blob: 17ec1783da5dfdbed464210789562c95b7a70ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
Package sqltracestore implements a tracestore.TraceStore on top of SQL. We'll
look that the SQL schema used to explain how SQLTraceStore maps traces into an
SQL database.
We store the name of every source file that has been ingested in the SourceFiles
table so we can use the shorter 64 bit source_file_id in other tables.
SourceFiles (
source_file_id INT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT unique_rowid(),
Each trace name, which is a structured key (See /infra/go/query) of the
form,key1=value1,key2=value2,..., is stored either as the md5 hash of the trace
name, i.e. trace_id = md5(trace_name) or as the series of key=value pairs that
make up the params of the key.
When we store the values of each trace in the TraceValues table, use the
trace_id and the commit_number as the primary key. We also store not only the
value but the id of the source file that the value came from.
trace_id BYTES,
-- Id of the trace name from TraceIDS.
commit_number INT,
-- A types.CommitNumber.
val REAL,
-- The floating point measurement.
source_file_id INT,
-- Id of the source filename, from SourceFiles.
PRIMARY KEY (trace_id, commit_number)
Just using this table we can construct some useful queries. For example we can
count the number of traces in a single tile, in this case the 0th tile in a
system with a tileSize of 256:
commit_number >= 0 AND commit_number < 256;
The Postings table is our inverted index for looking up which trace ids contain
which key=value pairs. For a good introduction to postings and search is a good
Remember that each trace name is a structured key of the
form,arch=x86,config=8888,..., and that over time traces may come and go, i.e.
we may stop running a test, or start running new tests, so if we want to make
searching for traces efficient we need to be aware of how those trace ids change
over time. The answer is to break our store in Tiles, i.e. blocks of commits of
tileSize length, and then for each Tile we keep an inverted index of the trace
In the table below we store a key_value which is the literal "key=value" part of
a trace name, along with the tile_number and the md5 trace_id. Note that
tile_number is just int(commitNumber/tileSize).
-- A types.TileNumber.
tile_number INT,
-- A key value pair from a structured key, e.g. "config=8888".
key_value STRING NOT NULL,
-- md5(trace_name)
trace_id BYTES,
PRIMARY KEY (tile_number, key_value, trace_id)
Finally, to make it fast to turn UI queries into SQL queries we store the
ParamSet representing all the trace names in the Tile.
tile_number INT,
param_key STRING,
param_value STRING,
PRIMARY KEY (tile_number, param_key, param_value),
INDEX (tile_number DESC),
So for example to build a ParamSet for a tile:
param_key, param_value
To find the most recent tile:
tile_number DESC LIMIT 1;
To query for traces we first find the trace_ids of all the traces that would
match the given query on a tile.
encode(trace_id, 'hex')
key_value IN ('config=8888', 'config=565')
AND tile_number = 0
encode(trace_id, 'hex')
key_value IN ('arch=x86', 'arch=risc-v')
AND tile_number = 0;
Then once you have all the trace_ids, load the values from the TraceValues
tracevalues.commit_number >= 0
AND tracevalues.commit_number < 256
AND tracevalues.trace_id IN (
Look in migrations/cdb.sql for more example of raw queries using a simple
example dataset.
package sqltracestore
import (
lru ""
// cacheMetricsRefreshDuration controls how often we update the metrics for
// in-memory caches.
const cacheMetricsRefreshDuration = 15 * time.Second
// CockroachDB can be sensitive to the number of VALUES in a single INSERT
// statement. These values were experimentally determined to be good when 6
// ingesters running 20 parallel Go routines were ingesting a large amout of
// data. Note that values over 200 caused the insert rate to drop precipitously,
// going from 20,000 qps with a batch size of 100 down to 400 qps with a batch
// size of 200.
const writeTracesChunkSize = 100
// See writeTracesChunkSize.
const readTracesChunkSize = 100
// queryTraceIDsChunkSize is the number of traceids we try to resolve into
// Params at one time.
const queryTraceIDsChunkSize = 1000
// Number of parallel requests sent to the database when servicing a single
// query. 30 matches the max number of cores we use on a clustering instance.
const poolSize = 30
const queryTracesIDOnlyByIndexChannelSize = 1000
// defaultCacheSize is the size of the in-memory LRU caches.
const defaultCacheSize = 40 * 1000 * 1000
const orderedParamSetCacheSize = 100
const orderedParamSetCacheTTL = 5 * time.Minute
type orderedParamSetCacheEntry struct {
expires time.Time // When this entry expires.
paramSet paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet
// traceIDForSQL is the type of the IDs that are used in the SQL queries,
// they are hex encoded md5 hashes of a trace name, e.g. "\x00112233...".
