blob: 00b72af518c1e2722aea97370affd8f4c318cac3 [file] [log] [blame]
import { assert } from 'chai';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { SpinnerSk } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/spinner-sk/spinner-sk';
import { messageByName, messagesToErrorString, startRequest } from './progress';
import { progress } from '../json';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/spinner-sk';
fetchMock.config.overwriteRoutes = true;
const startURL = '/_/list/start';
const pollingURL = '/_/list/status';
const finalURL = '';
const finishedBody: progress.SerializedProgress = {
status: 'Finished',
messages: [{ key: 'Step', value: '2/2' }],
results: { somedata: 1 },
url: finalURL,
const intermediateStepBody: progress.SerializedProgress = {
status: 'Running',
messages: [{ key: 'Step', value: '1/2' }],
url: pollingURL,
describe('startRequest', () => {
// Create a common spinner-sk to be used by all the tests.
const spinner = document.createElement('spinner-sk') as SpinnerSk;
it('handles the first request returing as Finished', async () => {, finishedBody);
const res = await startRequest(startURL, {}, 1, spinner, null);
assert.deepEqual(res, finishedBody);
it('starts polling the URL returned in the SerializedProgress', async () => {, intermediateStepBody);
fetchMock.get(pollingURL, finishedBody);
const res = await startRequest(startURL, {}, 1, spinner, null);
assert.deepEqual(res, finishedBody);
it('rejects the returned Promise on a fetch error', async () => {, 500);
try {
await startRequest(startURL, {}, 1, spinner, null);'Should never get here.');
} catch (err) {
assert.match((err as Error).message, /Bad network response/);
it('triggers the callback every time it polls', async () => {, intermediateStepBody);
fetchMock.get(pollingURL, finishedBody);
// Create a callback, and inside it check that the right arg is being sent
// each time.
let index = 0;
const callbackBodies = [intermediateStepBody, finishedBody];
const cb = (sp: progress.SerializedProgress) => {
assert.deepEqual(sp, callbackBodies[index]);
const res = await startRequest(startURL, {}, 1, spinner, cb);
assert.deepEqual(res, finishedBody);
assert.equal(index, 2);
describe('messageToErrorString', () => {
it('converts an empty messages into an error string', () => {
assert.equal('(no error message available)', messagesToErrorString([]));
it('uses the Error value if available', () => {
assert.equal('Error: This is my error', messagesToErrorString([{ key: 'Error', value: 'This is my error' }]));
it('falls back to using all the key/value pairs if Error is not present', () => {
assert.equal('Step: 1/2 Status: Querying database', messagesToErrorString([{ key: 'Step', value: '1/2' }, { key: 'Status', value: 'Querying database' }]));
describe('messageByName', () => {
it('converts an empty messages into the default string', () => {
const defaultValue = 'some-default-value';
assert.equal(defaultValue, messageByName([], 'SomeKeyName', defaultValue));
it('retrieves the message if it exists', () => {
assert.equal('This is the value', messageByName([{ key: 'SomeKey', value: 'This is the value' }], 'SomeKey'));
it('retrieves the default string if the key does not exist', () => {
assert.equal('', messageByName([{ key: 'SomeKey', value: 'This is the value' }], 'NotAKeyInTheMessages'));