blob: 25f54d22fdb9874260de3d91b22f4546a68390ba [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
assert ""
metrics2_testutils ""
tcc_testutils ""
// Create a db.JobDB and jobEventDB.
func setupJobs(t *testing.T, now time.Time) (*jobEventDB, db.JobDB) {
jdb := memory.NewInMemoryJobDB(nil)
edb := &jobEventDB{
cached: []*events.Event{},
db: jdb,
return edb, jdb
// makeJob returns a fake job with only the fields relevant to this test set.
func makeJob(created time.Time, name string, status types.JobStatus, jobType jobTypeString, duration time.Duration) *types.Job {
j := &types.Job{
Created: created,
Name: name,
Status: status,
if jobType == FORCED {
j.IsForce = true
} else if jobType == TRYJOB {
j.Issue = "1234"
j.PatchRepo = "nou.git"
j.Patchset = "1"
j.Server = "Jeeves"
if status != types.JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS {
j.Finished = created.Add(duration)
return j
// assertJobEvent checks that ev.Data contains j.
func assertJobEvent(t *testing.T, ev *events.Event, j *types.Job) {
assert.Equal(t, JOB_STREAM, ev.Stream)
var job types.Job
assert.NoError(t, gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(ev.Data)).Decode(&job))
deepequal.AssertDeepEqual(t, j, &job)
assert.True(t, j.Created.Equal(ev.Timestamp))
// TestJobUpdate checks that jobEventDB.update creates the correct Events from Jobs in the DB.
func TestJobUpdate(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now()
edb, jdb := setupJobs(t, now)
start := now.Add(-TIME_PERIODS[len(TIME_PERIODS)-1])
jobs := []*types.Job{
// 0: Filtered out -- too early.
makeJob(start.Add(-time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(start.Add(time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(start.Add(2*time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL, time.Minute),
// 3: Filtered out -- not Done.
makeJob(start.Add(3*time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(start.Add(4*time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL, time.Hour),
makeJob(start.Add(5*time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_CANCELED, NORMAL, time.Hour),
makeJob(start.Add(6*time.Minute), "B", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, TRYJOB, time.Minute),
makeJob(start.Add(7*time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Hour),
assert.NoError(t, jdb.PutJobs(jobs))
assert.NoError(t, edb.update())
evs, err := edb.Range(JOB_STREAM, start.Add(-time.Hour), start.Add(time.Hour))
assert.NoError(t, err)
expected := append(jobs[1:3], jobs[4:8]...)
assert.Len(t, evs, len(expected))
for i, ev := range evs {
assertJobEvent(t, ev, expected[i])
// TestJobRange checks that jobEventDB.Range returns Events within the given range.
func TestJobRange(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now()
edb, jdb := setupJobs(t, now)
base := now.Add(-time.Hour)
jobs := []*types.Job{
makeJob(base.Add(-time.Nanosecond), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(base, "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(base.Add(time.Nanosecond), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(base.Add(time.Minute), "A", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, time.Minute),
assert.NoError(t, jdb.PutJobs(jobs))
assert.NoError(t, edb.update())
test := func(start, end time.Time, startIdx, count int) {
evs, err := edb.Range(JOB_STREAM, start, end)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, evs, count)
for i, ev := range evs {
assertJobEvent(t, ev, jobs[startIdx+i])
before := base.Add(-time.Hour)
after := base.Add(time.Hour)
test(before, before, -1, 0)
test(before, jobs[0].Created, -1, 0)
test(before, jobs[1].Created, 0, 1)
test(before, jobs[2].Created, 0, 2)
test(before, jobs[3].Created, 0, 3)
test(before, after, 0, 4)
test(jobs[0].Created, before, -1, 0)
test(jobs[0].Created, jobs[0].Created, -1, 0)
test(jobs[0].Created, jobs[1].Created, 0, 1)
test(jobs[0].Created, jobs[2].Created, 0, 2)
test(jobs[0].Created, jobs[3].Created, 0, 3)
test(jobs[0].Created, after, 0, 4)
test(jobs[1].Created, jobs[0].Created, -1, 0)
test(jobs[1].Created, jobs[1].Created, -1, 0)
test(jobs[1].Created, jobs[2].Created, 1, 1)
test(jobs[1].Created, jobs[3].Created, 1, 2)
test(jobs[1].Created, after, 1, 3)
test(jobs[2].Created, jobs[2].Created, -1, 0)
test(jobs[2].Created, jobs[3].Created, 2, 1)
test(jobs[2].Created, after, 2, 2)
test(jobs[3].Created, jobs[3].Created, -1, 0)
test(jobs[3].Created, after, 3, 1)
test(after, after, -1, 0)
// DynamicAggregateFnTester stores the expected results of a call to a events.DynamicAggregateFn.
