blob: 40e1b7cbb7461c0ebc55b71ab5ed17b084633fed [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/search-page-sk
* @description <h2><code>search-page-sk</code></h2>
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { deepCopy } from 'common-sk/modules/object';
import { stateReflector } from 'common-sk/modules/stateReflector';
import { ParamSet, fromParamSet, fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import dialogPolyfill from 'dialog-polyfill';
import { HintableObject } from 'common-sk/modules/hintable';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { ChangelistControlsSkChangeEventDetail } from '../changelist-controls-sk/changelist-controls-sk';
import { SearchCriteria, SearchCriteriaToHintableObject, SearchCriteriaFromHintableObject } from '../search-controls-sk/search-controls-sk';
import { sendBeginTask, sendEndTask, sendFetchError } from '../common';
import { defaultCorpus } from '../settings';
import { SearchResponse, StatusResponse, ParamSetResponse, SearchResult, ChangeListSummaryResponse, TriageRequestData, Label, Digest } from '../rpc_types';
import 'elements-sk/checkbox-sk';
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons';
import '../bulk-triage-sk';
import '../search-controls-sk';
import '../changelist-controls-sk';
import '../digest-details-sk';
// Used to include/exclude the corpus field from the various ParamSets being passed around.
const CORPUS_KEY = 'source_type';
* Counterpart to SearchRespose (declared in rpc_types.ts).
* Contains the query string arguments to the /json/v1/search RPC. Intended to be used with
* common-sk's fromObject() function.
* This type cannot be generated from Go because there is no counterpart Go struct.
* TODO(lovisolo): Consider reworking the /json/v1/search RPC to take arguments via POST, so that
* we're able to unmarshal the JSON arguments into a SearchRequest Go struct. That
* struct can then be converted into TypeScript via go2ts and used here, instead of
* the ad-hoc SearchRequest interface defined below.
* TODO(lovisolo): Consider generating the SearchCriteria struct from the above Go struct so we can
* use the same type across the whole stack.
export interface SearchRequest {
// Fields populated via the page's query string.
blame?: string;
crs?: string;
issue?: string;
// Fields populated via the changelist-controls-sk.
master?: boolean; // Show all results if true, or exclude results from the master branch if false.
patchsets?: number;
// Fields populated via the search-controls-sk.
query: string;
rquery: string;
pos: boolean;
neg: boolean;
unt: boolean;
head: boolean; // At head only.
include: boolean; // Include ignored.
frgbamin: number;
frgbamax: number;
fref: boolean;
sort: 'asc' | 'desc';
export class SearchPageSk extends ElementSk {
private static _template = (el: SearchPageSk) => html`
<div class="top-controls">
<search-controls-sk .corpora=${el._corpora}
<div class="buttons">
<a class="legacy-search-page" href="${el._getLegacySearchPageHref()}">
Back to the legacy search page
<button class="bulk-triage" @click=${() => el._bulkTriageDialog?.showModal()}>
Bulk Triage
<button class="help" @click=${() => el._helpDialog?.showModal()}>
<!-- This is only visible when the summary property is not null. -->
<changelist-controls-sk .ps_order=${el._patchset}
<p class=summary>${SearchPageSk._summary(el)}</p>
<div class="results">
(result, idx) =>
el, result!, /* selected= */ idx === el._selectedSearchResultIdx))}
<dialog class="bulk-triage">
<bulk-triage-sk .currentPageDigests=${el._getCurrentPageDigestsTriageRequestData()}
.allDigests=${el._searchResponse?.bulk_triage_data || {}}
.crs=${el._crs || ''}
.changeListID=${el._changelistId || ''}
@bulk_triage_invoked=${() => el._bulkTriageDialog?.close()}
@bulk_triage_finished=${() => el._fetchSearchResults()}
@bulk_triage_cancelled=${() => el._bulkTriageDialog?.close()}>
<dialog class="help">
<h2>Keyboard shortcuts</h2>
<dt>J</dt> <dd>Next digest</dd>
<dt>K</dt> <dd>Previous digest</dd>
<dt>W</dt> <dd>Zoom into current digest</dd>
<dt>A</dt> <dd>Mark as positive</dd>
<dt>S</dt> <dd>Mark as negative</dd>
<dt>D</dt> <dd>Mark as untriaged</dd>
<dt>?</dt> <dd>Show help dialog</dd>
<div class="buttons">
<button class="cancel action" @click=${() => el._helpDialog?.close()}>Close</button>
private static _summary = (el: SearchPageSk) => {
if (!el._searchResponse) {
return ''; // No results have been loaded yet. It's OK not to show anything at this point.
