blob: 12527e80eb302acc6468d25bca1fca89594b9d55 [file] [log] [blame]
package tryjobstore
import (
// TODO(stephana): Move the UNKNOWN status to the first spot, so that we can
// move the a "higher" status easily.
// States of a tryjob in increasing order.
const (
TRYJOB_SCHEDULED TryjobStatus = iota
// statusStringRepr maps from a TryjobStatus to a string.
var statusStringRepr = []string{
// TryjobStatus is an enum that captures the status of a tryjob.
type TryjobStatus int
// String returns a tryjob status as a string.
func (t TryjobStatus) String() string {
return statusStringRepr[t]
// Serialize TryjobStatus as string to JSON.
// Note: We only output JSON so we omit the UnmarshalJSON function.
func (t TryjobStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("\"" + t.String() + "\""), nil
// Reuse types from the buildbucket package.
type Parameters = buildbucket.Parameters
type Properties = buildbucket.Properties
// newerInterface is an internal interface that allows to define a temporal
// order for a type.
type newerInterface interface {
newer(right interface{}) bool
// Issue captures information about a single code review issue.
type Issue struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Updated time.Time `json:"updated"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Status string `json:"status"`
PatchsetDetails []*PatchsetDetail `json:"patchsets"`
Commited bool `json:"commited"`
QueryPatchsets []int64 `json:"queryPatchsets" datastore:"-"`
clean bool
// MarshalJSON implements the Marshaller interface in encoding/json.
func (is *Issue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
// Create a wrapping struct around the Tryjob that produces the correct output.
temp := struct {
Updated TimeJsonMs `json:"updated"` // Override the Updated field to produce a timestamp in MS.
wrapIssue: (*wrapIssue)(is),
Updated: TimeJsonMs(is.Updated),
return json.Marshal(&temp)
// wrapIssue is a dummy type to avoid recursive call to Tryjob.MarshallJSON
type wrapIssue Issue
// HasPatchset returns true if the issue has the given patchset.
func (is *Issue) HasPatchset(patchsetID int64) bool {
if is == nil {
return false
found := is.findPatchset(patchsetID)
return found != nil
// findPatchset returns the patchset for the issue.
func (is *Issue) findPatchset(id int64) *PatchsetDetail {
for _, psd := range is.PatchsetDetails {
if psd.ID == id {
return psd
return nil
// UpdatePatchset merges the given patchset information into this issue.
func (is *Issue) UpdatePatchsets(patchsets []*PatchsetDetail) {
if is.PatchsetDetails == nil {
is.PatchsetDetails = make([]*PatchsetDetail, 0, len(patchsets))
// fmt.Printf("patchsets: %s", spew.Sdump(patchsets))
for _, psd := range patchsets {
// Only insert the patchset if it's not already there.
if found := is.findPatchset(psd.ID); found == nil {
is.clean = false
// insert patchset in the right spot.
is.PatchsetDetails = append(is.PatchsetDetails, psd)
if !is.clean {
sort.Slice(is.PatchsetDetails, func(i, j int) bool { return is.PatchsetDetails[i].ID < is.PatchsetDetails[j].ID })
// newer implments newerInterface.
func (is *Issue) newer(right interface{}) bool {
return is.Updated.After(right.(*Issue).Updated)
// PatchsetDetails accumulates information about one patchset and the connected
// tryjobs.
type PatchsetDetail struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Tryjobs []*Tryjob `json:"tryjobs" datastore:"-"`
// Tryjob captures information about a tryjob in BuildBucket.
type Tryjob struct {
BuildBucketID int64 `json:"buildBucketID"`
IssueID int64 `json:"issueID"`
PatchsetID int64 `json:"patchsetID"`
Builder string `json:"builder"`
Status TryjobStatus `json:"status"`
Updated time.Time `json:"-"`
MasterCommit string `json:"masterCommit"`
type TimeJsonMs time.Time
func (j TimeJsonMs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
val := time.Time(j).UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
return json.Marshal(val)
// String returns a string representation for the Tryjob
func (t *Tryjob) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s - %d - %s", t.Builder, t.BuildBucketID, t.Status.String())
// newer implments newerInterface.
func (t *Tryjob) newer(r interface{}) bool {
right := r.(*Tryjob)
// A tryjob is newer if the status is updated or the BuildBucket record has been
// updated.
return t.Updated.Before(right.Updated) || (t.Status > right.Status)
// TryjobResult stores results. It is stored in the database as a child of
// a Tryjob entity.
type TryjobResult struct {
TestName string `datastore:"TestName,noindex"`
Digest string `datastore:"Digest,noindex"`
Params paramtools.ParamSet `datastore:"-"`
const (
tjrParamPrefix = "param."
// Save implements the datastore.PropertyLoadSaver interface.
func (t *TryjobResult) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
props, err := datastore.SaveStruct(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make it large enough to hold the struct props and the parameters.
ret := make([]datastore.Property, len(t.Params), len(props)+len(t.Params))
idx := 0
for param, value := range t.Params {
ret[idx].Name = tjrParamPrefix + param
ret[idx].Value = strToInterfaceSlice(value)
ret[idx].NoIndex = true
idx += 1
ret = append(ret, props...)
return ret, nil
// Load implements the datastore.PropertyLoadSaver interface.
func (t *TryjobResult) Load(props []datastore.Property) error {
nonParams := make([]datastore.Property, 0, 2)
t.Params = make(paramtools.ParamSet, len(props)-2)
for _, prop := range props {
if strings.HasPrefix(prop.Name, tjrParamPrefix) {
t.Params[strings.TrimPrefix(prop.Name, tjrParamPrefix)] = interfaceToStrSlice(prop.Value.([]interface{}))
} else {
nonParams = append(nonParams, prop)
return datastore.LoadStruct(t, nonParams)
// strToInterfaceSlice copies a slice of string to a slice of interface{}.
func strToInterfaceSlice(inArr []string) []interface{} {
ret := make([]interface{}, len(inArr), len(inArr))
for idx, val := range inArr {
ret[idx] = val
return ret
// interfaceToStrSlice copies a slice of interface{} to a string slice.
func interfaceToStrSlice(inArr []interface{}) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(inArr), len(inArr))
for idx, val := range inArr {
ret[idx] = val.(string)
return ret
// ExpChange is used to store an expectation change in the database. Each
// expecation change is an atomic change to expectations for an issue.
// The actualy expecations are captured in instances of TestDigestExp.
type ExpChange struct {
ChangeID *datastore.Key `datastore:"__key__"`
IssueID int64
UserID string
TimeStamp int64
Count int64
UndoChangeID int64
OK bool
// TestDigestExp is used to store expectations for an issue in the database.
// Each entity is a child of instance of ExpChange. It captures the expectation
// of one Test/Digest pair.
type TestDigestExp struct {
Name string
Digest string
Label string
// IssueExpChange is used as the event type when tryjob related information changes
// and an event is sent to notify client.
type IssueExpChange struct {
IssueID int64 `json:"issueID"`