blob: 447b1f74a84990746558259050ad2c32b445e5fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Utility functions for trybot results.
import { TryBotResponse } from '../json';
// The average stddevRatio across all traces with the given keyValue.
export interface AveForParam {
keyValue: string;
aveStdDevRatio: number;
/** Total number of traces that match this keyValue. */
n: number;
/** The number of traces that match this keyValue and have aveStdDevRatio >= 0. */
high: number;
/** The number of traces that match this keyValue and have aveStdDevRatio < 0. */
low: number;
interface runningTotal {
totalStdDevRatio: number;
/** Total number of traces that match this keyValue. */
n: number;
/** The number of traces that match this keyValue and have aveStdDevRatio >= 0. */
high: number;
/** The number of traces that match this keyValue and have aveStdDevRatio < 0. */
low: number;
/** Returns an array of AveForParam, where each one contains
* a key=value param and the average stddevRatio across
* all traces that match that key=value.
* The results are sorted on aveStdDevRatio descending.
export function byParams(res: TryBotResponse): AveForParam[] {
// Sum up all the stdDevRatios over all the key=value axes.
const runningTotals: { [key: string]: runningTotal } = {};
res.results!.forEach((r) => {
Object.entries(r.params).forEach((keyValue) => {
const [key, value] = keyValue;
const runningTotalsKey = `${key}=${value}`;
let t = runningTotals[runningTotalsKey];
if (!t) {
t = {
totalStdDevRatio: 0,
n: 0,
high: 0,
low: 0,
t.totalStdDevRatio += r.stddevRatio;
t.n += 1;
if (r.stddevRatio >= 0) {
t.high += 1;
} else {
t.low += 1;
runningTotals[runningTotalsKey] = t;
// Now determine the average across each key=value axis.
const ret: AveForParam[] = [];
Object.keys(runningTotals).forEach((runningTotalKey) => {
const r = runningTotals[runningTotalKey];
keyValue: runningTotalKey,
aveStdDevRatio: r.totalStdDevRatio / r.n,
n: r.n,
high: r.high,
low: r.low,
// Sort by aveStdDevRatio.
(a: AveForParam, b: AveForParam) => b.aveStdDevRatio - a.aveStdDevRatio
return ret;