blob: bc8201c8aedde5baef9ce44e43d41cf2566b19e0 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript'; // Syntax highlighting for js.
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import { errorMessage } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/errorMessage';
import { jsonOrThrow } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { html, render, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import type {
} from 'canvaskit-wasm';
import { FPS } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/fps/fps';
import 'codemirror/mode/clike/clike'; // Syntax highlighting for c-like languages.
import { isDarkMode } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/theme-chooser-sk/theme-chooser-sk';
/** Regexp to determine if the code measures FPS. */
const fpsRegex = /benchmarkFPS/;
export const sliderRegex = /#slider(\d):(\S+)/g; // Exported for tests.
export const colorPickerRegex = /#color(\d):(\S+)/g; // Exported for tests.
* PathKit doesn't export TypeScript interfaces like CanvasKit does, so we use
* 'any' for now. */
type PathKit = any;
/** What users call the library e.g. 'CanvasKit' */
type LibraryName = 'CanvasKit' | 'PathKit'
/** The backend name for the fiddle e.g. 'canvasKit'. */
type FiddleType = 'canvaskit' | 'pathkit'
/** Uses the regular expression to pull out either the slider or color pickers
* from the code. */
export const extractControlNames = (r: RegExp, s: string): string[] => {
const ret: string[] = [];
let match: string[] = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
while ((match = r.exec(s) || []).length > 0) {
ret[+match[1]] = match[2];
return ret;
* Base class for the PathKit and CanvasKit elements, an element that has a code
* editor and canvas on which to display the output of a WASM-based library.
* Assumptions:
* - The main template makes a call to WasmFiddle.codeEditor() and has a
* <div> element with id 'canvasContainer' where the canvas
* should go.
* - There are buttons that call run() and save() on 'this'.
* - The foo.wasm has been copied into /res/.
export class WasmFiddle extends HTMLElement {
/** The JS code being run. */
_content: string = '';
Wasm: CanvasKit | PathKit | null = null;
wasmPromise: Promise<CanvasKit | PathKit>;
editor: CodeMirror.Editor | null = null;
templateFunc: (ele: WasmFiddle)=> TemplateResult;
libraryName: LibraryName;
fiddleType: FiddleType;
hasRun: boolean = false;
loadedWasm: boolean = false;
sliders: string[] = []; // The display names of the sliders.
colorpickers: string[] = []; // The display names of the color pickers.
fpsMeter: boolean = false; // True if the supplied template has an FPS meter.
* This will be updated to have any captured console.log (but not console.error or console.warn)
* messages. this._render will be called on any updates to log as well.
log: string = '';
* runID is a unique identifier that changes every time run is clicked. This allows the client
* code to stop animation loops when run is clicked a second time. See _activeRunInstance().
runID: number = 0;
* @param wasmPromise: Promise that will resolve with the WASM library.
* @param templateFunc: The base template for this element.
* @param libraryName: What users call the library e.g. 'CanvasKit'
* @param fiddleType: The backend name for the fiddle e.g. 'canvasKit'
constructor(wasmPromise: Promise<CanvasKit | PathKit>, templateFunc: (ele: WasmFiddle)=> TemplateResult, libraryName: LibraryName, fiddleType: FiddleType) {
this.wasmPromise = wasmPromise;
this.templateFunc = templateFunc;
this.libraryName = libraryName; // e.g. 'CanvasKit' , 'PathKit'
this.fiddleType = fiddleType; // e.g. 'canvaskit', 'pathkit'
* Returns the number of lines in str, with a minimum of 10 (because the
* editor with less than 10 lines looks a bit strange). See
static lines = (str: string): number => Math.max(10, (str.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1)
* repeat returns an array of n 'undefined' which allows for repeating a
* template a fixed number of times using map. See
static repeat = (n: number): any[] => [...Array(n)]
static lineNumber = (n: number): TemplateResult => html`<div id=${`L${n}`}>${n}</div>`;
static codeEditor = (ele: WasmFiddle): TemplateResult => html`<div id=editor></div>`
static floatSlider = (name: string, i: number): TemplateResult => {
if (!name) {
return html``;
// By setting the input's name=sliderN, the JS function will magically have a global variable
// called sliderN that refers to the input HTML element.
return html`<div class="widget">
<label for=${`slider${i}`}>${name}</label>
static colorPicker = (name: string, i: number): TemplateResult => {
if (!name) {
return html``;
// By setting the input's name=colorN, the JS function will magically have a global variable
// called colorN that refers to the input HTML element.
return html` <div class="widget">
<input name=${`color${i}`} id=${`color${i}`} type="color" />
<label for=${`color${i}`}>${name}</label>
/** @prop The current code in the editor. */
get content(): string {
return this._content;
set content(c: string) {
this._content = c;
// Avoid infinite recursion.
if (c !== this.editor!.getValue()) {
/** Returns the CodeMirror theme based on the state of the page's darkmode.
