blob: 6becb4189ae2d08f9b97174d949315f2658c10ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Common tool initialization.
// import only from package main.
package common
import (
const (
// Compute Engine project ID.
SAMPLE_PERIOD = time.Minute
var (
// Init runs commonly-used initialization metrics.
func Init() {
defer sklog.Flush()
flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
sklog.Infof("Flags: --%s=%v", f.Name, f.Value)
// See for details on why the below section exists.
sklog.Info("Initializing logging for log level INFO.")
sklog.Warning("Initializing logging for log level WARNING.")
sklog.Error("Initializing logging for log level ERROR.")
// Use all cores.
// InitWithMetrics2 runs normal Init functions as well as tracking runtime metrics.
// It sets up metrics push into InfluxDB. The influx* arguments are ignored and read from metadata
// unless *skipMetadata is true.
func InitWithMetrics2(appName string, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase *string, skipMetadata *bool) {
StartMetrics2(appName, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase, *skipMetadata)
// InitExternalWithMetrics2 runs normal Init functions as well as tracking runtime metrics.
// It sets up metrics push into InfluxDB. The influx* arguments are always used.
func InitExternalWithMetrics2(appName string, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase *string) {
StartMetrics2(appName, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase, true)
// InitWithCloudLogging runs normal Init functions, and tracks runtime metrics. It uses Cloud Logging
// if skipMetadata is false. The influx* arguments are ignored and read from metadata
// unless *skipMetadata is true.
// InitWithCloudLogging should be called before the program creates any go routines such that all
// subsequent logs are properly sent to the Cloud.
func InitWithCloudLogging(appName string, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase *string, skipMetadata *bool) {
StartMetrics2(appName, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase, *skipMetadata)
// disable cloud logging when run locally.
if !*skipMetadata {
// StartMetrics2 starts tracking runtime metrics and sets up metrics push into InfluxDB. The
// influx* arguments are ignored and read from metadata unless skipMetadata is true.
func StartMetrics2(appName string, influxHost, influxUser, influxPassword, influxDatabase *string, skipMetadata bool) {
influxClient, err := influxdb_init.NewClientFromParamsAndMetadata(*influxHost, *influxUser, *influxPassword, *influxDatabase, skipMetadata)
if err != nil {
if err := metrics2.Init(appName, influxClient); err != nil {
// Start runtime metrics.
// StartCloudLogging initializes cloud logging. It is assumed to be running in GCE where the
// project metadata has the sklog.CLOUD_LOGGING_WRITE_SCOPE set. It exits fatally if anything
// goes wrong. InitWithCloudLogging should be called before the program creates any go routines
// such that all subsequent logs are properly sent to the Cloud.
func StartCloudLogging(logName string) {
transport := &http.Transport{
Dial: httputils.FastDialTimeout,
c, err := auth.NewJWTServiceAccountClient("", "", transport, sklog.CLOUD_LOGGING_WRITE_SCOPE)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem getting authenticated client: %s", err)
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not get hostname: %s", err)
StartCloudLoggingWithClient(c, hostname, logName)
// StartCloudLoggingWithClient initializes cloud logging with the passed in params.
// It is recommended clients only call this if they need to specially configure the params,
// otherwise use StartCloudLogging or, better, InitWithCloudLogging.
// StartCloudLoggingWithClient should be called before the program creates any go routines
// such that all subsequent logs are properly sent to the Cloud.
func StartCloudLoggingWithClient(authClient *http.Client, logGrouping, defaultReport string) {
// Initialize all severity counters to 0, otherwise uncommon logs (like Error), won't
// be in InfluxDB at all.
initSeverities := []string{sklog.INFO, sklog.WARNING, sklog.ERROR}
for _, severity := range initSeverities {
metrics2.GetCounter("num_log_lines", map[string]string{"level": severity, "log_source": defaultReport}).Reset()
metricsCallback := func(severity string) {
metrics2.GetCounter("num_log_lines", map[string]string{"level": severity, "log_source": defaultReport}).Inc(1)
if err := sklog.InitCloudLogging(authClient, logGrouping, defaultReport, metricsCallback); err != nil {
// LogPanic, when deferred from main, logs any panics and flush the log to local disk using glog.
// Defer this function before any other defers.
func LogPanic() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// DecodeTomlFile decodes a TOML file into the passed in struct and logs it to sklog. If there is
// an error, it panics.
func DecodeTomlFile(filename string, configuration interface{}) {
if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(filename, configuration); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to decode config file %s: %s", filename, err)
conf_str := spew.Sdump(configuration)
sklog.Infof("Read TOML configuration from %s: %s", filename, conf_str)
// MultiString implements flag.Value, allowing it to be used as
// var slice common.MultiString
// func init() {
// flag.Var(&slice, "someArg", "list of frobulators")
// }
// And then a client can pass in multiple values like
// my_executable --someArg foo --someArg bar
// or
// my_executable --someArg foo,bar,baz
// or any combination of
// my_executable --someArg alpha --someArg beta,gamma --someArg delta
type MultiString []string
// NewMultiStringFlag returns a MultiString flag, loaded with the given
// preloadedValues, usage string and name.
// NOTE: because of how MultiString functions, the values passed in are
// not the traditional "default" values, because they will not be replaced
// by the flags, only appended to.
func NewMultiStringFlag(name string, preloadedValues []string, usage string) *MultiString {
m := MultiString(preloadedValues)
flag.Var(&m, name, usage)
return &m
// String() returns the current value of MultiString, as a comma seperated list
func (m *MultiString) String() string {
return strings.Join(*m, ",")
// From the flag docs: "Set is called once, in command line order, for each flag present.""
func (m *MultiString) Set(value string) error {
for _, s := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
*m = append(*m, s)
return nil