blob: 8cd747fb321c569a7a926991ebd93b7d3787b9b8 [file] [log] [blame]
{% extends "skia_telemetry_base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% if info_msg %}<font color="red"><b>{{ info_msg }}</b></font><br/><br/>{% endif %}
<h2>Run Skia patches on the SKP repositories</h2>
{{ pending_tasks_count }} tasks currently in the <a align="center" href='pending_tasks'>Queue</a>
Documentation for Skia Tryserver is <a href='http://goto/skiatryclustertelemetry'>here</a>
Can only view HTML output with a account
{% if not is_google_chromium_user %}
Must have a google or chromium account to trigger try runs (contact rmistry@)<br/><br/>
{% else %}
<form name="SkiaTryForm" action="skia_try" method="post">
<table cellingpadding="5">
<td>SKP Repository</td>
<select name="pagesets_type_and_chromium_build">
{% for pageset_type, chromium_builds in pagesets_to_builds.items %}
{% for chromium_rev, skia_rev, chromium_rev_date in chromium_builds %}
<option value="{{ pageset_type }}-{{ chromium_rev }}-{{ skia_rev }}">
{{ pageset_type }} created with {{ chromium_rev|slice:":7" }}-{{ skia_rev|slice:":7" }} (Chromium rev created on {{ chromium_rev_date}})
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<td>Render Pictures Args</td>
<input type="text" name="render_pictures_args" size="80" value="--config 8888 --viewport 4000 4000 --mode simple"/>
<td>Nopatch run with GPU</td>
<select name="gpu_nopatch_run">
<option selected="selected">False</option>
<td>Withpatch run with GPU</td>
<select name="gpu_withpatch_run">
<option selected="selected">False</option>
<input type="text" name="description" size="80"/>
<td>Git patch (optional)</td>
<textarea name="patch" cols="80" rows="20"></textarea>
<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Queue SkiaTry Task"></td>
{% endif %}
<h2>Your Try runs history</h2>
{% if skia_try_tasks %}
{% include "skia_try_tasks_table.html" %}
{% else %}
No Previous runs yet.
{% endif %}
<a href='all_tasks#skia_try'>View runs of all users</a>
{% endblock %}