* For this to work the associated CSS themes must be loaded. See
* wasm-fiddle.scss.
private static themeFromCurrentMode = () => (isDarkMode() ? 'ambiance' : 'base16-light');
connectedCallback(): void {
// Allows demo pages to supply content w/o making a network request
this._content = this.getAttribute('content') || '';
this.editor = CodeMirror($$<HTMLDivElement>('#editor', this)!, {
lineNumbers: true,
theme: WasmFiddle.themeFromCurrentMode(),
viewportMargin: Infinity,
scrollbarStyle: 'native',
mode: 'javascript',
this.editor.on('change', () => this.changed());
document.addEventListener('theme-chooser-toggle', () => {
this.editor!.setOption('theme', WasmFiddle.themeFromCurrentMode());
this.wasmPromise.then((LoadedWasm) => {
this.Wasm = LoadedWasm;
this.loadedWasm = true;
if (!this.content) {
// Listen for the forward and back buttons and re-load the code
// on any changes. Without this, the url changes, but nothing
// happens in the DOM.
window.addEventListener('popstate', this.loadCode.bind(this));
disconnectedCallback(): void {
window.removeEventListener('popstate', this.loadCode.bind(this));
/** Runs the code, allowing the user to see the result on the canvas. */
run(): void {
this.runID =;
// reset the log on each run.
this.log = '';
// consoleInterceptor is used to intercept console.log calls and store them.
const consoleInterceptor = {
log: ( any[]) => {
// pipe this through to regular console.log
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// stringify all the arguments for rendering using the log property.
for (let i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
const a = rest[i];
if (typeof a === 'object') {
// Make an attempt to prettify objects - this doesn't work well on WASM objects
// or DOMElements.
this.log += JSON.stringify(a);
} else {
this.log += a;
this.log += ' ';
this.log += '\n';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
warn: console.warn,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
error: console.error,
if (!this.Wasm) {
errorMessage(`${this.libraryName} is still loading. Try again in a few seconds.`);
this.hasRun = true;
const canvas = this.resetCanvas();
try {
// Because of the magic of setting <input name=sliderN>, we don't need to declare any
// variables for sliders or colorpickers (see floatSlider and colorPicker above).
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
const f = new Function(
this.libraryName, // e.g. "CanvasKit", the name of the WASM library.
'canvas', // We provide the canvas element to the user as a parameter named 'canvas'.
'console', // By having this parameter named 'console', we intercept a user's normal
// calls to the window.console object [unless they happen to actually say
// window.console.log('foo')].
'benchmarkFPS', // provide a helper that the user can call to get an FPS output.
'isRunning', // provide a helper for the user to stop their animation when run is clicked.
this.content, // user provided code, as a string, which will be interpreted and executed.
f(this.Wasm, canvas, consoleInterceptor, this._benchmarkFPSInstance(this.runID),
} catch (e) {
errorMessage(e as Error);
* Sends the code to the backend to be saved. Updates the URL upon success
* to the new permalink for this fiddle.
save(): void {
fetch('/_/save', {
method: 'PUT',
headers: new Headers({
'content-type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
code: this.content,
type: this.fiddleType,
}).then(jsonOrThrow).then((json) => {
window.history.pushState(null, '', json.new_url);
// create a brand new canvas. Without this, the context can get muddled
// between calls, especially when using WebGL. We can't simply drawRect
// to clear it because that creates a 2d drawing context which prevents
// use with a webGL context.
private resetCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement {
const cc = $$('#canvasContainer', this);
cc!.innerHTML = '';
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 500;
canvas.height = 500; = 'canvas';
return canvas;
private _render(): void {
render(this.templateFunc(this), this, { eventContext: this });
private changed(): void {
this.content = this.editor!.getValue();
// Look through the current source code for references to sliders or colorpickers.
// These have the magic values #sliderN:displayName and #colorN:displayName and we just
// search the code given to use with two regex.
private enumerateWidgets(): void {
this.sliders = extractControlNames(sliderRegex, this.content);
this.colorpickers = extractControlNames(colorPickerRegex, this.content);
this.fpsMeter = !!this.content.match(fpsRegex);
private loadCode(): void {
// The location should be either /<fiddleType> or /<fiddleType>/<fiddlehash>
const path = window.location.pathname;
let hash = '';
const len = this.fiddleType.length + 2; // count of chars in /<fiddleType>/
if (path.length > len) {
hash = path.slice(len);
.then((json) => {
this.content = json.code;
.catch(() => {
errorMessage('Fiddle not Found', 10000);
this.content = '';
// Returns a helper function that will return true if the current running instance is the most
// recent instance. This can be used by client code to stop their animation loops when the Run
// button is hit again.
private activeRunInstance(currentRunID: number) {
return (): boolean => currentRunID === this.runID;
// Returns a helper function that will store the last 10 frame times and every tenth frame will
// output the average FPS from those ten frames. The returned function has its variables tied up
// in a closure so that new instances will not conflict with each other (e.g. when run is clicked)
// It also checks to see if this invocation is the latest and will do nothing if it is not (e.g.
// prevent competing updates to the fps meter.
private _benchmarkFPSInstance(currentRunID: number): ()=> void {
const fps = new FPS();
let fpsEle: HTMLElement | null = null;
return (): void => {
if (this.runID !== currentRunID) {
if (!fpsEle) {
fpsEle = $$('#fps')!;
fpsEle.textContent = `${fps.fps.toFixed(1)} FPS`;