blob: 81b10d51b37ebd99dc7af10a20385de164671481 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module skottie-player-sk
* @description <h2><code>skottie-player-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* Displays a CanvasKit-based Skottie animation and provides various controls.
* </p>
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/pause-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/play-arrow-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/settings-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/spinner-sk';
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import { repeat } from 'lit-html/directives/repeat';
import {
Canvas, CanvasKit, CanvasKitInit as CKInit, ColorProperty, ManagedSkottieAnimation,
OpacityProperty, SoundMap, Surface,
} from 'canvaskit-wasm';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { LottieAnimation } from '../types';
// It is assumed that canvaskit.js has been loaded and this symbol is available globally.
declare const CanvasKitInit: typeof CKInit;
function hexColor(c: number) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
const rgb = c & 0x00ffffff;
return `#${rgb.toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`;
function skRectIsEmpty(rect: Float32Array|null) {
if (!rect) {
return true;
return rect[2] <= rect[0] || rect[3] <= rect[1];
type Property = ColorProperty | OpacityProperty;
class PropList<T extends Property> {
private readonly defaultVal: T;
index: number = 0;
list: T[]
constructor(list: T[], defaultVal: T) {
this.list = list;
this.defaultVal = defaultVal;
current = (): T => (this.index >= this.list.length
? this.defaultVal
: this.list[this.index]);
empty = () => !this.list.length;
// TODO(kjlubick) replace after is deployed
interface AnimationSegment {
name: string
t0: number
t1: number
export interface SkottiePlayerConfig {
assets?: Record<string, ArrayBuffer>;
fps: number;
height: number;
lottie: LottieAnimation;
soundMap?: SoundMap;
width: number;
function segmentLabel(s: AnimationSegment) {
return `${} [${s.t0.toFixed(2)} .. ${s.t1.toFixed(2)}]`;
// This element might be loaded from a different site, and that means we need
// to be careful about how we construct the URL back to the canvas.wasm file.
// Start by recording the script origin.
const currentScript = document.currentScript! as HTMLScriptElement;
const scriptOrigin = new URL(currentScript.src).origin;
const canvasReady: Promise<CanvasKit> = CanvasKitInit({
locateFile: (file: string) => `${scriptOrigin}/static/${file}`,
export class SkottiePlayerSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: SkottiePlayerSk): TemplateResult => {
if (ele.loading) {
return ele.loadingTemplate();
return ele.runningTemplate();
private runningTemplate = () => html`
<div class=container>
<div class=wrapper>
<canvas class=skottie-canvas id=skottie
width=${this.width * window.devicePixelRatio}
height=${this.height * window.devicePixelRatio}
style='width: ${this.width}px; height: ${this.height}px; background-color: ${this.bgColor}'>
Your browser does not support the canvas tag.
<div class=controls ?hidden=${!this.showControls}>
<play-arrow-icon-sk @click=${this.onPlay} ?hidden=${!this.paused}></play-arrow-icon-sk>
<pause-icon-sk @click=${this.onPause} ?hidden=${this.paused}></pause-icon-sk>
<input type=range min=0 max=100 @input=${this.onScrub} @change=${this.onScrubEnd}
<settings-icon-sk @click=${this.onSettings}></settings-icon-sk>
private settingsTemplate = () => html`
<div class=skottie-player-settings-container ?hidden=${!this.showSettings}>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-row>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-label>Colors</div>
<select id=color-prop-select class=skottie-player-property-select
@input=${this.onPropertySelect} ?disabled=${this.colorProps.empty()}>
${repeat(this.colorProps.list, (c: ColorProperty) => c.key, (c: ColorProperty, index: number) => html`
<option value=${index}>${c.key}</option>
<input type=color class=skottie-player-picker id=color-picker
@input=${this.onColorInput} ?disabled=${this.colorProps.empty()}>
<hr class=skottie-player-settings-divider>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-row>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-label>Opacity</div>
<select id=opacity-prop-select class=skottie-player-property-select
@input=${this.onPropertySelect} ?disabled=${this.opacityProps.empty()}>
${repeat(this.opacityProps.list, (o: OpacityProperty) => o.key, (o: OpacityProperty, index: number) => html`
<option value=${index}>${o.key}</option>
<input type=range min=0 max=100 class=skottie-player-picker id=opacity-picker
@input=${this.onOpacityInput} ?disabled=${this.opacityProps.empty()}>
<hr class=skottie-player-settings-divider>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-row>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-label>Segments</div>
<select id=segment-prop-select class=skottie-player-property-select
style='width: 100%' @input=${this.onPropertySelect}>
${repeat(this.animationSegments, (s: AnimationSegment) =>, (s: AnimationSegment, index: number) => html`
<option value=${index}>${segmentLabel(s)}</option>
<hr class=skottie-player-settings-divider>
<div class=skottie-player-settings-row>
<input type=button value=Close @click=${this.onSettings}>
private loadingTemplate = () => html`
<div class=player-loading title="Loading animation and engine."
