blob: bbea1f1c94f608c6060f1fa91ade3094c40cd49a [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
import './index';
import { assert } from 'chai';
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import { eventPromise, setUpElementUnderTest } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/test_util';
import { DataFrame, pivot, TraceSet } from '../json';
import {
keyValuesFromTraceSet, PivotTableSk, PivotTableSkChangeEventDetail, SortHistory, SortSelection,
} from './pivot-table-sk';
const df: DataFrame = {
header: [],
paramset: {},
traceset: {
',arch=x86,config=8888,': [1, 1.3e27],
',arch=arm,config=8888,': [2, 2.3e27],
',arch=x86,config=gpu,': [3, 1.2345],
',arch=arm,config=gpu,': [3, Math.PI],
skip: 0,
const req: pivot.Request = {
group_by: ['config', 'arch'],
operation: 'avg',
summary: ['avg', 'sum'],
const query = 'config=8888&config=gpu&arch=x86&arch=arm';
describe('pivot-table-sk', () => {
const newInstance = setUpElementUnderTest<PivotTableSk>('pivot-table-sk');
let element: PivotTableSk;
beforeEach(() => {
element = newInstance((el: PivotTableSk) => {
el.set(df, req, query);
describe('click sort icon on first column', () => {
it('sorts column descending', async () => {
let firstSortSelection = element['sortHistory']!.history[0];
assert.deepEqual(firstSortSelection, new SortSelection(0, 'summaryValues', 'up'));
const event = eventPromise<CustomEvent<PivotTableSkChangeEventDetail>>('change');
// Click on the sort up icon that appears over the 'config' column.
$$<HTMLElement>('sort-icon-sk', element)!.click();
const encodedHistory = (await event).detail;
// Confirm it changes to a drop down icon.
assert.isNotNull($$<HTMLElement>('arrow-drop-down-icon-sk', element));
// Confirm sort state has changed.
firstSortSelection = element['sortHistory']!.history[0];
assert.deepEqual(firstSortSelection, new SortSelection(0, 'keyValues', 'down'));
describe('SortSelection', () => {
it('changes the direction on toggleDirection', () => {
const s = new SortSelection(1, 'summaryValues', 'up');
assert.equal(s.dir, 'down');
it('builds an accurate compareFunction for summary values', () => {
const keyValues = keyValuesFromTraceSet(df.traceset, req);
// Sort up on the second column of summary values, aka 'sum'.
const s = new SortSelection(1, 'summaryValues', 'up');
const compare = s.buildCompare(df.traceset, keyValues);
assert.equal(compare(',arch=x86,config=8888,', ',arch=x86,config=8888,'), 0, 'matching keys returns 0');
assert.isTrue(compare(',arch=x86,config=8888,', ',arch=arm,config=8888,') < 0, '1.3e27 < 2.3e27 sorting up');
assert.isTrue(compare(',arch=x86,config=8888,', ',arch=arm,config=8888,') > 0, '1.3e27 < 2.3e27 sorting down');
it('builds a compareFunction that operates correctly in sort for summary values', () => {
const keyValues = keyValuesFromTraceSet(df.traceset, req);
// Sort up on the second column of summary values, aka 'sum'.
const s = new SortSelection(1, 'summaryValues', 'up');
const compare = s.buildCompare(df.traceset, keyValues);
Object.keys(df.traceset).sort(compare).map((traceKey) => df.traceset[traceKey][1]),
it('builds an accurate compareFunction for key values', () => {
const keyValues = keyValuesFromTraceSet(df.traceset, req);
// Sort up on the first column of key values, aka 'config'.
const s = new SortSelection(0, 'keyValues', 'up');
const compare = s.buildCompare(df.traceset, keyValues);
assert.equal(compare(',arch=x86,config=gpu,', ',arch=x86,config=gpu,'), 0, 'matching keys returns 0');
assert.equal(compare(',arch=arm,config=8888,', ',arch=x86,config=gpu,'), -1, '8888 < gpu sorting up');
assert.equal(compare(',arch=arm,config=8888,', ',arch=x86,config=gpu,'), 1, '8888 < gpu sorting down');
it('round trips through encode and decode', () => {
const expected = new SortSelection(2, 'keyValues', 'down');
const encoded = expected.encode();
assert.equal(encoded, 'dk2');
const actual = SortSelection.decode(expected.encode());
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
it('decode robustly handles invalid strings', () => {
const actual = SortSelection.decode('');
assert.deepEqual(actual, new SortSelection(0, 'summaryValues', 'down'));
describe('SortHistory', () => {
it('moves selected columns to the front of the list and toggles their direction', () => {
const history = new SortHistory(req.group_by!.length, req.summary!.length);
const first = history.history[0];
assert.deepEqual(first, new SortSelection(0, 'summaryValues', 'up'));
// If we select the second keyValues column to sort on then it should move to
// the front of the history list and be in the opposite direction.
history.selectColumnToSortOn(1, 'keyValues');
const newFirst = history.history[0];
assert.deepEqual(newFirst, new SortSelection(1, 'keyValues', 'down'));
it('builds a compareFunction that operates correctly in sort', () => {
const history = new SortHistory(req.group_by!.length, req.summary!.length);
// Configure history so that is sorts on the second key value down, and
// breaks ties by looking at the first key value also in the down direction:
history.selectColumnToSortOn(0, 'summaryValues');
history.selectColumnToSortOn(1, 'summaryValues');
// Sort this traceset and it should come out in this order:
const traceset: TraceSet = {
',arch=x86,config=gpu,': [4, 2],
',arch=arm,config=gpu,': [3, 2],
',arch=arm,config=8888,': [2, 1],
',arch=x86,config=8888,': [1, 1],
const keyValues = keyValuesFromTraceSet(traceset, req);
const keys = Object.keys(traceset);
keys.sort(history.buildCompare(traceset, keyValues));
const expected = [
assert.deepEqual(keys, expected);
describe('keyValuesFromTraceSet', () => {
it('returns empty keyValues for an empty TraceSet', () => {
assert.isEmpty(keyValuesFromTraceSet({}, req));
it('correctly orders key values based on the request', () => {
const actual = keyValuesFromTraceSet(df.traceset, req);
const expected: KeyValues = {
',arch=x86,config=gpu,': ['gpu', 'x86'],
',arch=arm,config=gpu,': ['gpu', 'arm'],
',arch=arm,config=8888,': ['8888', 'arm'],
',arch=x86,config=8888,': ['8888', 'x86'],
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
it('drops keys that do not appear in the pivot.Request.group_by', () => {
const reqWithOnlyOneGroupBy: pivot.Request = {
group_by: ['arch'], // Only has arch.
operation: 'avg',
summary: ['avg', 'sum'],
const actual = keyValuesFromTraceSet(df.traceset, reqWithOnlyOneGroupBy);
const expected: KeyValues = {
',arch=x86,config=gpu,': ['x86'],
',arch=arm,config=gpu,': ['arm'],
',arch=arm,config=8888,': ['arm'],
',arch=x86,config=8888,': ['x86'],
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
it('round trips through encode and decode', () => {
const expected = new SortHistory(req.group_by!.length, req.summary!.length);
const actual = new SortHistory(req.group_by!.length, req.summary!.length);
actual.history = [];
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);