// Note the \x prefix which tells CockroachDB that this is hex encoded.
type traceIDForSQL string
var badTraceIDFromSQL traceIDForSQL = ""
// traceIDForSQLInBytes is the md5 hash of a trace name.
type traceIDForSQLInBytes [md5.Size]byte
// Calculates the traceIDForSQL for the given trace name, e.g. "\x00112233...".
// Note the \x prefix which tells CockroachDB that this is hex encoded.
func traceIDForSQLFromTraceName(traceName string) traceIDForSQL {
b := md5.Sum([]byte(traceName))
return traceIDForSQL(fmt.Sprintf("\\x%x", b))
func traceIDForSQLInBytesFromTraceName(traceName string) traceIDForSQLInBytes {
return md5.Sum([]byte(traceName))
func traceIDForSQLFromTraceIDAsBytes(b []byte) traceIDForSQL {
return traceIDForSQL(fmt.Sprintf("\\x%x", b))
// sourceFileIDFromSQL is the type of the IDs that are used in the SQL database
// for source files.
type sourceFileIDFromSQL int64
const badSourceFileIDFromSQL sourceFileIDFromSQL = -1
// statement is an SQL statement or fragment of an SQL statement.
type statement int
// All the different statements we need. Each statement will appear either in
// templatesByDialect or statementsByDialect.
const (
insertIntoSourceFiles statement = iota
var templates = map[statement]string{
insertIntoTraceValues: `INSERT INTO
TraceValues (trace_id, commit_number, val, source_file_id)
{{ range $index, $element := . -}}
{{ if $index }},{{end}}
'{{ $element.MD5HexTraceID }}', {{ $element.CommitNumber }}, {{ $element.Val }}, {{ $element.SourceFileID }}
{{ end }}
convertTraceIDs: `
{{ $tileNumber := .TileNumber }}
key_value, trace_id
{{ .AsOf }}
tile_number = {{ $tileNumber }}
AND trace_id IN (
{{ range $index, $trace_id := .TraceIDs -}}
{{ if $index }},{{ end -}}
'{{ $trace_id }}'
{{ end -}}
queryTraceIDs: `
{{ $key := .Key }}
{{ .AsOf }}
tile_number = {{ .TileNumber }}
AND key_value IN
{{ range $index, $value := .Values -}}
{{ if $index }},{{end}}
'{{ $key }}={{ $value }}'
{{ end }}
ORDER BY trace_id`,
readTraces: `
{{ .AsOf }}
commit_number >= {{ .BeginCommitNumber }}
AND commit_number <= {{ .EndCommitNumber }}
AND trace_id IN
{{ range $index, $trace_id := .TraceIDs -}}
{{ if $index }},{{end}}
'{{ $trace_id }}'
{{ end }}
getSource: `
INNER LOOKUP JOIN SourceFiles ON SourceFiles.source_file_id = TraceValues.source_file_id
TraceValues.trace_id = '{{ .MD5HexTraceID }}'
AND TraceValues.commit_number = {{ .CommitNumber }}`,
insertIntoPostings: `
Postings (tile_number, key_value, trace_id)
{{ range $index, $element := . -}}
{{ if $index }},{{end}}
( {{ $element.TileNumber }}, '{{ $element.Key }}={{ $element.Value }}', '{{ $element.MD5HexTraceID }}' )
{{ end }}
insertIntoParamSets: `
ParamSets (tile_number, param_key, param_value)
{{ range $index, $element := . -}}
{{ if $index }},{{end}}
( {{ $element.TileNumber }}, '{{ $element.Key }}', '{{ $element.Value }}' )
{{ end }}
paramSetForTile: `
param_key, param_value
{{ .AsOf }}
tile_number = {{ .TileNumber }}`,
// replaceTraceValuesContext is the context for the replaceTraceValues template.
type insertIntoTraceValuesContext struct {
// The MD5 sum of the trace name as a hex string, i.e.
// "\xfe385b159ff55dca481069805e5ff050". Note the leading \x which
// CockroachDB will use to know the string is in hex.
MD5HexTraceID traceIDForSQL
CommitNumber types.CommitNumber
Val float32
SourceFileID sourceFileIDFromSQL
// replaceTraceNamesContext is the context for the replaceTraceNames template.
type replaceTraceNamesContext struct {
// The trace's Params serialize as JSON.