if (el._searchResponse.size === 0) {
return 'No results matched your search criteria.';
const first = el._searchResponse.offset + 1;
const last = el._searchResponse.offset + el._searchResponse.digests!.length;
const total = el._searchResponse.size;
return `Showing results ${first} to ${last} (out of ${total}).`;
private static _resultTemplate =
(el: SearchPageSk, result: SearchResult, selected: boolean) => html`
<digest-details-sk .commits=${el._searchResponse?.commits}
@triage=${(e: CustomEvent<Label>) => el._onTriage(result, e.detail)}
class="${selected ? 'selected' : ''}">
// Reflected to/from the URL and modified by the search-controls-sk.
private _searchCriteria: SearchCriteria = {
corpus: defaultCorpus(),
leftHandTraceFilter: {},
rightHandTraceFilter: {},
includePositiveDigests: false,
includeNegativeDigests: false,
includeUntriagedDigests: true,
includeDigestsNotAtHead: false,
includeIgnoredDigests: false,
minRGBADelta: 0,
maxRGBADelta: 255,
mustHaveReferenceImage: false,
sortOrder: 'descending'
// Fields reflected to/from the URL and modified by the changelist-controls-sk.
private _includeDigestsFromPrimary: boolean | null = null;
private _patchset: number | null = null;
// Other fields reflected from the URL.
private _blame: string | null = null;
private _crs: string | null = null;
private _changelistId: string | null = null;
// stateReflector update function.
private _stateChanged: (() => void) | null = null;
// Fields populated from JSON RPCs.
private _corpora: string[] = [];
private _paramSet: ParamSet = {};
private _changeListSummaryResponse: ChangeListSummaryResponse | null = null;
private _searchResponse: SearchResponse | null = null;
private _searchResultsFetchController: AbortController | null = null;
private _bulkTriageDialog: HTMLDialogElement | null = null;
private _helpDialog: HTMLDialogElement | null = null;
private _keyDownEventHandlerFn: ((event: KeyboardEvent) => void) | null = null;
// Search result currently selected (e.g. via the J and K keyboard shortcuts). A negative value
// represents an empty selection.
private _selectedSearchResultIdx: number = -1;
constructor() {
this._stateChanged = stateReflector(
/* getState */ () => {
const state = SearchCriteriaToHintableObject(this._searchCriteria) as HintableObject;
state.blame = this._blame || ''; = this._crs || '';
state.issue = this._changelistId || '';
state.master = this._includeDigestsFromPrimary || '';
state.patchsets = this._patchset || '';
return state;
/* setState */ (newState) => {
if (!this._connected) {
this._searchCriteria = SearchCriteriaFromHintableObject(newState);
this._blame = (newState.blame as string) || null;
this._crs = ( as string) || null;
this._changelistId = (newState.issue as string) || null;
this._includeDigestsFromPrimary = (newState.master as boolean) || null;
this._patchset = (newState.patchsets as number) || null;
// These RPCs are only called once during the page's lifetime.
this._maybeFetchChangeListSummaryOnce(); // Only called if the CL/CRS URL params are set.
// Called every time the state changes.
connectedCallback() {
this._keyDownEventHandlerFn = (event: KeyboardEvent) => this._onKeyDown(event);
document.addEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownEventHandlerFn);
this._bulkTriageDialog = this.querySelector('dialog.bulk-triage');
this._helpDialog = this.querySelector('');
disconnectedCallback() {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownEventHandlerFn!);
private async _fetchCorporaOnce() {
// Only fetch once. We assume this doesn't change during the page's lifetime.
if (this._corpora.length > 0) return;
try {
const statusResponse: StatusResponse =
await fetch('/json/v1/trstatus', {method: 'GET'}).then(jsonOrThrow);
this._corpora = statusResponse.corpStatus!.map((corpus) => corpus!.name);
} catch(e) {
sendFetchError(this, e, 'fetching the available corpora');
private async _fetchParamSetOnce(changeListId?: number) {
// Only fetch once. We assume this doesn't change during the page's lifetime.
