blob: d8668f5f0e07312999e5e0475b4710ce9deabd08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
Generate the tasks.json file.
import (
const (
BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BuildTaskDrivers"
BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
DEFAULT_OS_LINUX = "Debian-9.8"
DEFAULT_OS_WIN = "Windows-2016Server-14393"
LOGDOG_ANNOTATION_URL = "logdog://${SWARMING_TASK_ID}/+/annotations"
// Small is a 2-core machine.
MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL = "n1-highmem-2"
// Medium is a 16-core machine
MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM = "n1-standard-16"
// Large is a 64-core machine.
MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE = "n1-highcpu-64"
// Swarming output dirs.
OUTPUT_NONE = "output_ignored" // This will result in outputs not being isolated.
// Pool for Skia bots.
POOL_SKIA = "Skia"
var (
// "Constants"
// Top-level list of all Jobs to run at each commit.
JOBS = []string{
CACHES_GO = []*specs.Cache{
Name: "go_cache",
Path: "cache/go_cache",
Name: "gopath",
Path: "cache/gopath",
// These properties are required by some tasks, eg. for running
// bot_update, but they prevent de-duplication, so they should only be
// used where necessary.
EXTRA_PROPS = map[string]string{
"buildbucket_build_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_BUILDBUCKET_BUILD_ID,
"patch_issue": specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE_INT,
"patch_ref": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REF,
"patch_repo": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REPO,
"patch_set": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET_INT,
"patch_storage": specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_STORAGE,
"repository": specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
"revision": specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
"task_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
// relpath returns the relative path to the given file from the config file.
func relpath(f string) string {
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
dir := path.Dir(filename)
rv, err := filepath.Rel(dir, path.Join(dir, f))
if err != nil {
return rv
// Dimensions for Linux GCE instances.
func linuxGceDimensions(machineType string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_LINUX),
fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", machineType),
// Dimensions for Windows GCE instances.
func winGceDimensions(machineType string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_WIN),
fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", machineType),
// Apply the default CIPD packages.
func cipd(pkgs []*specs.CipdPackage) []*specs.CipdPackage {
// We also need Git.
rv := append(specs.CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
return append(rv, pkgs...)
// Create a properties JSON string.
func props(p map[string]string) string {
d := make(map[string]interface{}, len(p)+1)
for k, v := range p {
d[k] = interface{}(v)
d["$kitchen"] = struct {
DevShell bool `json:"devshell"`
GitAuth bool `json:"git_auth"`
DevShell: true,
GitAuth: true,
j, err := json.Marshal(d)
if err != nil {
return strings.Replace(string(j), "\\u003c", "<", -1)
// bundleRecipes generates the task to bundle and isolate the recipes.
func bundleRecipes(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder) string {
b.MustAddTask(BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME, &specs.TaskSpec{
CipdPackages: append(specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT, specs.CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON...),
Command: []string{
"/bin/bash", "buildbot/infra/bots/", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
Idempotent: true,
Isolate: "recipes.isolate",
// buildTaskDrivers generates the task to compile the task driver code to run on
// a given platform.
func buildTaskDrivers(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, os, arch string) string {
// TODO(borenet): Add support for RPI.
goos := map[string]string{
"Linux": "linux",
"Mac": "darwin",
"Win": "windows",
goarch := map[string]string{
"x86": "386",
"x86_64": "amd64",
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME, os, arch)
b.MustAddTask(name, &specs.TaskSpec{
Caches: CACHES_GO,
CipdPackages: append(specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go")),
Command: []string{
"/bin/bash", "buildbot/infra/bots/", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
Environment: map[string]string{
"GOOS": goos,
"GOARCH": goarch,
EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
// This task is idempotent but unlikely to ever be deduped
// because it depends on the entire repo...
Idempotent: true,
Isolate: "whole_repo.isolate",
return name
// kitchenTask returns a specs.TaskSpec instance which uses Kitchen to run a
// recipe.
func kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, serviceAccount string, dimensions []string, extraProps map[string]string, outputDir string) *specs.TaskSpec {
cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, specs.CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN...)
properties := map[string]string{
"buildername": name,
"swarm_out_dir": specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
for k, v := range extraProps {
properties[k] = v
var outputs []string = nil
if outputDir != OUTPUT_NONE {
outputs = []string{outputDir}
python := "cipd_bin_packages/vpython${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}"
return &specs.TaskSpec{
Caches: []*specs.Cache{
Name: "vpython",
Path: "cache/vpython",
CipdPackages: cipd,
Command: []string{python, "-u", "buildbot/infra/bots/", "${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}", recipe, props(properties), "skia"},
Dependencies: []string{BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME},
Dimensions: dimensions,
EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
"VPYTHON_VIRTUALENV_ROOT": {"${cache_dir}/vpython"},
ExtraTags: map[string]string{
"log_location": LOGDOG_ANNOTATION_URL,
Isolate: isolate,
Outputs: outputs,
ServiceAccount: serviceAccount,
// infra generates an infra test Task. Returns the name of the last Task in the
// generated chain of Tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
func infra(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
if strings.Contains(name, "Large") {
// Using MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE for Large tests saves ~2 minutes.
task := kitchenTask(name, "swarm_infra", "whole_repo.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(machineType), nil, OUTPUT_NONE)
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go"))
task.Caches = append(task.Caches, CACHES_GO...)