JSONParams string
// The MD5 sum of the trace name as a hex string, i.e.
// "\xfe385b159ff55dca481069805e5ff050". Note the leading \x which
// CockroachDB will use to know the string is in hex.
MD5HexTraceID traceIDForSQL
// queryPlanContext is used in queryTracesContext.
type queryPlanContext struct {
Key string
Values []string
// queryTraceIDsContext is the context for the queryTraceIDsContext template.
type queryTraceIDsContext struct {
TileNumber types.TileNumber
Key string
Values []string
AsOf string
// convertTracesContext is the context for the convertTraceIDs template.
type convertTraceIDsContext struct {
TileNumber types.TileNumber
TraceIDs []traceIDForSQL
AsOf string
// readTracesContext is the context for the readTraces template.
type readTracesContext struct {
BeginCommitNumber types.CommitNumber
EndCommitNumber types.CommitNumber
TraceIDs []traceIDForSQL
AsOf string
// getSourceContext is the context for the getSource template.
type getSourceContext struct {
CommitNumber types.CommitNumber
// The MD5 sum of the trace name as a hex string, i.e.
// "\xfe385b159ff55dca481069805e5ff050". Note the leading \x which
// CockroachDB will use to know the string is in hex.
MD5HexTraceID traceIDForSQL
// insertIntoTilesContext is the context for the insertIntoTiles template.
type insertIntoPostingsContext struct {
TileNumber types.TileNumber
// Key is a Params key.
Key string
// Value is the value for the Params key above.
Value string
// The MD5 sum of the trace name as a hex string, i.e.
// "\xfe385b159ff55dca481069805e5ff050". Note the leading \x which
// CockroachDB will use to know the string is in hex.
MD5HexTraceID traceIDForSQL
// cacheKey is the key for this entry in the local LRU cache. It is not used
// as part of the SQL template.
cacheKey string
// insertIntoParamSetsContext is the context for the insertIntoParamSets template.
type insertIntoParamSetsContext struct {
TileNumber types.TileNumber
Key string
Value string
// cacheKey is the key for this entry in the local LRU cache. It is not used
// as part of the SQL template.
cacheKey string
// paramSetForTileContext is the context for the paramSetForTile template.
type paramSetForTileContext struct {
TileNumber types.TileNumber
AsOf string
var statements = map[statement]string{
insertIntoSourceFiles: `
SourceFiles (source_file)
getSourceFileID: `
getLatestTile: `
tile_number DESC
traceCount: `
tile_number = $1`,
type timeProvider func() time.Time
// Statement to add to enable follower reads.
// See
// and
const followerReadsStatement = "AS OF SYSTEM TIME '-5s'"
// SQLTraceStore implements tracestore.TraceStore backed onto an SQL database.
type SQLTraceStore struct {
// db is the SQL database instance.
db *pgxpool.Pool
// timeNow allows controlling time during tests.
timeNow timeProvider
// unpreparedStatements are parsed templates that can be used to construct SQL statements.
unpreparedStatements map[statement]*template.Template
// And from md5(trace_name)+tile_number -> true if the trace_name has
// already been written to the Postings table.
// And from (tile_number, paramKey, paramValue) -> true if the param has
// been written to the ParamSets tables.
cache cache.Cache
// orderedParamSetCache is a cache for OrderedParamSets that have a TTL. The
// cache maps tileNumber -> orderedParamSetCacheEntry.
orderedParamSetCache *lru.Cache
// tileSize is the number of commits per Tile.
tileSize int32
// enableFollowerReads, if true, means older data in the database can be
// used to respond to queries.
// See
// and
enableFollowerReads bool
// metrics
writeTracesMetric metrics2.Float64SummaryMetric
writeTracesMetricSQL metrics2.Float64SummaryMetric
buildTracesContextsMetric metrics2.Float64SummaryMetric
cacheMissMetric metrics2.Counter
orderedParamSetsCacheMissMetric metrics2.Counter
orderedParamSetCacheLen metrics2.Int64Metric
// New returns a new *SQLTraceStore.