type DynamicAggregateFnTester struct {
t *testing.T
f events.DynamicAggregateFn
// expected is map[util.MD5Sum(tags)]value
expected map[string]float64
func newDynamicAggregateFnTester(t *testing.T, f events.DynamicAggregateFn) *DynamicAggregateFnTester {
return &DynamicAggregateFnTester{
t: t,
f: f,
expected: map[string]float64{},
// AddAssert causes a later call to Run to check that the DynamicAggregateFn returns the given value
// for the given tags.
func (dt *DynamicAggregateFnTester) AddAssert(tags map[string]string, value float64) {
hash, err := util.MD5Sum(tags)
assert.NoError(dt.t, err)
_, exists := dt.expected[hash]
assert.False(dt.t, exists, "Your test broke MD5. %v", tags)
dt.expected[hash] = value
// Run calls the DynamicAggregateFn and checks that the return values are exactly those given by
// AddAssert.
func (dt *DynamicAggregateFnTester) Run(evs []*events.Event) {
actualTags, actualVals, err := dt.f(evs)
assert.NoError(dt.t, err)
assert.Len(dt.t, actualTags, len(dt.expected))
assert.Len(dt.t, actualVals, len(dt.expected))
for i, tags := range actualTags {
actualVal := actualVals[i]
hash, err := util.MD5Sum(tags)
assert.NoError(dt.t, err)
expectedVal, ok := dt.expected[hash]
assert.True(dt.t, ok, "Unexpected tags %v", tags)
assert.Equal(dt.t, expectedVal, actualVal, "For tags %v", tags)
func TestComputeAvgJobDuration(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now()
edb, jdb := setupJobs(t, now)
created := now.Add(-time.Hour)
tester := newDynamicAggregateFnTester(t, computeAvgJobDuration)
expect := func(jobName string, jobType jobTypeString, jobs []*types.Job) {
var totalDur float64 = 0
for _, j := range jobs {
totalDur += float64(j.Finished.Sub(j.Created))
"job_name": jobName,
"job_type": string(jobType),
}, totalDur/float64(len(jobs)))
// Expect only SUCCESS and FAILURE to contribute to avg duration.
jobsStatus := []*types.Job{
makeJob(created, "AllStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, 10*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, 10*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL, 13*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_CANCELED, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "IgnoredStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_CANCELED, NORMAL, time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "IgnoredStatus", types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL, time.Minute),
assert.NoError(t, jdb.PutJobs(jobsStatus))
expect("AllStatus", NORMAL, jobsStatus[0:3])
jobsType := []*types.Job{
makeJob(created, "OnlyForced", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, FORCED, 10*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "OnlyForced", types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, FORCED, 11*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "NormalAndTryjob", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, 10*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "NormalAndTryjob", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, TRYJOB, 11*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "NormalAndTryjob", types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, TRYJOB, 12*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "NormalAndTryjob", types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL, 9*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllTypes", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL, 10*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllTypes", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, TRYJOB, 11*time.Minute),
makeJob(created, "AllTypes", types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, FORCED, 12*time.Minute),
assert.NoError(t, jdb.PutJobs(jobsType))
expect("OnlyForced", FORCED, jobsType[0:2])
expect("NormalAndTryjob", NORMAL, []*types.Job{jobsType[2], jobsType[5]})
expect("NormalAndTryjob", TRYJOB, jobsType[3:5])
expect("AllTypes", NORMAL, jobsType[6:7])
expect("AllTypes", TRYJOB, jobsType[7:8])
expect("AllTypes", FORCED, jobsType[8:9])
assert.NoError(t, edb.update())
evs, err := edb.Range(JOB_STREAM, created.Add(-time.Hour), created.Add(time.Hour))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, evs, len(jobsStatus)+len(jobsType))
func TestComputeJobFailureMishapRate(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now()
edb, jdb := setupJobs(t, now)
created := now.Add(-time.Hour)
tester := newDynamicAggregateFnTester(t, computeJobFailureMishapRate)
expect := func(jobName string, metric string, numer, denom int) {
"job_name": jobName,
"job_type": "",
"metric": metric,
}, float64(numer)/float64(denom))
jobCount := 0
addJob := func(name string, status types.JobStatus, jobType jobTypeString) {
assert.NoError(t, jdb.PutJob(makeJob(created, name, status, jobType, time.Minute)))
name := "AllStatus"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 1, 5)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 1, 5)
name := "NoSuccess"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 2, 4)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 1, 4)
name := "NoFailure"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 0, 2)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 0, 2)
name := "IgnoredStatus"
expect(name, "failure-rate", 0, 1)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 0, 1)
name := "100PercentSuccess"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 0, 1)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 0, 1)
name := "100PercentFailure"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 3, 3)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 0, 3)
name := "100PercentMishap"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, NORMAL)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 0, 2)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 2, 2)
// Job type doesn't matter for these metrics.
