ""
if b > len(s) {
b = len(s)
return s[a:b]
// Fake values for various configuration entries used for testing.
const fakeBugProject = "fakebugproject"
const fakeChildName = "fake/child/src"
const fakeServerURL = ""
const fakeChildDep1 = "child/dep1"
const fakeChildDep2 = "child/dep2"
const fakeChildDep3 = "child/dep3"
var fakeTransitiveDeps = []*version_file_common.TransitiveDepConfig{
Child: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: fakeChildDep1,
Path: "DEPS",
Parent: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: "parent/dep1",
Path: "DEPS",
Child: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: fakeChildDep2,
Path: "DEPS",
Parent: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: "parent/dep2",
Path: "DEPS",
Child: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: fakeChildDep3,
Path: "DEPS",
Parent: &version_file_common.VersionFileConfig{
ID: "parent/dep3",
Path: "DEPS",
// FakeCommitMsgInputs returns Revisions which may be used to validate commit
// message templates.
func FakeCommitMsgInputs() (*revision.Revision, *revision.Revision, []*revision.Revision, []string) {
a := &revision.Revision{
Id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
Display: "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
Author: "",
Dependencies: map[string]string{
fakeChildDep1: "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd",
fakeChildDep2: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
fakeChildDep3: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
Description: "Commit A",
Details: `blah blah
Timestamp: time.Unix(1586908800, 0),
b := &revision.Revision{
Id: "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
Display: "bbbbbbbbbbbb",
Author: "",
Bugs: map[string][]string{
fakeBugProject: {"1234"},
Dependencies: map[string]string{
fakeChildDep1: "dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd",
fakeChildDep2: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
fakeChildDep3: "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
Description: "Commit B",
Details: `blah blah
Timestamp: time.Unix(1586995200, 0),
c := &revision.Revision{
Id: "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc",
Display: "cccccccccccc",
Author: "",
Bugs: map[string][]string{
fakeBugProject: {"5678"},
Tests: []string{"some-test"},
Dependencies: map[string]string{
fakeChildDep1: "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
fakeChildDep2: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
fakeChildDep3: "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc",
Description: "Commit C",
Details: `blah blah
Timestamp: time.Unix(1587081600, 0),
return a, c, []*revision.Revision{c, b}, []string{""}