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("node"))
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
if strings.Contains(name, "Large") || strings.Contains(name, "Build") {
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("protoc"))
// Cloud datastore tests are assumed to be marked as 'Large'
if strings.Contains(name, "Large") || strings.Contains(name, "Race") {
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, specs.CIPD_PKGS_ISOLATE...)
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("gcloud_linux"))
// Re-run failing bots but not when testing for race conditions.
task.MaxAttempts = 2
if strings.Contains(name, "Race") {
task.MaxAttempts = 1
task.IoTimeout = 1 * time.Hour
b.MustAddTask(name, task)
return name
// Run the presubmit.
func presubmit(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
extraProps := map[string]string{
"category": "cq",
"patch_gerrit_url": "",
"patch_project": "buildbot",
"patch_ref": fmt.Sprintf("refs/changes/%s/%s/%s", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE_SHORT, specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE, specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET),
"reason": "CQ",
"repo_name": "skia_buildbot",
for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
extraProps[k] = v
task := kitchenTask(name, "run_presubmit", "run_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
task.Caches = append(task.Caches, []*specs.Cache{
Name: "git",
Path: "cache/git",
Name: "git_cache",
Path: "cache/git_cache",
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, &specs.CipdPackage{
Name: "infra/recipe_bundles/",
Path: "recipe_bundle",
Version: "git_revision:617e0fd3186eaae8bcb7521def0d6d3b4a5bcaf1",
task.Dependencies = []string{} // No bundled recipes for this one.
b.MustAddTask(name, task)
return name
func experimental(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
cipd = append(cipd, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
cipd = append(cipd, specs.CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON...)
cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("node"))
if strings.Contains(name, "Large") {
// Using MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE for Large tests saves ~2 minutes.
cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("protoc"))
var deps []string
var dims []string
if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
goPkg := b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go_win")
goPkg.Path = "go"
cipd = append(cipd, goPkg)
deps = append(deps, buildTaskDrivers(b, "Win", "x86_64"))
dims = winGceDimensions(machineType)
} else if strings.Contains(name, "Linux") {
cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go"))
deps = append(deps, buildTaskDrivers(b, "Linux", "x86_64"))
dims = linuxGceDimensions(machineType)
t := &specs.TaskSpec{
Caches: CACHES_GO,
CipdPackages: cipd,
Command: []string{
"--project_id", "skia-swarming-bots",
"--task_id", specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
"--task_name", name,
"--workdir", ".",
Dependencies: deps,
Dimensions: dims,
EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
Isolate: "whole_repo.isolate",
b.MustAddTask(name, t)
return name
func updateGoDeps(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, specs.CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go"))
cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("protoc"))
t := &specs.TaskSpec{
Caches: CACHES_GO,
CipdPackages: cipd,
Command: []string{
"--project_id", "skia-swarming-bots",
"--task_id", specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
"--task_name", name,
"--workdir", ".",
"--gerrit_project", "buildbot",
"--gerrit_url", "",
"--repo", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
"--reviewers", "",
"--revision", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
"--patch_issue", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
"--patch_set", specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
"--patch_server", specs.PLACEHOLDER_CODEREVIEW_SERVER,
Dependencies: []string{buildTaskDrivers(b, "Linux", "x86_64")},
Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(machineType),
EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
Isolate: "empty.isolate",
b.MustAddTask(name, t)
return name
// process generates Tasks and Jobs for the given Job name.
func process(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) {
var priority float64 // Leave as default for most jobs.
deps := []string{}
if strings.Contains(name, "Experimental") {
// Experimental recipe-less tasks.
deps = append(deps, experimental(b, name))
} else if strings.Contains(name, "UpdateGoDeps") {
// Update Go deps bot.
deps = append(deps, updateGoDeps(b, name))
} else {
// Infra tests.
if strings.Contains(name, "Infra-PerCommit") {
deps = append(deps, infra(b, name))
// Presubmit.
if strings.Contains(name, "Presubmit") {
priority = 1
deps = append(deps, presubmit(b, name))
// Add the Job spec.
trigger := specs.TRIGGER_ANY_BRANCH
if strings.Contains(name, "OnDemand") {
trigger = specs.TRIGGER_ON_DEMAND
} else if strings.Contains(name, "Nightly") {
trigger = specs.TRIGGER_NIGHTLY
b.MustAddJob(name, &specs.JobSpec{
Priority: priority,
TaskSpecs: deps,
Trigger: trigger,
// Regenerate the tasks.json file.
func main() {
b := specs.MustNewTasksCfgBuilder()
// Create Tasks and Jobs.
for _, name := range JOBS {
process(b, name)