// We presume all migrations have been run against db before this function is
// called.
func New(db *pgxpool.Pool, datastoreConfig config.DataStoreConfig) (*SQLTraceStore, error) {
unpreparedStatements := map[statement]*template.Template{}
for key, tmpl := range templates {
t, err := template.New("").Parse(tmpl)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "parsing template %v, %q", key, tmpl)
unpreparedStatements[key] = t
var cache cache.Cache
var err error
if len(datastoreConfig.CacheConfig.MemcachedServers) > 0 {
cache, err = memcached.New(datastoreConfig.CacheConfig.MemcachedServers, datastoreConfig.CacheConfig.Namespace)
} else {
cache, err = local.New(defaultCacheSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to build cache.")
paramSetCache, err := lru.New(orderedParamSetCacheSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
ret := &SQLTraceStore{
db: db,
timeNow: time.Now,
unpreparedStatements: unpreparedStatements,
tileSize: datastoreConfig.TileSize,
cache: cache,
orderedParamSetCache: paramSetCache,
enableFollowerReads: datastoreConfig.EnableFollowerReads,
writeTracesMetric: metrics2.GetFloat64SummaryMetric("perfserver_sqltracestore_write_traces"),
writeTracesMetricSQL: metrics2.GetFloat64SummaryMetric("perfserver_sqltracestore_write_traces_sql"),
buildTracesContextsMetric: metrics2.GetFloat64SummaryMetric("perfserver_sqltracestore_build_traces_context"),
cacheMissMetric: metrics2.GetCounter("perfserver_sqltracestore_cache_miss"),
orderedParamSetsCacheMissMetric: metrics2.GetCounter("perfserver_sqltracestore_ordered_paramsets_cache_miss"),
orderedParamSetCacheLen: metrics2.GetInt64Metric("perfserver_sqltracestore_ordered_paramset_cache_len"),
// Update metrics periodically.
go func() {
for range time.Tick(cacheMetricsRefreshDuration) {
ctx := context.Background()
tileNumber, err := ret.GetLatestTile(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to load latest tile when calculating metrics: %s")
ret.updateParamSetMetricsForTile(ctx, tileNumber)
ret.updateParamSetMetricsForTile(ctx, tileNumber-1)
return ret, nil
func (s *SQLTraceStore) updateParamSetMetricsForTile(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber) {
ps, err := s.GetParamSet(ctx, tileNumber)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to load ParamSet when calculating metrics: %s")
metrics2.GetInt64Metric("perfserver_sqltracestore_paramset_size", map[string]string{"tileNumber": fmt.Sprintf("%d", tileNumber)}).Update(int64(ps.Size()))
// CommitNumberOfTileStart implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) CommitNumberOfTileStart(commitNumber types.CommitNumber) types.CommitNumber {
tileNumber := types.TileNumberFromCommitNumber(commitNumber, s.tileSize)
beginCommit, _ := types.TileCommitRangeForTileNumber(tileNumber, s.tileSize)
return beginCommit
// GetLatestTile implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) GetLatestTile(ctx context.Context) (types.TileNumber, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.GetLatestTile")
defer span.End()
tileNumber := types.BadTileNumber
if err := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statements[getLatestTile]).Scan(&tileNumber); err != nil {
return types.BadTileNumber, skerr.Wrap(err)
return tileNumber, nil
func (s *SQLTraceStore) paramSetForTile(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.GetParamSet")
defer span.End()
defer timer.New(fmt.Sprintf("paramSetForTile-%d", tileNumber)).Stop()
context := paramSetForTileContext{
TileNumber: tileNumber,
AsOf: "",
if s.enableFollowerReads {
context.AsOf = followerReadsStatement
// Expand the template for the SQL.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[paramSetForTile].Execute(&b, context); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand paramSetForTile template")
sql := b.String()
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed querying - tileNumber=%d", tileNumber)
ps := paramtools.NewParamSet()
for rows.Next() {
var key string
var value string
if err := rows.Scan(&key, &value); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed scanning row - tileNumber=%d", tileNumber)
ps.AddParams(paramtools.Params{key: value})
ret := ps.Freeze()
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return ret, nil
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Other failure - tileNumber=%d", tileNumber)
return ret, nil
// ClearOrderedParamSetCache is only used for tests.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) ClearOrderedParamSetCache() {
// GetParamSet implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) GetParamSet(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
defer timer.New("GetParamSet").Stop()
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.GetParamSet")
defer span.End()
now := s.timeNow()
iEntry, ok := s.orderedParamSetCache.Get(tileNumber)
if ok {
if entry, ok := iEntry.(orderedParamSetCacheEntry); ok && entry.expires.After(now) {
return entry.paramSet, nil
_ = s.orderedParamSetCache.Remove(tileNumber)
ps, err := s.paramSetForTile(ctx, tileNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
_ = s.orderedParamSetCache.Add(tileNumber, orderedParamSetCacheEntry{
expires: now.Add(orderedParamSetCacheTTL),
paramSet: ps,
return ps, nil
// GetSource implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) GetSource(ctx context.Context, commitNumber types.CommitNumber, traceName string) (string, error) {
var filename string
traceID := traceIDForSQLFromTraceName(traceName)
sourceContext := getSourceContext{
MD5HexTraceID: traceID,
CommitNumber: commitNumber,
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[getSource].Execute(&b, sourceContext); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand get source template")
sql := b.String()
if err := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, sql).Scan(&filename); err != nil {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "commitNumber=%d traceName=%q traceID=%q", commitNumber, traceName, traceID)
return filename, nil
// OffsetFromCommitNumber implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) OffsetFromCommitNumber(commitNumber types.CommitNumber) int32 {
return int32(commitNumber) % s.tileSize
// QueryTraces implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) QueryTraces(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber, q *query.Query) (types.TraceSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.QueryTraces")
defer span.End()
traceNames := make(chan string, queryTracesIDOnlyByIndexChannelSize)
pChan, err := s.QueryTracesIDOnly(ctx, tileNumber, q)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get list of traceIDs matching query.")