style='width: ${this.width}px; height: ${this.height}px;'>
<spinner-sk active></spinner-sk>
private animation: ManagedSkottieAnimation | null = null; // Skottie Animation instance
private _animationName: string = '';
private animationSegments: AnimationSegment[] = []; // Selectable animation segments
private bgColor: string = '#fff';
private colorProps: PropList<ColorProperty> = new PropList([], { key: '', value: 0 });
private currentSegment: AnimationSegment = { name: '', t0: 0, t1: 1 };
private height: number = 0;
private kit: CanvasKit| null = null;// CanvasKit instance
private loading: boolean = true;
private nativeFPS: number = 0; // Animation fps.
private opacityProps: PropList<OpacityProperty> = new PropList([], { key: '', value: 1 });
private paused: boolean;
private renderFPS: number = 0;
private scrubPlaying: boolean = false; // Animation was playing when the user started scrubbing.
private seekPoint: number = 0; // Normalized [0..1] animation progress.
private showSettings: boolean;
private showControls: boolean = false;
private skcanvas: Canvas | null = null;// Cached SkCanvas (surface.getCanvas()).
private surface: Surface | null = null;
private timeOrigin: number = 0; // Animation start time (ms).
private totalDuration: number = 0; // Animation duration (ms).
private width: number = 0;
constructor() {
this.paused = this.hasAttribute('paused');
this.showSettings = (new URL(document.location.href)).searchParams.has('settings');
connectedCallback(): void {
const params = (new URL(document.location.href)).searchParams;
this.width = this.hasAttribute('width') ? +this.getAttribute('width')! : 256;
this.height = this.hasAttribute('height') ? +this.getAttribute('height')! : 256;
this.showControls = params.has('controls');
this.bgColor = params.has('bg') ? params.get('bg')! : '#fff';
initialize(config: SkottiePlayerConfig): Promise<void> {
this.width = config.width;
this.height = config.height;
this.renderFPS = config.fps;
this._animationName = config.lottie.nm as string;
return canvasReady.then((ck: CanvasKit) => {
// Set a large-ish decode cache limit to accommodate potentially large images.
const CACHE_SIZE = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
this.kit = ck;
this.initializeSkottie(config.lottie, config.assets, config.soundMap);
duration(): number {
return this.totalDuration * (this.currentSegment.t1 - this.currentSegment.t0);
fps(): number {
return this.nativeFPS;
animationName(): string {
return this._animationName;
canvas(): HTMLCanvasElement | null {
return this.querySelector<HTMLCanvasElement>('.skottie-canvas');
seek(t: number, forceRender: boolean = false): void {
this.timeOrigin = ( - this.duration() * t);
if (!this.isPlaying()) {
// Force-draw a static frame when paused.
isPlaying(): boolean {
return !this.paused;
pause(): void {
if (this.isPlaying()) {
this.paused = true;
// Save the exact/current seek point at pause time.
play(): void {
if (!this.isPlaying()) {
this.paused = false;
// Shift timeOrigin to continue from where we paused.;
initializeSkottie(lottieJSON: LottieAnimation, assets?: Record<string, ArrayBuffer>, soundMap?: SoundMap): void {
if (!this.kit) {
console.error('Could not load CanvasKit');
this.loading = false;
// Rebuild the surface only if needed.