if (Object.keys(this._paramSet).length > 0) return;
try {
const paramSetResponse: ParamSetResponse =
await fetch(
'/json/v1/paramset' + (changeListId ? '?changelist_id='+ changeListId : ''),
{method: 'GET'})
// TODO(lovisolo): Type ParamSetResponse is generated by go2ts as
// { [key: string]: string[] | null }, but the real ParamSet type used here is
// { [key: string]: string[] }. Instead of blindly typecasing, perform an
// explicit check that no values are null, then convert to ParamSet.
// Alternatively, add support for overriding a type definition in go2ts.
this._paramSet = paramSetResponse as ParamSet;
// Remove the corpus to prevent it from showing up in the search controls left- and right-hand
// trace filter selectors.
delete this._paramSet[CORPUS_KEY];
} catch(e) {
sendFetchError(this, e, 'fetching the available digest parameters');
private async _maybeFetchChangeListSummaryOnce() {
// We can skip this RPC if no CL information has been provided via URL parameters.
if (!this._crs || !this._changelistId) return;
// Only fetch once. This is OK because the changelist cannot be changed via the UI.
if (this._changeListSummaryResponse) return;
try {
this._changeListSummaryResponse =
await fetch(`/json/v1/changelist/${this._crs}/${this._changelistId}`, {method: 'GET'})
} catch(e) {
sendFetchError(this, e, 'fetching the changelist summary');
private _makeSearchRequest() {
// Utility function to insert the selected corpus into the left- and right-hand trace filters,
// as required by the /json/v1/search RPC.
const insertCorpus = (paramSet: ParamSet) => {
const copy = deepCopy(paramSet);
copy[CORPUS_KEY] = [this._searchCriteria.corpus];
return copy;
// Populate a SearchRequest object, which we'll use to generate the query string for the
// /json/v1/search RPC.
const searchRequest: SearchRequest = {
query: fromParamSet(insertCorpus(this._searchCriteria.leftHandTraceFilter)),
rquery: fromParamSet(insertCorpus(this._searchCriteria.rightHandTraceFilter)),
pos: this._searchCriteria.includePositiveDigests,
neg: this._searchCriteria.includeNegativeDigests,
unt: this._searchCriteria.includeUntriagedDigests,
head: !this._searchCriteria.includeDigestsNotAtHead, // Inverted because head = at head only.
include: this._searchCriteria.includeIgnoredDigests,
frgbamin: this._searchCriteria.minRGBADelta,
frgbamax: this._searchCriteria.maxRGBADelta,
fref: this._searchCriteria.mustHaveReferenceImage,
sort: this._searchCriteria.sortOrder === 'ascending' ? 'asc' : 'desc',
// Populate optional query parameters.
if (this._blame) searchRequest.blame = this._blame;
if (this._crs) = this._crs;
if (this._changelistId) searchRequest.issue = this._changelistId;
if (this._includeDigestsFromPrimary) searchRequest.master = this._includeDigestsFromPrimary;
if (this._patchset) searchRequest.patchsets = this._patchset;
return searchRequest;
private async _fetchSearchResults() {
// Force only one fetch at a time. Abort any outstanding requests.
if (this._searchResultsFetchController) {
this._searchResultsFetchController = new AbortController();
const searchRequest = this._makeSearchRequest();
try {
const searchResponse: SearchResponse =
await fetch(
'/json/v1/search?' + fromObject(searchRequest as any),
{method: 'GET', signal: this._searchResultsFetchController.signal})
this._searchResponse = searchResponse;
// Reset UI and render.
this._selectedSearchResultIdx = -1;
} catch(e) {
sendFetchError(this, e, 'fetching the available digest parameters');
private _getCurrentPageDigestsTriageRequestData() {
const triageRequestData: TriageRequestData = {};
if (!this._searchResponse) return triageRequestData;
for (const result of this._searchResponse.digests!) {
let byTest = triageRequestData[result!.test];
if (!byTest) {
byTest = {};
triageRequestData[result!.test] = byTest;
let valueToSet: Label | '' = '';
if (result!.closestRef === 'pos') {
valueToSet = 'positive';
} else if (result!.closestRef === 'neg') {
valueToSet = 'negative';
// Note: We cast this potentially empty string as a Label due to the legacy behaviors
// documented here:
// TODO(lovisolo): Clean this up after the legacy search-page-sk is removed.