// Start a Go routine that converts Params into a trace name and then feeds
// those trace names into the traceNames channel.
go func() {
defer timer.New("QueryTracesIDOnly - Complete").Stop()
for p := range pChan {
traceName, err := query.MakeKey(p)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Invalid trace name found in query response: %s", err)
traceNames <- traceName
beginCommit, endCommit := types.TileCommitRangeForTileNumber(tileNumber, s.tileSize)
return s.readTracesByChannelForCommitRange(ctx, traceNames, beginCommit, endCommit)
// QueryTracesIDOnly implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) QueryTracesIDOnly(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber, q *query.Query) (<-chan paramtools.Params, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.QueryTracesIDOnly")
defer span.End()
defer timer.New("QueryTracesIDOnlyByIndex").Stop()
outParams := make(chan paramtools.Params, queryTracesIDOnlyByIndexChannelSize)
if q.Empty() {
return outParams, skerr.Fmt("Can't run QueryTracesIDOnlyByIndex for the empty query.")
ps, err := s.GetParamSet(ctx, tileNumber)
if err != nil {
return outParams, skerr.Wrap(err)
plan, err := q.QueryPlan(ps)
if err != nil {
// Not an error, we just won't match anything in this tile.
// The plan may be invalid because it is querying with keys or values
// that don't appear in a tile, which means the query won't work on this
// tile, but it may still work on other tiles, so we just don't return
// any results for this tile.
return outParams, nil
if len(plan) == 0 {
// We won't match anything in this tile.
return outParams, nil
// Sanitize our inputs.
if err := query.ValidateParamSet(plan); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "invalid query %#v", *q)
// This query is done in two parts because the CDB query planner seems to
// pick a really bad plan a large percentage of the time.
// First find the encoded trace ids that match the query. Break apart the
// QueryPlan and do each group of OR's as individual queries to the
// database, but then stream the results and do the ANDs here on the server.
// That's because CDB complains about the amount of RAM that doing the AND
// can require. For example, the query 'source_type=svg&sub_result=min_ms'
// requires merging two lists that are both over 200k.
unionChannels := []<-chan traceIDForSQL{}
i := 0
for key, values := range plan {
context := queryTraceIDsContext{
TileNumber: tileNumber,
Key: key,
Values: values,
AsOf: "",
if s.enableFollowerReads {
context.AsOf = followerReadsStatement
// Expand the template for the SQL.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[queryTraceIDs].Execute(&b, context); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand queryTraceIDs template")
sql := b.String()
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
ch := make(chan traceIDForSQL)
unionChannels = append(unionChannels, ch)
go func(ch chan traceIDForSQL, rows pgx.Rows) {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.QueryTracesIDOnly.PerKeyWorker")
defer span.End()
defer close(ch)
for rows.Next() {
var traceIDAsBytes []byte
if err := rows.Scan(&traceIDAsBytes); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to scan traceIDAsBytes: %s", skerr.Wrap(err))
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
sklog.Errorf("Failed while reading traceIDAsBytes: %s", skerr.Wrap(err))
ch <- traceIDForSQLFromTraceIDAsBytes(traceIDAsBytes)
}(ch, rows)
// Now AND together the results of all the unionChannels.
traceIDsCh := newIntersect(ctx, unionChannels)
// And then convert the results of the AND into Params, which we sent out
// the channel we'll return from this function.
chunkChannel := make(chan []traceIDForSQL)
go func() {
defer close(outParams)
// Start a pool of workers.