if (!this.surface
|| this.surface.width() !== this.width
|| this.surface.height() !== this.height) {
if (this.surface) {
const canvasEle = $$<HTMLCanvasElement>('#skottie', this)!;
this.surface = this.kit.MakeCanvasSurface(canvasEle);
if (!this.surface) {
throw new Error('Could not make SkSurface.');
// We don't need to call .delete() on the canvas because
// the parent surface will do that for us.
this.skcanvas = this.surface.getCanvas();
if (this.animation) {
this.animation = this.kit.MakeManagedAnimation(
JSON.stringify(lottieJSON), assets, '', soundMap,
if (!this.animation) {
throw new Error('Could not parse Lottie JSON.');
this.totalDuration = this.animation.duration() * 1000;
this.nativeFPS = this.animation.fps();;
this.colorProps.list = this.animation.getColorProps();
this.opacityProps.list = this.animation.getOpacityProps();
this.animationSegments = [{ name: 'Full timeline', t0: 0, t1: 1 }]
.concat(this.animation.getMarkers() as AnimationSegment[]);
this.currentSegment = this.animationSegments[0];
this._render(); // re-render for animation-dependent elements (properties, etc).
private updateSeekPoint(): void {
// t is in animation segment domain.
const t = (( - this.timeOrigin) / this.duration()) % 1;
// map to the global animation timeline
this.seekPoint = this.currentSegment.t0
+ t * (this.currentSegment.t1 - this.currentSegment.t0);
if (this.showControls) {
const scrubber = this.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('.skottie-player-scrubber');
if (scrubber) {
scrubber.value = String(this.seekPoint * 100);
private drawFrame(forceRender: boolean = false): void {
if (!this.animation || !this.skcanvas || !this.kit || !this.surface) {
// When paused, the progress is fully controlled externally.
if (this.isPlaying()) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let frame = (this.seekPoint * this.totalDuration * this.nativeFPS) / 1000;
if (this.renderFPS > 0) {
// When a render FPS is specified, quantize to the desired rate.
const fpsScale = this.renderFPS / this.nativeFPS;
frame = Math.trunc(frame * fpsScale) / fpsScale;
const damage = this.animation.seekFrame(frame);
// Only draw frames when the content changes.
if (forceRender || !skRectIsEmpty(damage)) {
const bounds = this.kit.LTRBRect(0, 0, this.width * window.devicePixelRatio,
this.height * window.devicePixelRatio);
this.animation.render(this.skcanvas, bounds);
private onPlay(): void {;
private onPause(): void {
// This fires every time the user moves the scrub slider.
private onScrub(e: Event): void {
const target = ( as HTMLInputElement); / 100);
// Pause the animation while dragging the slider.
if (this.isPlaying()) {
this.scrubPlaying = true;
// This fires when the user releases the scrub slider.
private onScrubEnd(): void {
if (this.scrubPlaying) {
this.scrubPlaying = false;;
private onSettings(): void {
this.showSettings = !this.showSettings;
private onPropertySelect(e: Event): void {
const target = ( as HTMLSelectElement);
switch ( {
case 'color-prop-select':
this.colorProps.index = target.selectedIndex;
this.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('#color-picker')!.value = hexColor(this.colorProps.current().value);
case 'opacity-prop-select':
this.opacityProps.index = target.selectedIndex;
this.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('#opacity-picker')!.value = String(this.opacityProps.current().value);
case 'segment-prop-select':
this.currentSegment = this.animationSegments[target.selectedIndex];;
console.warn('unknown property select', target);
private onColorInput(e: Event): void {
const val = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
const prop = this.colorProps.current();
// TODO(kjlubick) Why is there this combination of ColorAsInt and Color?
const r = parseInt(val.substring(1, 3), 16);
const g = parseInt(val.substring(3, 5), 16);
const b = parseInt(val.substring(5, 7), 16);
prop.value = this.kit!.ColorAsInt(r, g, b,
1.0); // Treat colors as fully opaque.
this.animation!.setColor(prop.key, this.kit!.Color(r, g, b, 1.0));
if (!this.isPlaying()) {
private onOpacityInput(e: Event): void {
const prop = this.opacityProps.current();
prop.value = ( as HTMLInputElement).valueAsNumber;
this.animation!.setOpacity(prop.key, prop.value);
if (!this.isPlaying()) {
define('skottie-player-sk', SkottiePlayerSk);