blob: 5609e6a8f47cace5c30e1a3b79e5b2b547605c70 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/cluster-digests-sk
* @description <h2><code>cluster-digests-sk</code></h2>
* This element renders a list of digests in a D3 force layout. That is, it draws them as circles
* (aka nodes) as if they were attached via springs that are proportional to the difference between
* the digest images; the nodes repel each other, as if they were charged particles.
* It is strongly recommended to have the d3 documentation handy, as this element makes heavy use
* of that (somewhat dense) library.
* TODO(kjlubick) make this interactive, like the old Polymer element was.
* @evt layout-complete; fired when the force layout has stabilized (i.e. finished rendering).
* @evt selection-changed; fired when a digest is clicked on (or the selection is cleared). Detail
* contains a list of digests that are selected.
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import * as d3Force from 'd3-force';
import * as d3Select from 'd3-selection';
import { SimulationLinkDatum, SimulationNodeDatum } from 'd3-force';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { ClusterDiffLink, ClusterDiffNode, Digest } from '../rpc_types';
* A node returned by the Gold backend, with an optional label added by client-side code.
* If present, the label will be rendered in the cluster view, next to the node circle.
export interface ClusterDiffNodeWithLabel extends ClusterDiffNode {
label?: string;
type SimNode = ClusterDiffNodeWithLabel & SimulationNodeDatum;
type SimLink = ClusterDiffLink & SimulationLinkDatum<SimNode>;
export class ClusterDigestsSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: ClusterDigestsSk) => html`
<svg width=${ele.width} height=${ele.height}></svg>
private nodes: SimNode[] = [];
private links: SimLink[] = [];
private linkTightness = 1 / 8;
private nodeRepulsion = 256;
private width = 400;
private height = 400;
// An array of digests (strings) that correspond to the currently selected digests (if any).
private selectedDigests: Digest[] = [];
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
changeLinkTightness(isScaleUp: boolean) {
if (isScaleUp) {
this.linkTightness *= 1.5;
} else {
this.linkTightness /= 1.5;
changeNodeRepulsion(isScaleUp: boolean) {
if (isScaleUp) {
this.nodeRepulsion *= 1.5;
} else {
this.nodeRepulsion /= 1.5;
* Recomputes the positions of the digest nodes given the value of links. It expects all the SVG
* elements (e.g. circles, lines) to already be created; this function will simply update the
* X and Y values accordingly.
private layout() {
const clusterSk = this.querySelector('svg')!;
// This force acts as a repulsion force between digest nodes. This acts a lot like charged
// particles repelling one another. The main purpose here is to keep nodes from overlapping.
// See
const chargeForce = d3Force.forceManyBody()
// Given our nodes have a radius of 12, if two nodes are 60 pixels apart, they are definitely
// not overlapping, so we can stop counting their "charge". This should help performance by
// reducing computation needs.
// This force acts as a spring force between digest nodes. More similar digests pull more
// tightly and should be closer together.
// See
const linkForce = d3Force.forceLink(this.links)
.distance((d) => d.value / this.linkTightness);
// This force keeps the diagram centered in the SVG.
// See
const centerForce = d3Force.forceCenter(this.width / 2, this.height / 2);
// These forces help keep the nodes in the visible area.
const xForce = d3Force.forceX(this.width / 2);
const yForce = d3Force.forceY(this.height / 2);
yForce.strength(0.2); // slightly stronger force down since we have more width to draw into
// This starts a simulation that will render over the next few seconds as the nodes are
// simulated into place.
// See
.force('charge', chargeForce) // The names are arbitrary (and inspired by D3 documentation).
.force('link', linkForce)
.force('center', centerForce)
.force('fitX', xForce)
.force('fixY', yForce)
.alphaDecay(0.03395) // 1 - pow(0.001, 1 / 200); i.e. 200 iterations
.on('tick', () => {
// On each tick, the simulation will update the x,y values of the nodes. We can then
// select and update those nodes.
.selectAll<SVGCircleElement, SimNode>('.node')
.attr('cx', (d) => d.x!)
.attr('cy', (d) => d.y!);
.selectAll<SVGTextElement, SimNode>('.label')
.attr('x', (d) => d.x! + 14) // offset the labels from the center of the nodes.
.attr('y', (d) => d.y! + 20);
// Type guard to narrow down the type of the source and target fields in a SimLink. See
function isSimNode(maybeNode: SimNode | string | number): maybeNode is SimNode {
return typeof maybeNode !== 'string' && typeof maybeNode !== 'number';
// source and target are supplied and updated by forceLink:
.selectAll<SVGLineElement, SimLink>('.link')
.attr('x1', (d) => (isSimNode(d.source) ? d.source.x! : 0))
.attr('y1', (d) => (isSimNode(d.source) ? d.source.y! : 0))
.attr('x2', (d) => (isSimNode( ?! : 0))
.attr('y2', (d) => (isSimNode( ?! : 0));
.on('end', () => {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('layout-complete', { bubbles: true }));
private getNodeCSSClass(d: SimNode) {
let base = `node ${d.status}`;
if (this.selectedDigests.includes( {
base += ' selected';
return base;
/** Sets the new data to render in a cluster view. */
setData(nodes: ClusterDiffNodeWithLabel[], links: ClusterDiffLink[]) {
this.nodes = nodes;
this.links = links;
// For reasons unknown, after render, we don't always see the SVG element rendered in our
// DOM, so we schedule the drawing for the next animation frame (when we *do* see the SVG
// in the DOM).
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const clusterSk = this.querySelector('svg')!;
// Delete existing SVG elements
// Reset selection.
this.selectedDigests = [];
// We don't have any lines or dots spawn in or dynamically get removed from the drawing, so
// we don't need to supply an id function to the data calls below.
// Draw the lines first so they are behind the circles.
.attr('class', 'link')
.attr('stroke', '#ccc')
.attr('stroke-width', '2');
// Draw the labels behind the circles because the circles are clickable.
.attr('class', 'label'); // update all nodes with the correct label.
.selectAll<SVGTextElement, SimNode>('text.label')
.text((d) => d.label || '');
// Draw a circle for each node.
.attr('class', (d) => this.getNodeCSSClass(d))
.attr('r', 12)
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('data-digest', (d) =>
.on('click tap', (d) => {
// Capture this event (prevent it from propagating to the SVG).
const evt = d3Select.event;
const digest =;
if (this.selectedDigests.includes(digest)) {
return; // It's already selected, do nothing.
if (evt.shiftKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) {
// Support multiselection if shift, control or meta is held.
} else {
// Clear the existing selection and replace it with this digest.
this.selectedDigests = [digest];
});'click tap', () => {
// Capture this event (prevent it from propagating outside the SVG).
const evt = d3Select.event;
this.selectedDigests = [];
setWidth(w: number) {
if (w === this.width) {
// Don't need to re-render if the width is unchanged.
this.width = w;
private updateSelection() {'svg'))
.attr('class', (d) => this.getNodeCSSClass(d));
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<Digest[]>('selection-changed', {
bubbles: true,
detail: this.selectedDigests,
define('cluster-digests-sk', ClusterDigestsSk);