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i := 0; i < poolSize; i++ {
g.Go(func() error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.QueryTracesIDOnly.convertToParamsWorker")
defer span.End()
for chunk := range chunkChannel {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.convertHexTraceIdsToParams(ctx, chunk, tileNumber, outParams); err != nil {
// Drain the channel before returning the err.
for range chunkChannel {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// Now feed the pool of workers chunks to resolve.
currentChunk := []traceIDForSQL{}
for hexEncodedTraceID := range traceIDsCh {
currentChunk = append(currentChunk, hexEncodedTraceID)
if len(currentChunk) >= queryTraceIDsChunkSize {
chunkChannel <- currentChunk
currentChunk = []traceIDForSQL{}
// Now handle any remaining values in the currentChunk.
chunkChannel <- currentChunk
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return outParams, nil
// convertHexTraceIdsToParams queries the database for all the key=value pairs
// that make up the currentBatch of traceIDs, build Params for each trace id,
// and then emits those Params on the 'outParams' channel.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) convertHexTraceIdsToParams(ctx context.Context, currentBatch []traceIDForSQL, tileNumber types.TileNumber, outParams chan paramtools.Params) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.QueryTracesIDOnly.convertHexTraceIdsToParams")
defer span.End()
context := convertTraceIDsContext{
TileNumber: tileNumber,
TraceIDs: currentBatch,
AsOf: "",
if s.enableFollowerReads {
context.AsOf = followerReadsStatement
// Expand the template for the SQL.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[convertTraceIDs].Execute(&b, context); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand convertTraceIDs template")
sql := b.String()
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "SQL: %q", sql)
// We build up the Params for each matching trace id row-by-row. That
// is, each row contains the trace_id of a trace that matches the query,
// and a single key=value pair from the trace name.
// As we scan we keep track of the current trace_id we are on, since the
// query returns rows ordered by trace_id we know they are all grouped
// together.
var currentTraceID []byte
p := paramtools.Params{}
for rows.Next() {
var keyValue string
var traceIDAsBytes []byte
if err := rows.Scan(&keyValue, &traceIDAsBytes); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to scan traceName: %s", skerr.Wrap(err))
return err
// If we hit a new trace_id then emit the current Params we have
// built so far and start on a fresh Params.
if !bytes.Equal(currentTraceID, traceIDAsBytes) {
// Don't emit on the first row, i.e. before we've actually done
// any work.
if currentTraceID != nil {
outParams <- p
} else {
currentTraceID = make([]byte, len(traceIDAsBytes))
p = paramtools.Params{}
copy(currentTraceID, traceIDAsBytes)
// Add to the current Params.
parts := strings.SplitN(keyValue, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
sklog.Warningf("Found invalid key=value pair in Postings: %q", keyValue)
p[parts[0]] = parts[1]
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil && err != pgx.ErrNoRows {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed while reading traceNames")
// Make sure to emit the last trace id.
if currentTraceID != nil {
outParams <- p
return nil
// ReadTraces implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) ReadTraces(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber, traceNames []string) (types.TraceSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.ReadTraces")
defer span.End()
defer timer.New("ReadTraces").Stop()
beginCommit, endCommit := types.TileCommitRangeForTileNumber(tileNumber, s.tileSize)
return s.ReadTracesForCommitRange(ctx, traceNames, beginCommit, endCommit)
// ReadTracesForCommitRange implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) ReadTracesForCommitRange(ctx context.Context, traceNames []string, beginCommit types.CommitNumber, endCommit types.CommitNumber) (types.TraceSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.ReadTracesForCommitRange")
defer span.End()
defer timer.New("ReadTraces").Stop()
traceNamesChannel := make(chan string, len(traceNames))
for _, traceName := range traceNames {
traceNamesChannel <- traceName
return s.readTracesByChannelForCommitRange(ctx, traceNamesChannel, beginCommit, endCommit)
// readTracesByChannelForCommitRange reads the traceNames from a channel so we
// don't have to wait for the full list of trace ids to be ready first.