byTest[result!.digest] = valueToSet as Label;
return triageRequestData;
private _onSearchControlsChange(event: CustomEvent<SearchCriteria>) {
this._searchCriteria = event.detail;
// Re-render the page immediately so that the link to the legacy search page is updated with the
// new query parameters. If we don't re-render immediately, said link will briefly fall out of
// sync until the /json/search RPC resolves and the page is re-rendered with new search results.
// TODO(lovisolo): Remove after the legacy search page is deleted.
private _onChangelistControlsChange(event: CustomEvent<ChangelistControlsSkChangeEventDetail>) {
this._includeDigestsFromPrimary = event.detail.include_master;
this._patchset = event.detail.ps_order;
// Re-render the page immediately so that the link to the legacy search page is updated with the
// new query parameters. If we don't re-render immediately, said link will briefly fall out of
// sync until the /json/search RPC resolves and the page is re-rendered with new search results.
// TODO(lovisolo): Remove after the legacy search page is deleted.
private _onTriage(result: SearchResult, label: Label) {
// When the user triages a digest, we patch the corresponding cached SearchResult with the new
// label. This prevents the digest-details-sk component from reverting to the original label
// when the search-page-sk is re-rendered with the same cached SearchResults.
result.status = label;
private _onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
// Ignore all keyboard shortcuts if there are any open modals.
if (document.querySelectorAll('dialog[open]').length > 0) return;
switch(event.key) {
// Next.
case 'j':
this._selectSearchResult(this._selectedSearchResultIdx + 1);
// Previous.
case 'k':
this._selectSearchResult(this._selectedSearchResultIdx - 1);
// Zoom in.
case 'w':
// Mark as positive.
case 'a':
// Mark as negative.
case 's':
// Mark as untriaged.
case 'd':
// Show help dialog.
case '?':
return; // Do not stop propagation if we haven't captured the event.
event.stopPropagation(); // Stop propagation if we captured the event.
* Selects the search result with the given index, i.e. it draws a box around its corresponding
* digest-details-sk element to indicate focus and scrolls it into view.
private _selectSearchResult(index: number) {
const searchResults = this._searchResponse?.digests || [];
if (index < 0 || index >= searchResults.length) return;
this._selectedSearchResultIdx = index;
* Applies the given label to the currently selected search result.
private _triageSelectedSearchResult(label: Label) {
// TODO(lovisolo): Clean this up once DigestDetailsSk is ported to TypeScript.
const digestDetailsSk = this._getSelectedDigestDetailsSk();
if (!digestDetailsSk) return;
digestDetailsSk.querySelector<HTMLButtonElement>(`triage-sk button.${label}`)!.click();
* Opens the zoom dialog of the details-digest-sk element corresponding to the currently selected
* search result.
private _openZoomDialogForSelectedSearchResult() {
// TODO(lovisolo): Clean this up once DigestDetailsSk is ported to TypeScript.
const digestDetailsSk = this._getSelectedDigestDetailsSk();
if (!digestDetailsSk) return;
* Returns the digest-details-sk element corresponding to the currently selected search result.
private _getSelectedDigestDetailsSk() {
// TODO(lovisolo): Clean this up once DigestDetailsSk is ported to TypeScript.
if (this._selectedSearchResultIdx < 0) return null;
return this.querySelector<HTMLElement>(
`digest-details-sk:nth-child(${this._selectedSearchResultIdx + 1})`);
* Returns a relative path to the legacy search page with the same parameters as this page.
* TODO(lovisolo): Remove after the legacy search page has been deleted.
private _getLegacySearchPageHref() {
const baseUrl = '/oldsearch';
// The legacy search page uses the same GET parameters as the /json/search endpoint, so we can
// reuse the logic to build a SearchRequest.
const searchRequest = this._makeSearchRequest();
const queryString = fromObject(searchRequest as any);
return queryString ? `${baseUrl}?${queryString}` : baseUrl;
define('search-page-sk', SearchPageSk);