name := "OnlyTryjobs"
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS, TRYJOB)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_FAILURE, TRYJOB)
addJob(name, types.JOB_STATUS_MISHAP, TRYJOB)
expect(name, "failure-rate", 1, 3)
expect(name, "mishap-rate", 1, 3)
assert.NoError(t, edb.update())
evs, err := edb.Range(JOB_STREAM, created.Add(-time.Hour), created.Add(time.Hour))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, evs, jobCount)
func TestOverdueJobSpecMetrics(t *testing.T) {
wd, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, wd)
d := memory.NewInMemoryDB(nil)
ctx, gb, _, _ := tcc_testutils.SetupTestRepo(t)
repos, err := repograph.NewMap(ctx, []string{gb.RepoUrl()}, wd)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, repos.Update(ctx))
repo := repos[gb.RepoUrl()]
btProject, btInstance, btCleanup := tcc_testutils.SetupBigTable(t)
defer btCleanup()
tcc, err := task_cfg_cache.NewTaskCfgCache(ctx, repos, btProject, btInstance, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
c1, err := git.GitDir(gb.Dir()).RevParse(ctx, "HEAD^")
assert.NoError(t, err)
c1time := repo.Get(c1).Timestamp
c2, err := git.GitDir(gb.Dir()).RevParse(ctx, "HEAD")
assert.NoError(t, err)
// c2 is 5 seconds after c1
c2time := repo.Get(c2).Timestamp
// Load the TasksCfg for each commit into the cache.
insertTasksCfg := func(commit string) {
out, err := git.GitDir(gb.Dir()).Git(ctx, "show", fmt.Sprintf("%s:infra/bots/tasks.json", commit))
assert.NoError(t, err)
cfg, err := specs.ParseTasksCfg(out)
assert.NoError(t, err)
sklog.Errorf("Inserting TasksCfg for %s", commit)
assert.NoError(t, tcc.Set(ctx, types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: commit,
}, cfg, nil))
// At 'now', c1 is 60 seconds old, c2 is 55 seconds old, and c3 (below) is 50 seconds old.
now := c1time.Add(time.Minute)
c1age := "60"
c2age := "55"
c3age := "50"
check := func(buildAge, testAge, perfAge string) {
tags := map[string]string{
"repo": gb.RepoUrl(),
"job_name": tcc_testutils.BuildTaskName,
"job_trigger": "",
assert.Equal(t, buildAge, metrics2_testutils.GetRecordedMetric(t, MEASUREMENT_OVERDUE_JOB_SPECS, tags))
tags["job_name"] = tcc_testutils.TestTaskName
assert.Equal(t, testAge, metrics2_testutils.GetRecordedMetric(t, MEASUREMENT_OVERDUE_JOB_SPECS, tags))
tags["job_name"] = tcc_testutils.PerfTaskName
assert.Equal(t, perfAge, metrics2_testutils.GetRecordedMetric(t, MEASUREMENT_OVERDUE_JOB_SPECS, tags))
om, err := newOverdueJobMetrics(d, repos, tcc)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// No jobs have finished yet.
assert.NoError(t, om.updateOverdueJobSpecMetrics(ctx, now))
check(c1age, c1age, c2age)
// Insert jobs.
j1 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.BuildTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c1,
Created: c1time,
j2 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.BuildTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c2,
Created: c2time,
j3 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.TestTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c1,
Created: c1time,
j4 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.TestTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c2,
Created: c2time,
j5 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.PerfTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c2,
Created: c2time,
assert.NoError(t, d.PutJobs([]*types.Job{j1, j2, j3, j4, j5}))
// Jobs have not completed, so same as above.
assert.NoError(t, om.updateOverdueJobSpecMetrics(ctx, now))
check(c1age, c1age, c2age)
// One job is complete.
j2.Status = types.JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS
j2.Finished = time.Now()
assert.NoError(t, d.PutJob(j2))
// Expect Build to be up-to-date.
assert.NoError(t, om.updateOverdueJobSpecMetrics(ctx, now))
check("0", c1age, c2age)
// Revert back to c1 (no Perf task) and check that Perf job disappears.
content, err := repo.Repo().GetFile(ctx, "infra/bots/tasks.json", c1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
gb.Add(ctx, "infra/bots/tasks.json", content)
c3 := gb.CommitMsgAt(ctx, "c3", c1time.Add(10*time.Second)) // 5 seconds after c2
assert.NoError(t, repos.Update(ctx))
c3time := repo.Get(c3).Timestamp
// Update to c3. Build job age is now at c3. Perf job should be missing.
j6 := &types.Job{
Name: tcc_testutils.BuildTaskName,
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: gb.RepoUrl(),
Revision: c3,
Created: c3time,
assert.NoError(t, d.PutJob(j6))
assert.NoError(t, om.updateOverdueJobSpecMetrics(ctx, now))
check(c3age, c1age, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find anything for overdue_job_specs_s{job_name=\"%s\",job_trigger=\"\",repo=\"%s\"}", tcc_testutils.PerfTaskName, gb.RepoUrl()))