// It works by reading in a number of traceNames into a chunk and then passing
// that chunk of trace names to a worker pool that reads all the trace values
// for the given trace names.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) readTracesByChannelForCommitRange(ctx context.Context, traceNames <-chan string, beginCommit types.CommitNumber, endCommit types.CommitNumber) (types.TraceSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.readTracesByChannelForCommitRange")
defer span.End()
// The return value, protected by mutex.
ret := types.TraceSet{}
// Validate the begin and end commit numbers.
if beginCommit > endCommit {
// Empty the traceNames channel.
for range traceNames {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Invalid commit range, [%d, %d] should be [%d, %d]", beginCommit, endCommit, endCommit, beginCommit)
// How long should the traces be in the response?
traceLength := endCommit - beginCommit + 1
// Map from the [md5.Size]byte representation of a trace id to the trace name.
// Protected by mutex.
traceNameMap := map[traceIDForSQLInBytes]string{}
// Protects traceNameMap and ret.
var mutex sync.Mutex
// chunkChannel is used to distribute work to the workers.
chunkChannel := make(chan []traceIDForSQL, queryTracesIDOnlyByIndexChannelSize)
// Start the workers that do the actual querying when given chunks of trace ids.
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i := 0; i < poolSize; i++ {
g.Go(func() error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.ReadTraces.Worker")
defer span.End()
for chunk := range chunkChannel {
if err := s.readTracesChunk(ctx, beginCommit, endCommit, chunk, &mutex, traceNameMap, &ret); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// Now break up the incoming trace ids into chuck for the workers.
currentChunk := []traceIDForSQL{}
for key := range traceNames {
if !query.ValidateKey(key) {
sklog.Errorf("Invalid key: %q", key)
// Make space in ret for the values.
ret[key] = vec32.New(int(traceLength))
// Update the map from the full name of the trace and id in traceIDForSQLInBytes form.
traceNameMap[traceIDForSQLInBytesFromTraceName(key)] = key
trID := traceIDForSQLFromTraceName(key)
currentChunk = append(currentChunk, trID)
if len(currentChunk) > queryTraceIDsChunkSize {
chunkChannel <- currentChunk
currentChunk = []traceIDForSQL{}
// Now handle any remaining values in the currentChunk.
if len(currentChunk) >= 0 {
chunkChannel <- currentChunk
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
Code: trace.StatusCodeInternal,
Message: err.Error(),
// Empty the traceNames channel.
for range traceNames {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return ret, nil
// readTracesChunk updates the passed in TraceSet with all the values loaded for
// the given slice of trace ids.
// The mutex protects 'ret' and 'traceNameMap'.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) readTracesChunk(ctx context.Context, beginCommit types.CommitNumber, endCommit types.CommitNumber, chunk []traceIDForSQL, mutex *sync.Mutex, traceNameMap map[traceIDForSQLInBytes]string, ret *types.TraceSet) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.ReadTraces.Chunk")
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("chunk_length", int64(len(chunk))))
defer span.End()
// Populate the context for the SQL template.
readTracesContext := readTracesContext{
BeginCommitNumber: beginCommit,
EndCommitNumber: endCommit,
TraceIDs: chunk,
AsOf: "",
if s.enableFollowerReads {
readTracesContext.AsOf = followerReadsStatement
// Expand the template for the SQL.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[readTraces].Execute(&b, readTracesContext); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand readTraces template")
sql := b.String()
// Execute the query.
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "SQL: %q", sql)
var traceIDArray traceIDForSQLInBytes
for rows.Next() {
var traceIDInBytes []byte
var commitNumber types.CommitNumber
var val float64
if err := rows.Scan(&traceIDInBytes, &commitNumber, &val); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Invalid trace name found in query response: %s", err)
// pgx can't Scan into an array, but Go can't use a slice as a map key, so
// we Scan into a byte slice and then copy into a byte array to use
// as the index into the map.
