blob: 619af84e91f31f7c4cb0c18cf164e12eb1bdfb5e [file] [log] [blame]
package analyzer
// This file contains struct types and helper functions for manipulating
// in-memory representations of experiment measurement task metadata.
import (
// helper function for extracting buildInfo from swarming tasks.
func assignIfHasPrefix(prefix, source string, dest *string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(source, prefix) {
*dest = source[len(prefix):]
// helper function for extracting buildInfo from swarming tasks.
func appendIfHasPrefix(prefix, source string, dest *[]string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(source, prefix) {
*dest = append(*dest, source[len(prefix):])
// Pinpoint will set a "change:..." tag on the swarming tasks it runs for each arm.
// The contents are formatted here:;l=52
// however we only care about the presence of the "change:" prefix in this function. The rest
// (if anything) is handled by the caller.
func pinpointChangeTagForTask(t *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) string {
for _, tag := range t.TaskResult.Tags {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "change:") {
return tag[len("change:"):]
return ""
// Request dimensions are key value pairs, and keys can appear more that once. This function
// groups values by key.
func requestDimensionsForTask(s *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) map[string][]string {
ret := make(map[string][]string)
for _, dim := range s.Request.Properties.Dimensions {
v := ret[dim.Key]
if v == nil {
v = []string{}
ret[dim.Key] = v
ret[dim.Key] = append(v, dim.Value)
return ret
func resultBotDimensionsForTask(s *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) map[string][]string {
ret := make(map[string][]string)
for _, dim := range s.TaskResult.BotDimensions {
v := ret[dim.Key]
if v == nil {
v = []string{}
ret[dim.Key] = v
ret[dim.Key] = append(v, dim.Value...)
return ret
// A build task has a tag like "buildbucket_build_id:8810006378346751937"
// May return nil, nil if the task is not a build task at all.
func buildInfoForTask(s *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (*buildInfo, error) {
ret := &buildInfo{}
for _, tag := range s.TaskResult.Tags {
assignIfHasPrefix("buildbucket_build_id:", tag, &ret.buildbucketBuildID)
assignIfHasPrefix("buildbucket_hostname:", tag, &ret.buildbucketHostname)
assignIfHasPrefix("buildbucket_bucket:", tag, &ret.buildbucketBucket)
assignIfHasPrefix("builder:", tag, &ret.builder)
appendIfHasPrefix("buildset:", tag, &ret.buildSet)
if ret.buildbucketBuildID == "" {
return nil, nil
return ret, nil
func runInfoForTask(s *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (*runInfo, error) {
ret := &runInfo{}
// t.request.Properties.Dimensions reflect what the user (e.g. via Pinpoint) asked swarming to
// run the task on.
for _, dim := range s.Request.Properties.Dimensions {
if dim.Key == "cpu" {
ret.cpu = dim.Value
if dim.Key == "os" || dim.Key == "device_os" {
ret.os = dim.Value
if dim.Key == "benchmark" {
ret.benchmark = dim.Value
if dim.Key == "storyfilter" {
ret.storyFilter = dim.Value
// t.result.BotDimensions reflect what hardware swarming actually executed the task on.
for _, d := range s.TaskResult.BotDimensions {
// I am not sure who sets this field or how, but it appears to be there and kinda fits
// the bill for a name for a specific "hardware/OS/other runtime stuff" configuration.
if d.Key == "synthetic_product_name" {
if len(d.Value) == 0 {
js, _ := json.Marshal(s.TaskResult)
sklog.Errorf("result: %s", string(js))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("task %q had empty values for synthetic_product_name: %#v", s.TaskId, s.TaskResult.BotDimensions)
ret.syntheticProductName = d.Value[0]
if ret.cpu == "" && ret.os == "" && ret.benchmark == "" && ret.storyFilter == "" && ret.syntheticProductName == "" {
sklog.Errorf("unable to get valid runInfo for task:\n%#v\n", s)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get valid runInfo for task (%+v): %+v", s, ret)
ret.botID = s.TaskResult.BotId
if s.TaskResult.StartedTs == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("task %q had no StartedTs value", s.TaskId)
ret.startTimestamp = s.TaskResult.StartedTs
return ret, nil
// all of the data that is specific to one arm of an experiment.
type processedArmTasks struct {
// change tag is specific to the pinpoint tryjob use case, also useful for gerrit use case.
// This value comes from run tasks.
pinpointChangeTag string
// This value comes from build tasks.
buildset []string
tasks []*armTask
func (a *processedArmTasks) outputDigests() []*swarming.SwarmingRpcsCASReference {
ret := []*swarming.SwarmingRpcsCASReference{}
for _, t := range a.tasks {
ret = append(ret, t.resultOutput)
return ret
type buildInfo struct {
builder string
buildSet []string
func (b *buildInfo) String() string {
if b == nil {
return ""
return b.builder
type runInfo struct {
// Example: "Macmini9,1_arm64-64-Apple_M1_16384_1_4744421.0"
syntheticProductName string
cpu, os string
// These are more for valdating against what we expect to find in the results, according to the
// requested AnalysisSpec.
benchmark, storyFilter string
// These fields are for determining pairing order.
botID, startTimestamp string
func (r *runInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", r.os, r.cpu)
// all of the data that is specific to one measurement task for one arm of an experiment.
type armTask struct {
taskID string
resultOutput *swarming.SwarmingRpcsCASReference
buildConfig, runConfig string
botID string
buildInfo *buildInfo
runInfo *runInfo
parsedResults map[string]perfresults.PerfResults
taskInfo *swarming.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata
// all of the data collected for an experiment.
type processedExperimentTasks struct {
control, treatment *processedArmTasks
// returns a list of task pairs, where pairs are identified by botID and start time for the task.
func (a *processedExperimentTasks) pairedTasks() ([]pairedTasks, error) {
ret := []pairedTasks{}
for i, c := range a.control.tasks {
t := a.treatment.tasks[i]
if c.botID != t.botID {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bot ID mispatch for pair %d: %q vs %q", i, c.botID, t.botID)
if c.runConfig != t.runConfig {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("control/treatment runConfig mismatch: %q vs %q", c.runConfig, t.runConfig)
if c.buildConfig != t.buildConfig {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("control/treatment buildConfig mismatch: %q vs %q", c.buildConfig, t.buildConfig)
ret = append(ret, pairedTasks{c, t})
return ret, nil
type pairedTasks struct {
control, treatment *armTask
func (p *pairedTasks) isControlOrderFirst() bool {
return p.control.taskInfo.TaskResult.StartedTs < p.treatment.taskInfo.TaskResult.StartedTs
func (p *pairedTasks) hasTaskFailures() bool {
return p.control.taskInfo.TaskResult.ExitCode != 0 || p.treatment.taskInfo.TaskResult.ExitCode != 0
type byPairingOrder []*armTask
func (v byPairingOrder) Len() int { return len(v) }
func (v byPairingOrder) Swap(i, j int) { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
// This looks fairly naive, but its assumptions should hold. Task pairs should execute on the same
// bot ID (device), and sorting tasks by start time within a given bot ID should give us the
// actual run order for tasks on that bot. Even if bots are re-used by subsequent task pairs,
// the tasks should still be in pairing order within the given bot ID.
func (v byPairingOrder) Less(i, j int) bool {
if v[i].botID == v[j].botID {
return v[i].taskInfo.TaskResult.StartedTs < v[j].taskInfo.TaskResult.StartedTs
return v[i].botID < v[j].botID