blob: b5e79605ffd28475724b1d77b84181503facd464 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/paramset-sk
* @description <h2><code>paramset-sk</code></h2>
* The paramset-sk element displays a paramset and generates events as the
* params and labels are clicked.
* @evt paramset-key-click - Generated when the key for a paramset is clicked.
* The name of the key will be sent in e.detail.key. The value of
* e.detail.ctrl is true if the control key was pressed when clicking.
* {
* key: "arch",
* ctrl: false,
* }
* @evt paramset-key-value-click - Generated when one value for a paramset is
* clicked. The name of the key will be sent in e.detail.key, the value in
* e.detail.value. The value of e.detail.ctrl is true if the control key was
* pressed when clicking.
* {
* key: "arch",
* value: "x86",
* ctrl: false,
* }
* @evt plus-click - Generated when the plus sign is clicked. The element must
* have the 'clickable_plus' attribute set. The details of the event
* contains both the key and the values for the row, for example:
* {
* key: "arch",
* values" ["x86", "risc-v"],
* }
* @attr {string} clickable - If true then keys and values look like they are
* clickable i.e. via color, text-decoration, and cursor. If clickable is
* false then this element won't generate the events listed below, and the
* keys and values are not styled to look clickable. Setting both clickable
* and clickable_values is unsupported.
* @attr {string} clickable_values - If true then only the values are clickable.
* Setting both clickable and clickable_values is unsupported.
* @attr {string} clickable_plus - If true then a plus sign is added to every
* row in the right hand column, that when pressed emits the plus-click event
* that contains the key and values for that row.
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import { ParamSet } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/query';
import { ElementSk } from '../ElementSk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/add-icon-sk';
export interface ParamSetSkClickEventDetail {
readonly key: string;
readonly value?: string;
readonly ctrl: boolean;
export interface ParamSetSkPlusClickEventDetail {
readonly key: string;
readonly values: string[];
export class ParamSetSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: ParamSetSk) => html`
<table @click=${ele._click} class=${ele._computeClass()}>
private static titlesTemplate =
(ele: ParamSetSk) => ele._normalizedTitles().map((t) => html`<th>${t}</th>`);
private static rowsTemplate =
(ele: ParamSetSk) => => ParamSetSk.rowTemplate(ele, key));
private static rowTemplate = (ele: ParamSetSk, key: string) => html`
<th data-key=${key}>${key}</th>
${ParamSetSk.paramsetValuesTemplate(ele, key)}
private static paramsetValuesTemplate =
(ele: ParamSetSk, key: string) => {
const ret: TemplateResult[] = [];
(p) => ret.push(
html`<td>${ParamSetSk.paramsetValueTemplate(ele, key, p[key] || [])}</td>`,
ParamSetSk.optionalPlusSign(ele, key, p),
return ret;
private static optionalPlusSign = (ele: ParamSetSk, key: string, p: ParamSet): TemplateResult => {
if (!ele.clickable_plus) {
return html``;
return html`
private static paramsetValueTemplate =
(ele: ParamSetSk, key: string, params: string[]) => => html`<div class=${ele._highlighted(key, value)}
private _titles: string[] = [];
private _paramsets: ParamSet[] = [];
private _sortedKeys: string[] = [];
private _highlight: { [key: string]: string } = {};
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
private _computeClass() {
if (this.clickable_values) {
return 'clickable_values';
} if (this.clickable) {
return 'clickable';
return '';
private _highlighted(key: string, value: string) {
return this._highlight[key] === value ? 'highlight' : '';
private _click(e: MouseEvent) {
if (!this.clickable && !this.clickable_values && !this.clickable_plus) {
const t = as HTMLElement;
if (!t.dataset.key) {
if (t.nodeName === 'TH') {
if (!this.clickable) {
const detail: ParamSetSkClickEventDetail = {
key: t.dataset.key,
ctrl: e.ctrlKey,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<ParamSetSkClickEventDetail>('paramset-key-click', {
bubbles: true,
} else if (t.nodeName === 'DIV') {
const detail: ParamSetSkClickEventDetail = {
key: t.dataset.key,
value: t.dataset.value,
ctrl: e.ctrlKey,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<ParamSetSkClickEventDetail>('paramset-key-value-click', {
bubbles: true,
} else if (t.nodeName === 'ADD-ICON-SK') {
const detail: ParamSetSkPlusClickEventDetail = {
key: t.dataset.key,
values: JSON.parse(t.dataset.values!) as string[],
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<ParamSetSkPlusClickEventDetail>('plus-click', {
bubbles: true,
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['clickable', 'clickable_values', 'clickable_plus'];
/** Mirrors the clickable attribute. */
get clickable() { return this.hasAttribute('clickable'); }
set clickable(val) {
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('clickable', '');
} else {
/** Mirrors the clickable_values attribute. */
get clickable_values() { return this.hasAttribute('clickable_values'); }
set clickable_values(val) {
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('clickable_values', '');
} else {
/** Mirrors the clickable_plus attribute. */
get clickable_plus() { return this.hasAttribute('clickable_plus'); }
set clickable_plus(val) {
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('clickable_plus', '');
} else {
attributeChangedCallback() {
* Titles for the ParamSets to display. The number of titles must match the
* number of ParamSets, otherwise no titles will be shown.
get titles() { return this._titles; }
set titles(val) {
this._titles = val;
// Returns the titles specified by the user, or an empty title for each paramset
// if the number of specified titles and the number of paramsets don't match.
private _normalizedTitles() {
if (this._titles.length === this._paramsets.length) {
return this._titles;
return new Array<string>(this._paramsets.length).fill('');
/** ParamSets to display. */
get paramsets() { return this._paramsets; }
set paramsets(val) {
this._paramsets = val;
// Compute a rolled up set of all parameter keys across all paramsets.
const allKeys = new Set<string>();
this._paramsets.forEach((p) => {
Object.keys(p).forEach((key) => {
this._sortedKeys = Array.from(allKeys).sort();
/** A serialized paramtools.Params indicating the entries to highlight. */
get highlight() { return this._highlight; }
set highlight(val) {
this._highlight = val;
define('paramset-sk', ParamSetSk);