copy(traceIDArray[:], traceIDInBytes)
(*ret)[traceNameMap[traceIDArray]][commitNumber-beginCommit] = float32(val)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// TileNumber implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) TileNumber(commitNumber types.CommitNumber) types.TileNumber {
return types.TileNumberFromCommitNumber(commitNumber, s.tileSize)
// TileSize implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) TileSize() int32 {
return s.tileSize
// TraceCount implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) TraceCount(ctx context.Context, tileNumber types.TileNumber) (int64, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.TraceCount")
defer span.End()
var ret int64
err := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statements[traceCount], tileNumber).Scan(&ret)
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("count", ret))
return ret, skerr.Wrap(err)
// updateSourceFile writes the filename into the SourceFiles table and returns
// the sourceFileIDFromSQL of that filename.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) updateSourceFile(ctx context.Context, filename string) (sourceFileIDFromSQL, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.updateSourceFile")
defer span.End()
ret := badSourceFileIDFromSQL
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statements[insertIntoSourceFiles], filename)
if err != nil {
return ret, skerr.Wrap(err)
err = s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statements[getSourceFileID], filename).Scan(&ret)
if err != nil {
return ret, skerr.Wrap(err)
return ret, nil
func cacheKeyForPostings(tileNumber types.TileNumber, traceID traceIDForSQL) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", tileNumber, traceID)
func cacheKeyForParamSets(tileNumber types.TileNumber, paramKey, paramValue string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%q-%q", tileNumber, paramKey, paramValue)
// WriteTraces implements the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
func (s *SQLTraceStore) WriteTraces(ctx context.Context, commitNumber types.CommitNumber, params []paramtools.Params, values []float32, ps paramtools.ParamSet, source string, _ time.Time) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "sqltracestore.WriteTraces")
defer span.End()
defer timer.NewWithSummary("perfserver_sqltracestore_write_traces", s.writeTracesMetric).Stop()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
tileNumber := s.TileNumber(commitNumber)
// Write ParamSet.
paramSetsContext := []insertIntoParamSetsContext{}
for paramKey, paramValues := range ps {
for _, paramValue := range paramValues {
cacheKey := cacheKeyForParamSets(tileNumber, paramKey, paramValue)
if !s.cache.Exists(cacheKey) {
paramSetsContext = append(paramSetsContext, insertIntoParamSetsContext{
TileNumber: tileNumber,
Key: paramKey,
Value: paramValue,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
if len(paramSetsContext) > 0 {
err := util.ChunkIter(len(paramSetsContext), writeTracesChunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
chunk := paramSetsContext[startIdx:endIdx]
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[insertIntoParamSets].Execute(&b, chunk); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand paramsets template in slice [%d, %d]", startIdx, endIdx)
sql := b.String()
sklog.Infof("About to write %d paramset entries with sql of length %d", endIdx-startIdx, len(sql))
if _, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, sql); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Executing: %q", b.String())
for _, ele := range chunk {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the source file entry and the id.
sourceID, err := s.updateSourceFile(ctx, source)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Build the 'context's which will be used to populate the SQL templates for
// the TraceValues and Postings tables.
t := timer.NewWithSummary("perfserver_sqltracestore_build_traces_contexts", s.buildTracesContextsMetric)
valuesTemplateContext := make([]insertIntoTraceValuesContext, 0, len(params))
postingsTemplateContext := []insertIntoPostingsContext{} // We have no idea how long this will be.
for i, p := range params {
traceName, err := query.MakeKey(p)
if err != nil {
traceID := traceIDForSQLFromTraceName(traceName)
valuesTemplateContext = append(valuesTemplateContext, insertIntoTraceValuesContext{
MD5HexTraceID: traceID,
CommitNumber: commitNumber,
Val: values[i],
SourceFileID: sourceID,
cacheKey := cacheKeyForPostings(tileNumber, traceID)
if !s.cache.Exists(cacheKey) {
for paramKey, paramValue := range p {
postingsTemplateContext = append(postingsTemplateContext, insertIntoPostingsContext{
TileNumber: tileNumber,
Key: paramKey,
Value: paramValue,
MD5HexTraceID: traceID,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
// Now that the contexts are built, execute the SQL in batches.
defer timer.NewWithSummary("perfserver_sqltracestore_write_traces_sql_insert", s.writeTracesMetricSQL).Stop()
sklog.Infof("About to format %d postings names", len(params))
if len(postingsTemplateContext) > 0 {
err := util.ChunkIter(len(postingsTemplateContext), writeTracesChunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[insertIntoPostings].Execute(&b, postingsTemplateContext[startIdx:endIdx]); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand postings template on slice [%d, %d]", startIdx, endIdx)
sql := b.String()
if _, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, sql); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Executing: %q", b.String())
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
for _, entry := range postingsTemplateContext {
sklog.Infof("About to format %d trace values", len(params))
err = util.ChunkIter(len(valuesTemplateContext), writeTracesChunkSize, func(startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := s.unpreparedStatements[insertIntoTraceValues].Execute(&b, valuesTemplateContext[startIdx:endIdx]); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand trace values template")
sql := b.String()
if _, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, sql); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Executing: %q", sql)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
sklog.Info("Finished writing trace values.")
return nil
// Confirm that *SQLTraceStore fulfills the tracestore.TraceStore interface.
var _ tracestore.TraceStore = (*SQLTraceStore)(nil)